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Is 1 Crore Enough To Retire? How to plan your retirement?

Hi friends, welcome to Yadnya investment academy. We are going to talk about a topic of financial planning on Friday. And today's topic is very interesting. Because this question is asked regularly on many social media channels and workshops. That people have an amount in their mind that is 1 crore rupees. We think that if we have 1 crore rupees, our life will be good. So this question remains in the mind that if I have 1 crore rupees, can I retire now? Am I financially free? I don't have any tension of retirement now. Now whatever work I am doing is extra. So that 1 crore rupees is enough. And if you have retired now and got EPF money and total is 1 crore is it enough for you? And if it is enough or not, how much can you spend in both questions, when is enough and when is not.

We will touch on all those things in this video. I will explain everything through a calculator. You can check that calculator on our website as well. We cover many topics of financial planning in this session. If you want to make your own financial plan, then go to website There are many products related to financial planning. There are 1 to 1 sessions as well. You can check that out. Now I am going to my website and I am sure you can see my screen. If you go to the tool and calculator, here you can see the retirement calculator.

I don't think you will get this anywhere else. Now the question is, suppose I have 1 crore rupees, is it enough for me to retire? First of all, I will be asked what is my age? I am just giving an example, 50. Suppose I am 50 years old, what is my life expectancy? It is important to know when you will be retiring. I think we should keep it around 90. I am keeping it at 90. How much is the expense now? If you are retiring and you have 1 crore rupees, how much do you want to spend? What is your monthly or annual expense? Suppose I am thinking that I have 6 lakh rupees. I have put 6 lakh rupees here. How much inflation are you assuming? How much will my expenses increase every year? If India's inflation is around 6-7%, then you can assume that. Suppose 7% inflation till the end of life. Current asset, how much money do I have? I will put 1 crore rupees here. I have 1 crore rupees here. I will put that here. How do you invest this 1 crore rupees? How much return will you be able to earn? This is a very important question.

What type of investment do you want to put? Do you want to put it in PPF? Do you want to put it in Senior Citizen Savings Scheme? Or do you want to put it in FDs? Or do you want to create a portfolio of Mutual Funds like Hybrid Equity Funds? This is very important. Let's take all the scenarios. Suppose I want to put it in FDs. I don't want to do anything special. I will get 7% return in FDs. Whatever is the post tax. Or whatever you think.

You get 7.5% but let's keep 7% for calculation. Let's keep 7.5%. Let's keep 8%. We have put it in bonds, Senior Citizen Savings Scheme. And there is some money in EPF. So, we have kept some money in equity. So, my 8% will earn 1 crore rupees corpus. Which is 1% over inflation. I have taken 7% inflation and 8% returns. I have to put these 6 fields first. If I submit this, My retirement corpus is in deficit of 1 crore. This means that I need 1 crore more to develop this scenario. If I am 50 years old and I have 6 lakhs per month. And 7% inflation. And 8% growth. I need 2 crores. 1 crore is not enough. Now, let's change the scenario. What should I do if I am not able to do it.

I can either reduce it. I don't spend Rs 50,000 per month. I can do 30,000. Then we can change the amount. We have done 36,000. And then we have put this change. So, 21 lakhs is still less. So, basically it will come to 3 lakhs. So, now our retirement corpus is only 67,000 less. So, I can spend 3 lakhs per year. If I can spend Rs 25,000 per month. And if I take 7% inflation. And 8% growth. Then 1 crore is enough in 50. If I spend 25,000. If I spend 50,000 with same scenario. Then I will need 1 crore. Now, you will say that I invest in mutual funds. I know investing well. And I think that my corpus can earn 10%. If 7% is inflation. Then I think that my corpus can earn 10% per annum. Like our approach. You must have seen many videos on retirement. If you want to understand anything. Then put it in the comment section.

