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Retirement Struggles: 2 Things I Struggled With When I Retired

what's going on everyone welcome back to the show 
so as you guys can see now I'm on the road and   I am on my way to Las Vegas there's a convention 
the National Association of broadcasters   convention and so I'm gonna go to that see what's 
going on when it comes to the new technology comes   the cameras and audio equipment things like that 
but I wanted to talk a little bit about retirement   and I just want to add on to the video that 
I posted a couple of days ago and if you guys   can do me a favor like I've I've stated in 
previous videos actually I stated only in   one video the last video that I posted about 
please support the retirement content because   YouTube is not promoting this out the same 
way that it would promote some of my other   videos so like if I post a video on a social 
security update usually YouTube will promote   that but when I talk about retirement for 
whatever reason YouTube does not promote that   now you guys can do me a favor by just hitting 
the like button subscribing to the channel   hitting the little bell notification all that 
good stuff that helps with the algorithm but   by also sharing this content with your family and 
friends and that helps with the algorithm as well   so I'm almost I'm actually almost to Vegas I've 
been driving for the last two and a half hours and   I just thought about something I wanted to talk 
a little bit about when it comes to retirement   so as you guys know if you don't know 
I retired about it's been a year in   a year and six months no not 
a year a year and four months   and one thing that I did not anticipate and this 
is I talked about some of the things in a previous   video and I'll post a link to that video so you 
can check it out but one of the things that I   didn't expect and this is more of a negative when 
it comes to retiring is that a lot of the people   that you work with so your friends at work and I 
consider friends at work and your friends that you   grew up with they're kind of in different banks 
right they're not the same because your friends   you grew up with I have friends that I grew up 
with and they've been my friends for for years   and years but when you start working somewhere 
of course you're going to develop friendships   but it's kind of a situation where I don't 
want to say it's a forced relationship   but you do have to spend a lot of time with 
those people anyway and sometimes that develops   into a relationship where you might go out 
to lunch together and you might even spend   time outside of work with them and so one of 
the things that I didn't anticipate is those   people that you do have relationships with at 
work and you go to lunch and things like that   some of those people will not be around when you 
retire so they might continue working and you   retire and you don't hear from them anymore and so 
that's one of the things that I didn't anticipate   I was thinking you know what some of these friends 
we've had a friendship for years let's say five   ten years and it was okay when we were working 
together because we saw each other a lot and   we spent time and talked about different things 
and all that but when you retire it's different   now you're not a part of of the company anymore 
you're not a part of the the the the the workforce   um and so you don't see that person very often and 
you might not have even talked to them that much   on the phone or text with them that much when 
you were working because you saw them all the   time but now that you're retired it's totally 
different because now you don't text them and   you really don't hear from them so that was 
a big thing that I had to kind of adjust to   and there are some people that I still talk with 
there are some people that I work with that I   still talk to on a regular basis that I go out 
to lunch with even now that I'm retired I still   got to go out to lunch with them and spend time 
with them but some of those people I was already   doing that before I mean that it was already it 
was already established like I met them at work   but we already had a friendship outside of work 
and so that friendship was able to continue   where is there some other people that I had 
relationships with didn't really spend too   much time outside of work with them and those 
are the people that you you really don't hear   from maybe I'll hear from them once in a blue moon 
if someone got fired and they wanted to share this   information with me for whatever reason that that 
kind of stuff where something happened that was   drastic at work where they want to share that with 
you and so I think it's just something that you   should think about when you retire who's still 
going to be around as your friends and who is   not going to talk to you anymore or pretty 
much they're going about their business and   you're not a part of their life anymore and like I 
stated I've had I have friends that I grew up with   and they're still my friends today and I spend 
time with them so this is not anything for me   it's not a big deal but it's just an observation 
it's something that I didn't really anticipate I   was thinking that some of the people that I 
spent a lot of time with at work I probably   still be in touch with them after I stop working 
there but it is it it's not that's not the case   and so I just wanted to mention them now there 
are some other things when it comes to retirement   that are were Shockers to me things that aren't 
really you know positive and I wanted I talked   about in the previous video I talked about all 
the the positives of retirement and they're   the positives far outweigh the negatives when it 
comes to retiring and so I just wanted to mention   this and I'm really when it comes down to it 
if you are in a situation where you have the   opportunity to retire especially if you have 
the opportunity to retire when you're younger   and you can afford to do that I highly highly 
recommend taking taking that that uh that leap   because there are so many things that you can 
benefit from if you retire and what some people do   is they will especially if you work 
where you're receiving a pension   what a lot of people will do is they'll go ahead 
and retire and start pulling that tension in and   then go somewhere else and get another 
job in in the law enforcement community   this is very common you see this a lot because 
you're working in law enforcement you're working   for the government you're usually going to receive 
a pension and they will take that pension and then   go and they can do the same job go to another 
agency that has a different Retirement System   and then they can collect their pension 
after they've retired from the the first   uh the first law enforcement job and then go 
to another law enforcement job and double dip   and so that's very very common and not you know 
I'm not talking about just police officers and   things like that I'm talking about people 
who work for a government in general so it   doesn't even have to be just law enforcement most 
government jobs they have pension plans set up   and so they will do that exact same thing 
they'll leave they'll go somewhere else and   they'll they'll be able to collect a pension 
as well as work another job and and double dip   and so that's another option but I I highly 
recommend as soon as you can if you can retire   do it there are a lot of people out there that 
are struggling at work and they might not ever   be able to retire and that's really sad and 
there's some people that are doing fine at work   and they can retire but they don't know 
what they're going to do when they retire   and so they just continue to work and just my 
opinion that's the wrong the wrong way to do   things not everybody I mean some people they 
love their job and that's why they stay there   and they they don't know what they would do 
without their job and I completely understand   that one of the other negatives when it comes to 
retiring is now you're no longer on a schedule   whereas when I was working I had a schedule 
got up at a certain time in the morning Monday   through Friday eight at a certain time 
in the morning got to work ate lunch at   a certain time everything was was structured 
whereas when you retire that structure is gone   and that's one thing that I had to to learn really 
fast was I need to have a structure so if that   means me creating my own structure or something 
working a part-time job or doing something I need   to have that structure because if not then I end 
up not doing anything for days on end where it's   like okay I I plan to do something and then I 
just keep putting it off because I don't have   that structure and so that's something that's 
really important and something that I've learned   just in this year and a half that I've been 
been retired I've learned the importance of   I need to be on a on a schedule and I need to 
stick to that schedule so I can get things done   and so I just wanted to share that with you 
guys and those are the two main things there   when it comes to retirement that I've noticed 
just in this last a little over a year   the fact that some of your friends at work you're 
probably not going to hear from when you retire   and the schedule aspect you need to be on the 
schedule and I say that I shouldn't say you   need I need to be on a schedule in order to get 
things done when I retire because that's just the   way way I am and I've been working for the vast 
majority of my adult life on a schedule and so   it's hard to be off the schedule when you retire 
and so I just wanted to share that now I want   you guys in the comments below if you guys can do 
me a favor let me know some of the the struggles   that you found in retirement so let me know that 
in the comments below and if you like this video   please give me a thumbs up please subscribe for 
more next time you guys see me I'm going to be   in Las Vegas and I will continue to post videos 
every day so that's not going to change but I   just wanted to give you guys a quick update and 
yes I'm on my way to Vegas next time you see me   it'll probably be me shooting a video out of the 
hotel so it'll be a little different environment   and I might even show you some some stuff from 
the the actual uh the conference that I'm going to   so that's all I have like the video 
subscribe for more please share like   I said please share this video with others and 
I will talk to you guys in the next one goodbye

