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Preparing Emotionally for Retirement…Don’t let it take you by surprise!

preparing for retirement is a major life transition and tackling the emotional side of this can trigger a wide range of feelings from excitement and anticipation to anxiety and uncertainty and these wide ranges of emotions are impacted by how retirement lands with you for example was it your idea to retire or were you forced out are you retiring early or later in life is your spouse or partner retired already or still at home and you're entering their domain all of these issues really impact how you show up in retirement but really regardless of how you got here you're here and the question is are you emotionally prepared for this transition so as Jody said it's a major life transition this whole idea of retirement and it Alters your sense of self it Alters your purpose and it really changes your daily activities you were used to going to work every day and now things are different so why are so many people entering this phase of Life emotionally unprepared because well we're going to show you what you need to do to get prepared but we have a client um let's call him Billy Billy's a good name right a good alias he was an entrepreneur for 25 years during high school he went to work for a restaurant and after about five or seven years he bought it from the owner and he ran that thing for a very long time and he had a great identity and a great business but about 20 years ago he sold it right and then he and what was interesting is he sold it about 20 years ago so maybe sold it at around 50.

Yeah and entered politics and worked in the state legislator created a whole new identity for himself a whole new community a whole new set of Knowledge and Skills that really propelled him for another 20 years yeah it was great but then he retired three years ago he has his full pension he's financially secure but he got he started to get in a little bit of trouble first of all his only hobby was golf and he lives in the Northeast where golf is not 12 months a year maybe but then he lost his wife which was really sad and all of a sudden now all of his dreams of retirement have changed so he's a solo retiree and he's not really taken the best care of himself physically and he's really having a tough time building new community outside of his golf right and that's when he came to us and we found a real pivotable turning point for him where he could go through some great self-discovery and transition yet again in his life and he went through our seven day challenge I think we'll put the link below so that you can have that and if you haven't taken the seven day retirement challenge even if you're 30 years old you should take it because there's really good stuff in there it's easy and it's free so we got him to go through the seven day challenge and start talking to us about it then he took our full your retirement game plan course and he started getting his life back on track which was really encouraging and there was some work on his part to do it but now he has a whole new outlook on his health both his physical and mental he's building tremendous great new quality communities of people and he's actually volunteering for several organizations that gives him a lot of fulfillment community and and more but he was totally unprepared for this change and maybe you are too so let's get in how to better prepare men before we do anything let's just address money because it's always the first thing on everyone's mind we don't do anything with money but I know it can't spend it you spend it my day too much sometimes I know it can create unwanted Stress and Anxiety and you know the fact is that many people underestimate their expenses and the stress that money has on their emotions as they're entering retirement yeah and the other thing that people might do and you really can't tell because the stock market is just crazy but some people or many people overestimate their investment income returns so that can put you in some emotional state too so really being better prepared financially is critical and that's not what we do here but but check that box you know so that you can live this phase with a little less stress work with your accountant or your financial planner to get a budget in place and you also you want to be able to work with them so that you can make some smart financial decisions like a good withdrawal strategy integrating with Social Security 401K maybe downsizing is something you should consider doing maybe you need to do it to cut your costs a little bit that's another whole level of stress and there's we have um search our YouTube channel for downsizing it's actually our most popular video if you're thinking about it but this is going to give you a clear Financial picture and this is so critical to a successful retirement like Jody said that just take away a lot of the stress so check the box on your financial picture and move that aside right so let's talk about some other big impact to your emotional preparedness in retirement the number one thing that we come up with the number one thing that we research the number one thing that our clients talk to us about is this idea of loss of identity and people really struggle with this you know coupled with the loss of purpose this is a big impact on your emotional preparedness well it is if your identity has always been tied into your title which a lot of people do in their office and your expense account your status in the community your status in the company if you were the CEO or if you're a doctor or a fireman or a lawyer or an accountant that's your identity and when you step away from your job that goes away and you know this happened to us and more than likely it will happen to you too it leads down a long journey of rediscovery in retirement and we'll leave a link below for the video on this topic which I think it would be really helpful now money and lost identity can have major impacts on you emotionally as you enter retirement but you also need to think about losing your community and ending up feeling socially isolated social isolation leaves many people unprepared for retirement and it's a huge health risk that again if you search our YouTube channel for social isolation and there's some great videos we put together on that you know when you walk away from your career there's a good chance that many of your key relationships won't follow you you know there are younger people they're still working they're still engaged they still have the purpose and the identity and you know they may have been situational relationships based on your employee employment you know they were your work family maybe not necessarily your close personal friends however you may bring some along with you you may you may but this loss of community catches so many people unprepared and surprised and you're gonna need to put real effort into creating a new community it does not happen on its own so let's share some tips on how to be better prepared emotionally as you transition into retirement and if you're in retirement a year two or three or five these things are going to work for you as well so the first thing you want to do is visualize your retirement and when we say that you know what does it look like what does it feel like what is your um what else what is your daily daily routine you know what habits or activities do you want to do do you want to put in your schedule and you know the big question is who is in your life yeah and who's important and positive in your life how about this where are you going to live right you know what are your dreams for what we call the five pillars of retirement what are your dreams for your physical wellness your mental Wellness your relationships your spouse partner relationship is ours good today so far so good so good and then wisdom sharing that the thing is dream a little bit and have a vision for this so that you can put some activities in place to get you to that vision and really getting to this vision is just yourself those basic questions that we just went through the next thing you'll want to do is to make a plan you know keep it simple at first include your financial goals and your lifestyle goals and definitely your health and wellness goals yeah the Five Pillars the vision the idea is to get to the vision you want to put a plan in place so that you get some things done and your plan is not one and done think about it retirement can last 30 years or more you don't spend 10 minutes putting a plan together right for a 30-year time in your life don't skip this part or you really could find yourself wandering a bit like a ruddlest ship lost at sea how's that that was very interesting yeah ship lost at sea you don't want to be that so after you visualize and make a plan it's critically important to stay connected right stay connected to your your family to your friends and to those past work colleagues that will come with you you know um we talked about the colleagues that stay behind and lose interest in your relationship it's really behooven upon us to go back to those work friends and reconnect and we've done that and also we've put effort into finding new friends and new relationships you need to dedicate time to this you do and you have to be intentional about it you know I just saw a really interesting quote a couple weeks ago in the paper by Jane Fonda about being intentional about your friendships it was very interesting you know being emotionally prepared for retirement includes this big one as well you have to address your fears what fears are you having and how are you going to tackle them one at a time head on you might even want to talk to a therapist you know and you also need a good we talk about this all the time because we don't do financial planning you need a good financial planner or wealth manager and you want to develop clear strategies to address all of these fears the big the first thing is to figure out what the fears are and then deal with them one at a time right and the final thing you can do is to practice self-care taking good care of your physical and emotional health exercising regularly eating healthy finding stress reducing activities to take care of you is important to be emotionally prepared you know we all spend a good portion of Our Lives thinking about retirement probably from when we leave college or high school and enter our career all we do is we save money we yearn for the freedom we get excited about what could be in store for us but many people don't prepare as much as they should for this transition to make it smooth fun exciting and fulfilling spend the time getting yourself prepared now if you like this video and we hope that you did this next one what's your identity once you retire we're going to walk you through the three phases of identity when you retire letting go of the old identity the neutral zone and finally putting some effort into discovering what your new identity is going to be and then we're going to give you three steps you can Implement right away so watch this next video

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Single Retirement (7 Tips to Ward off Loneliness)

there's 10 000 people turn in 65 every day and one half of this population is reaching this age on their own so you're not alone in this phase you need to know that you aren't alone but retiring solo does increase your risk of actually being lonely which can have detrimental impact on your health today we're going to talk about retiring alone or the new buzzword of solo retirement so if you're watching this and you say well that doesn't apply to me and you're a woman stay tuned the reason i say that is unfortunately seven out of ten or seventy percent of baby boomer aged women actually outlive their husbands what are you gonna do with that why are you laughing what are you gonna do without me i don't know what i'll do with that party anyway there's 10 000 people turning 65 every day and one half of this population is reaching this age on their own so you're not alone in this phase you need to know that you aren't alone but retiring solo does increase your risk of actually being lonely which can have detrimental impact on your health so this idea of emotional loneliness you know that people over 65 who suffer from that they have an 18 increase in their mortality rates which is scary so today we'll give you seven strategies to help ward off loneliness and overcome isolation to live a more fulfilling life as a solo retiree so here's the first strategy and this is really important overcoming your financial insecurities now if you are a single woman now or a single person and you're retiring and you don't really have a handle on your finances that's a problem and you're going to be stuck and stifled and not be able to move forward so you need to hire a financial planner and understand your finances and frankly if you're a couple watching this and one of the two of you really gets finances well and the other one doesn't that's not a good place to be no if you're listening to this both of you should pay attention and share the financial information as well as the financial burdens now because ultimately if you listen to that first statistic if you're a woman 70 of us will end up as a solo retiree outliving our partner that's just the medical history that's just the facts you know there are friends down the street who purchased the house from this elderly couple and unfortunately her husband passed away and she decided she wanted to downsize she went to sell the house they got all the way down the road to the closing right and realized he had never changed the title of the house so it took another three months to close and it's just because she had no idea they weren't really sharing the information so it is really important yep so get your finances in order we're not financial planners but definitely find one that was strategy number one strategy number two create a small support group of peers like mark said you're not alone there are many other people in the same place and you want to be able to share your struggles and successes with them yeah because it's it's tough to be alone and it's tough to really be alone but if you can be alone with another person who's alone then you're not alone anymore right that makes sense right kind of yeah good theory i mean you could do weekly coffee you know pick up a class or do some exercise or even just take a long walk it's important to make sure that you connect and have a group of peers yeah relationships are key and having a support group really helps so strategy three is along the lines of that but we're really suggesting that every day you talk to someone on the phone and person whatever it might be make sure you have a conversation with another human being every single day and it might make sense to make a list of people that you can call absolutely makes sense you know friends and family and neighbors you know and never feel like you're imposing and like mark said don't let a day go by that you're not involved in a conversation now it's always better in person because it feels better but if you can't be in person bad weather you know covet kept us all locked up a little bit at least call but be there and frankly what's helpful is not only for you to reach out to get some communication help but be the one supporting other people that's a great way to start having some conversations in a peer group that you're leading it so connect with someone every day strategy number four have a daily plan and a schedule something that adds structure to your life so that you're not always wondering what am i going to do today what's the morning going to be like how am i going to make it through the afternoon really set the tone from the day in the morning now good habits and routines are important and i know a lot of people that like to get up they've worked their whole life and they're retired now and they want to get up and just have a cup of coffee and watch tv watch a little more tv have some more coffee but before you know it it's 11 o'clock and you haven't talked to anybody and you really haven't done much so setting some schedule and some time some self-care time with friends and frankly limit tv i mean i you know watching tv every morning from 7 a.m till noon it's not healthy no but you could even schedule some time to learn to pick up a class to go to the library to read to children to find things in your community that you could do to be helpful and that makes you not alone and isolated so here's the fifth strategy and you've heard this from us so many times and it just makes so much sense this one does come up in a lot of our videos because it helps in so many areas of your life the fifth strategy is exercise every single day move your body move it get up and move it do you know that if you walk 20 minutes a day every day for 20 minutes you can add five years to your life so what about walking with a friend and 20 minutes that's easy walk for 30 minutes with someone and have a chat and catch up so you're now you're exercising and you're communicating with someone you know as we all age movement does become harder but you need to be as active as you can and just know that you can do 20 minutes a day so we hope you do that take it seriously so now let's talk about strategy number six volunteering you know there's so many benefits with volunteering and it's become such a huge part of our retirement transformation program and you know we do bring it up a lot volunteering sharing your wisdom creating your community you know providing yourself with fulfillment sharing and searching your passions we bring that up a lot but it does help with this loneliness and the potential for isolation you know you instantly can find a community of people when you start to volunteer and it could be as basic as working at the local food bank or the library or something but you're going to find dozens of other people in the same position you are in looking for communities so it's really important to give this a shot absolutely strategy number seven would be to try new things learn technology mark and i did a talk one day and there was a bunch of people in the room and one lady raised her hand talking because we were bringing up this strategy about learning technology her name was ava she raised her hand and she talked about the world that technology opened to her allowing her to connect with her family over in italy and how they structured it how she learned face time how she learned zoom how she learned to be able to work all of the technology in her house to really ward off that loneliness and you know how she did it remember her story she got one of her grandchildren to sit with her and work on the iphone with her to learn how to do face time she couldn't believe in her mind that it could happen and then in the end how easy it was for her right so but it really made her feel connected and less lonely and i think utilizing technology in that way is really smart and learn from a younger person it's nice in a community to have people your own age and people younger so and while you're learning technology look for online courses that are out there look for some online learning that can engage you i did that when i went to the university of pennsylvania and i took an entire online online course and i got to zoom in with other kids college kids college kids and i was the old lady but that was great and i made a lot of great contacts doing that no a big thing to remember is you're not alone you can ward off this loneliness but you need to be proactive work on the seven strategies we just mentioned above and listen if you enjoy this please share with your friends and also please subscribe by clicking the subscribe button below don't forget to join our free facebook community the link is down below and it's very interactive where jody and i go live each week you get to ask questions and we can communicate with each other and thanks for listening and we look forward to seeing you again