If I think that I can do 10%. So, let's try it on 6% after spending 3 lakhs. So, now our corpus will be 47 lakhs. So, it means that I can spend 4 lakhs or 4.5 lakhs. So, 4.2 or 4.3. Means I can spend around Rs 35,000 per month. If I can earn 10% return. Now, you will say that I have already retired. I am 60 years old. And now tell me what is this scenario. So, in that I can spend 50,000 per month. So, in 60 years also if you are earning 10% return. Then there is a deficit of 24 lakhs. If this scenario plays. You say that I have inflation. I don't spend much. 50,000 per month. Next year, I will grow according to 5%. Then it is good. 5% inflation, 10% rate of return, 1 crore rupees. You have enough. You have just enough. So, you can spend 50,000 per month. If you are 60 years old, you will get that money for 90 years. Now, there is one more thing. Many people think that I have a pension. I have a house. He is giving rental.

Or I am getting pension. Suppose you are getting pension of Rs 10,000 per month. Means it comes more than that. But I think 10,000 per month. So, I am getting a pension of 1,20,000. And we will make it 7 again. Is there any growth of pension? It seems that 2-3% growth is there. So, let's grow it by 3%. Till when will the pension come? Will it come till 90? Will it come till life expectancy or will it come soon? Many times, for limited time, money is going to come. So, we sell those things. Rental is going to come. I have to sell that house after 10 years. So, you can put that also. So, I have to get pension till last. Till 90. So, then in 6 lakhs, 7% inflation, 1 crore, 10% and all. So, then almost I am there. Means 3 lakhs is the only deficit left. So, in this way, you can find out that the money you have, is it enough for your retirement? So, now you can change the amount.

If you have 2 crore, 3 crore or 50 lakhs, then you can change the amount. Accordingly, you can find out how much expense I will have after retirement, my work will go smoothly till life expectancy which I have planned. So, this will be very very helpful for you. So, if you like Calculator, then do share this video with everyone. I think this will be very helpful to many people in retirement planning. And from the perspective of financial freedom also. And if you want our financial plans and personalized approach, if you want to understand how to get 10% rate of return, or what all I can do after retirement, then you can go to our website and call our customer service, sales team or relationship team. You can WhatsApp or call or email. And then we will reach out to you and we will surely try to help you on those things. That is all I have. I hope, do subscribe more. Because the topics of financial planning are not going on much. So, do subscribe and like the video if you like it. Have a great time, friends.

Jai Hind..

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10 Expenses That GO UP in Retirement