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Is 1 Crore Enough To Retire? How to plan your retirement?

Hi friends, welcome to Yadnya investment academy. We are going to talk about a topic of financial planning on Friday. And today's topic is very interesting. Because this question is asked regularly on many social media channels and workshops. That people have an amount in their mind that is 1 crore rupees. We think that if we have 1 crore rupees, our life will be good. So this question remains in the mind that if I have 1 crore rupees, can I retire now? Am I financially free? I don't have any tension of retirement now. Now whatever work I am doing is extra. So that 1 crore rupees is enough. And if you have retired now and got EPF money and total is 1 crore is it enough for you? And if it is enough or not, how much can you spend in both questions, when is enough and when is not.

We will touch on all those things in this video. I will explain everything through a calculator. You can check that calculator on our website as well. We cover many topics of financial planning in this session. If you want to make your own financial plan, then go to website There are many products related to financial planning. There are 1 to 1 sessions as well. You can check that out. Now I am going to my website and I am sure you can see my screen. If you go to the tool and calculator, here you can see the retirement calculator.

I don't think you will get this anywhere else. Now the question is, suppose I have 1 crore rupees, is it enough for me to retire? First of all, I will be asked what is my age? I am just giving an example, 50. Suppose I am 50 years old, what is my life expectancy? It is important to know when you will be retiring. I think we should keep it around 90. I am keeping it at 90. How much is the expense now? If you are retiring and you have 1 crore rupees, how much do you want to spend? What is your monthly or annual expense? Suppose I am thinking that I have 6 lakh rupees. I have put 6 lakh rupees here. How much inflation are you assuming? How much will my expenses increase every year? If India's inflation is around 6-7%, then you can assume that. Suppose 7% inflation till the end of life. Current asset, how much money do I have? I will put 1 crore rupees here. I have 1 crore rupees here. I will put that here. How do you invest this 1 crore rupees? How much return will you be able to earn? This is a very important question.

What type of investment do you want to put? Do you want to put it in PPF? Do you want to put it in Senior Citizen Savings Scheme? Or do you want to put it in FDs? Or do you want to create a portfolio of Mutual Funds like Hybrid Equity Funds? This is very important. Let's take all the scenarios. Suppose I want to put it in FDs. I don't want to do anything special. I will get 7% return in FDs. Whatever is the post tax. Or whatever you think.

You get 7.5% but let's keep 7% for calculation. Let's keep 7.5%. Let's keep 8%. We have put it in bonds, Senior Citizen Savings Scheme. And there is some money in EPF. So, we have kept some money in equity. So, my 8% will earn 1 crore rupees corpus. Which is 1% over inflation. I have taken 7% inflation and 8% returns. I have to put these 6 fields first. If I submit this, My retirement corpus is in deficit of 1 crore. This means that I need 1 crore more to develop this scenario. If I am 50 years old and I have 6 lakhs per month. And 7% inflation. And 8% growth. I need 2 crores. 1 crore is not enough. Now, let's change the scenario. What should I do if I am not able to do it.

I can either reduce it. I don't spend Rs 50,000 per month. I can do 30,000. Then we can change the amount. We have done 36,000. And then we have put this change. So, 21 lakhs is still less. So, basically it will come to 3 lakhs. So, now our retirement corpus is only 67,000 less. So, I can spend 3 lakhs per year. If I can spend Rs 25,000 per month. And if I take 7% inflation. And 8% growth. Then 1 crore is enough in 50. If I spend 25,000. If I spend 50,000 with same scenario. Then I will need 1 crore. Now, you will say that I invest in mutual funds. I know investing well. And I think that my corpus can earn 10%. If 7% is inflation. Then I think that my corpus can earn 10% per annum. Like our approach. You must have seen many videos on retirement. If you want to understand anything. Then put it in the comment section.