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Retirement Financial Advice: Money Lessons You Need to Know in Retirement

once your earning years are over and you've built Your Nest Egg for retirement you need to be smart about so many decisions now we're not financial planners and we make that very clear with everyone but we are retired and we do spend time making sure we're doing the right thing financially with our own money because oh bad financial habits and lack of knowledge can actually ruin your we have we have a couple they're good friends and he felt like he knew what to do with the marketplace with his Investments and he clearly didn't because he had his money in stocks when it when they went down and he pulled it out and put it into cash when it went up so for eight years he was on the wrong side of every single one of the stock market moves and because of that he lost a significant amount of his retirement assets and that's really difficult and today we find that they're struggling many of their dreams have vanished and they both actually had to go back to work now there's nothing wrong with work but it's just not what they had planned so we can't emphasize enough right out of the shoot having a financial planner is so important because it gives you a plan it gives you a vision it gives you an idea but it also does this which I think is most important it takes the emotion out of the marketplace which can get the best of you think you know what's going to happen at a new presidential election and frankly you don't that's right so let the experts help you with that because we don't want to have what happened to them happen to you today we want to share some practical ideas that may maintain or even improve your financial situation and again the number one lesson today is don't manage your money without a financial planner and we don't mean a stock broker what we mean is someone who has a fiduciary responsibility to make recommendations that are are really good for you not good for them and they talk to you about the strategies and you might say well sure they do but they also talk to you about withdrawal strategies right how much should you be withdrawing each year in order to preserve your nest day how much do you need each month and then they pull it from the smartest place it needs to come from using tools like tax loss harvesting you can't just take money out of a stock because you want to because you're going to have capital gains right right and you know we're not a big fan of multiple planners but we'll leave that part up to you so the first one is make sure you get a financial planner somebody you're comfortable with the second is keep your emergency fund intact kind of no matter what you need to have emergency savings that doesn't disappear when you retire it's more important than ever to have accessible cash set aside for any type of emergency so two three four months of expenses in a cash account that way your financial planner can invest the rest of your money and always always be thinking about you're going to need more money in 60 days so what can they put you into short term so you want to have this cash account so you can cover any kind of emergency expenses or just if you want to leave stuff in the market a little bit longer you've got some cash or even if you have any big purchases that are coming down the pipe that's true making sure your financial planner knows that you're ready for that so the second thing is the emergency fund now here's another um here's another way that you can get into trouble or you're also a way to dig yourself out of trouble you want to take a look at all your luxuries and make sure that they haven't become a burden because frankly that happened to us we both had jobs we were both working gosh 15 years ago we bought our first boat and we bought four boats over the next 15 years but we could afford it because we both were working we both had money and it was our floating vacation home so to speak I I call the last one that we had a lifestyle about because we went away on that one a lot it was a little bit larger but once we were tired all of a sudden it was like well we don't really want to go out on it the weather isn't good you know we'd rather stay home we'd rather be with for the price of diesel or the price of gas you know the price of storage the price of hauling the price you know all of those things have to be factored in when you have a fixed income yeah and we didn't have the same earning capacity to kind of keep up with the luxury so we stopped using it and then it became a burden like why aren't we using it and it was a year ago now that we decided to sell it and it's sold within a month because we kept really good care of it but the thing is if you have luxuries it's really important to take a look at them and say that's something we're really getting a lot of satisfaction of because it's going to cost you money well there are also luxuries that you have and then there's luxuries you provide for others right so we have six children and we were providing cell phones homeowners insurance auto insurance airline tickets for them and their significant others are partners and you know that was all fine when we were dual income but as they aged and as we aged and as we came into a fixed income place we needed to start peeling some away and giving those responsibilities back to them and they can afford it they all have great jobs and if they're ever stopped but it was a luxury it was to be able to do that for him but but frankly it also gave us a lot of satisfaction a lot of fulfillment to be able to help them right so it was hard for us to Pivot to in our mind take these things away from the kids but they you know at some point they've got to be to stand on their own two feet so and we needed to reduce the support so we sold the boat we paid off two car loans we came to an agreement with the kids and slowly weaning them off of some of these things we've always paid for you know because they they can't afford it and you know they they they're fine with it right they even they say it's kind of silly that you're paying my cell phone bills so it's it's another cord to cut that um you know it's hard to do but we want to encourage you to do it yeah so that was the third one the fourth one is you know really trying to figure out how to live a little below your means you know and that's new for us for our entire career as our income went up our living style and our cost of living and everything we did went up with it you know hard work learning and growing you know we were climbing the corporate ladder Mark was building his business you know it was easy to have your lifestyle kind of follow you yeah and you know we both come from humble beginnings and we improved our lifestyle as we went up but then then it's sort of when when you retire you have to think okay well my income's not going to keep going up as a matter of fact it's going to go down so how do we want to live what are some things we can do to live within our means and even underneath our means so and there were a couple things we had to agree to right so you know I call it shopping for sport right so there's there's no more you're better at that than pickleball kind of just opening up and saying oh you know look what just came into my feed I'll take a look at those earrings or that bracelet or those dresses or those sunglasses I think about it I kind of have a little bit of a sunglass addiction so so you know there was you know we agreed that we would do no more shopping for sport yeah it was one of Instagram Amazon it's so easy to spend money today and you get hooked on this new game you don't even leave your house you don't even leave your house you know keeping up with the Joneses that's not necessary anymore right you know who are the Joneses anyway today it's other retirees we're not taking on any more debt we've paid down most of our debt you know again we have a financial planner and you know we have a more modest wardrobe I mean our fancy or fanciest clothes are for our YouTube channel right and we're eating out less we made the agreement that for health and economic reasons we would eat out less so leave living below your means is something you can control and it's something that you can put some time and intention into so another really important thing to get to know is everything about social security and we we don't know that much about it so our financial planner and our accountant has said you don't need to take it yet and that's kind of all we're thinking about at this point they'll let us know when it makes sense and when it makes sense it'll make sense but you have to really understand or have someone coaching you on what's important because everyone's financial situation is different yeah and I really believe the more you know about it the better off you'll be even if you do your own investigation you know Social Security was not meant to be your primary source of income as you age in America it was meant to be a supplemental income so you have to understand the amounts you can get at what future ages and can you still work and does your state tax it or not you know there's a lot of rules around Social Security and my recommendation would be just get to know your rules in your state around your age just for the knowledge I don't know but I think there's a certain amount of uh you can't earn a certain amount of money and still get Social Security I don't really know but you have to know that's I guess that's the point you really need to know everything about social security check with your account and your financial plan right here's a big one for us and it should be for you too I think you know money will never buy you happiness and we've heard that like our whole lives and so we actually did a little bit of research and you know what really defines happiness for us and we came across this quote and part of it is from Warren Buffett but it says you know we want to do what we want when we want with whom we want for as long as we want and that to us will Define our happiness you know now some of what you do will require money but it's not all about buying stuff and things you know most of what we do for happiness now is experiences I I would think that for us and tell me if you agree but the something we just spent money on is giving us more happiness now for a very low value than anything else I remember paying forever you know what it is your pickleball racket pickleball so we joined the YMCA uh for like eighty dollars a month for the family we bought a pickleball racket for 100 bucks and six balls for eighteen dollars and we're getting like five or six hours of use out of that each week yeah that's happiness that really is making us happy it's not a new car it's not a new set of golf clubs right it's not what we're used to thinking that was um would create happiness and we're also looking at vacations differently right now that we have the full seven days to ourselves many vacations to visit friends or family you know they become Tuesday Wednesday Thursday versus the high traffic weekend Friday Saturday Sunday so many vacations Beach days lunch dates you know we just renting a boat for a day we're doing that with company comes we're renting pontoon boats now for the day to take companies out it's three hundred dollars for a day which in one respect sounds like a lot but it's a lot cheaper than owning a boat right that's true so we still get out on the water now look you clearly need money in retirement we all can agree on that but how much do you need and how much is enough you've got to figure out how much you have how much you can pull out each month and how long it's going to last those are key questions you need to work through with your planner and your account yep and paying attention to some of these things that we just shared will help guide you and keep you out of trouble now we hope you enjoyed this video and if you did you're going to like this next one called the truth about early retirement what they don't tell you it's one of our most popular videos and you know we're not getting any younger so why steal these fabulous years from ourselves our family and our friends watch this one next

