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2 Laws for Generating Wealth

Any successful plan to generate and sustain
sufficient wealth must incorporate two very basic rules: 1) Generate Investible Savings. The first step to unlock the path to building
tremendous wealth is not about investing at all. It is about generating Investable assets. For most people this begins by terminating
any expensive debt such as credit card or high interest debt. The reason being that expensive debt increases
one’s expenses and eats into investable resources. Second step for most people is redefining
certain parts of their remaining income as compulsory payments that must be done. That payment is, in fact, the first step of
savings for investing. The third step for most people is to invest
time and entrepreneurial energy to increase their gross income. Getting a better job, a promotion, a new skill
or starting a business that can generate profits disconnected from your immediate personal
labor resources. The fourth step would be establishing some
kind of an emergency fund and getting sufficient insurance to cover yourself against unpredicted
expenses. When the four steps are done, you can start
generating sufficient investable assets that can be put to work growing over a minimal
period of five years.

When this is done, you can proceed to the
next rule. 2) Invest investable savings into exponentially
growing assets, growing for many years while limiting the taxes you pay. Once you generate investable assets and are
ready to put them to work, comes the next tough question: Where should I deploy my investable
assets to maximize my investment and to generate more wealth? You should know that any and all investable
assets you will ever encounter can belong to one or another of these two categories:
Exponentially Growing Assets or Regular Growth Assets.

If you ever hope to generate sufficient wealth
from your investable assets, you must learn how to separate your exponential growing assets
from your regular growth assets and then make sure you are sufficiently exposed to the exponentially
growing asset class. Exponentially growing assets are a rare creature
few understand, even among seasoned investors. There is a set of strict rules to become eligible
for the coveted title: A) At their very core, they must yield very
high returns on internally invested resources and expenses – such as inventory, labor, plant
& factory or R&D; What sets exponentially growing assets apart
from any and all investable assets is their ability to make a large profit on a small
base of required resources. The more expenses and investments one needs
to make a profit, the less profit is left to increase the value of the asset itself. B) They must have sufficiently large market opportunities
ahead of them to enable many years of sales growth displaying high returns on invested
resources; While many possible assets can generate high
rate of return, exponentially growing assets are not a one-off occurrence or limited activity
and must be able to maintain their course of growth over many years to build sufficient
appreciation for their owners.

C) They must provide extensive internal reinvestment
opportunities to use profits at similarly high returns To really become an exponentially growing
asset capable of building imaginary amounts of wealth, the asset must provide managers
the ability to use the rivers of cash generated regularly from the asset in a similar high
rate of return. When these criteria aren’t met, owners soon
realize the resulting rivers of profits do not grow at a high rate and the growth in
wealth soon slows down due to the ever-growing profits invested in lower rate growing assets.

D) They must be led by honest, high integrity,
talented managers, who are actually risking their own wealth alongside their investors. For these executives, a small increase in
the share price will generate much greater wealth than any increase to their paycheck. Executives of public companies have the ability
to loot the company’s coffers or engage in wealth destruction in an infinity of ways. To avoid that, check to see how large your
CEO’s stake in the company stock is before choosing any investment.

As long as the company still embodies the
4 rules that we covered here, you stay invested; this is the one last requirement when investing
in exponentially growing assets. ALL exponentially growing assets see their
stock price cut in half several times during the decades, usually due to different parameters
that don’t reflect the actual company value. Holding these assets through turbulences,
and even adding to them, requires temperament and familiar understanding of the business,
which results in the conviction to stay the course..

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The Absurd True Scale of Pablo Escobar’s Wealth Visualized

If somebody were to
ask you who the richest criminal of all time
was you would probably say that it was Pablo Escobar. And you would definitely
be right in saying that. But you may not know exactly
just how absurdly rich the man actually was. At the height of Escobar's
power and adjusted for inflation in 2012 dollars, he had
an estimated net worth of $30 billion US dollars. Now, $30 billion is a
very difficult number to get one's head
around, so let's look at this from a different angle. In 1989, Pablo Escobar
was estimated by Forbes to be the seventh richest
person in the world.