If I think that I can do 10%. So, let's try it on 6% after spending 3 lakhs. So, now our corpus will be 47 lakhs. So, it means that I can spend 4 lakhs or 4.5 lakhs. So, 4.2 or 4.3. Means I can spend around Rs 35,000 per month. If I can earn 10% return. Now, you will say that I have already retired. I am 60 years old. And now tell me what is this scenario. So, in that I can spend 50,000 per month. So, in 60 years also if you are earning 10% return. Then there is a deficit of 24 lakhs. If this scenario plays. You say that I have inflation. I don't spend much. 50,000 per month. Next year, I will grow according to 5%. Then it is good. 5% inflation, 10% rate of return, 1 crore rupees. You have enough. You have just enough. So, you can spend 50,000 per month. If you are 60 years old, you will get that money for 90 years. Now, there is one more thing. Many people think that I have a pension. I have a house. He is giving rental.

Or I am getting pension. Suppose you are getting pension of Rs 10,000 per month. Means it comes more than that. But I think 10,000 per month. So, I am getting a pension of 1,20,000. And we will make it 7 again. Is there any growth of pension? It seems that 2-3% growth is there. So, let's grow it by 3%. Till when will the pension come? Will it come till 90? Will it come till life expectancy or will it come soon? Many times, for limited time, money is going to come. So, we sell those things. Rental is going to come. I have to sell that house after 10 years. So, you can put that also. So, I have to get pension till last. Till 90. So, then in 6 lakhs, 7% inflation, 1 crore, 10% and all. So, then almost I am there. Means 3 lakhs is the only deficit left. So, in this way, you can find out that the money you have, is it enough for your retirement? So, now you can change the amount.

If you have 2 crore, 3 crore or 50 lakhs, then you can change the amount. Accordingly, you can find out how much expense I will have after retirement, my work will go smoothly till life expectancy which I have planned. So, this will be very very helpful for you. So, if you like Calculator, then do share this video with everyone. I think this will be very helpful to many people in retirement planning. And from the perspective of financial freedom also. And if you want our financial plans and personalized approach, if you want to understand how to get 10% rate of return, or what all I can do after retirement, then you can go to our website and call our customer service, sales team or relationship team. You can WhatsApp or call or email. And then we will reach out to you and we will surely try to help you on those things. That is all I have. I hope, do subscribe more. Because the topics of financial planning are not going on much. So, do subscribe and like the video if you like it. Have a great time, friends.

Jai Hind..

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How to Plan for Early Retirement: Exclusive Retirement Calculator

When someone says the word Retirement, what comes to your mind? Is it the age at which you would probably retire or is it the bank balance that you would have or the abundant time you will have to do whatever you like doing. I think it's a combination of all three. Because all these three require lots and lots of money. Yes, in today’s video we will talk about how you can retire successfully and can generate enough corpus that your lifestyle does not get affected at all. Hi, I'm Samarth, for the past 11 years, I have been working in the finance industry and I'm currently the investments lead at wint wealth. Retirement, it should essentially mean financial freedom. In today’s example we will assume that you started your job or career at 22 or 23 years of age. And as of today, your age is 30 years. For the next 20 years, we are assuming that you'll continue your active line of work, essentially meaning that you will retire by the age of 50. Wait, wait, wait! I know you might be wondering that this video was for early retirement.

See the idea is to let you know that what should be the method for retirement calculation. If you are a little aggressive on that, you might retire by 40 itself or by 45. It all depends on your consistency and your persistence. For the time being , we have calculated this on a very conservative way and hence 50 has been considered as the retirement age. So now we'll be focusing on the example and for this we will be looking at the excel sheet. By the way, this Excel sheet that you can see on the screen can be downloaded using the link in the description and also help us know in the comments if you found this Excel sheet to be useful.

Infact, you can also download sheet right now and use it live while watching the video. You can change the numbers and see if it is suiting you and how it can help you to achieve your retirement. We have assumed that your current age is 30 years. And you started your work life or your career or your job around 22 or 23 years of age. You want to retire at the age of 50 years, your life expectancy is around 80 years. Now because you have already worked for around 7-7.5 years, we are assuming that you have saved roughly two to two and a half lakh per year, so your total savings as on date would be 16 Lakh Rupees. How is this split? Majority portion of investment is done in mutual funds. I too personally, when I started my career, so majority savings (up to 80-90%) I used to do in mutual funds. And I used to split them into growth mutual funds and a small part into dividend mutual funds.

After that since you are doing a job, you will contribute towards EPF. So we have assumed that this is around three lakh rupees. For emergency fund, you have kept some money into FD or bank balance, which is around two lakh rupees, and then remaining money, you have explored another debt option that is public provident fund and under this you have invested two lakh rupees. Basis our assumption and calculation, on this entire corpus of 16 Lakh Rupees up to the age of retirement, that is for the next 20 years, you will generate 10% returns.

So this 16 Lakh Rupees will get converted to 1.15 Crore Rupees. Yes, You heard it right. Believe me, if you do the savings consistently and in a discipline way, your Corpus becomes massive slowly. By the time I had completed five years in my job, I had enough money to pay for my car all in cash. But does that mean that mean, I did so? No. By the way, if you want to know if it makes sense for you to buy a car or use services like Ola and Uber, please watch this video. Now we are assuming that your monthly take home salary is one lakh rupees. And out of this 60,000, that is 60% of your take home salary is spent by you. After that how much would be your savings? 40,000 Rupees. Now if you keep saving this monthly, consistently in a discipline way, then you can easily generate the amount of corpus such that during your retirement life, you can manage your lifestyle very easily and won’t be financially dependent on anyone.

Next assumption which we have taken is that on your salary you will get an increment of around 8%. I know you might be feeling that the 8% figure is too high but you must also consider that although there might be years when you get only 5% or 7%. I really wish you never get so low increments, but there will be years when you will switch your job or get promotion, when your increment might be 20%, 25%. During your pre retirement age, that is up to the age of 50 years we have assumed that years care, return 10% on the amount which you're investing and on the corpus, which you already have save.