in this video i discuss the 10 expenses that go up when you retire coming up next i'm holy schmidt holy schmidt a few weeks ago i posted a video on expenses that go down when you retire not surprisingly a lot of people wanted to know what those expenses were so that they could see if that list applied to them or could potentially apply to them depending on their age i had a few comments from people that asked for similar video but in reverse they wanted to know what expenses go up in retirement so this video is for those people and of course you and anybody else who has an interest in the subject before we begin please make sure you click subscribe notifications so that you get alerted the next time i post a video i post about twice a week all right let's get into it number one and this is a big one is travel when people retire they have a lot more time they're not working 40 hours a week and they try to fill that time with things that they couldn't do or do as much of any way when they were working travel is a big expense particularly from the 65 to 75 year old age group because that's when folks have a lot of energy and the time and funds to engage in travel they often start working down their bucket list as it's called and they go to places like india for some of them others might just go to upstate new york many go to a destination somewhere in between while many people stop traveling at age 75 there are others that continue on into their 80s and even in their 90s so 75 is not a hard stop for anyone expense number two is utilities since you're home more you're going to be using more utilities at home you won't be at work every day so the lights remain on in the darker parts of your house you might be cooking three meals a day instead of ordering out one meal for lunch you might find that your water bill goes up because you are showering twice a day once in the morning and once before you go out or over to a friend's house the third expense is for fitness or exercise a lot of people join a health club or even a country club if you have the means that costs money and so if you're going to spend time on fitness whether it's in a club or maybe it's a new bike who knows you do have the time to spend more time exercising and taking care of yourself and a lot of people find that at this stage in their life they want to make sure that they do in fact do that point number four is on debt and debt service payments unfortunately the average retiree does have debt in fact the average retiree spends 40 percent of their income on debt service payments payments on interest and principal on credit cards primarily as a side note if you have the opportunity to enter retirement with very little or no debt that 40 percent can go to other things where you can enjoy yourself even more point number five is spending money on things like books and reading with the extra time people find that they are more engaged in activities like reading because it keeps the mind sharp and helps pass the days in a very constructive way the sixth point probably the biggest expense that goes up is health care not just the cost of your insurance but out-of-pocket costs etc as you get older you spend more time at the doctor's office you have more co-pays you have more out-of-pocket costs and you may have some things that just aren't covered and so retirees find that their health care costs go up significantly the next point is moving and relocation a lot of people move when they retire they don't stay in the house that they raise the family in they head to florida or arizona another warm climate or just into a less expensive home than the one that they raise their family in the next expense that goes up are the day-to-day expenses people have a tendency to shop a little bit more when they have free time and so some of the smaller expenses that they would avoid while they were at work they don't avoid any more number nine is charitable donations people in retirement have a tendency to focus their time on things that they love and oftentimes some of the things that they love involve charity work or charitable organizations it's not surprising that if they get involved with the charity sometimes they do work with the charity or for the charity and they donate some of their hard-earned money as well point number 10 is financial planning this one actually is not surprising at all people in retirement need to make sure that they have their numbers right both in terms of how they spend their money and where they spend their money and also what to do with it when they eventually pass a financial planner helps them with the answer to all of those questions and many many more as i mentioned beginning if you like this video please make sure you click subscribe notifications retirement information is changing fast these days and i work very hard to get what's out there and here for you this is jeff schmidt thanks for watching

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Is 1 Crore Enough To Retire? How to plan your retirement?

Hi friends, welcome to Yadnya investment academy. We are going to talk about a topic of financial planning on Friday. And today's topic is very interesting. Because this question is asked regularly on many social media channels and workshops. That people have an amount in their mind that is 1 crore rupees. We think that if we have 1 crore rupees, our life will be good. So this question remains in the mind that if I have 1 crore rupees, can I retire now? Am I financially free? I don't have any tension of retirement now. Now whatever work I am doing is extra. So that 1 crore rupees is enough. And if you have retired now and got EPF money and total is 1 crore is it enough for you? And if it is enough or not, how much can you spend in both questions, when is enough and when is not. We will touch on all those things in this video. I will explain everything through a calculator. You can check that calculator on our website as well. We cover many topics of financial planning in this session. If you want to make your own financial plan, then go to website There are many products related to financial planning.

There are 1 to 1 sessions as well. You can check that out. Now I am going to my website and I am sure you can see my screen. If you go to the tool and calculator, here you can see the retirement calculator. I don't think you will get this anywhere else. Now the question is, suppose I have 1 crore rupees, is it enough for me to retire? First of all, I will be asked what is my age? I am just giving an example, 50.

Suppose I am 50 years old, what is my life expectancy? It is important to know when you will be retiring. I think we should keep it around 90. I am keeping it at 90. How much is the expense now? If you are retiring and you have 1 crore rupees, how much do you want to spend? What is your monthly or annual expense? Suppose I am thinking that I have 6 lakh rupees. I have put 6 lakh rupees here. How much inflation are you assuming? How much will my expenses increase every year? If India's inflation is around 6-7%, then you can assume that. Suppose 7% inflation till the end of life. Current asset, how much money do I have? I will put 1 crore rupees here. I have 1 crore rupees here. I will put that here.

How do you invest this 1 crore rupees? How much return will you be able to earn? This is a very important question. What type of investment do you want to put? Do you want to put it in PPF? Do you want to put it in Senior Citizen Savings Scheme? Or do you want to put it in FDs? Or do you want to create a portfolio of Mutual Funds like Hybrid Equity Funds? This is very important. Let's take all the scenarios. Suppose I want to put it in FDs. I don't want to do anything special.