If he were alive
today and making the same amount
of money, he would be placed 18th on that list. The engine that provided
him with his immense wealth has his Medellin cartel, a
ruthless drug organization so large that it could be
placed on the Fortune 500. For a time, the cartel
basically owned an entire island in the Bahamas that they
used as a refueling point for their planes smuggling
cocaine from Colombia. The island had a 1
kilometer long airstrip where they would land
their large planes, transfer the cocaine
on to smaller planes, and from there land
on remote dirt roads in the south of Florida,
where the cocaine would then hit the streets of
the United States. The cartel was
making five to seven of these flights every
day in their heyday and even had a fleet
of two submarines.

Altogether about
15 tons of cocaine was being smuggled by the cartel
into the United States per day. This amounted to them
controlling 84 to 90% of the cocaine supply in the
United States and about 80% of the total global
cocaine supply. One single kilo of cocaine cost
the cartel an average of $1,000 to refine and another $4,000 to
smuggle into the United States. Pilots who were
employed by the cartel can make up to $500,000 per
flight into the United States. Once on the streets
of the United States, that kilo that cost
$5,000 to arrive there could sell for anywhere
between $50,000 to $70,000.

What this meant was that
Escobar's cartel was making $60 million in revenue per day. That equals $420
million every week and that meant an operating
yearly income of $22 billion. They were making so
much money that they had to spend around $1,000
each week just on rubber bands to keep their mountains of
cash all neat and organized. They ran out of places
to store their money and had to resort to
stashing it in old worn down warehouses and even
buried it in remote fields. Escobar decided to write off
10% of their monthly revenues simply because that's about how
much was being eaten by rats or damaged by water. That's about $2.2
billion every year that was simply being destroyed,
and it didn't affect Escobar much at all. This is a man who once burned
$2 million in cold cash just to keep his daughter warm
one time when she was cold.

Now, let's get some
perspective on these numbers. As stated earlier, these numbers
are so astronomically high that they're very
difficult to visualize. Let's think about how
the average yearly income for somebody in Colombia
today is $5,194. That means that today it
would take 4,235,657 average Colombians to combine their
yearly incomes just to match Pablo Escobar's. Moving over to the United
States for a comparison, the average yearly household
income here is $51,939. That means that the average
household in the United States would have to work for 1,155
years saving all of the money that they made in
the process just to equal the same
amount of money that Pablo Escobar's Medellin
cartel was making in just one single day. Staggeringly, to match
the amount of money the cartel was
making in one year it would take 423,574
average US households to pool all of their
yearly earnings together. That's roughly the
same population as the city of Miami.

And what about
Escobar's reported net worth of $30 billion? That value is so
high, it's roughly equivalent to the
entire 2016 GDP of Paraguay, a country with a
population of 6,783,000 people. If the Medellin
cartel at its peak was actually listed as an
American company on the Fortune 500 today, it would be placed
at the 129th largest company by yearly revenue, just making
more money than the Union Pacific Railroad Company,
while also making more money than Starbucks, Staples, Kohl's,
Southwest Airlines, and even Facebook. But all of this wealth
couldn't possibly last forever. Escobar's cartel was responsible
for an estimated 3,500 murders, 500 of whom
were police officers in the city of Medellin.

Escobar himself was gunned
down in a hail of bullets on the 2nd of December in
1993, and his cartel and wealth largely died with him. So thank you for
watching this video. While Pablo Escobar's fortune
made him an influential man in life, his legacy has
left a lasting influence on our pop culture and TV shows. Click here to go
to our good friends over at the Court Of Source
for the next part explaining how huge of an impact on our
popular culture men like Pablo Escobar have had. The Court Of Source
has excellent content. And if you haven't
subscribed to them yet, then you should probably
think about changing that. Until next time, this
was Real Life Lore..

