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5 Best Fidelity Funds to Buy & Hold Forever

today we're going to talk about the five best fidelity funds to buy and hold forever hi if you're new to the channel my name is tay from financial tortoise where we learn to grow our wealth slow and steady in order to guide our conversation i'm going to use the three fund portfolio strategy to frame the fidelity funds i'm going to recommend in this video the three fund portfolio is one of the most popular do-it-yourself investment strategies and as the name implies it's made up of three simple funds most often an equities fund an international fund and a bond fund so all the funds i'm going to recommend today will fit into at least one of these slots the first fidelity fund you want to buy and hold forever is fidelity's u.s bond index fund fxnax it tracks the bloomberg barclays u.s aggregate bond index which is composed of investment-grade government bonds corporate bonds and mortgage-backed securities it holds approximately 8 400 bonds the top issuers are the u.s treasury or issuers of mortgage-backed securities like fannie mae and freddie mac it has an expense ratio of 0.025 percent which means if you have 10 000 invested in fidelity us bond index fund you're essentially paying 2 dollars and 50 cents for fidelity to manage this fund for you the fund started in 1990 and since then its average annual total return has been 5.33 percent so what are bonds and why do you need them in the simplest term bonds or loans when you buy bonds you're essentially loaning money to someone in this case to a company or a government agency and they're a very important addition to a well-constructed investment portfolio because of how different they are from stocks a good analogy i like to use to frame stocks versus bonds is this think of stocks as your core wealth building engine without it you aren't really going anywhere and bonds are like your brakes without it you could drive yourself off the road when you have bonds in your portfolio it helps to smooth out your investment ride because though they have lower returns they have less volatility during times of market crash where your stock investments can dip by 20 to 30 percent your bond investments will hold steady and ensure your right is so rocky so in order to help you smooth out your investment right you want to start adding them to your portfolio as you get closer to retirement age and if you're invested in fidelity consider fidelity u.s bond index fund as your core bond holding in your portfolio the second fidelity fund you want to buy and hold forever is fidelity total international index fund ftihx the fund tracks the msci all-country world index excluding the united states it represents approximately 5 000 international companies the top companies in this fund are made up of companies like taiwan semiconductor nestle and asml holdings it has an expense ratio of 0.06 percent which means that if you have 10 000 invested in ftihx you're essentially paying six dollars for fidelity to manage this fund for you the fund started in 2016 and since then its average annual total returns has been 5.99 what the fidelity total international index fund will do for you is provide you exposure to the international market outside the united states exposure to different countries sectors and even currencies and we can look at what happened to the japanese stock market as a lesson on why we might want to hold an international fund at the end of 1989 the japanese stock market's capitalized value was considered the largest in the world the nikkei 225 index the index of 225 largest publicly owned companies in japan reached an all-time high of close to 40 000.