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Why is Everyone So Tired in Retirement?

you know after slugging it out for over 30 years in Corporate America I was exhausted when retirement arrived I really needed a break and I needed a break too so we spent the first few months in retirement really doing nothing nothing meaningful right well hanging around kind of lazy mornings turning into lazy days into lazy weeks and maybe even lazy months but we knew something had to change or we were doomed we wanted our dreams of a fulfilling retirement to become a reality so we had to make some changes so today we're going to share with you some strategies that you can try so that you're full of energy every single day and take on anything that comes your way but before we go further we'd like to introduce ourselves my name is Mark Rollins and I'm Jody Rollins and we started retirement transform not only for us but for all of you and the other 10 000 people turning 65 every day now we don't focus on anything Financial none of the aspects financially or retirement but we focus on lifestyle Health relationships and more and listen if you're new here please hit the Subscribe button and also the notification button so you'll get notified when our videos come out so let's jump into all the things that tend to make you and me tired especially in retirement okay the first thing that gets you tired too much downtime and that might just be for instance watching too much TV and I don't know if you know this or not but the average number of hours people over the age of 65 watch TV each week is 38 hours a week that's like Couch Potato syndrome it is and you have to be careful with that because it does make you tired nothing wrong with watching a Netflix series or some TV but you can't do it six or eight hours a day yeah lack of movement will really keep your body and your mind tired you have to find ways to move your body even 20 minutes a day just getting out walk 10 minutes One Direction and 10 minutes back and you will feel very different what happens if you walk seven minutes one way and four minutes back and then you have to do 10 jumping jacks oh and then all right because you're going to be late yeah but there's a scientific study multiple scientific studies that say moving 20 minutes a day can extend your life by five years who wouldn't want that exactly exactly so the first one is too much downtime the second one is poor nutrition and we know you've heard this before but please just make believe you're hearing it for the first time poor food choices fast food sweets and too much eating out or even eating late is bad for you being mindful of what your comfort food is and how much you go to it is also something to be aware of yeah I think that you know for us we're getting a lot better with nutrition and really because we're starting to really pay attention to what our ordering tells us about sleep and how we feel but also just our body when we put certain foods in our body we really pay attention to how we feel and having wine or drinks and a late dinner at night we both know we're going to have an awful night's sleep but you didn't bite on comfort food comfort food I you know I need to stay away from comfort food fried chicken Oreo cookies chocolate chip cookies that's the stuff that my mother always made for me and it was Comfort I I need to stay away from that yeah and I know I know it's hard to in retirement to stay away from wine and drinks maybe that's me but um you just be mindful of it and to give your yourself and your body a break from it is really a good feeling yeah and all of what we just talked about leads into the third uh item to make you tired which is getting poor sleep and honestly we need to do an entire video on sleep because I just looked and we really haven't spent enough time on this and the importance of getting a good night's sleep most people need seven to eight hours of good sleep in order to feel good and have high energy absolutely and you know the eating late too much alcohol just doesn't help that you a good portion of our lives in Corporate America and you as an entrepreneur entertaining clients and living that way eating late entertaining clients some wine with dinner and we knew it wasn't sustainable so what makes us think in retirement that that would be sustainable well it's funny because our last five years of work really we were probably working harder than ever before we were entertaining harder than ever before that was our normal and when we got to retirement that normal didn't work for us it really didn't so you just have to be able and to think about making some life changes and it's not easy but it's doable so we have sleep as the third one good sleep quality sleep not just time in bed right the fourth one is really lack of routines during your career you had your routines wired I know you did you had a morning routine during your career and then you were off to work and your day was planned a lot of time your schedule was filled before you even got into the office but many people enter retirement and the last thing they want to do is have a routine I know and you know we hear that a lot but we also hear from our clients when they start with a routine even a basic routine going to bed at the same time getting up at the same time and it doesn't have to be 5 a.m like me I mean you don't get up at five minutes you've got your own routine I don't sleep I do but you have a routine once they start plugging in a routine getting up at the same time every day plugging in a little bit of uh walking for 20 minutes and exercise maybe on top of that doing some meditation with a app like headspace mindfulness that really starts to kick in their energy level and makes them feel better in their retirement phase and you know I really resisted this idea of setting a regular time to go to sleep and a time to wake up in retirement and I don't know if you remember I pushed back pretty hard on Mark started at like 10 o'clock we're gonna you know go to bed at 10 o'clock or you know he wants to be in bed at 10 o'clock which really many wanted to be asleep at 10 o'clock which meant bed 9 30.

Yeah but you also weren't going to let me go to bed alone that's just a me thing right so you so you dragged along with it I did you laid there with your eyes open for an hour in the beginning well I would read or something but but oddly enough our clock kept kind of going backwards the other thing I'd say about routines is I got a call this week from one of our 25 year olds we have two 25 year old twins Jordan that lives in New York City and she said you know something mom starting Monday getting back to my routine and I found that so interesting that the self-care part of routine and sleep and waking and all of that is being ingrained in the younger generation which is great it is great so another reason that you might be tired you could have some underlying health issues that you don't know about it's so important to go to your doctor at least once a year and have things checked out because as we age things in our body change and it could be that there's something going on that's keeping you awake at night that's making you feel tired during the day so going to see your doctors on a regular basis is so important yeah there I mean there could definitely be some issues going on that need to be addressed and you know we have friends that actually have said to us we never go to the doctor because we don't want to look for trouble and I'm just not sure that that's a great way to live through this phase of your life yeah and you know in retirement if you're not exercising and you're eating and drinking more than you used to you're going to gain weight a lot of people gain weight in retirement now all of a sudden you pick up an extra 10 15 20 pounds and it's slowly so you don't notice it but that leads to diabetes so you want to get your heart checked you want to get your body checked you want to go see your doctor I recently went to the doctor and found out that I had plaque buildup on some of my arteries that's it yeah it's a scare I suppose but it also has helped get me focused on doing the right thing eating better exercise and getting good sleep yep because that you're on could be out of balance again this goes back to checking with your doctor you know if you're not sleeping and you're gaining weight and you're having trouble going to the bathroom or you're going too much you know find out why it's just not something to sweep under the rug yeah you know if you're getting up four times a night to go to the bathroom it could be as simple as you shouldn't drink water two hours before you go to bed or it could be something else or it could be a medication that you shouldn't take in the afternoon you should take in the morning or yes the important thing we're trying to get across here is see your doctor check your meds you know I was pre-diabetic seven years ago and I changed that with diet and exercise so you can actually be proactive and make some changes as well don't have your doctor just say here's some meds talk to them more about what some of the things you can do to change your lifestyle to become healthier so we hit the doctor we hit the meds let's go to the seventh thing that we came up with you know dehydration dehydration for sure will make you tired that's a no-brainer it leads to all sorts of problems poor sleep heart rate issues blood pressure problems brain damage even death you had an episode a couple of summers ago with dehydration I did I was working in the yard I was working really hard I was sweaty and I wasn't drinking water did all that work it was a hot humid day showered we got dressed to go to dinner we walked down the street to have dinner you know I don't know 500 feet and right in the beginning of the dinner basically long story short I just went down and I fainted and I had to be taken to the hospital and that was preventable it's not hard to effects you need to drink one half your body weight in ounces of water that's a minimum I weigh 160 pounds that's 80 ounces of water a day that's seven to twelve glasses of water a day it's not that hard right right it really isn't it really is and it's so so important to do that so listen it's okay to have lazy days it's okay to splurge with food and wine you know it's okay to binge watch TV but not every day not for your optimal retirement it just isn't sustainable and there's nothing worse than feeling tired all day long and you know people that say that right they get up and they say oh tired midday they're like oh my God I'm so tired yeah don't you get tired of hearing people say how tired they are yeah and maybe some people just say it but you don't have to it doesn't have to be like that right you want to try a day or even a week implementing what we shared today and see if there's any changes that play take place see how you feel you actually might like it you might find a new normal and it becomes a habit now we hoped you like these strategies and changes that we talked about today check out our next video extend your life in retirement by avoiding these four bad habits these are definite changes you need to make so watch this video to go deeper on extending your life and being healthier

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Retirement Financial Advice: Money Lessons You Need to Know in Retirement