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As promised, here is the second part of The Wealth of Nations, one of the most influential books ever written about economics If you haven't watched the first part yet I'd advise you to do that now, as some of the takeaways here build on those from the previous part Let's continue where we left last time … Takeaway number 6: Accumulation and employment of capital What's the similarity between Michael and a country like the US, China or Sweden? It is that they get wealthy in the same way Allow me to introduce The Swedish Investor's "Stairway to Money" All copyrighted and original content, of course Each different step represents a category that an individual can spend money on To become wealthy a person wants to spend money on the higher steps and not the lower ones At the bottom, we have services meant for consumption These are the worst things that you can spend your money on, as you'll consume them instantly Vacations, dinners and video on demand all belong to this category The next worst thing to direct your money towards is products meant for consumption Products depreciating value from the time of purchase, but at least they're not as bad as services because you will still be able to sell them at a later stage, even though it may only be at a fraction of their original value Cars, clothes and phones belong to this category Then we have products that do not depreciate in value and that often keep their value through inflation Important entries in this category are collectibles and a house to live in And at the top, we have investments This is a very broad category indeed, and anything which is expected to generate more cash in the future than the outlay of money is today, plus a reasonable return, belongs here Therefore – starting a business, educating yourself, investing in the stock market, or renting out properties all belong here It's the same with countries If a country buys services from another country, money flows right out from it without being replaced with something else that is valuable If a country buys products from another country, at least some of the value is still preserved as products can be sold again at a later stage It is similar with a third step in our Stairway to Money A country gets rich by increasing its own productivity by starting businesses there, by educating its people so that their skill and dexterity increases, or by buying productive assets from other countries BUT …

… and this is unimportant but Neither people nor nations should be afraid of having expenses just because of this Both people and nations, if they want to acquire wealth, should focus on what they are naturally good at and then outsource the rest This is what we shall focus on next Takeaway number 7: Globalization – the shortcut to increased wealth Here we have. Michael Lewis, a 32 years old engineer He's working at a job where he's paid a base monthly salary, but he's also compensated for overtime For overtime hours, he nets approximately $30 per hour Given this, here comes a few questions for you: Should michael cook his own food? Should michael clean his own house? And, sorry now i'm getting a bit silly just to prove a point here, should michael build his own phone instead of buying one from apple? From a wealth standpoint the answer is no to all of these questions It makes sense for Michael to do what he is best at, earning money from that and then hire other people to do what they are best at for everything else that he demands Perhaps Michael can cook his own food, but it takes him about an hour to prep a single meal, which means that he does so at a cost of $30, because he could have spent that time working as an engineer Therefore, it doesn't make sense for him to do it as he can just buy a meal outside for $15 Similarly, he can clean his own house, but it takes him 2 hours to do So that's $60 for Michael, while he can hire someone to do it for $40 And as an engineer, he is capable of building his own phone, but it might take him something like 200 hours plus $200 in materials That's a $6,200 phone! Why not just go buy the latest IPhone for $1,000? If it doesn't make sense to do something at 6 times the price it doesn't make sense to do so at 2 times the price, and probably not at 1.5 times the price either It is the same with nations For nations to increase their wealth, they should be focusing on the things that they are really good at, and then hire other nations to do what they are best at For example ..

The US is obviously a leader in many different businesses, but among others, in the fast food and entertainment industry China is incredible at producing most products at very low prices And in Sweden, we are quite good at producing furniture … … sorry, I mean at making everyone else produce furniture for themselves, of course Now, should Sweden try to produce the same products that China can produce much cheaper? No. Should China compete head-to-head with Hollywood? Probably not. Should the US have everyone produce furniture for themselves? Definitely not! All these countries can be more productive, and in that increase their wealth, by simply doing what they are best at, and then trade goods with each other Also, to make another comparison between individuals and countries in their quest for wealth: Both of them will earn more by having rich neighbors or acquaintances People know that if they want to be rich, they should move where other people are rich And probably even more importantly – they should acquire rich friends It's the same with nations A country should want their neighbors and trading partners to be wealthy, because eventually that wealth will spill over to them, too Just look at this map But we've been getting this backwards for centuries now In the 18th century, Great Britain and France, probably the two wealthiest countries in Europe at that time, did everything they could to make business miserable for each other instead of cooperating They even went to war with each other! Today, let's hope that the two most important economies of our time, the US and China, don't make that same mistake Takeaway number 8: Why free trade is superior, and why governments shouldn't interfere As we talked about in the previous video – in a capitalistic society, money will naturally flow where the returns are higher and disappear from where their returns are lower In a society where the government does not interfere, two rules will guide capital – Capital is naturally employed where it can produce the greatest returns This is actually a good thing, because businesses like these are more sustainable than anything else They will employ people where there is demand and a real competitive advantage – Capital is also naturally employed in the home market, as this comes with less risk This is also good, because it creates working opportunities in the own country For these two reasons, it is totally unproductive when governments interfere with the market Just as an imaginary example: Say that we, in Sweden, would do something as silly as setting up a ban on movies created in Hollywood What would happen when such a ban is introduced? Excluding potential retaliation, it will yield higher profits for the film industry in Sweden than what would naturally be the case Therefore, more capital will be incentivized to flow to this industry But this business still isn't competitive on a global scale.