I will get 7% return in FDs. Whatever is the post tax. Or whatever you think. You get 7.5% but let's keep 7% for calculation. Let's keep 7.5%. Let's keep 8%. We have put it in bonds, Senior Citizen Savings Scheme. And there is some money in EPF. So, we have kept some money in equity. So, my 8% will earn 1 crore rupees corpus. Which is 1% over inflation. I have taken 7% inflation and 8% returns.

I have to put these 6 fields first. If I submit this, My retirement corpus is in deficit of 1 crore. This means that I need 1 crore more to develop this scenario. If I am 50 years old and I have 6 lakhs per month. And 7% inflation. And 8% growth. I need 2 crores. 1 crore is not enough. Now, let's change the scenario. What should I do if I am not able to do it.

I can either reduce it. I don't spend Rs 50,000 per month. I can do 30,000. Then we can change the amount. We have done 36,000. And then we have put this change. So, 21 lakhs is still less. So, basically it will come to 3 lakhs. So, now our retirement corpus is only 67,000 less. So, I can spend 3 lakhs per year. If I can spend Rs 25,000 per month. And if I take 7% inflation. And 8% growth. Then 1 crore is enough in 50. If I spend 25,000. If I spend 50,000 with same scenario. Then I will need 1 crore. Now, you will say that I invest in mutual funds. I know investing well. And I think that my corpus can earn 10%. If 7% is inflation. Then I think that my corpus can earn 10% per annum.

Like our approach. You must have seen many videos on retirement. If you want to understand anything. Then put it in the comment section. If I think that I can do 10%. So, let's try it on 6% after spending 3 lakhs. So, now our corpus will be 47 lakhs. So, it means that I can spend 4 lakhs or 4.5 lakhs. So, 4.2 or 4.3. Means I can spend around Rs 35,000 per month. If I can earn 10% return. Now, you will say that I have already retired. I am 60 years old. And now tell me what is this scenario. So, in that I can spend 50,000 per month. So, in 60 years also if you are earning 10% return. Then there is a deficit of 24 lakhs. If this scenario plays. You say that I have inflation. I don't spend much.

50,000 per month. Next year, I will grow according to 5%. Then it is good. 5% inflation, 10% rate of return, 1 crore rupees. You have enough. You have just enough. So, you can spend 50,000 per month. If you are 60 years old, you will get that money for 90 years. Now, there is one more thing. Many people think that I have a pension. I have a house. He is giving rental. Or I am getting pension. Suppose you are getting pension of Rs 10,000 per month. Means it comes more than that. But I think 10,000 per month. So, I am getting a pension of 1,20,000. And we will make it 7 again.

Is there any growth of pension? It seems that 2-3% growth is there. So, let's grow it by 3%. Till when will the pension come? Will it come till 90? Will it come till life expectancy or will it come soon? Many times, for limited time, money is going to come. So, we sell those things. Rental is going to come. I have to sell that house after 10 years. So, you can put that also. So, I have to get pension till last. Till 90. So, then in 6 lakhs, 7% inflation, 1 crore, 10% and all. So, then almost I am there. Means 3 lakhs is the only deficit left. So, in this way, you can find out that the money you have, is it enough for your retirement? So, now you can change the amount.

If you have 2 crore, 3 crore or 50 lakhs, then you can change the amount. Accordingly, you can find out how much expense I will have after retirement, my work will go smoothly till life expectancy which I have planned. So, this will be very very helpful for you. So, if you like Calculator, then do share this video with everyone. I think this will be very helpful to many people in retirement planning. And from the perspective of financial freedom also. And if you want our financial plans and personalized approach, if you want to understand how to get 10% rate of return, or what all I can do after retirement, then you can go to our website and call our customer service, sales team or relationship team. You can WhatsApp or call or email. And then we will reach out to you and we will surely try to help you on those things.

That is all I have. I hope, do subscribe more. Because the topics of financial planning are not going on much. So, do subscribe and like the video if you like it. Have a great time, friends. Jai Hind..

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