once your earning years are over and you've built Your Nest Egg for retirement you need to be smart about so many decisions now we're not financial planners and we make that very clear with everyone but we are retired and we do spend time making sure we're doing the right thing financially with our own money because oh bad financial habits and lack of knowledge can actually ruin your we have we have a couple they're good friends and he felt like he knew what to do with the marketplace with his Investments and he clearly didn't because he had his money in stocks when it when they went down and he pulled it out and put it into cash when it went up so for eight years he was on the wrong side of every single one of the stock market moves and because of that he lost a significant amount of his retirement assets and that's really difficult and today we find that they're struggling many of their dreams have vanished and they both actually had to go back to work now there's nothing wrong with work but it's just not what they had planned so we can't emphasize enough right out of the shoot having a financial planner is so important because it gives you a plan it gives you a vision it gives you an idea but it also does this which I think is most important it takes the emotion out of the marketplace which can get the best of you think you know what's going to happen at a new presidential election and frankly you don't that's right so let the experts help you with that because we don't want to have what happened to them happen to you today we want to share some practical ideas that may maintain or even improve your financial situation and again the number one lesson today is don't manage your money without a financial planner and we don't mean a stock broker what we mean is someone who has a fiduciary responsibility to make recommendations that are are really good for you not good for them and they talk to you about the strategies and you might say well sure they do but they also talk to you about withdrawal strategies right how much should you be withdrawing each year in order to preserve your nest day how much do you need each month and then they pull it from the smartest place it needs to come from using tools like tax loss harvesting you can't just take money out of a stock because you want to because you're going to have capital gains right right and you know we're not a big fan of multiple planners but we'll leave that part up to you so the first one is make sure you get a financial planner somebody you're comfortable with the second is keep your emergency fund intact kind of no matter what you need to have emergency savings that doesn't disappear when you retire it's more important than ever to have accessible cash set aside for any type of emergency so two three four months of expenses in a cash account that way your financial planner can invest the rest of your money and always always be thinking about you're going to need more money in 60 days so what can they put you into short term so you want to have this cash account so you can cover any kind of emergency expenses or just if you want to leave stuff in the market a little bit longer you've got some cash or even if you have any big purchases that are coming down the pipe that's true making sure your financial planner knows that you're ready for that so the second thing is the emergency fund now here's another um here's another way that you can get into trouble or you're also a way to dig yourself out of trouble you want to take a look at all your luxuries and make sure that they haven't become a burden because frankly that happened to us we both had jobs we were both working gosh 15 years ago we bought our first boat and we bought four boats over the next 15 years but we could afford it because we both were working we both had money and it was our floating vacation home so to speak I I call the last one that we had a lifestyle about because we went away on that one a lot it was a little bit larger but once we were tired all of a sudden it was like well we don't really want to go out on it the weather isn't good you know we'd rather stay home we'd rather be with for the price of diesel or the price of gas you know the price of storage the price of hauling the price you know all of those things have to be factored in when you have a fixed income yeah and we didn't have the same earning capacity to kind of keep up with the luxury so we stopped using it and then it became a burden like why aren't we using it and it was a year ago now that we decided to sell it and it's sold within a month because we kept really good care of it but the thing is if you have luxuries it's really important to take a look at them and say that's something we're really getting a lot of satisfaction of because it's going to cost you money well there are also luxuries that you have and then there's luxuries you provide for others right so we have six children and we were providing cell phones homeowners insurance auto insurance airline tickets for them and their significant others are partners and you know that was all fine when we were dual income but as they aged and as we aged and as we came into a fixed income place we needed to start peeling some away and giving those responsibilities back to them and they can afford it they all have great jobs and if they're ever stopped but it was a luxury it was to be able to do that for him but but frankly it also gave us a lot of satisfaction a lot of fulfillment to be able to help them right so it was hard for us to Pivot to in our mind take these things away from the kids but they you know at some point they've got to be to stand on their own two feet so and we needed to reduce the support so we sold the boat we paid off two car loans we came to an agreement with the kids and slowly weaning them off of some of these things we've always paid for you know because they they can't afford it and you know they they they're fine with it right they even they say it's kind of silly that you're paying my cell phone bills so it's it's another cord to cut that um you know it's hard to do but we want to encourage you to do it yeah so that was the third one the fourth one is you know really trying to figure out how to live a little below your means you know and that's new for us for our entire career as our income went up our living style and our cost of living and everything we did went up with it you know hard work learning and growing you know we were climbing the corporate ladder Mark was building his business you know it was easy to have your lifestyle kind of follow you yeah and you know we both come from humble beginnings and we improved our lifestyle as we went up but then then it's sort of when when you retire you have to think okay well my income's not going to keep going up as a matter of fact it's going to go down so how do we want to live what are some things we can do to live within our means and even underneath our means so and there were a couple things we had to agree to right so you know I call it shopping for sport right so there's there's no more you're better at that than pickleball kind of just opening up and saying oh you know look what just came into my feed I'll take a look at those earrings or that bracelet or those dresses or those sunglasses I think about it I kind of have a little bit of a sunglass addiction so so you know there was you know we agreed that we would do no more shopping for sport yeah it was one of Instagram Amazon it's so easy to spend money today and you get hooked on this new game you don't even leave your house you don't even leave your house you know keeping up with the Joneses that's not necessary anymore right you know who are the Joneses anyway today it's other retirees we're not taking on any more debt we've paid down most of our debt you know again we have a financial planner and you know we have a more modest wardrobe I mean our fancy or fanciest clothes are for our YouTube channel right and we're eating out less we made the agreement that for health and economic reasons we would eat out less so leave living below your means is something you can control and it's something that you can put some time and intention into so another really important thing to get to know is everything about social security and we we don't know that much about it so our financial planner and our accountant has said you don't need to take it yet and that's kind of all we're thinking about at this point they'll let us know when it makes sense and when it makes sense it'll make sense but you have to really understand or have someone coaching you on what's important because everyone's financial situation is different yeah and I really believe the more you know about it the better off you'll be even if you do your own investigation you know Social Security was not meant to be your primary source of income as you age in America it was meant to be a supplemental income so you have to understand the amounts you can get at what future ages and can you still work and does your state tax it or not you know there's a lot of rules around Social Security and my recommendation would be just get to know your rules in your state around your age just for the knowledge I don't know but I think there's a certain amount of uh you can't earn a certain amount of money and still get Social Security I don't really know but you have to know that's I guess that's the point you really need to know everything about social security check with your account and your financial plan right here's a big one for us and it should be for you too I think you know money will never buy you happiness and we've heard that like our whole lives and so we actually did a little bit of research and you know what really defines happiness for us and we came across this quote and part of it is from Warren Buffett but it says you know we want to do what we want when we want with whom we want for as long as we want and that to us will Define our happiness you know now some of what you do will require money but it's not all about buying stuff and things you know most of what we do for happiness now is experiences I I would think that for us and tell me if you agree but the something we just spent money on is giving us more happiness now for a very low value than anything else I remember paying forever you know what it is your pickleball racket pickleball so we joined the YMCA uh for like eighty dollars a month for the family we bought a pickleball racket for 100 bucks and six balls for eighteen dollars and we're getting like five or six hours of use out of that each week yeah that's happiness that really is making us happy it's not a new car it's not a new set of golf clubs right it's not what we're used to thinking that was um would create happiness and we're also looking at vacations differently right now that we have the full seven days to ourselves many vacations to visit friends or family you know they become Tuesday Wednesday Thursday versus the high traffic weekend Friday Saturday Sunday so many vacations Beach days lunch dates you know we just renting a boat for a day we're doing that with company comes we're renting pontoon boats now for the day to take companies out it's three hundred dollars for a day which in one respect sounds like a lot but it's a lot cheaper than owning a boat right that's true so we still get out on the water now look you clearly need money in retirement we all can agree on that but how much do you need and how much is enough you've got to figure out how much you have how much you can pull out each month and how long it's going to last those are key questions you need to work through with your planner and your account yep and paying attention to some of these things that we just shared will help guide you and keep you out of trouble now we hope you enjoyed this video and if you did you're going to like this next one called the truth about early retirement what they don't tell you it's one of our most popular videos and you know we're not getting any younger so why steal these fabulous years from ourselves our family and our friends watch this one next

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Our Biggest Retirement Mistake! How to avoid this in your retirement.

