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3 MASSIVE Ways To Help Your Money Last Longer In Retirement

Retirement is supposed to be stress-free! 
you're enjoying life you step away from all   of the nonsense of the workplace and all of the 
frustration and you're enjoying your life you're   sitting on the beach just chilling having a good 
time it's all good but there's one stressor that   I see with so many people that are retired 
and that's making your money last the markets   aren't easy to watch you're going to open up 
your accounts and one day you're up you know   $100,000 if you've got a million dollar you know 
10% gain is $100,000 but then if you have a 10%   loss that year you're down $100,000 that's hard 
to stomach when you've built you worked so hard   for all of this money for so long well we've got 
to figure out how to make your money last even   in a bad market so let's take a look here let's 
look at retired Roger I built this out with Nest   eg a software we use for clients here at Jazz 
Wealth and if we're looking Roger looks great   right this second he's got a 92% probability of 
success of having about $11 million at the end   of his life he's 61 years old he plans to live on 
5,100 a year he's got $800,000 little bits 25% of   that is in WTH the rest of it's in pre-tax just 
to give you a breakdown of where he's at so if   we're looking here he's planning to take Social 
Security at 70 he's actually not and I'll show   you a minute Ro Roger's one of those he's like 
ah my dad died early I I think I'm healthier but   I'm not giving that money to the government that 
that was my Roger voice if you didn't catch that   so if we're looking here and we say Okay Roger's 
going to take Social Security early all right well   perfect well let's go ahead and do that so we're 
going to make this adjustment here and we're going   to say he's going to take it early it gives him 
about a you know 5% probability less here though   you're not talking them big difference in money I 
mean $32,000 roughly $33,000 is the difference so   it's not a significant ific difference but what 
happens if the market has a massive pullback if   we see a massive pullback that's what we've got 
to look at here with Roger and figure out what is   best for his scenario now if we go right here 
and we say the markets the equity markets Dro   30% he's going to go down to 64% well personally 
as a planner I'm looking at 64% of probability   of success you know when you're in your 70s 70% 
80% you know it's not too bad because we're also   looking at this number we're also looking 
at something else called the cash flow the   cash flow is going to show us a whole different 
scenario when it comes to this where it's really   looking at things and it's saying okay we've got 
this as far as go it goes in a linear fashion so   he's going to get you know let's say a 7% return 
on his money every single year the money's coming   in the money's going out that's what we're 
looking at there but in this the Monte Carlo   looks at a thousand scenarios and it gives us 
this probability of success it's a little more   conservative but 64% I'm not Ultra comfortable 
telling Roger hey you know take Social Security   at 62 years old the markets just fell 30% now 
you would think that that's actually backwards   because a lot of times advisers will tell you 
hey take Social Security early if the market   Falls that's the option this is where planning 
comes into play because that's not always the   best scenario and in Rogers if we look here and we 
say well you know what Roger going to take Social   Security at 70 instead there's a 30% pullback 
he's now pushing 70% again we still have about   a 5% spread on the probability of success in his 
retirement but when you're in the 60s wouldn't you   rather have a 69% than a 64% I'd much rather give 
him that information and make him do that instead   so now let's go back because there's other stuff 
that Roger wants to do Roger wants to talk about   hey you know what I want to be really aggressive 
with my money and rightfully so if I'm looking   at this plan here and I look here at Roger let's 
get this back going he's sitting here and he says   I want want this to be 100% in equities and here 
is why I'm going to potentially have $2 million   at the end of my life that I can leave my kids 
versus 1.1 million and look here it's only a 1%   probability difference now you're probably saying 
well why is there a 1% Less in having $2 million   the reason for that is if you're investing in 
the stocks this probability of success and the   way this looks at it the Monte Carlo is saying 
there's 29 years of Rogers life still to cover   that's you know until age 90 looking at that 
specific scenario in his life there's 29 years   of Market return projections this gets a little 
bit risky if everything's 100% in the stock market   versus if you have a little bit of bonds or maybe 
some currently money market fund sitting in there   you're not just overly saturated just in the most 
aggressive portfolio that you can be and so in his   scenario though he wants to leave this money 
and he's looking at that well let's go ahead   and take a look now and let's see what this could 
look like now remember if he were to take Social   Security at 70 and the current allocation which 
is about a 6040 mix for his scenario here he would   have a 69.6 probability of success well remember 
he's got you know a lot of opportunity here he's   wanting to leave his kids $900,000 more if he gets 
aggressive but what happens if he gets aggressive   and then the market pulls back you're talking 
60% probability 9% difference 60% probability   of success I'm not comfortable again telling Roger 
hey man this is where you need to be so you've got   to think through not just what today is coming 
up with when it comes to your financial plan and   your retirement you've got to really think through 
the stress factors the stress test of what happens   when the market Falls because ultimately the 
markets will go down that's just an unfortunate   scenario that's going to happen if you look dayto 
day the markets go up the markets go down and   historically they've always appreciated or went 
up but in the short term there will be downfalls   there and so one other thing we got to look look 
at though is if you were wanting to make a big   purchase because remember we're wanting to make 
your retirement dollars last so what happens if   you're wanting to make a large purchase in a down 
Market well remember Roger had $800,000 well let's   just say that you know a 30% pullback would give 
him a lot a lot less money let's just say that   we have a little bit of a pullback and Rogers 
money is now $750,000 and he makes a purchase   he had $800,000 he made a $50,000 purchase well 
the next year when the market recovers Roger's   going to have 82,500 on a 7% return so you know 
eventually the markets fall they will start to   recover it's all about delaying the purchase and 
let me show you exactly why if you were to wait   for the recovery to happen and Roger says I've 
got $800,000 once the market recovers I'm back   to my break even here I get a 7% return I make a 
$5,000 purchase well he had $856,000 he's almost   got enough money to cover the taxes potentially 
depending on what tax bracket he's in and the   actual purchase that $50,000 purchase so it's 
really thinking through and trying to time when   you're in a down Market trying to time when the 
right time is to make this large purchase some   people just get antsy and they say you know what 
the Market's falling I want to get out of it I'm   going to go ahead and buy the car now or buy 
the the house or the RV in retirement because   I don't even know if my money's going to be there 
well that's not the best decision because you're   making an emotional decision so instead you want 
to make sure that you're removing the motion out   you're looking look at a financial plan you're 
not just looking at one scenario but you're really   starting to think through this to determine what 
is going to be best for you thanks for watching   if you want to learn more about jazzwealth 
and how we can help as fiduciary advisers go   to if you want more educational 
content be sure to check out our videos here

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