Then after retirement this figure drops to 7%. I know you must be thinking this is low, but considering that after retirement your priority will be to save capital and also beat inflation to maintain your lifestyle 7% is a very healthy number. One very important assumption that we have taken is that after retirement there will be a lot of expenses that you won't be incurring. For example, your petrol and traveling expense will reduce substantially. Then it is also true that services like internet where you require a speed of 1 GB currently, will come down to 100 or 200 MBPS then. So that will reduce your expenses. And there are many other such expenses. Okay. So we have assumed that there will be reduction of around 20% to your expenses post retirement.

All these expenses have been adjusted against inflation at the rate of 6%. There are many such expenses which are incurred once or twice in our lifetime. One of them being expenses for sending your child for higher education. If on today’s date, you send your child for higher education so may be you will spend around 30-32 Lakh Rupees, to send the child at a very good institution. This we have assumed that when you will be 52 years old, this expense will occur and at that time, considering the inflation of 6%, this will be around 96 lakh rupees. Now that you have sent your child for higher education, then after he gets settled, probably he or she will get married.

Right? We have assumed that if today you got for their marriage then you will end up spending around 25 Lakh Rupees. According to your assumptions, this event will occur when you will be 60 years old. At that point of time, you will be spending around 80 Lakh Rupees. So this also has been built in, in this model. Last but not the least and definitely one of the most important is: medical expenses. As and when you age increases, simultaneously your medical needs will also probably increase. I really wish, this doesn’t happen but it is quite possible. So on a conservative basis, we have assumed that by the time you turn 65, you might end up needing a medical expense budget of around 50 lakh rupees. Right? Which up till then will be around 1.6 Crores, right. 35 years from now, it would be around 1.60 crores. So assuming all of this if you see all this calculation, then you will find that you would probably end up needing around 8.25 Crore Rupees as your Corpus so that you can retire comfortably.

If you are able to generate this corpus by investing around 40% of your salary basis the following assumptions, month to month, year on year in instruments, which help you generate good returns like mutual funds and corporate bonds for the early starters, and then slowly and slowly moving towards more of conservative investments, where you can easily generate 9.5-9.7%, then you'll be able to achieve this corpus and basis this calculation, that you can see in the third sheet post retirement, you will see that even after you turn 80 years of age around around one crude Rupe, you will still be left with. So if you save in a disciplined way, start investments, then you can easily achieve your retirement. Under this sheet, you can also put your other additional expenses basis your age.

If you will see we have provided Additional 1 to Additional 8 blank spaces, as when you enter there it'll automatically get calculated and you will keep getting the results. The larger your retirement corpus, easier will be your retirement life, the more you will be able to afford to give to your family and enjoy the moments with them. This is why Savings are important. This is why retirement planning is important. And if you're worried to know how you can make your portfolio stronger and better in this video, we have discussed few revenue streams, which will help you generate passive income along with maintaining the safety of your portfolio until you meet next time. Happy Winting!

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Things We Wished We Knew Before Retirement