Everywhere else than in Sweden, people will still watch movies from Hollywood! Moreover – the capital in Sweden which goes towards the creation of film is capital that could have been directed towards something where Sweden is competitive on a global scale, like the previously mentioned furniture Generally, politicians must have a small dose of God Complex if they think that they are smarter than the aggregated thinking of the market when it comes to capital allocation decisions in businesses There are two examples when it might be necessary to introduce duties, bans and tariffs though: – For goods that are important for the defense or survival of the country – And when a tax is imposed even on such domestically produced goods You don't want to shift the favor to the foreign goods, at the very least Apart from that, governments should probably stay away from using duties, bans and tariffs on foreign goods They should not incentivize certain industries or disincentivize others, because the market is likely to do this very well on its own, thanks to the before mention two There are a few areas where a government is absolutely necessary for the wealth of a nation though, and that is what we shall cover in the next takeaway Takeaway number 9: What is the purpose of a government? According to Adam Smith, there are some tasks in a society that the market and private people have little or no interest in solving The four that Smith discusses are: – The defense of a country – The justice system – Some type of infrastructure – And basic education The defense of a country is absolutely necessary for its wealth to increase Interestingly enough, a country is more and more likely to be invaded the richer it is Or so it was in the old days at least ..

Consider the raids of Genghis Khan and his Mongolian savages of the much wealthiest cities of China Or how the vikings invaded many much more established societies in Europe The savages actually had the advantage at this time, as they were much more skilled fighters But that all changed with the invention of the firearms Firearms were expensive to make, and no matter how skilled an army of spears and bows were, it couldn't beat one equipped with firearms And so, the odds changed in the favor of the wealthy nations, who could afford these supreme weapons Anyways … A nation must be able to defend itself to sustain its wealth And as this benefits everyone in a society, it does make sense that a government has the responsibility of this task Justice, is similarly an expense that benefits everyone in a society In the old days, justice was often exercised by those in power, but one can easily understand how such a system can be very corrupt It is essential that justice and power are separated.

Otherwise – who should bring justice to those in command? Similarly, a justice system that is based on profits tend to be very corrupt too, so it doesn't lend itself well to the free markets It used to be like this too, everyone that wanted justice had to bring a gift to the judges As you can probably imagine, the person who brought the greatest gift tended to get a little bit more "justice" than everyone else … So to speak. Therefore, the task of bringing justice to its people should be paid for by a government But those that use the justice system often should probably pay extra for that Infrastructure, such as the most important roads and docks used for commerce of a country, is something that benefits everyone too But it doesn't invite the same conflict of interest as the justice system does, and should thereby often be held privately Infrastructure should be financed with revenue from the commerce which can be carried by means of it. Because in this way, money will much more seldom be wasted on infrastructure projects Some infrastructure projects can be important without being profitable, but in that case they should often come with a local tax, not a national one Without some type of basic education being free and probably also mandatory, some of the country's inhabitants, those that are born into poverty, will most likely never learn how to read write or count Such inhabitants are unlikely to increase the productivity of a nation Therefore, we want to avoid that this happens A benefit such as learning to read, write and count benefits everyone and it should be one of the purposes of the government of making sure that this is done Takeaway number 10: How should a government be financed? So ..

With defense, justice, infrastructure and education, a publicly financed government seems to be the most fair and logical solution But there are many different options of financing something, and some are definitely better than others Here are 4 principles for creating good taxes: Equality Each person should contribute in proportion to his or her abilities and in proportion to the revenue which he earns under the protection of the state It is difficult to make sure that the wages, profits and rents (the three sources of income which we discussed in the previous video) are all taxed equally, but they should at the very least be taxed equally individually Certainty Time, quantity and manner of payment must always be clear This is probably the most important principle.