Sadly 22 years later the nikkei was under 8 500 and to this day has yet to reach its all-time high again but satur is a japanese investor who failed to invest in international stocks outside of japan the us-based companies are currently the world leader in market capitalization and revenue but who can confidently say that will stay like that in the future it would be unfortunate but the same thing could happen to the u.s stock investors i personally still have strong confidence the u.s economy and u.s based companies as a whole but i also have to continuously check my assumptions financial writer larry swegel had a saying never treat the highly likely as certain and the highly unlikely as impossible as you get more comfortable with the international market you can start adding them to your portfolio and the fidelity total international index fund is a great option to represent your international holdings the third fidelity fund you want to buy and hold forever is fidelity zero total market index fund fzrox the fund tracks fidelity's in-house fidelity u.s total investable market index it represents approximately 2 700 u.s based companies the top holdings in this fund are apple microsoft and amazon it has an expense ratio of zero percent yes you heard me right zero dollars to invest in fidelity zero total market index fund thus the zero in its name the fund started in 2018 and since then its average annual total returns has been 11.82 the fidelity zero total market index fund is a total market index fund which means it tracks the total u.s stock market so this will be a great option as your core equities holding in your three fund portfolio however there are a couple things i do want to note with this fund especially in comparison to the two other equities options i'll cover here in a bit one is the fact that the index it is tracking is fidelity's in-house index fidelity u.s total investment market index this necessarily isn't a bad thing but there are actually more than 2 700 publicly traded companies in the united states than what this fund represents what this fund has done is exclude really small companies from its index in a big scheme of things this doesn't make that much of a difference in performance since the representation is based on market capitalization so the excluded companies would only represent maybe one percent or even less than that of the total fund but this is still something to note the total market here isn't quite the total market a second item to note with the fidelity zero total market index fund is the fact that you can't transfer your shares to another firm without selling your holdings and when you sell your holdings you have to pay taxes on your capital gains the fidelity zero total market index fund was designed with zero percent expense ratio in order to gain more customers so fidelity doesn't want you to move your money to a different firm and this limitation creates that barrier paying zero percent is nice but you won't understand that free comes with some strings attached but if you're planning to stay with fidelity for life fidelity zero total market index fund is a great equities fund to hold the fourth fidelity fund you want to buy and hold forever is fidelity total market index fund fskax the fund tracks the dow jones u.s total stock market index it represents approximately 4 000 u.s based companies the top holdings in the fund are apple microsoft and amazon essentially the same as fidelity zero total market index fund it has an expense ratio of 0.015 percent which means that if you had 10 000 invested in fidelity total market index fund you're essentially paying 1.50 for fidelity to manage this fund for you the fund started in 1997 and since then its average and annual total return has been 8.29 it's fidelity's original total market index fund prior to the introduction of fidelity zero total market index fund and fidelity total market index fund does exactly what his name implies invest in the total u.s stock market essentially every u.s based companies out there when it comes to investing in the stock market the key principle you want to abide by is diversification many people tend to think the only way to make money in the market is to beat the market by either selecting good stocks or good actively managed mutual funds unless you're a professional investor with hundreds of analysts working for you around the clock analysts who are constantly interviewing and researching companies and industries we can't win in the stock picking or fun picking game the odds are just stacked too high against the individual investor so the best strategy to beat wall street is to just track the market and at the lowest cost and fidelity total market index fund is a great fun to hold as your core equity is holding in your portfolio if you want more flexibility from the fidelity zero total market index fund the fifth fidelity fund you want to buy and hold forever is fidelity 500 index fund the fund tracks the s p 500 index which represents the 500 largest publicly traded companies in the united states at the time of this video there are exactly 508 publicly traded companies in this fund the top holdings in this fund are apple microsoft and amazon essentially the same as fidelity zero total market index fund and fidelity total market index fund not a surprise given the company representation is based on market capitalization and these big companies represent a good percentage of the market as a whole it has an expense ratio of 0.015 percent same as fidelity total market index fund so if you have ten thousand dollars invested in fidelity 500 index fund you're essentially paying dollar fifty for fidelity to manage the fund for you the fund is the oldest of the bunch it started in 1988 and since then its average annual total returns has been 10.66 percent when most people talk about the stock market they're most often referring to the standard and poor 500 not the total market index and the reason is because it's so much older it was created in 1926 when it began tracking 90 stocks and in 1957 the list expanded to 500 and for the past century it has been the go-to index to represent the stock market when you turn on any financial news reporters are always discussing how the s p 500 is up 50 points or down 100 points it essentially represents the 500 largest u.s corporations weighed by the value of the market capitalization and because it's weighted by market cap though there are approximately 4 000 publicly traded companies in the united states total these 500 stocks represent about 80 to 85 percent of market value of all u.s stocks and the weight within the index automatically adjusts based upon the changing stock prices to this day the s p 500 remains a standard to which professional mutual fund managers and investment firms compare their returns against so if you want your equities holding to match the performance the largest u.s stocks since they're essentially what moves the market hold fidelity 500 index fund as your core equities holding but i do want to say this whether you choose the fidelity 500 index fund the fidelity total market index fund or the fidelity zero total market index fund as your core equities holding you really can't go wrong with any one of them they're all great funds you just want to understand exactly what you're buying that's it guys i know i normally advocate for vanguard funds but sometimes you may not have the ability to choose the investment firm that you want because maybe your employer doesn't offer it that was the case for me and therefore most of my 401k is actually invested in fidelity fidelity is a great investment firm if you're looking to invest with them pick any of the five that i mentioned here and you can't go wrong if you'd like to learn more about the three fund portfolio and why you might want to consider it as your strategy check out my video here thank you guys for watching until next time all the best

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