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How I quickly doubled my wealth – The 2 Minute Rule

I doubled my wealth in less than 12 months by following this simple two minute rule that anyone can do. But contrary to popular belief, wealth does not come from manifesting money, picking the right stock, or going to Tony Robbins seminars. Let's say you want to make $1,000,000. You start a side hustle, get home after work and say, I'm too tired. Maybe tomorrow. Eventually you might build that website or get your YouTube channel up and then nothing. The lucky ones might make a couple thousand dollars, but you're nowhere close to that overwhelming goal of 1 million or whatever the arbitrary amount is that you set. So rather than focus on the end goal of your wealth. Atomic Habits has taught me to focus on just the first 2 minutes. For me, it starts first thing in the morning. I used to wake up, reach for my phone, and open up Instagram. And for some, it's tech talk, but for me, it's Instagram. The only thing that I changed in my life is now I wake up, reach for my phone, and open up my bank account.

And if you do just that, what you'll find is that by opening your bank account every day, day after day, month after month, you are putting money at the top of your mind. And when money's at the top of your mind, you inevitably make better financial decisions. And little by little, you, just like me, will pay off your debt. You'll set up automated savings. You'll never miss credit card bills. And eventually you will achieve your wealth goal, whatever the amount is. So tomorrow morning, when you wake up and you reach for your phone, what are you going to choose? And if you want more simple ways to improve your wealth, then like this video and subscribe to money with Mark to get more like this. And I'll see you in the next video piece of.

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