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Retired at 38: 5 strong reasons to retire as soon as you can (Retirement Planning)

so early retirement has actually improved our 
health so much that I actually think we'll be   avoiding higher health care costs down the line 
that may actually lead into our retirement funds   and then early retirement has also allowed us 
to achieve a state of intuitive living which   has been absolutely awesome financially the 
conventional wisdom is that early retirement   could potentially be disastrous but frankly 
I think so far two years into retirement that   our early retirement has been great for us 
financially these plus two or three more are   just some of the very strong reasons why I would 
Advocate that anyone considering retirement should   do so as early as possible let me explain why 
down below hey I'm Jean and for the past two   years I've been retired in Bali Indonesia 
with my husband today I wanted to discuss   about all these reasons why I think retiring 
as early as you can is a brilliant idea [Music]   so Health basically don't wait till it's too late 
I think that when most people think about health   and retirement planning they just kind of hope 
and assume that they will be in good health when   they enter retirement and then that they pray it 
remains status quo until the end but I guess most   of us pre-retirement might be involved in jobs 
that might be high stress with long hours at   the desk and then naturally Fitness just isn't 
what ideally it should be so all my life I've   been struggling with skin rashes and allergies and 
these issues tend to pop up every time my immunity   gets low because I'm stressed I'm tired I'm taxed 
but truly in the two years since we have been   retired the manifestation of all these problems 
have just gone down so much in retirement mode   I'm happily keeping very fit doing all the things 
that I know of like surfing walking the dog with   the hubby eating better overall probably further 
down the line maybe I might be avoiding higher   healthcare costs having this health is actually 
so much wealth it allows you to live life to the   fullest because frankly all the stuff that you 
want to do in your enjoyment of Life probably   involves a lot of Health you want to travel 
you want to scale that mountain at Sunrise to   see that incredible view you need your help even 
just to enjoy good food if you like us you like   to eat you need your health I mean I know so many 
people who have dietary restrictions because of   high cholesterol or diabetes improving health is 
actually one of the biggest and strongest reasons   why you should retire early so the second big 
reason for wanting to retire ASAP is actually   intuitive living basically intuitive living is 
really connecting with yourself and listening to   your garden stings and your feelings as to stuff 
like eating and rest and meditation relationships   even your spending habits perhaps I don't know 
how it is for you guys but I was generally living   my life governed by a lot of shirts right I 
mean I should be at the office by 9am so that   I won't piss off the bosses I should stay in 
the office stay late and postpone my workout   postpone dinner so I can meet the deadline set by 
my clients I should carry branded Handbags and of   course I should be a corporate lawyer I mean why 
would I want to be anything else right finally   in retirement we are free from the demands of the 
pursuit of money to listen to ourselves to truly   tune in and understand what is the optimum cause 
in life you can chart you really want to wake up   every day without an alarm clock naturally because 
you've had enough sleep you want to eat only   enough and not too much I mean you want to make 
better choices food wise intuitive exercise you   know you're doing what really only appeals to you 
maybe you don't like sweating in the afternoons   so then you know get a gym membership or play 
indoor record Sports whatever works for you I   only wish that more people have the opportunity 
to experience living life this way intuitively   away from the entanglements and distractions 
from regular running the hands the real life   the third reason why you might want to retire 
as soon as possibly is just that the earlier   you retire the more time you gain in life I 
mean if you think about it most of us live   life as though we are invincible as if life 
itself will never run out and therefore we do   things like squander our time or sell it away too 
cheaply in exchange for material things we each   only have so long to live right and the money you 
make in your lifetime you can't bring that with   you when you go home so well might as well you'll 
be the one to spend it when you can right Society   feeds us like so many different narratives 
about success and what it should look like   but actually I think success is really not 
about the achievements per se but it's just   really a Feeling and I like to think that at 
the end of our Lives when we're there in our   last dying moments what we'll be thinking 
about probably wouldn't be like stuff like   oh I closed that three billion dollar deal I 
think it would more be along the lines of like   I had good friends and I loved my family I had 
a good life you know I ate good food I laughed   Lots I took care of my kids and my dog stuff like 
that so don't squander the time that we each have   maybe you have personal goals that you really 
want to achieve stuff like learning Spanish or   scaling the Great Wall of China or just 
watching your kids grow up that's just a   million places that are better to spend your 
time at then at a job which you don't really   particularly care for and which maybe you're just 
doing just cause that's what everyone else is   before we move on a big thank you to 
skillshare for sponsoring this video   so skillshare is an online learning community with 
thousands of classes for anyone who loves learning   if 2023 is the year you promised yourself 
you're gonna finally explore new career or   side hustle options or work on personal growth 
then skillshare is the perfect place to start   for me one of the ways we have fun in our 