our last day of work was December 29th 2018 and the next week we began this journey with little or no guidance and we've had some fits and starts and honestly we've made some serious mistakes along the way but we finally got on track and we thought we were doing well you know last December we're four years into retirement thinking we're doing okay right but our big mistake created so much stress and anxiety and we knew we needed to change it and that mistake was setting the wrong priorities in our life see we started this business just before we retired and we made it a priority we made it the priority all of our planning was based around doing everything we needed to do to build this company and you know this com company retirement transformed is really important to us we get a lot out of it and we know we're helping others and at the same time we're actually helping ourselves by actually formulating a plan and we know we need to keep it going and we want to keep it going right but this it just got overwhelming well here's the thing we scheduled Monday through Friday Friday we've always taken off but Monday through Friday we've put work in first because it was important to us and we put in research that we would do for YouTube scripts we would put in time to write YouTube scripts we had to carve out time to shoot video like we're doing today and then we had the business side of things weekly team and marketing meetings but we planned all of that and then we said well we also want to do some fun stuff right we would agree then you know after all of that was planned that we should you know keep keep playing golf and maybe take on pickleball and maybe find some personal time to do activities alone which is really important and then time with our individual friends and couple friends and time to work out and you know before you knew it we were exhausted and here's what happened and here's why we made this pivot Because by the time we got through all the work stuff every day because we made that first and priority there was really no time for the personal retirement life that we dreamed about like Jody said we were tired we were uninspired we made excuses you know when you write YouTube scripts for three hours or you shoot video for three hours you're exhausted after that so we needed to put some fun back in our life right and make the business second to all of that so and still do a good job so if you're entering into retirement or if you're in retirement building a business this is some just advice for you we made the big pivot right this past December 2022 and we began to flip our calendar and that's what we're going to talk about today you know we scheduled everything that was missing you know travel to see our kids you know dinner with Friends golf pickleball exercise our alone time we had to Anchor all that into our calendar before we started peppering in the business and the change has been incredible and eye-opening for us and we want to guide you through doing the same thing now you don't necessarily have to have started a business but clearly we hope that part of your retirement includes some wisdom sharing which could be volunteering helping others writing a book whatever it might be because that is a big part of what we do but now that we made this pivot and it's only been two months actually six weeks yeah we're happier we're more excited we're more energized and we're more inspired it really is helping us a lot and I think the work that we're doing around retirement transformed actually not only fits in but it actually gets better because we are living a retirement life while we're building the business and sharing some things with you guys so it just took our retirement to a whole new level of satisfaction so let's welcome let's welcome through what we did yeah because I think it would be helpful it's really really important to do this you know the first thing we did was we made a list because you know we're listing planners but we made a list of what was most important to us besides the business you know our retirement transform business is our wisdom sharing bucket so we knew that would stay right where it was but it's only one of the Five Pillars it is it is so we made a list from the other pillars physical wellness mental Wellness relationship and spouse partner relationship and started to fill in around that and here's is what we came up with golf was really important to us we wanted to schedule in golf so that we did it pickleball we wanted to try once we got to Florida I need alone time I mean I probably need alone time more than you do so I needed to schedule that and I need time with guy friends I need to be with some guy friends to talk about the things that guys talk about what is that I don't know I'm not a guy a lot to do a YouTube on it we also needed to squeeze in some weekend trips because you know we've had friends ask us to do things or family members ask us to go places so quit squeezing that in made us say yes a little bit so we had our list of things we wanted to make you know a priority in our life then we got a calendar for January blank and we started to say so how's this going to work what what days are we going to do what and we both get up early so I'm up at five Jody's up at six I have certain things I do every morning from five to six I get up I exercise I meditate I journal and then Jody gets up at six and we have an hour together which is great is our coffee time and and this is not optional this is pretty much seven days a week yeah I would say I mean there are some mornings that were off kilter but I get up at six and for the past five years I send a text to my girls just something for them to think about to in the day depending on what's happening in their lives I send it as a group so we've got a little fun group text going on I do Wordle I need the brain Wordle stimulation and I do that with a I can't do Wordle um I check in with friends if you know someone's been sick or not feeling well or whatever then we do our coffee together you know at at that point and then I'm off to yoga and so you know that to me you know kind of can't change we couldn't deviate from that so as silly as it sounds in our calendar five to eight o'clock no five till seven two hours every morning we're together in one way shape or former or another and we just know we're gonna do that we have it's we look forward to it and then we go off and running don't make a girlfriend so that so we have that in the calendar so now we filled in other things pickleball so what we did we're down here in Florida we joined the YMCA on a Sunday we took a pickleball clinic clinic on Monday and then Tuesday Thursday from 8 to 10 they have beginner intermediate um round Robins so we've been going to that that's in the calendar and we don't deviate from that that's so important for us to have that and we hate to miss it it is really fun and it's a huge part of our retirement now so that's yeah and that that really takes us till about 10 o'clock right and then from 10 to noon we will do some errands or personal time or you know laundry Car Wash I mean you need time to do that kind of gather up things that we might need for lunch but then the afternoons on Tuesdays and Thursdays we're working at retirement transforms that's what we're doing right now so we're working you know from one to three from one to four that's when we post our calls that's where you know that's when we're more productive because our energy level is high because we had done our morning routines so really Tuesdays and Thursdays are pretty set yeah and Wednesday mornings when we play golf and we get up we get up early so we have a standing 7 15 T time 20 minutes from here we're done by 11 we come back home and again we work from one to three so we get two days of pickleball in and one day of golf and work wraps around that and it feels just awesome doesn't it yeah the only thing I'd like to add to Wednesday there is a great farmer's market in Marco Islands on Wednesdays and I'd love to do that right after golf so we'll do that next week I might add that get fresh fruits and vegetables that would be great now Monday is a day that is all day work and that we just have to have that so we do some heavy stuff in the morning from nine to twelve script writing um research research you know marketing whatever we need to do and then we break for lunch and in the afternoon was when we do our one-on-one coaching we have our marketing meeting our team meeting so it's our toughest day Monday but it gets so much out of the way and that leaves Tuesday Wednesday Thursday afternoons to do some of the fun things and then Friday you know Friday's always been one of my favorite days it's really a personal day for each of us you know we may or may not do some things together we may do things with other people individually or together as couples but you know really it's when we go practice golf you know we do pickleball with a smaller group we go maybe shopping maybe out to lunch maybe we have guests coming in on a Friday we run up to the airport but we really try to keep Friday open and maybe we just go our separate ways yeah I mean I don't know what Jody's doing she doesn't know what I'm doing it's just kind of a relaxing day which slides us into weekends that we don't schedule anything yeah that's just like during our career it's wide open and you know we can do do a bike ride we can go to the beach we can play Pickleball if we want we just do what we want but it's no work but maybe some house chores I think the difference is you know when we got into this business people would say to us isn't every day like a Saturday and and you know that's just not a mentality we wanted to take and as we looked for a plan and I mentioned earlier that we couldn't find one and we started to develop our own and then developed the company it overwhelmed us a bit right so putting these kind of barriers in place around fun and things that energized US helped the business a lot right now because of this scheduling here's a couple other things that have really helped our life and why we are so excited about the way we're doing things now because our work day ends at three o'clock we cook home a lot more we have time to do it it's healthier we do it together and it saves US money yeah and the other thing is we're saying yes to more things so if you're out there and you're inviting us somewhere don't invite because you think you need to because we'll probably say yes you know spur of the moment dinners out or you know watching the sunset with ourselves or another couple a late night bike ride or even you know picking a movie and not having dinner and eating popcorn for dinner we're trying to put that air of flexibility and fun in retirement as we build the business it just feels better what we're doing right now which is great you know our five pillars are core to our retirement making time for all of them is really critical to us but we found when we put wisdom sharing first so much of what we dreamed about in retirement was just not happening yeah and this pivot was so needed for us and we're having such a good time with it changing our priorities it's given us Newfound energy and freedom to do what we've always wanted to do but we never really made time for it now we hope you enjoyed this video and if you did this next one the five things you should never ignore in retirement you're going to love that we talk about health relationships creating community and also the importance of financial planning so watch this one next

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Preparing Emotionally for Retirement…Don’t let it take you by surprise!

planning for retirement is a significant life shift and tackling the psychological side of this can trigger a vast variety of feelings from excitement as well as anticipation to stress and anxiety as well as unpredictability and also these vast arrays of feelings are affected by just how retirement lands with you for instance was it your idea to retire or were you displaced are you retiring early or later on in life is your partner or partner retired currently or still in your home and also you'' re entering their domain all of these problems actually influence how you appear in retirement yet actually no matter of exactly how you got here you'' re right here as well as the question is are you mentally prepared for this transition so as Jody said it'' s a significant life change this entire idea of retirement and it Modifies your feeling of self it Modifies your purpose as well as it actually transforms your everyday activities you were utilized to visit work everyday and also currently things are different so why are numerous individuals entering this stage of Life psychologically not really prepared because well we'' re mosting likely to reveal you what you need to do to get prepared however we have a customer um allow'' s call him Billy'Billy ' s a reputation right an excellent pen names he was a business owner for 25 years throughout secondary school he mosted likely to help a restaurant as well as after about 5 or seven years he purchased it from the proprietor and also he ran that point for a long time and he had a fantastic identification as well as a great company however regarding twenty years ago he marketed it best as well as after that he and also what was interesting is he offered it concerning twenty years back so maybe marketed it at around 50.

Yeah and also went into politics as well as functioned in the state legislator produced an entire brand-new identity for himself a whole new neighborhood an entire new collection of Understanding and also Skills that really drove him for another twenty years yeah it was fantastic yet after that he retired three years ago he has his complete pension plan he'' s economically safe however he got he began to obtain in a bit of problem to start with his only hobby was golf and also he stays in the Northeast where golf is not year a year maybe yet then he lost his partner which was truly unfortunate and also all of an abrupt currently all of his desire for retirement have transformed so he'' s a solo senior citizen and also he'' s not really taken the best care of himself literally as well as he'' s really having a difficult time constructing brand-new area beyond his golf right which'' s when he concerned us and also we discovered a genuine pivotable pivotal moment for him where he could experience some great self-discovery as well as change yet again in his life as well as he underwent our 7 day obstacle I assume we'' ll put the web link below so that you can have that as well as if you sanctuary'' t taken the 7 day retired life difficulty also if you'' re 30 years old you need to take it since there'' s actually excellent stuff in there it'' s very easy and also it ' s cost-free so we obtained him to undergo the 7 day challenge and begin speaking with us regarding it after that he took our complete your retired life game strategy program and also he began obtaining his life back on course which was actually encouraging and also there was some work on his part to do it but currently he has a whole brand-new overview on his health and wellness both his physical and also mental he'' s building remarkable great brand-new high quality communities of individuals and he'' s really offering for a number of companies that provides him a great deal of gratification neighborhood and also and much more but he was absolutely not really prepared for this adjustment and also perhaps you are as well so let'' s get in how to much better prepare males before we do anything allow'' s simply deal with money due to the fact that it ' s constantly the very first point on everyone ' s mind we put on'' t do anything with money but I recognize it can'' t invest it you spend it my day excessive occasionally I understand it can develop undesirable Stress and anxiety as well as Anxiousness and you understand the reality is that several individuals ignore their expenditures and the stress and anxiety that money has on their feelings as they'' re getting in retirement yeah and the various other point that people could do as well as you really can'' t inform due to the fact that the stock exchange is simply insane yet some people or many individuals overestimate their investment revenue returns to make sure that can put you in some psychological state too so actually being far better ready monetarily is critical as well as that'' s not what we do right here however however examine that box you know to ensure that you can live this phase with a little much less tension deal with your accounting professional or your economic planner to obtain a budget in area and you also you intend to have the ability to deal with them so that you can make some smart monetary choices like a great withdrawal strategy integrating with Social Safety and security 401K perhaps scaling down is something you need to consider doing maybe you need to do it to cut your costs a little that'' s an additional entire level of stress as well as there'' s we have um browse our YouTube network for downsizing it'' s in fact our most prominent video clip if you'' re thinking of it but this is going to provide you a clear Financial picture as well as this is so vital to a successful retirement like Jody claimed that just remove a lot of the stress so inspect the box on your financial photo and also relocation that aside right so let'' s speak about a few other big influence to your psychological preparedness in retired life the leading point that we come up with the top thing that we look into the top point that our customers talk with us about is this concept of loss of identification and people actually battle with this you understand combined with the loss of purpose this is a large effect on your emotional preparedness well it is if your identity has always been tied right into your title which a great deal of individuals do in their workplace as well as your expenditure account your status in the area your condition in the business if you were the chief executive officer or if you'' re a physician or a fireman or an attorney or an accountant that'' s your identification and when you tip far from your work that goes away and you know this occurred to us as well as greater than likely it will certainly take place to you as well it leads down a lengthy trip of rediscovery in retired life as well as we'' ll leave a link listed below for the video on this subject which I assume it would be actually practical now money and also shed identification can have major influences on you psychologically as you get in retirement however you additionally require to think about losing your community as well as winding up feeling socially separated social seclusion leaves lots of people not really prepared for retirement and also it'' s a massive health risk that once again if you look our YouTube channel for social seclusion as well as there'' s some great videos we place with each other on that particular you understand when you bow out your job there ' s a good possibility that a lot of your crucial relationships won'' t follow you you understand there are more youthful individuals they'' re still functioning they'' re still engaged they still have the purpose and the identification and you know they may have been situational partnerships based upon your employee employment you recognize they were your work family members perhaps not always your close personal buddies nevertheless you might bring some in addition to you you might you might however this loss of area catches many individuals not really prepared and surprised as well as you'' re gon na need to put actual initiative into creating a new community it does not occur on its own so allow'' s share some pointers on just how to be far better ready emotionally as you shift right into retired life and also if you'' re in retired life a year two or 3 or 5 these points are mosting likely to work for you as well so the first point you intend to do is visualize your retirement as well as when we claim that you recognize what does it look like what does it feel like what is your um what else what is your day-to-day everyday routine you know what routines or activities do you want to do do you intend to place in your routine and also you know the big question is who remains in your life yeah and also who'' s essential and positive in your life just how around this where are you mosting likely to live ideal you understand what are your dreams for what we call the five columns of retired life what are your desires for your physical wellness your psychological Wellness your relationships your spouse partner connection is ours great today so much so excellent so great and also after that knowledge sharing that the important things is dream a bit and dream for this to ensure that you can place some tasks in position to get you to that vision and also really obtaining to this vision is simply yourself those basic questions that we just underwent the following point you'' ll wish to do is to make a strategy you know keep it basic initially include your economic objectives and also your lifestyle goals and absolutely your health and wellness and also wellness goals yeah the 5 Pillars the vision the concept is to get to the vision you intend to put a strategy in position so that you obtain some things done and your plan is not one as well as done think regarding it retired life can last three decades or even more you don'' t spend 10 mins putting a plan with each other right for a 30-year time in your life wear'' t skip this component or you truly might find yourself wandering a bit like a ruddlest ship shed mixed-up just how'' s that that was really fascinating yeah ship lost at sea you don'' t wish to be that so after you visualize and make a plan it'' s seriously essential to stay connected best remain connected to your your family members to your good friends as well as to those previous job coworkers that will feature you you understand um we spoke about the coworkers that stay behind as well as shed interest in your connection it'' s really behooven upon us to return to those job good friends as well as reconnect and we'' ve done that as well as also we'' ve placed initiative right into finding new buddies and brand-new partnerships you require to devote time to this you do as well as you have to be deliberate regarding it you know I just saw a truly interesting quote a pair weeks back in the paper by Jane Fonda regarding being deliberate regarding your relationships it was very fascinating you recognize being emotionally gotten ready for retired life includes this large one also you have to resolve your worries what anxieties are you having and how are you mosting likely to tackle them one at a time directly you could even wish to speak to a specialist you understand and also you also require an excellent we discuss this regularly because we don'' t do monetary preparation you require an excellent financial planner or wide range supervisor as well as you wish to establish clear strategies to resolve all of these worries the big the very first thing is to determine what the worries are and afterwards deal with them one by one appropriate and also the final thing you can do is to practice self-care taking excellent care of your physical and emotional wellness working out routinely consuming healthy and balanced finding stress decreasing activities to deal with you is essential to be mentally prepared you understand most of us spend a good part of Our Lives believing regarding retirement probably from when we leave college or high college and also enter our career all we do is we conserve cash we wish for the freedom we get excited concerning what might be in store for us however several individuals put on'' t prepare as much as they should for this shift to make it smooth enjoyable interesting as well as satisfying invest the time obtaining yourself prepared now if you like this video as well as we wish that you did this next one what'' s your identity once you retire we'' re mosting likely to walk you with the three stages of identification when you retire releasing the old identity the neutral zone and ultimately placing some initiative right into uncovering what your brand-new identification is mosting likely to be and also then we'' re going to offer you 3 steps you can Apply right now so see this next video