Well it's great to be with you all again it's 
another video day for us – It is – So things that   we wish we knew before we retired almost 
sounds like a country music song there Tina   – And I guess you must be feeling lucky 
today Norm – Oh yeah got my lucky shirt   on so because we're filming been to 
Costco – Got the great deals haven't we   – We have so one of the things that we wish we knew 
before we retired was how free it is how stress   free no longer having to get up and go through the 
morning ritual of preparing yourself to go to work   and being accountable to somebody else all 
day long it's wonderful to be accountable to   your own self and your partner that's it 
you're your own person and it's such a freeing   feeling and we saw that with Tina when she gave 
up work the amount of stress we hadn't realized   until a few years after retirement just how 
different she was she'd lost all that stress of   meeting quotas and all that good stuff – And I think 
I'll just add Norm that when you're actually doing   the job you actually don't think it is stressful 
you don't think you are under all this   stress until you stop it do something else and 
you think wow this is a lot better we like this   it's great so just being accountable to ourselves 
we love it don't we – It is totally life changing   – One thing that we do think is very important 
before you retire is you do need to have a   discussion with your partner as to what it is 
that the ideas that you're both thinking you   have when you're going to retire you do need to 
have some goals about, do you want to travel do   you want to garden or do hobbies do you want 
to stay home you really do need to have that   conversation to make sure you're both on the 
same page – I think it is it is important and   we hear a lot from some comments especially 
married women who are saying that their husband   their frightened the husband will get under their feet 
because he'll be hanging around all the time in   retirement but that really isn't the case – Not 
for us is it – We've been secure as a couple for   the longest time and retirement hasn't changed 
how we feel about each other and about what   our expectations of each other is it's not as if 
we've all of a sudden being locked up together in   retirement (no) so it is important to figure out 
what you both want out of retirement and to have   that discussion a few years before you actually 
do retire (yeah) one thing to bear in mind is   the first few years of your retirement you'll 
be your most healthy so just use that health and   strength that you do have in the early years 
to achieve some of the goals that you want   – Yeah and if you want to be traveling do it while 
you've got that – Don't think about traveling if   that's on your list just do it right away – Yeah 
absolutely and that's what we've done isn't   it when we retired we just traveled everywhere 
didn't we it was great – About two years before we   retired we had an inspector come to the house 
for I don't even remember what it was but it was   some form of home inspection that we had to and 
so we got chatting with him because he was a few   years older than us but not that much and he told 
us that he had a house very similar to ours that   he had sold and now he was living an apartment 
and he went through the whole process of them   and how they moved to the apartment and how 
it was such an improvement on their life   and it was something we'd never ever considered 
– This was big news to us wasn't it we never even   thought about renting an apartment – We had been 
homeowners since we were 19 years old so to rent   we had that preconceived idea that it was throwing 
money away but the more that we looked into it so   after he left the next couple of days we spent 
many hours thinking about this we did a budget   of how much it cost to keep our mortgage free 
home – Yeah crunched all the numbers – And what the   rent would be and if we had sold the house and it 
made more and more sense to us to sell the house   to downsize into an apartment bank the money 
from the house live off that as an investment and   that's what we did – And that's what we did didn't 
we – But had that guy not come to our house we might   never have come up with that idea – No because 
originally we had thought that we would just   buy a smaller house didn't we – That's right yeah 
– So part of our decision when we had actually now   decided that we were going to rent and we realized 
that would take care of we wouldn't have all this   maintenance and stuff like that to do we decided 
after we started looking at apartments that if   we moved to a cheaper area could we benefit by 
getting the same as what we wanted in an apartment   but would it cost us less money so the more 
we looked into it we did have a family member   who lived in a cheaper place so we looked 
at the equivalent of renting an apartment   in this new place and it was so much cheaper 
wasn't it Norm – Because we initially thought   we would just sell our house and stay in 
the same area so we started shopping for   apartments to find out how much they cost and the 
availability and we were pretty surprised that   at the expense of them but we were prepared 
to pay that (yeah) and then we came to a what   you would call it a small town that's cheaper 
(yeah) we came to visit a family member here and so   we started looking around at the apartments here 
and they were substantially cheaper about $800   a month cheaper than where we were initially going 
to – Yeah and not only that Norm there was a lot of   extras with it wasn't that we got there was 
underground parking and what else a swimming pool   – And laundry facilities in the apartment – And that 
was one thing the gentleman had told us he didn't   have on-suite laundry he had it in a laundry room 
so we wanted that – But coming to the cheaper town   it wasn't just the rents that were 
cheaper everything was cheaper   the Tina's hairdresser as we've 
said in the past was cheaper it just permeated everything so our budget became 
so attainable (yeah) by moving – That gave us a lot   more money to be able to travel didn't it because 
we thought if we can save money on a daily basis   and it worked perfect didn't it – It did it was 
great, take a look at that if you do have family   that live in an area that might be cheaper or 
just consider going not knowing anybody – No it's   like a new adventure isn't it a new chapter in 
your life because we've made friends here and   they don't have any family just here but they've 
made it a new place for them haven't they – A lot   of people have moved out of the big cities to a 
small town because it's it's far more conducive to   retirement (yes) and friendlier another 
thing that you really need to consider   is where your friends are going to come from 
in retirement because once you leave work   those friendships tend to wither away because 
the only common bond you have was your job   your workplace so we've never 
really had lasting friendships from   work colleagues they've always been outside 
of there so it's it's critically important   to continue looking for friendships in retirement 
and being outgoing and prepared to speak to people   Tina when we moved to this apartment building 
they did have a social room and they did a coffee   morning and so she would go down there and we 
found out so much information about the town and   businesses to use – It was great wasn't it – It was – It 
was kind of my mission wasn't it to find out   new information and to try and make new friends 
which we did and we made some fabulous friendships   – Well in particular there was one couple that Tina 
made struck up a friendship with and they in turn   have introduced us to another couple yeah and then 
they in turn have introduced us to another couple   so that's how it goes – Yeah so now we've got 
a group of really close nice friends that we   socialize with don't we – And the thing that we have 
in common isn't an employer it's being retired   – It is isn't it – It really is so don't be afraid 
of striking out to a new city a new town   because it's relatively easy to make friendships 
– Yeah you just have to push yourself out there   a little don't you and be confident to going to 
things and it's very exciting isn't it so we hope   that everybody is staying safe – And keeping 
well – Until the next time bye bye, bye bye

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Is 1 Crore Enough To Retire? How to plan your retirement?

Hi friends, welcome to Yadnya investment academy. We are going to talk about a topic of financial planning on Friday. And today's topic is very interesting. Because this question is asked regularly on many social media channels and workshops. That people have an amount in their mind that is 1 crore rupees. We think that if we have 1 crore rupees, our life will be good. So this question remains in the mind that if I have 1 crore rupees, can I retire now? Am I financially free? I don't have any tension of retirement now. Now whatever work I am doing is extra. So that 1 crore rupees is enough. And if you have retired now and got EPF money and total is 1 crore is it enough for you? And if it is enough or not, how much can you spend in both questions, when is enough and when is not. We will touch on all those things in this video. I will explain everything through a calculator. You can check that calculator on our website as well. We cover many topics of financial planning in this session. If you want to make your own financial plan, then go to website There are many products related to financial planning.

There are 1 to 1 sessions as well. You can check that out. Now I am going to my website and I am sure you can see my screen. If you go to the tool and calculator, here you can see the retirement calculator. I don't think you will get this anywhere else. Now the question is, suppose I have 1 crore rupees, is it enough for me to retire? First of all, I will be asked what is my age? I am just giving an example, 50.

Suppose I am 50 years old, what is my life expectancy? It is important to know when you will be retiring. I think we should keep it around 90. I am keeping it at 90. How much is the expense now? If you are retiring and you have 1 crore rupees, how much do you want to spend? What is your monthly or annual expense? Suppose I am thinking that I have 6 lakh rupees. I have put 6 lakh rupees here. How much inflation are you assuming? How much will my expenses increase every year? If India's inflation is around 6-7%, then you can assume that. Suppose 7% inflation till the end of life. Current asset, how much money do I have? I will put 1 crore rupees here. I have 1 crore rupees here. I will put that here.

How do you invest this 1 crore rupees? How much return will you be able to earn? This is a very important question. What type of investment do you want to put? Do you want to put it in PPF? Do you want to put it in Senior Citizen Savings Scheme? Or do you want to put it in FDs? Or do you want to create a portfolio of Mutual Funds like Hybrid Equity Funds? This is very important. Let's take all the scenarios. Suppose I want to put it in FDs. I don't want to do anything special.

