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Brian Tracy | The 80/20 Rule for Wealth Growth #shrots

the 80/20 rule the bottom 80% of people the ones who struggle for money and worry about money all their lives these people when they take their first job will work to a certain level and then they will level off and never improve for the rest of their lives unless they're forced to and so therefore 10 years after starting work the average person today is no more productive at getting results than they were after one year but they find that the people in the top 20% are very different the people in the bottom 80% increase their income about 2 or 3 % per year people in the top 20% increase their income at an average of about 11% per year.

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We all attach different meanings to money and according to these meanings money takes shape in our lives. In essence, money is not just a piece of paper, it is a form of energy. Because if you were stranded on a desert island with nothing, there would be no energy to exchange for money. According to quantum physics, everything in our universe consists of energy, and this energy consists of vibrations. Objects or thoughts with similar energies attract each other and this principle also plays a role in our finances. Positive and abundance thoughts make it easier for us to attract energetic financial opportunities, while negative thoughts create a negative cycle. Whatever you focus on most, you will grow the most in your life. the human mind tends to focus more on absence than presence. The consciousness of absence has negative energy, it has a low frequency and draws this energy into your life. To get into the energy of abundance, you need to remove the barriers in your subconscious and feel the feeling of abundance.

Negative beliefs about money are usually formed as a result of the lessons and experiences we receive in childhood between the ages of 0 and 7. These beliefs later settle in our subconscious and influence our finances. In particular, stereotypes such as "Money is the root of evil", "It is difficult to earn money", " Rich people are stingy and evil" can leave deep marks in our subconscious. For example, someone who grew up believing that “money is bad” may fear that wealth can lead to negative consequences.

This fear can cause them to turn down financial opportunities, avoid investing, or avoid taking risks with money. Likewise, someone who grew up believing that "rich people are stingy and evil" may fear that if they achieve financial success, their relationships will be in jeopardy. suffer and they will be alone. This can cause you to unconsciously reject the energy of wealth and sabotage financial success. Complaining about money, being disappointed, criticizing the price of something, believing you don't deserve money, focusing on your expenses, criticizing and belittling the money someone else makes, making someone else feel like money is a bad thing , blaming someone for money, or judging someone for loving money too much, or thinking with beliefs like: 'If I have a lot of money, everyone will expect to take something from me, they will take my money, they might steal it well, they're only coming for my money,” or someone has been bankrupt before and the fear of going bankrupt again if he earns a lot of money again, these are resistances in your head that stop the flow of money.

Focusing on expenses and debt increases awareness of lack and cannot influence the energy of abundance. If you want to improve your situation with money, but your thoughts and behavior contradict this desire, you will prevent the money from coming to you. If you really want something but can't get it, there may be a more dominant negative coding in your subconscious. By observing unconscious negative beliefs, you can understand how and why you accept them. It then takes a conscious effort to change these beliefs. Replacing negative beliefs with positive and supportive beliefs is critical to attracting prosperity energy. For example, you can change the belief "Money is bad" to "I believe money is a tool to help people" or "Money will help me improve my quality of life." This new belief can give you the perspective that money has a positive purpose, making you more open to financial opportunities. Instead of focusing on your spending, you can think, "I'm glad I can spend money, because I have money, I can participate in the energy cycle, and the universe gives me back more of what I give," which helps us move forward.

Most people think, “Money is limited and I'm entitled to as much as I have.” The more you allow, the more it comes into your life. Now imagine that it is raining outside; if you go outside and fill your palm with rain, you will get a handful of rain. But if you go out with a big boat, you have much more than a handful. Remember that your inner transformation and beliefs are reflected in your outer world. Using the power of faith and desire to attract the energy of wealth is a crucial factor in attracting material abundance into our lives. Belief is a force that drives our inner world and desire is a powerful factor that activates these beliefs.

But simply demanding or desiring is not enough to attract material abundance. The desire for money is a crucial factor in attracting wealth into our lives. This desire represents only a mental dimension. Real change happens when we transform this desire into an inner conviction. This is where the power of faith comes into play. It is important to start the day with affirmations and repeat affirmations such as 'I am rich', 'Money comes to me freely from all sources' to anchor them in your consciousness, but at the end of the day if you talk you with your friends or family: "I have a lot of debt, the economy is bad, I have no money", you will not get any further on this journey. Every thought, every word creates an emotion within you and you enter the frequency of that emotion and everyone enters and lives in a dimension according to their frequency.

Gratitude creates an inner sense of abundance. When we are grateful for the things and experiences we have, we realize the abundance we already have. This also helps to increase the energy of abundance. If you don't appreciate what you have, why would the universe give you more? Think of it this way: you do someone a favor, but he or she doesn't appreciate it or thank you, so you don't want to do any more favors. Be aware of your current financial situation and appreciate the value and significance of everything you have, no matter how big or small. This feeling of gratitude helps increase the energy of abundance. In conclusion, faith and willpower play a major role in attracting the energy of wealth. Finally, don't joke about not having any money. the subconscious mind has no idea of ​​jokes. It regards it as truth. Remove phrases like "I'm unlucky, I'm used to not having money" from your life.

Don't compare yourself to others in terms of money, this creates the feeling of deprivation. Because when you focus on the wealth of others, you are jealous of why I don't have this and you start to focus on what you don't have, your vibration drops. Start with small achievable intentions and let them grow as your goals become reality. Once you've made the intention, leave it to the universe. Trust that the universe will work for your good. Don't stop thinking about whether it will happen or how it will happen. Because as you think and look for solutions, the mind starts building fear scenarios and radiates fear energy and you don't get what you want. If you raise your vibration level, you will get what you want. If you're still watching, leave a comment about what you learned today. thanks for looking..

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