retirement is making YouTube videos when we   first started skillshare was instrumental 
in teaching us so many of the basics like   videography storytelling and more till today 
one of the best classes I ever sat through   online anywhere is still the class by Sorel Amore 
YouTube success build an authentic Channel that's   worth the follow so her advice about finding my 
Niche valuing authenticity over Beauty creating   meaningful messages and providing value to the 
audience really changed our perspectives on what   we were creating back then for the better of 
course we've gone from like 40 Subs to the 143   000 Subs of today and from time to time I still 
pull up sorel's worksheet when I'm creating   my videos just to check that I'm on track for 
making something good for our people our audience   it's always super easy to take whatever you learn 
on skillshare and apply it directly to your life   Pursuits whatever those may be I highly recommend 
checking out skillshare and if you want to do that   you can use my link in the description below the 
first 1000 people will get one month of skillshare   absolutely free you can try it out learn something 
new move a step closer to your 2023 goals reason   number four the earlier you start your retirement 
the better you'll get at it with every other   change in life we expect that we all need time to 
learn how to do it well so things like becoming   apparent for the first time even if like us it's 
just a fur kid or transitioning from being a   student to being a working adult and then there's 
the transition from being and actively working   adult to retirement mode it seems ridiculous and 
silly even at first I mean it's like saying who   doesn't know how to spend their free time right 
but if you actually truly observe things around   you retirement Falls really differently for 
different people we all know the people who   have retired and in their retirement seem a 
little lost lonely left behind and uninspired   and then there's the other kind of retired people 
right the ones who go like when we're talking that   I'm gonna grab Life by the balls and Max things 
out a big part of that may actually be the point   in life at which you retire whether at that point 
where you retire you still have your zest your   Zeal your energy your health your Fitness to help 
you max out the happiness potential of that free   time and freedom in retirement and then there's 
the thought that retirement supposed to stretch   out for a few good years at least right if not 
for a few decades and doing that requires skills   you know you need so many different skills to 
have a successful retirement I think that's a   topic for another day but basically you need time 
to learn those skills whether it's Financial money   management or social skills you know building 
relationships and stuff but basically you need   time to get all that down pat in order to have 
a successful retirement so then the earlier you   retire the better usually you will probably 
turn out for you so the last and possibly the   most controversial point I think that early 
retirement could possibly be great for you   financially and this is controversial because it's 
directly opposite to what a lot of the experts say   right you retire too early there's so much risk 
that you miscalculate your finances or that world   events take an unexpected turn and then you know 
things go belly up and then you're destitute in   your last years but I mean underlying all that 
seems to be this assumption that in retirement   we're all just going to be like one dead lazy log 
and I think that these days especially if you're   an early retiree that is just so not true maybe 
like us with YouTube in our retirement in your   own retirement maybe you'll learn new skills pick 
up new side hustles and stay busy doing something   that you're doing for the love of it for the fun 
not for the money but having the money come in as   a result of your side hustle is a nice bonus and 
you know what it becomes an additional buffer for   your later years so retiring early also allows you 
to take advantage of things like dual Arbitrage   Right Moving overseas to improve your financial 
situation and yeah so like us I'm from Singapore   but I'm now retired here in Bali Indonesia we're 
not just here because life is more affordable but   the fact is that our retirement sums in fact our 
whole entire retirement is only possible because   living here is so much more affordable as compared 
to back home you know this wouldn't be possible at   all if we retiredly and ended up having health 
concerns right mobility issues for example   retiring early and then using the time to keep up 
with current affairs learning hedging strategies   to minimize risk learning how to diversify our 
Investment Portfolio I feel that the time in our   retirement has been well spent to actually make 
us more resilient and the fact that we retired so   early also means that if anything goes badly up 
time and youth are on our side if our financial   planning for retirement had just sucked or you 
know things unexpectedly go failure so prepare you   know if we have to U-turn and go back to work or 
maybe start another business it's not a big deal   and then we'll go off Marshall the resources 
that we lack and then we'll come back again   and second time around third time around will 
definitely be better each time at doing this   so in terms of confidence and the feeling of 
resilience that we will be able to make this   last all the way I think that starting 
early doing it early diving into it and   understanding the parameters the potential 
the boundaries of what we face in retirement   actually really really helps well guys so 
these are the few takeaways from our last   two years living in retirement here in Bali and 
I mean if you have any thoughts or objections or   contributions to the points that I've made in 
this video I'll love to hear them let's start   a little discussion in the comments below you 
guys have a good week ahead wherever you are   and let's chat again next Saturday thank you 
for watching and bye-bye have a good weekend

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