A little bit of uncertainty is worse than a great deal of inequality Uncertainty leads to the potential corruption of the tax gatherer Convenience Taxes should be due when the contributor is most likely to be able to pay The consumer pays whenever he consumes a service or product, and the wage earner should pay taxes as soon as he gets the wage, not at some other time when he might already have spent it all Efficiency A tax may never be more burdensome to the people than it is beneficial to the government For instance … – As few people as possible should be required for gathering the tax – A tax should never discourage industry – And the degree of visits and examinations of the people shouldn't make them feel oppressed With these 4 principles in mind, i'd like to ask you a question: Do you think that it is a good idea for a country to have a wealth tax? In other words, a tax which is in proportion to the total assets of private people. Please comment with your answer down below! Alright, that's it for Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations Here are two unusual recommendations for further watching from other channels: You can watch me doing the Navy Seal's screening test for eight hours, if you want to watch me in a lot of physical pain Or, you could watch this summary of 79 of my book summaries Cheers guys!

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This was quite inconvenient to state the least Enter: Money Money helps with the exchange of assets that we generate To get back to the first takeaway, one can say that they boost the efficiency of exchange Fairly early, steels were utilized as cash as well as they have at the very least 2 top qualities which make them appropriate for this objective: They generally do not perish and also they can be divided right into lots of parts and after that merged once more Some points have worth in usage-like spears, meat, salt as well as shirts Various other things have worth in exchange-like expenses, coins as well as metals That which has high value in one, usually is rather pointless from the other viewpoint You can ' t utilize a dollar costs for anything.I indicate you can ' t consume it or anything In a similar way, a spear could be quite valuable but it doesn ' t work well for exchange, as we just saw As long as individuals trust that cash can be exchanged for something else that they are in demand of later on, they are pleased to trade their very own produce for

that money It all'boils down to that: Depend On Warren Buffett has stated that it is fairly misleading that'on the behind of every buck bill, it claims “in god we trust” Because, what it should really say is “in The Federal Get we trust” Takeaway number 3: The 3 parts of cost The real price of every little thing is its rate in labor Something that takes even more time, energy or sources to bring up commonly has a higher actual cost Bob didn ' t desire to make that final bargain with “George because he believed that his spear had a greater actual rate “than George ' s * tee shirt However”, there ' s likewise a small cost and also that is the cost as gauged in money Due to the fact that it ' s tough to measure as well as contrast labor, we ' ve come to estimate genuine rates in terms of money instead The rate of every little thing that is created settles itself right into either one or more of the complying with 3 components:-A wage, to pay the'labor that did the work-An earnings, to pay for the funding that was laid out for the work to occur -As well as a rental fee, to pay the owner of the land where the work and or exchange need to take place We all understand that earnings can differ a lot between different occupations Just look at the ordinary income of a McDonald ' s cashier and also compare that to the wage of a neurosurgeon Similarly, earnings vary from sector to market, yet not as much, as well as also they must balance out over time, something that we ' ll obtain to later These are the typical profits measured as return on equity for different sectors during the period 1999 to 2019 As well as the variable that can differ the most is of program leas In New York, for instance, you ' ll have to pay about $ 5,200,000 per acre of land, while in the nation town of Eksjö in Sweden, you ' ll pay only around$20,000. It ' s just that i ' m not all set to pay$70,000 for it yet Hence i ' m a part of the need, however not the effectual demand, that can really bring the item to the market Takeaway number 4: The three elements of cost, component II Allowed ' s have an appearance at these 3 elements independently An employee will certainly always demand a wage so that he can at the very least purchase the necessities of life for himself and his household