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Top Tips to Sleep Better in Retirement

as we mature our rest patterns adjustment and also it can end up being increasingly more challenging to get a far better evening'' s sleep and also constant bad rest leads to quite negative Wellness you can have poor mood swings poor psychological wellness kind of being irritable when you wear'' t sleep what no no no not me'you you ' re the one who gets up irritable when you put on'' t sleep truly I believe so huh is that you'or is it me I ' m not sure all right obtaining great evening ' s sleep is freaking crucial exactly how concerning that as a matter of truth chronic rest deprivation is linked to diabetes mellitus excessive weight cardio illness as well as immune dysfunction and also in some cases you can'' t get excellent sleep because your next-door neighbor is using a chainsaw in the middle of the afternoon when I wish to sleep so I'' m sorry concerning the sound however we couldn'' t help that yet that can definitely influence your sleep so discovering methods to enhance your rest is so essential to a longer and healthier life as well as what we intend to do today is offer you means to improve and also improve your overall sense of wellness you understand I understand it can be a struggle at times and as well as perhaps it'' s it ' s that your partner or partner is snoring what maintaining you awake begin or you have a pet that rests in your bed that we have and also that could be a trouble Max is not a trouble an issue Max my snoring'' s not a problem your own is as well as Max is certainly a problem but whatever it'is you recognize it ' s it ' s good to maintain a pulse on just how you rested not simply the length of time you were in bed right currently for me I'wear ' t understand why however I ' ve always been an early bird because a really young kid yeah and it ' s uncommon for me to rest previous 5 a.m as well as recently for whatever factor I'' m obtaining up at 3 30

. Currently I can generally go back to bed for an hour or so however often I'' m up at 3 30 or 4 for the day which does wear them it does it does throughout our very first four years of retired life we functioned actually tough to locate means to enter into an excellent rhythm of rest and also you recognize we'' re finally starting to have some good success but it has taken a while and at the end of this video so please stay to the end we'' re going to show you our rest regimens that you put on ' t have to replicate them however there'' s components of it that you might discover practical because it'' s a lot different than when we were functioning as well as these brand-new routines that we'' ve applied are truly offering us an excellent night'' s sleep so let ' s dive deep on why rest is so vital as well as the very first thing is particularly as you age I believe yeah yeah yet it'' s important to babies too I mean I just think sleep is necessary simply to all alright well let'' s deal with baby sleep today so anyway the very first factor is inadequate sleep definitely influences your physical health yeah you covered that a little bit in the beginning right and also it may sound evident however people that have poor rest behaviors simply approve it and they have no suggestion the damages it could be doing to their body to their partnerships as well as to their their overall wellness yeah so you can'' t just state well I only obtain six hrs of sleep a night and I really feel crappy all the time well I sanctuary'' t obtained ta fix it I have a great deal of buddies that just claim I'' m not a great sleeper and also they just sort of compose it off and also they think that ' s simply the means it needs to be and also it doesn'' t however as you age we end up being extra vulnerable to specific types of disease as well as appropriate '' s immune system your hormonal agent law and also your cardio health and wellness so make it a top priority yeah the other point inadequate rest does it affects our cognitive wellness I like that word cognitive Wellness cognitive wellness aid the word cognitive you were stating cognitive assistance help okay excellent sleep is necessary for us to keep our memory undamaged our capacity to think plainly as well as if we have inadequate sleep it'' s gon na increase our opportunities of developing cognitive decline and also mental deterioration and my mommy had mental deterioration so this is really vital to me to see to it I get excellent rest you know so bad rest can also the third point is truly affect your psychological health and wellness you understand I recognize that I feel totally different psychologically depending upon the quality of rest that I get right I can tell when I awaken if I'' ve been maintained awake all evening by a person snoring and also the last thing is pores what why do you simply always attempt to slide that in I I snore a little bit however I'' ve never ever listened to a recording tonight you can tape-record me all right as well as after that you can play it on the next video appears excellent but inadequate rest likewise affects our security think of driving an auto you called we age as well as I'' m seeing this now our reflexes reduce down I can'' t back up in a vehicle like I used to when I was 18 years old actually no I got ta I obtained we have mirrors as well as video cameras now as well as all that however you place poor rest on top of reflexes slowing down and also that can have devastating outcomes so if we'' ve encouraged you that rest is necessary to concentrate on allow'' s chat concerning a few of the reasons it'' s harder to obtain great sleep as we age and the initial thing is as we mature our heart Rhythm adjustments body clock oh body clock yeah as well as it'' s so funny because I was concerning to state I enjoy this new word circadian is that what shows on our Aura ring or the Rhythm clock yeah it'' s not a cardiac Rhythm oh although it does track our heart it does during the night yet our body clock adjustments which'' s the built-in procedure that controls our cravings our power degrees as well as our rest that we figured out with our research study as well as you know as as it alters it can get heart you can make it more difficult to go to sleep at evening and also make it more difficult to get up in the early morning so circadian rhythm so write that down I don'' t need to create that a person down also I have to yeah the second point is as we mature our hormone degrees alter you mentioned that earlier but it is necessary to discuss it once again due to the fact that our body you called our as our bodies age they'' re mosting likely to produce reduced degrees of melatonin there'' s another large word to compose down this takes place to me so I take Natural melatonin supplements and also this assists me fall asleep easier and rest even more soundly yet it sounds like I require a lot more possibly maybe I don'' t know you'' re resting peacefully you ' re just loud when you do it okay we discovered by seeing with our naturopath doctor and she'' s assisted us out with every one of that sleep natural supplements therefore we most definitely advise that however the other point if you'' re having poor sleep get in touch with your doctor on your medicines on your actual prescription drugs from your physician due to the fact that they can influence your rest yep there'' s typical prescriptions that you may be taking like antidepressants or diuretics all of that can disrupt your rest so you have to figure out the various other thing that can can play a big function in your sleep is your way of life you know your stress and anxiety levels your alcohol consumption you understand when you consume your large dishes and also truly your lack of physical task can all affect your sleep so allow'' s remain with this momentarily due to the fact that on our mood calls the tracks our rest to name a few things if I have a glass of wine and also steak I'' m gon na have lousy rest yeah we track it whenever yep if I if we can go three or 4 nights in a row with a light supper of a salad and some healthy protein and also no alcohol I rest like a baby right we placed a late supper in there uh a steak meat heavy and a glass of red wine or 2 I'' m screwed it ' s just not gon na take place that'' s true to make sure that ' s real anyhow all of that does impact your sleep and you did you mention exercise I did alright I did yeah and also you know you must consult your physician you know you may have a sleep problem that needs some focus sleep apnea troubled leg disorder or also sleeplessness is you recognize something that that can emerge later on in life things is we need to do what we can to enhance our sleep alright why put on'' t we share just how much sleep we require do you understand well I think it'' s an individual thing I think some individuals can make it through on Little While others make it through on nine hrs I understand when my twins were birthed as well as I had a 20 month old I assume I was making it through on 4 or 5 hrs of rest as well as that was most likely a stretch well it'' s true um as well as there are you know you can research this online however the nationwide rest Foundation specifies that lots of people over the age of 65 you'' re not there yet I ' m 66 on Saturday incidentally that'' s right did we want to do a birthday video maybe okay we need seven to eight hours of rest each evening now like Jody claimed some people can say oh I'' m okay with sex however picture exactly how wonderful they'' d really feel if they did 7 or eight so that that'' s my disagreement to individuals like that so we I need to locate in some way a minimum of seven hours of sleep an evening rising at 3 30 makes it hard however we we service it yeah yet you know what we do we try to get a good night'' s rest by staying with a schedule or at the very least we try to stick to a routine you understand we both try to be sleeping by 10 you get up at 5 I get up at 6 and that virtually controls you understand our rest where we can obtain deep rest rapid eye movement rest light sleep as well as have a little bit of delay time with that well the important things is again I maintain speaking about the mood ring however we we love the aura ring I obtain an alert on my phone depending upon just how much rest I got the evening in the past right that currently you know in between you'' re your best time to go to sleep tonight between 8 30 and also 9 and also I enjoy that notification since I go in very early you as well you like it when it states anytime prior to 10 that'' s without a doubt when we are alone in the house we wear'' t have site visitors this is basically what we do 5 nights a week 6 evenings a week if we'' re not going out with anybody this is what we do when there'' s business or'kids it ' s mosting likely to be various as well as we can stay up till one in the early morning now we really feel lousy the following day however we can do it so the initial thing we do is we try to manage our time in bed and also the second point is we try to have our dinner done by seven right and that'' s a big change for US Blog post retirement I would claim pre-retirement if we began supper at 7 30 that was very early yeah we we try to remain that 6 30 yeah as well as done by seven like you claimed yeah and suppers are lighter for us as well as after supper we'' ll watch television for a hr 7 30 to 8 30.