I will get 7% return in FDs. Whatever is the post tax. Or whatever you think. You get 7.5% but let's keep 7% for calculation. Let's keep 7.5%. Let's keep 8%. We have put it in bonds, Senior Citizen Savings Scheme. And there is some money in EPF. So, we have kept some money in equity. So, my 8% will earn 1 crore rupees corpus. Which is 1% over inflation. I have taken 7% inflation and 8% returns.

I have to put these 6 fields first. If I submit this, My retirement corpus is in deficit of 1 crore. This means that I need 1 crore more to develop this scenario. If I am 50 years old and I have 6 lakhs per month. And 7% inflation. And 8% growth. I need 2 crores. 1 crore is not enough. Now, let's change the scenario. What should I do if I am not able to do it.

I can either reduce it. I don't spend Rs 50,000 per month. I can do 30,000. Then we can change the amount. We have done 36,000. And then we have put this change. So, 21 lakhs is still less. So, basically it will come to 3 lakhs. So, now our retirement corpus is only 67,000 less. So, I can spend 3 lakhs per year. If I can spend Rs 25,000 per month. And if I take 7% inflation. And 8% growth. Then 1 crore is enough in 50. If I spend 25,000. If I spend 50,000 with same scenario. Then I will need 1 crore. Now, you will say that I invest in mutual funds. I know investing well. And I think that my corpus can earn 10%. If 7% is inflation. Then I think that my corpus can earn 10% per annum.

Like our approach. You must have seen many videos on retirement. If you want to understand anything. Then put it in the comment section. If I think that I can do 10%. So, let's try it on 6% after spending 3 lakhs. So, now our corpus will be 47 lakhs. So, it means that I can spend 4 lakhs or 4.5 lakhs. So, 4.2 or 4.3. Means I can spend around Rs 35,000 per month. If I can earn 10% return. Now, you will say that I have already retired. I am 60 years old. And now tell me what is this scenario. So, in that I can spend 50,000 per month. So, in 60 years also if you are earning 10% return. Then there is a deficit of 24 lakhs. If this scenario plays. You say that I have inflation. I don't spend much.

50,000 per month. Next year, I will grow according to 5%. Then it is good. 5% inflation, 10% rate of return, 1 crore rupees. You have enough. You have just enough. So, you can spend 50,000 per month. If you are 60 years old, you will get that money for 90 years. Now, there is one more thing. Many people think that I have a pension. I have a house. He is giving rental. Or I am getting pension. Suppose you are getting pension of Rs 10,000 per month. Means it comes more than that. But I think 10,000 per month. So, I am getting a pension of 1,20,000. And we will make it 7 again.

Is there any growth of pension? It seems that 2-3% growth is there. So, let's grow it by 3%. Till when will the pension come? Will it come till 90? Will it come till life expectancy or will it come soon? Many times, for limited time, money is going to come. So, we sell those things. Rental is going to come. I have to sell that house after 10 years. So, you can put that also. So, I have to get pension till last. Till 90. So, then in 6 lakhs, 7% inflation, 1 crore, 10% and all. So, then almost I am there. Means 3 lakhs is the only deficit left. So, in this way, you can find out that the money you have, is it enough for your retirement? So, now you can change the amount.

If you have 2 crore, 3 crore or 50 lakhs, then you can change the amount. Accordingly, you can find out how much expense I will have after retirement, my work will go smoothly till life expectancy which I have planned. So, this will be very very helpful for you. So, if you like Calculator, then do share this video with everyone. I think this will be very helpful to many people in retirement planning. And from the perspective of financial freedom also. And if you want our financial plans and personalized approach, if you want to understand how to get 10% rate of return, or what all I can do after retirement, then you can go to our website and call our customer service, sales team or relationship team. You can WhatsApp or call or email. And then we will reach out to you and we will surely try to help you on those things.

That is all I have. I hope, do subscribe more. Because the topics of financial planning are not going on much. So, do subscribe and like the video if you like it. Have a great time, friends. Jai Hind..

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Things We Wished We Knew Before Retirement

