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Retirement Speech: Insanely Easy 3 Step Structure

whether we have to prepare for it or if you have to improvise there's a very simple framework that we can follow when it comes to delivering a retirement speech let's get into it hey my name is radeep and i love learning about effective communications and sharing those learnings with you so that you can level up your communications game as well okay now the framework we're going to talk about very very simple the past present and future that's it we start by talking about when we first met them we felt at that time we then move on to talking about how that journey has been so far and what we feel about them now and then we move on to saying what we wish for them in the future that's it an example would flow something like this i remember the first project i worked with you on when you first joined to be honest we didn't get along very much in those early days but as we worked more closely i got to know you more not just as a colleague but as a friend and from not wanting to work with you from that first project to looking forward to having you on every project the only thing i'm going to miss more than your work ethic is your wacky sense of humor i remember you telling me how you always wanted to travel every country in the world now i hope you get to achieve that and take another great adventure off from your bucket list that's it whether we have to prepare or improvise this framework can work in almost any situation and if you want to be a little more interesting we can make this format a little unique for example we can get a few colleagues together and create a fun skit for that person or we can create some sort of video to showcase the memories or the journey that that person has had and that's about it a very quick and short way to help you give a damn speech and if you want an in-depth explanation along with a much longer sample speech we've written an entire article on this which is linked below and go check it out on and if you're somebody who's very nervous about speaking in front of people and want some advice on calming those knows you can check out this video right here

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Posted in Retire Wealthy, Retirement Planning, Tips for Retiree's

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