Which'' s it well then yeah we put on'' t walk Max and yeah yet we don'' t spend a great deal of time on television tonight due to the fact that you don'' t want to do that to stimulate your mind'but I ' ll always take a warm shower I I occasionally enter the bathroom occasionally you take a bath we'' ll read prior to we go to sleep I review in a chair I wear'' t reviewed in bed right however this gets us unwinded prior to we enter into bed you understand we take steps additionally to see to it our room is comfy you recognize the space needs to be dark as well as the room requires to be 68 levels or colder right as well as you understand oddly enough you recognize that mattress as well as pillows that you'' ve had for the previous 25 years you might wish to take a pulse check and also see if you require to redo those since a fantastic mattress and the appropriate pillows makes a difference we recently obtained um the sound equipment so we have a sound machine in a space but the amusing point is I also use earplugs due to the fact that I don'' t intend to hear you snoring and also Max making his noise but if I have earplugs I can'' t listen to the audio machine well I put on'' t understand why I have an audio equipment hmm all right I'' ll have to figure that out yeah but we additionally try really difficult to avoid our phones thirty minutes prior to going to rest simply wear'' t do it'due to the fact that it ' s going to get your brain stimulated right I ' m a side sleeper on my best side cushion in between my legs and'I'' m out yeah and I ' m a back sleeper for one reason or another I assume my granny once told me to rest on my back because that'' s not aiding however a lot of nights this routine collections us up for an excellent evening'' s sleep and you know the things that we have found that we have labelled that definitely influence our sleep our caffeine as well as alcohol for certain consuming late consuming red meat as well as seeing television particularly over promoted television late during the night we'' re constantly looking into brand-new means to improve our rest I actually just recently started wearing a mask an eye mask I indicated to bring it to as a prop does any individual get it no alright I use a mask I'' ve been doing it for concerning a month as well as it does make a distinction you recognize and also we both practice meditation right so using headspace or calmness you know terrific applications apps we make use of those and in some cases if we'' re both having a tough time falling asleep if we'' ve simply had among those days where we can'' t slow it down we'' ll in fact play aloud on one of our phones a rest tale which is extremely intriguing as well as we can hear everything the means yep now we notice a difference in who we are and also exactly how we turn up with each various other if we have excellent rest yeah right we'' re definitely better a lot more energised and also a lot more enjoyable with each other Did we tell you we have aura rings these aura rings are excellent it'' s something to consider it measures our Rest High quality as well as it'' s likewise the initial point that we check in the mornings we see exactly how we did you know if you'' re fighting with sleep try a few of these pointers that we'' re doing and also go down some notes in the comments listed below if anything else you can consider to aid us in this neighborhood obtain far better sleep now if you similar to this video clip you'' re mosting likely to love this next one seven kinds of rest since it'' s not simply sleep that aids you get rested we speak about various other sort of rest like psychological remainder innovative rest social remainder and more so view this next video clip

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Success in Retirement…Are Retirees Happy? Find out!

throughout your Occupation Success was something that you might determine annual quarterly regular monthly also weekly generally with metrics or goals or positioning with business vision as well as definitely with your team or team wins in the process I understand from my firm we had sector standard dimensions roi sales earnings per staff member staff member retention we did affordable evaluation now that you'' re retired what are your steps of success we know what ours are are your procedures of success straightened with your spouse or companion are they lined up with your core worths do you deal with them enough or do you just allow your retired life days pass by it'' s truly an important number of inquiries you want to consider what is success in retirement you know as you think of these concerns you understand just how do you understand when you'' re doing well how do you measure it the ruler who is educating you that is assisting you how are you discovering just how around this for a concern what makes you seem like you had a fantastic day in your retirement at the end of the day when you place your head down on the cushion what are the important things you were doing doing throughout the day that just made you really feel terrific these are several of the points you might want to measure for your retirement as well as really do you ever before kick back and also assume what do you desire to boost term from our profession exactly how do you develop the saw that'' s Stephen covey ' s term I believe so isn ' t it I assume it is hone the track you hone the saw like we claimed previously where is your understanding originating from or are you simply letting life flow by naturally which some people like to do yes with no planning or any type of pressure simply taking daily as it comes you recognize success in retired life can take numerous types and also may vary for everyone individually yet there are some common components yeah and we understand some individuals we have a you could you possibly understand a great deal of people that are succeeding in retirement our friend Dan is thriving as a grandpa we see him regularly being like the very best Granddad ever before my good friend Elisa she'' s prospering in her third job which remains in national politics sustaining national politics as well as she simply absolutely loves it as well as our shared good friend George travels the globe and also he enjoys it yeah and also you know I lately linked with among my roommates from college as well as her name is Kim and she'' s gone back to institution to get yet an additional level in retired life our pal John is collaborating with his sons in their construction service helping them along the method and our friend Jeannie is composing a book right so all of these things are taking place in their retired life and also you possibly know people who succeeded in retired life as well and also possibly you'' re effective in retired life'if you are we ' d love to have you'leave remarks Listed below on what you ' re doing to make your retirement so effective so you can Inspire others comments are actually crucial to us however allow'' s take a minute and also locate several of the usual elements that may be the Cornerstone to what success can resemble for you okay so here are some of those common aspects that add to a successful retired life we'' d be remiss if we didn ' t start with the very first one which is economic Freedom you recognize accomplishing Financial Security as well as Independence is an indicator substantial measure of success in retired life and also it really suggests simply having enough financial savings Investments and also a lasting income stream to sustain your desired lifestyle with no Financial words and also we put on'' t do any kind of Economic work or any financial planning but it still is actually truly vital to make certain that again as for your objectives what you want your retirement to appear like your financial resources can support that yep if it doesn'' t you need to you know obtain your financial strategy or your accountant to assist with that yet the second location actually is personal gratification so where are you obtaining your fulfillment for in your retired life for us it'' s our youngsters it ' s our physical health program it ' s this business retired life transform that'' s where we obtain it from however where do you obtain it from is it from your hobbies are you are you doing some creative Undertakings or volunteering you need to find out what it is or where you'' re getting your individual gratification from since that'' s truly a crucial Foundation of an effective retired life and also a lot of client s pertain to us that'' s where they ' re really battling I would certainly claim because they have it throughout their career but they don'' t have it currently right the third one is healthiness as well as wellness keeping great physical as well as psychological wellness is crucial in retired life as well as you recognize success can be reflected in appreciating healthiness and even just taking care of wellness challenges effectively since health and wellness difficulties influence everyone and also prioritizing self-care with regular workout at balanced diet plan as well as also some stress monitoring methods yeah and the various other Foundation the 3rd one we'' re speaking about is strong partnerships constructing I assume it'' s the fourth one fourth one structure and nurturing solid partnerships is most likely among the most crucial facets of successful retirement we are people are social pets as well as we require good close links with friends and family as well as have brand-new Social Circles as well as actively participate in social tasks to actually feel involved as a human if that is doing not have from your retired life or your life right currently that'' s an area you might intend to concentrate on oops note simply broke his chair oh my God exactly how concerning that you might intend to concentrate on what do I do now do we relax okay the 5th one is no I feel in one’s bones international all ideal take two showing up we'' re back below'we are below ' s what happened appearance you ' ve people keep well individuals were telling me you befalled of your chair no well you mean the children due to the fact that you sent them the video Yeah it ripped appearance I'' ll finish it that ' s what happened so we had to get a new seat which we got for yours it'' s been concerning a week and also I also obtained various other ladies available can realize and also recognize I'' m just incredibly grateful it wasn'' t my chair that damaged since the remarks would be a flying we both have had haircuts uh we'' re using the same attire yet we'' re gon na complete this video come hell or high water not shed an earrings no so I we entrusted to strong connections as the ship went down as well as we'' re back and currently Jody what are you going to speak about work life balance right one more Common String is work-life equilibrium retired life success can include accomplishing a healthy and balanced balance and it implies having the ability to truly have the flexibility to designate time to activities you appreciate consisting of Leisure as well as traveling and also spending quality time with enjoyed ones pursuing personal rate of interest as well as leisure without the restraints of a full-time task and I assume we do rather well keeping that it'' s see our job like I believe I do better than you to be honest I I engage with like my yoga staff my ladies golf league like I'' m like truth be understood I spend more time on job you do Jody spends even more time on uh life equilibrium I do yeah but that'' s all right we work out magnum opus out fantastic so the other point that'' s truly vital for an effective retired life is hang out on individual development and knowing and we both love this we read a great deal of books um gosh we view a great deal of YouTube episodes we um we have brand-new skills also these video skills and also running a YouTube channel I mean this YouTube channel now is coming to be an actual offer for us and is looking for the best way to pick great titles pick thumbnails for you guys so you obtain a different advertising than either one of us ever yeah I offered insurance coverage for a living but the important things about it is when you'' re when you ' re expanding and also learning it ' s healthier for you your brain gets exercised your body obtains exercised you know learning how to ride a bike and also points like that so pickleball I suggest that'' s that ' s discovering yeah and the last typical component of success is actually just having assurance that inner sense of simply tranquility satisfaction and fulfillment in retired life as well as that is an useful I think a super useful measurement of success and every little thing we spoke about today hey so good idea I'' m fit because I can have gotten harmed when we fell that every little thing we spoke regarding I claimed when we fell I was still resting your earring diminished my jewelry did um you almost dropped I almost spoke what if I took you over with me I recognize that would have misbehaved each of these common threads is achievable for everyone you understand we wish to motivate you all to see to it you you recognize make some notes here today and you'' re as well as you ' re servicing some of this things for yourself and it takes preparation and also organization some self-reflection and also an excellent activity plan with a clear feeling of purpose Financial Protection good wellness and naturally your strong partnerships however you can do it now we understand you like this video clip because I fell yet if you did like the web content you'' re gon na love this next one secrets of successful retirees do these four points we'' re not going to tell you what they are below today yet it'' s still must see video so watch this next