Well it's great to be with you all again it's 
another video day for us – It is – So things that   we wish we knew before we retired almost 
sounds like a country music song there Tina   – And I guess you must be feeling lucky 
today Norm – Oh yeah got my lucky shirt   on so because we're filming been to 
Costco – Got the great deals haven't we   – We have so one of the things that we wish we knew 
before we retired was how free it is how stress   free no longer having to get up and go through the 
morning ritual of preparing yourself to go to work   and being accountable to somebody else all 
day long it's wonderful to be accountable to   your own self and your partner that's it 
you're your own person and it's such a freeing   feeling and we saw that with Tina when she gave 
up work the amount of stress we hadn't realized   until a few years after retirement just how 
different she was she'd lost all that stress of   meeting quotas and all that good stuff – And I think 
I'll just add Norm that when you're actually doing   the job you actually don't think it is stressful 
you don't think you are under all this   stress until you stop it do something else and 
you think wow this is a lot better we like this   it's great so just being accountable to ourselves 
we love it don't we – It is totally life changing   – One thing that we do think is very important 
before you retire is you do need to have a   discussion with your partner as to what it is 
that the ideas that you're both thinking you   have when you're going to retire you do need to 
have some goals about, do you want to travel do   you want to garden or do hobbies do you want 
to stay home you really do need to have that   conversation to make sure you're both on the 
same page – I think it is it is important and   we hear a lot from some comments especially 
married women who are saying that their husband   their frightened the husband will get under their feet 
because he'll be hanging around all the time in   retirement but that really isn't the case – Not 
for us is it – We've been secure as a couple for   the longest time and retirement hasn't changed 
how we feel about each other and about what   our expectations of each other is it's not as if 
we've all of a sudden being locked up together in   retirement (no) so it is important to figure out 
what you both want out of retirement and to have   that discussion a few years before you actually 
do retire (yeah) one thing to bear in mind is   the first few years of your retirement you'll 
be your most healthy so just use that health and   strength that you do have in the early years 
to achieve some of the goals that you want   – Yeah and if you want to be traveling do it while 
you've got that – Don't think about traveling if   that's on your list just do it right away – Yeah 
absolutely and that's what we've done isn't   it when we retired we just traveled everywhere 
didn't we it was great – About two years before we   retired we had an inspector come to the house 
for I don't even remember what it was but it was   some form of home inspection that we had to and 
so we got chatting with him because he was a few   years older than us but not that much and he told 
us that he had a house very similar to ours that   he had sold and now he was living an apartment 
and he went through the whole process of them   and how they moved to the apartment and how 
it was such an improvement on their life   and it was something we'd never ever considered 
– This was big news to us wasn't it we never even   thought about renting an apartment – We had been 
homeowners since we were 19 years old so to rent   we had that preconceived idea that it was throwing 
money away but the more that we looked into it so   after he left the next couple of days we spent 
many hours thinking about this we did a budget   of how much it cost to keep our mortgage free 
home – Yeah crunched all the numbers – And what the   rent would be and if we had sold the house and it 
made more and more sense to us to sell the house   to downsize into an apartment bank the money 
from the house live off that as an investment and   that's what we did – And that's what we did didn't 
we – But had that guy not come to our house we might   never have come up with that idea – No because 
originally we had thought that we would just   buy a smaller house didn't we – That's right yeah 
– So part of our decision when we had actually now   decided that we were going to rent and we realized 
that would take care of we wouldn't have all this   maintenance and stuff like that to do we decided 
after we started looking at apartments that if   we moved to a cheaper area could we benefit by 
getting the same as what we wanted in an apartment   but would it cost us less money so the more 
we looked into it we did have a family member   who lived in a cheaper place so we looked 
at the equivalent of renting an apartment   in this new place and it was so much cheaper 
wasn't it Norm – Because we initially thought   we would just sell our house and stay in 
the same area so we started shopping for   apartments to find out how much they cost and the 
availability and we were pretty surprised that   at the expense of them but we were prepared 
to pay that (yeah) and then we came to a what   you would call it a small town that's cheaper 
(yeah) we came to visit a family member here and so   we started looking around at the apartments here 
and they were substantially cheaper about $800   a month cheaper than where we were initially going 
to – Yeah and not only that Norm there was a lot of   extras with it wasn't that we got there was 
underground parking and what else a swimming pool   – And laundry facilities in the apartment – And that 
was one thing the gentleman had told us he didn't   have on-suite laundry he had it in a laundry room 
so we wanted that – But coming to the cheaper town   it wasn't just the rents that were 
cheaper everything was cheaper   the Tina's hairdresser as we've 
said in the past was cheaper it just permeated everything so our budget became 
so attainable (yeah) by moving – That gave us a lot   more money to be able to travel didn't it because 
we thought if we can save money on a daily basis   and it worked perfect didn't it – It did it was 
great, take a look at that if you do have family   that live in an area that might be cheaper or 
just consider going not knowing anybody – No it's   like a new adventure isn't it a new chapter in 
your life because we've made friends here and   they don't have any family just here but they've 
made it a new place for them haven't they – A lot   of people have moved out of the big cities to a 
small town because it's it's far more conducive to   retirement (yes) and friendlier another 
thing that you really need to consider   is where your friends are going to come from 
in retirement because once you leave work   those friendships tend to wither away because 
the only common bond you have was your job   your workplace so we've never 
really had lasting friendships from   work colleagues they've always been outside 
of there so it's it's critically important   to continue looking for friendships in retirement 
and being outgoing and prepared to speak to people   Tina when we moved to this apartment building 
they did have a social room and they did a coffee   morning and so she would go down there and we 
found out so much information about the town and   businesses to use – It was great wasn't it – It was – It 
was kind of my mission wasn't it to find out   new information and to try and make new friends 
which we did and we made some fabulous friendships   – Well in particular there was one couple that Tina 
made struck up a friendship with and they in turn   have introduced us to another couple yeah and then 
they in turn have introduced us to another couple   so that's how it goes – Yeah so now we've got 
a group of really close nice friends that we   socialize with don't we – And the thing that we have 
in common isn't an employer it's being retired   – It is isn't it – It really is so don't be afraid 
of striking out to a new city a new town   because it's relatively easy to make friendships 
– Yeah you just have to push yourself out there   a little don't you and be confident to going to 
things and it's very exciting isn't it so we hope   that everybody is staying safe – And keeping 
well – Until the next time bye bye, bye bye

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Retirement Struggles: 2 Things I Struggled With When I Retired

