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#Q&A1 – How did Wealth Inequality Improve after World War 2?

I'm what's given me hope previously is when 
you mentioned things can change and I think   you pointed to post World War II as a time where 
there was change and just now you've mentioned   that 100 years ago housing was just an inheritable 
asset, was it just that post World War II period  that changed that? how did we go
from that to post world war 2? I'm an economist I'm not like a super expert 
in history but you know this is obviously my   particular area of interest is um what I find 
what is quite interesting is after the World   War II you saw a big increase in tax rates on the 
very reach not just in the UK but really globally   um and you'd seen that just before World 
War II happen in the US with uh FDR   Franklin Roosevelt with the New Deal deciding 
we're going to push money to ordinary people   um so I think what happened was you know and you 
know different people can disagree with this but   you know second order obviously we didn't do the 
second world but second world war was a period   where basically the whole of Europe devoted its 
entire economy to building tanks and planes and   bombs and destroying everything and killing 
everyone and just [ __ ] the country up right   [ __ ] the whole of Europe up right yeah at the 
same time if you were in the England in World   War II or Germany I'm not at all saying these are 
perfect places to live they still made sure that   everyone had housing education and Healthcare 
right and food all right that was so people   saw during World War II that okay we can devote 
our entire economy to killing each other and yet   still make sure everyone has housing education 
Healthcare and food and I think people sort of   it opened people's eyes a little bit to sort 
of number one what is possible in our economy   and number two how awful things can be if you 
don't manage it you know what I mean like it's   what I say you know I know it's not popular to 
be political but if you're a student of History   you see what happens to poor people when they're 
not political you know it wasn't the rich guys   you know sending their kids out to die you know it 
was poor people you know and I think they sort of I think once you've you know I've never obviously 
fought in a war right but I think once you've done   that you start realizing [ __ ] me we need 
to change the way we run our society right   and then people came back from that and they 
said no we we're not going to accept this this   [ __ ] you know we want we want [ __ ] housing 
food Healthcare education for everyone and we   know you can afford it we know we can afford 
that as a society so they so you saw basically   every country in Europe simultaneously 
basically politically demand those things   um and we moved to a space where the top rate of 
income tax was 95 and the top rate of inheritance   tax was 90 and you know we moved into an 
economy where people like my dad who didn't   go to university worked with the post office 
goodbye a home and raise a family and have   food you know not be rich but you could have that 
level of stability um and I think what it shows is   the power of political Unity amongst poorer 
people and this is this is what I keep saying   right if you demand it if you absolutely demand 
it that inequality gets better and wealth flows   to ordinary families then you will get it and the 
reason we don't get it is because you know we have   media and politics which is very heavily 
influenced by extremely wealthy people that   tell you stories like oh no if we text rich 
people the economy will collapse the rich   people will leave it will be a disaster you know 
don't worry about your kids they'll stop buying   cappuccinos and they'll be fine you know media 
tells you this story that everything is okay   and you don't need to do anything at the same time 
ordinary families get poorer and poorer and the   guys who own the media I get richer and richer 
right so it's the power of stories you know and   you know I know that the story that I sell is very 
negative because I say if you don't do anything   and we're not doing anything we're not doing 
enough we're not United enough life will get worse   that's not a very palatable message right whereas 
you know Rupert Murdoch is going to tell you in   the times that don't worry your kids will be fine 
as long as they stop buying avocado on toast right   which is a lie but it's much nicer to believe that 
than the truth of the situation which is that your   kids aren't going to be up to four 12 grandkids 
you know what I mean so I think history shows us   you know in general when Ordinary People are not 
politicized they get screwed over over time you   know because the rich are politicized because they 
have the money and the power and the time to do it   um but eventually when things get bad enough 
people realize [ __ ] me we need to be politicized   because otherwise this is what happens you know 
you know both my granddads went and fought in   the War and probably [ __ ] killed people you know 
what I mean I've got no idea what that is like you   know but that is hell right I think you witnessed 
that that makes you realize [ __ ] me we need to   change things and that is you know obviously we're 
not at that point now but you know things are   getting worse and things are getting serious and 
that that is an example of how bad things can get   if ordinary working people are not politicized to 
defend themselves and I think one thing that we   saw in the last couple of weeks with the back down 
and the 45 tax for the riches that created a risk   to the mortgages to people's mortgages and it's 
wealthier people that have big mortgages poorest   people can't get mortgages at all right and a lot 
of them work in the media and a lot of them work   in politics and you see these people turn around 
and said [ __ ] this we're not accepting it and   you see this conservative party switch like that 
and that is because you know that upper middle   class have political power and they use it you 
know they work they might not own the newspapers   but they work in the newspapers you know they 
might not own the TV stations but they work in the   TV stations whereas this sort of poorer 70 percent 
they do have political power but they often don't   use it and that is I'm not blaming them for 
that because I'll come from that background   and I know what it's like you just want to make 
sure you're taken care of and it's difficult   but it's like I say you know there's a political 
game being played here for wealth for power for   assets and if you don't play it you're going to 
lose it and you know the bottom 70 they don't have   a lot of money they don't have a lot of assets but 
they have a lot of people so the only Power they   have is their voting power their power to tell 
stories their power to build community but if they   don't use that they'll lose their assets then like 
it's worth so I think um history shows up shows us   it's possible but it's only possible why people 
coming together and sometimes it takes extremely   bad situations for people to do that I don't want 
it to get to that this time I want us to prevent   those extremely bad situations from happening 
but if we if we don't that's where we'll end up

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