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Why Retirement Income is so Important

Canada is getting older in 1980 less than 2 A5 
million Canadians were over the age of 65 around   9% of the Canadian population recently that 
number was over 7.3 million almost 19% of the   population in 1980 the average 65-year-old could 
expect to reach 81 now the average 65-year-old can   expect to reach 86 and there are almost 50% more 
Canadians aged 100 or older than there was two   decades ago basically more Canadians are getting 
older and living longer which poses a significant   challenge for retirement funding traditional 
retirement savings have relied on withdrawing   from a fixed amount of capital with some cash 
flow from CPP OAS and fixed income Investments   like bonds and gic's however as Canadians live 
longer they may expect significant costs down   the road such as long-term care at the same 
time most of these fixed income Investments   are paying at rates below current inflation 
levels and what about running out of capital   some Canadians are faced with the difficult 
and complex choice of delaying retirement or   going back to work compromising the retirement 
lifestyle dreams or passing on the cost of care   to the Next Generation attractive and steady 
monthly income can help simplify things for   retirees Harvest Equity income and enhanced Equity 
income ETFs pay consistent monthly income at rates   above inflation they are RSP and riff eligible 
they hold portfolios of established companies   that remain exposed to market growth High income 
from Harvest Equity income ETFs can help retirees   offset their Rift payments supplement income 
and Live Well into retirement visit our website   for more information on harvest income ETFs for 
retirement Harvest income happens [Music] here

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