This is the bare minimum which also the easiest type of task have to pay, because or else, such workers will certainly discontinue to exist over time In countries where no minimum wages exist, the easiest jobs will tend to be at this degree as well as not higher This is since employees are at a natural negative aspect when trying to haggle just how much of that cost which was stated previously which should go towards their wage They usually exist in abundance contrasted to funding and also land and also in addition, they usually do not have actually much cash saved so they can ' t afford to wait for a much better possibility But incomes can vary a great deal which we shall see later on A business owner is a person who employs his capital to make an earnings within a particular trade or industry The more capital that is used in a particular sector, the greater the competitors there becomes, and also the lower the profits tend to be So it has to be in society as a whole too.If there are no smart methods to use resources any longer returns will be low Over time, even though some firms can hold on for very long, returns on capital will also out throughout markets This is since where returns are high, there will certainly be incentives to relocate resources, as well as where returns are low, there will be rewards to remove capital This recovers a balance of sorts If you desire to know more about which kinds of industries that can stand up to competition the lengthiest, head over to my summary of “Affordable Approach” An owner of land will certainly either try to offer his land for an earnings or offer it out for a rental fee Either method, a person down the line will at some point attempt to offer it out for a rental fee, or make use of the land themselves, and after that it is they who get the rent Rental fees differ A LOT depending on place Some types of land essentially manage no rental fee at all.While those that individuals discover eye-catching-land in cities or beautiful coastline residential properties- gain a great deal of it Something that need to be kept in mind is that rent is rather like a syndicate price After normal earnings have actually been paid as well as the business person have been able to replace his funding with a” suitable revenue, the proprietor of the land will quite much take what ' s left Land is immovable and irreplaceable, and is as a result strange compared to the 2 other types of profits that can be earned Takeaway number 5: Why some tasks pay more than others do So … Profits of industries should average out over time, and more lease is given to the person who holds a residential or commercial property in a city or at a coastline, all right … However why the **** does my neighbor have a higher wage than me, even though I ' m much smarter than him ?! The wages of labor are chosen by supply as well as need, like every little thing else The complying with five elements have a tendency to impact this to boost the incomes of a particular job- The expenditures as well as troubles of learning it-The incongruity of settlements- The trust and duty-The improbability of success; and- The challenge uncleanness and also disagreeableness of the task In the 18th century a blacksmith had to be an apprentice for lots of years before he was allowed to open his very own profession During this time, he earned very little or essentially absolutely nothing at all The higher wage that he got once finished is a compensation for those years, and also the apprenticeship helps in limiting the supply of such employees A mason could only work throughout good weather problems, as well as so his per hour wage had to be made up for those idle hrs A higher obligation suggests that less individuals are fit for that type of work and also as a result salaries are higher Back in the days, attorneys and also doctors had such functions (and they still have by the means )The improbability of success is an additional element that matters The anticipated wage of a task with an extremely high stop working rate is usually even lower than normal jobs, yet the individual who does well normally obtains the salary of those who fall short too( kind of )Individuals looking for gold or prize belonged to that category As well as in the 18th century the most dirty as well as unpleasant job one might possibly get was probably that of the public death squad, as well as the pay was thereafter Today, a hard as well as costly job to obtain would be that of the previously discussed neurosurgeon An inconsistent one might be that of an actual estate broker A job which calls for a whole lot of responsibility.Is that of a pilot Improbability of success is high among exclusive professional athletes and also artists And also the dirtiest and most unpleasant work is possibly that of a hedge fund supervisor! This book is even more than 900 pages long, so I ' m definitely going to make a part 2 on this with 5 added takeaways In component 2 we ' ll cover subjects such as globalization, free profession, as well as the function of a government So you ' ll probably obtain to listen to even more regarding motivations in component 2!

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“Trade Is Made of Win,” Part 1: Wealth Creation

“” Trade is Made of Victory,” “Component 1: Wide Range Creation
Among the most important concepts in all of business economics is that trade develops wealth. It’s likewise among the least recognized suggestions
in all of economics. Most individuals think that if 2 individuals profession,
among them needs to win and also among them needs to lose. One of the suggestions that has developed in economics
is that trade develops wealth, as well as we’re going to see that in the context of a couple
Fritz as well as Lou can create 2 items. They can produce socks and also they can create
corn. In a given year, Fritz could create 500 socks
or 1,000 ears of corn. Lou, on the other hand, could produce 25 socks
or five ears of corn. For Fritz, every sock that he generates expenses
him the opportunity to generate 2 ears of corn. Same story for Lou. Lou can produce 25 socks or 5 ears of
Just how around you specialize in corn as well as I’ll. What we want to do is contrast the price at. If you’re Fritz, every sock costs the chance.
If Fritz is able to trade for socks, then. every sock is only going to cost him one ear of corn. Fritz would prefer the profession. Why? Since socks are now cheaper. Allow’s see what occurs to Lou. If Lou is mosting likely to create corn himself, he. needs to offer up 5 socks in order to produce that corn. If Lou trades for corn, he only has to provide. up one sock per ear of corn.
Fritz, the purchaser of socks, is now able to. get socks cheaper.
Lou wins. Lou is made much better off. Trade is made of win or, as your economics.

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