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Transitioning to Retirement Part 2 (1 to 5 years before retirement)

yeah hobbies is a huge point since a great deal of individuals claim i don'' t recognize what i ' m going to perform in retired life since i have no hobbies but they ' ll claim i put on ' t play i have no pastimes so you need to you ' ve obtained five years to start to believe regarding that a great deal of people wait till it ' s too late as well as there ' s so much stress and anxiety on'them they have no leisure activities they put on ' t know where they wish to live they ' re not speaking to'their partner we wish to protect against every one of that today we ' re chatting concerning transitioning right into retirement as well as this is sequel of our three-part series if you bear in mind and also if you enjoyed it the very first component is five to ten years out today we'' re going to concentrate on your preparation and points you require to do one to five years out prior to you leave your organization and also enter this third stage you recognize this is mosting likely to be a difficult change in your life if you aren'' t prepared and also if you put on ' t plan when we entered this stage we tried to find assistance we looked anywhere however the only point we can find was economic planning aid which'' s not what we required which'' s why we started this company since we realized we were struggling a bit and needed to determine how to pivot to make this time around of our life just as good as maybe so here we are retired life transformed partly one which was 5 to 10 years out we provided you 4 approaches to function on the very first was intending the secondly was recognizing dangers and also when we speak regarding dangers in retirement it'' s points like your loss of identity as well as developing a new identity your loss of area and producing a new area and those 40 hours of cost-free time that everybody returns the various other point was constructing a vision for your retirement five to 10 years out you desire to begin believing what is it going to appear like and also you also the 4th point is start assuming regarding practices as well as routines what are some excellent habits you intend to advance what are some bad ones you require to quit we wish to make sure you return as well as view that episode the web link is pasted below in the notes so we'' re going to build on those approaches today as we look at the one to 5 years out you know as well as in this amount of time by currently one to 5 years from your retired life day you do require to have a financial coordinator in place therefore you have the economic organizer your vision ought to start being clear and assuming it'' s your choice to retire you have a period as well as a day you know you have to start obtaining comfortable with the idea and getting more total quality time is mosting likely to pass truly quickly now you know we both retired a great deal earlier than we assumed and also because of that we weren'' t prepared you recognize i was at the peak of my occupation as well as i made a decision to offer my firm i was 55 years of ages as well as i intended on working one more 10.

Everybody wants to function to 65 right however i just helped five as well as you understand all at once my firm was offered to a rival and i remained during the assimilation for 3 complete years however i found that it wasn'' t going to benefit me anymore so with each other in december of 2018 we left together as well as our access into retired life was rough you know we we invested a year traveling the world we mosted likely to italy uh florence uh where else are we london london bora bora bora bora was terrific however we did that we captivated friends and family for a summer that seemed like a year we recognized we didn'' t truly have a function and also someday we looked in the mirror and also neither of us liked what we saw no we didn'' t we didn'' t we didn'' t we didn ' t appearance good and also we didn ' t feel good as well as the important things is we put on ' t desire that for you this shift is difficult as well as the extra ready you are the better opportunity of success you ' ll have so here ' s some added actions that you should be taking one to 5 years out prior to retirement currently this originates from our experience our success and our failures but also from most of the clients that we collaborate with you understand the initial point we'' re mosting likely to ask you to do and also you may roll your eyes is to buy a journal aligned or unlined journal an economical journal just something to begin creating in something you can start recording your thoughts and we'' re mosting likely to offer you a little structure on that however composing is much better than online typing it start recording your thoughts your sensations your struggles and also your successes you recognize the reason that composing is far better than digital is it compels you to actually reduce you can'' t obtain words out quickly enough so you have to really assume of the words as well as create them and you preserve it better when it'' s electronic also if you'' re an excellent typist you can simply bang them all out'you ' re not actually permitting your mind to decrease and also focus so journaling and also composing is truly crucial it'' s funny when you claimed bang them all out due to the fact that you'' re a one finger typer 2 fingers this set which one anyhow be a location for you to gather your ideas however even more significantly to damage up your journal right into containers as well as i'' ll inform you among the buckets can include our 5 pillars physical health mental health connections that you want to strengthen or release your spouse companion alignment or imbalance anywhere it could be and also the last pail is wisdom sharing you want to start thinking of what is it you'' re going to do after your profession ends to obtain fulfillment to profit all of your skills as well as your experiences to to to serve others in a way like what jody as well as i are doing with this service and also you desire to start listening to your voice and also creating it down and also we'' re really mosting likely to go deeper on wisdom sharing today since that'' s for the next five years you really wish to start considering exactly how that'' s mosting likely to fit right into your life so this journal is mosting likely to include sort of where you are now and also you'' re going to put some reaching declarations in to identify where you'' d like to be and after that you ' re going to have the ability to do some research and also arrange your thoughts right and also a few other locations to place in the journal to start believing about is itinerary if you intend to travel compose it down and figure it out and also begin thinking of it we have the best traveling agent by the way that assists us figure some points out however you additionally may desire a villa right and also you additionally may desire to think where do you desire to stay in the next 30 years right as well as how'' s that going to effect or impact or include your youngsters and family just how does that where you live just how does your location effect your pastimes yeah leisure activities is a huge point because a great deal of individuals state i don'' t know what i ' m mosting likely to perform in retired life due to the fact that i have no pastimes or they ' ll claim i put on ' t play i have no hobbies so you have to you ' ve obtained five years to begin to consider that a whole lot of individuals wait till it ' s too late as well as there ' s so much stress on them they have no leisure activities they put on ' t understand where they wish to live they ' re not speaking to their partner we want to prevent all of that we likewise wish to provide you an area where you can take down some aspirational hobbies yeah maybe discovering a language or going to an art studio or getting a new sport start repainting start paint yeah mark'' s making fun of me since i want to start painting i simply place'' t had the time four years ago i provided you the entire paint kit the easel and also all of things as well as they'' re still in the wardrobe perhaps i'' ll go now alright okay there you go great 2nd thing to do we'' re mosting likely to focus the rest so the very first is the journal that was all the large journals get a journal and start writing right as well as you understand compose and afterwards put it away take it back out once more put some tabs in there on these various sections i believe you'' ll really appreciate it but allow ' s talk regarding knowledge sharon since this is actually a core element of your retired life changed and also among things that we did ourselves as well as we finish with our clients as well as we show this in a very deep method in our on-line training course is to find out some aspects of on your own so we desire you obtain a blank notepad and also we want you to put five columns in there going entrusted to best and the very first column actually is to detail all of the tasks and the functions you'' ve repeated your entire career or your life in the last 30 or 40 years and also sometimes it'' s simple to damage it right into buckets the last 10 the previous 10 whatever it may be sales function ceo and you wish to go back as far as you'' re comfy with i know for me i went back two decades i understand for mark he returned to his first work out of intermediate school which was reducing yards paper boi oh paper boi paper boi when did you cut grass after that because you copulated back i wasn'' t permitted to utilize lawnmower it was inadequate so you pick the moment frame that helps you but in that first column you want to provide all those jobs that you had and after that put the day since the day the second column the date just so you type of have a recommendation yet truly where it obtains intriguing is the third column we desire you to jot down what did you enjoy regarding that job what what delighted you regarding it why did you like it a lot what feeling comes to mind when you consider being a paper kid or cutting yards or appropriate i occur to be the globe'' s biggest waitress which aids me helps me be a good mama of 6 youngsters lugging plates the fourth column is possibly what did you dislike concerning that role since if you didn'' t like it you plainly do not intend to take up that kind of task right or that that solution in your retirement if you put on'' t like it and afterwards the collaborators of enemy is what has this work or role instructed you and after that to sum it up you intend to experience those sheets and also do an entire lot of them select your top 5 it'' s crucial it ' s all we desire you to do is what were the top 5 jobs or duties that you played in the last 30 years so that'' s probably a pretty large as well as a rather active sheet for the majority of people the second thing we desire you to do is list your staminas and values as they speak with you go via and note them and also get a top 5 for each stamina or value and once you have that combine that with your top 5 tasks and also see where you land and also start covering it you'' re gon na begin obtaining a little quality on what it is you believe you might wish to do the other thing to do as you'' re writing and also thinking of it you'' ve obtained you understand one to 5 years left of work start paying focus to your to your days now so you reversed now moving forward if you have actually determined sales leadership as something you such as really listen when you'' re doing it now you'recognize if you ' re a finance person and you love servicing spread sheets is that truly what you see on your own doing after so it'' s actually crucial it makes makes me think of that what was that book that uh we read um wisdom at the office by chip conley yeah we'' ll put those take down listed below wisdom at job by chip conley the making of a contemporary senior an awesome read it'' s a truly intriguing publication concerning his function in airbnb and also the various other point to do throughout this stage if you'' re not already is start offering in any type of means form or form you understand maybe at the food bank maybe anything but you intend to find a means to volunteer board service well i'' ll tell you it makes it much easier to discover your volunteering niche after you'' ve gone back and you'' ve considered what inspires you in various functions and also what your core values and also proficiencies and also where you get your juice from and afterwards you find out just how much time you have currently with the one to 5 years still working and afterwards you determine how to launch into a volunteering duty as well as every neighborhood requires you currently look these next 5 years are going to be a tough time they'' re going to go quick we don'' t desire you simply to coastline as well as all of an abrupt end up believing oh my god i'' m leaving in year the next video is regarding the last one year however we want you to do whatever we spoke about in the initial video clip and this to get you all set for that which method you'' ll land in this phase totally prepared and pay attention if you enjoyed this please share with your friends as well as likewise please subscribe by clicking the subscribe button below and also put on'' t forget to join our free facebook community the link remains in the notes too it'' s a great area to begin to develop an area for your retired life stage many thanks a lot for listening and also we expect being with you once again quickly you

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