what's going on everyone welcome back to the show 
so as you guys can see now I'm on the road and   I am on my way to Las Vegas there's a convention 
the National Association of broadcasters   convention and so I'm gonna go to that see what's 
going on when it comes to the new technology comes   the cameras and audio equipment things like that 
but I wanted to talk a little bit about retirement   and I just want to add on to the video that 
I posted a couple of days ago and if you guys   can do me a favor like I've I've stated in 
previous videos actually I stated only in   one video the last video that I posted about 
please support the retirement content because   YouTube is not promoting this out the same 
way that it would promote some of my other   videos so like if I post a video on a social 
security update usually YouTube will promote   that but when I talk about retirement for 
whatever reason YouTube does not promote that   now you guys can do me a favor by just hitting 
the like button subscribing to the channel   hitting the little bell notification all that 
good stuff that helps with the algorithm but   by also sharing this content with your family and 
friends and that helps with the algorithm as well   so I'm almost I'm actually almost to Vegas I've 
been driving for the last two and a half hours and   I just thought about something I wanted to talk 
a little bit about when it comes to retirement   so as you guys know if you don't know 
I retired about it's been a year in   a year and six months no not 
a year a year and four months   and one thing that I did not anticipate and this 
is I talked about some of the things in a previous   video and I'll post a link to that video so you 
can check it out but one of the things that I   didn't expect and this is more of a negative when 
it comes to retiring is that a lot of the people   that you work with so your friends at work and I 
consider friends at work and your friends that you   grew up with they're kind of in different banks 
right they're not the same because your friends   you grew up with I have friends that I grew up 
with and they've been my friends for for years   and years but when you start working somewhere 
of course you're going to develop friendships   but it's kind of a situation where I don't 
want to say it's a forced relationship   but you do have to spend a lot of time with 
those people anyway and sometimes that develops   into a relationship where you might go out 
to lunch together and you might even spend   time outside of work with them and so one of 
the things that I didn't anticipate is those   people that you do have relationships with at 
work and you go to lunch and things like that   some of those people will not be around when you 
retire so they might continue working and you   retire and you don't hear from them anymore and so 
that's one of the things that I didn't anticipate   I was thinking you know what some of these friends 
we've had a friendship for years let's say five   ten years and it was okay when we were working 
together because we saw each other a lot and   we spent time and talked about different things 
and all that but when you retire it's different   now you're not a part of of the company anymore 
you're not a part of the the the the the workforce   um and so you don't see that person very often and 
you might not have even talked to them that much   on the phone or text with them that much when 
you were working because you saw them all the   time but now that you're retired it's totally 
different because now you don't text them and   you really don't hear from them so that was 
a big thing that I had to kind of adjust to   and there are some people that I still talk with 
there are some people that I work with that I   still talk to on a regular basis that I go out 
to lunch with even now that I'm retired I still   got to go out to lunch with them and spend time 
with them but some of those people I was already   doing that before I mean that it was already it 
was already established like I met them at work   but we already had a friendship outside of work 
and so that friendship was able to continue   where is there some other people that I had 
relationships with didn't really spend too   much time outside of work with them and those 
are the people that you you really don't hear   from maybe I'll hear from them once in a blue moon 
if someone got fired and they wanted to share this   information with me for whatever reason that that 
kind of stuff where something happened that was   drastic at work where they want to share that with 
you and so I think it's just something that you   should think about when you retire who's still 
going to be around as your friends and who is   not going to talk to you anymore or pretty 
much they're going about their business and   you're not a part of their life anymore and like I 
stated I've had I have friends that I grew up with   and they're still my friends today and I spend 
time with them so this is not anything for me   it's not a big deal but it's just an observation 
it's something that I didn't really anticipate I   was thinking that some of the people that I 
spent a lot of time with at work I probably   still be in touch with them after I stop working 
there but it is it it's not that's not the case   and so I just wanted to mention them now there 
are some other things when it comes to retirement   that are were Shockers to me things that aren't 
really you know positive and I wanted I talked   about in the previous video I talked about all 
the the positives of retirement and they're   the positives far outweigh the negatives when it 
comes to retiring and so I just wanted to mention   this and I'm really when it comes down to it 
if you are in a situation where you have the   opportunity to retire especially if you have 
the opportunity to retire when you're younger   and you can afford to do that I highly highly 
recommend taking taking that that uh that leap   because there are so many things that you can 
benefit from if you retire and what some people do   is they will especially if you work 
where you're receiving a pension   what a lot of people will do is they'll go ahead 
and retire and start pulling that tension in and   then go somewhere else and get another 
job in in the law enforcement community   this is very common you see this a lot because 
you're working in law enforcement you're working   for the government you're usually going to receive 
a pension and they will take that pension and then   go and they can do the same job go to another 
agency that has a different Retirement System   and then they can collect their pension 
after they've retired from the the first   uh the first law enforcement job and then go 
to another law enforcement job and double dip   and so that's very very common and not you know 
I'm not talking about just police officers and   things like that I'm talking about people 
who work for a government in general so it   doesn't even have to be just law enforcement most 
government jobs they have pension plans set up   and so they will do that exact same thing 
they'll leave they'll go somewhere else and   they'll they'll be able to collect a pension 
as well as work another job and and double dip   and so that's another option but I I highly 
recommend as soon as you can if you can retire   do it there are a lot of people out there that 
are struggling at work and they might not ever   be able to retire and that's really sad and 
there's some people that are doing fine at work   and they can retire but they don't know 
what they're going to do when they retire   and so they just continue to work and just my 
opinion that's the wrong the wrong way to do   things not everybody I mean some people they 
love their job and that's why they stay there   and they they don't know what they would do 
without their job and I completely understand   that one of the other negatives when it comes to 
retiring is now you're no longer on a schedule   whereas when I was working I had a schedule 
got up at a certain time in the morning Monday   through Friday eight at a certain time 
in the morning got to work ate lunch at   a certain time everything was was structured 
whereas when you retire that structure is gone   and that's one thing that I had to to learn really 
fast was I need to have a structure so if that   means me creating my own structure or something 
working a part-time job or doing something I need   to have that structure because if not then I end 
up not doing anything for days on end where it's   like okay I I plan to do something and then I 
just keep putting it off because I don't have   that structure and so that's something that's 
really important and something that I've learned   just in this year and a half that I've been 
been retired I've learned the importance of   I need to be on a on a schedule and I need to 
stick to that schedule so I can get things done   and so I just wanted to share that with you 
guys and those are the two main things there   when it comes to retirement that I've noticed 
just in this last a little over a year   the fact that some of your friends at work you're 
probably not going to hear from when you retire   and the schedule aspect you need to be on the 
schedule and I say that I shouldn't say you   need I need to be on a schedule in order to get 
things done when I retire because that's just the   way way I am and I've been working for the vast 
majority of my adult life on a schedule and so   it's hard to be off the schedule when you retire 
and so I just wanted to share that now I want   you guys in the comments below if you guys can do 
me a favor let me know some of the the struggles   that you found in retirement so let me know that 
in the comments below and if you like this video   please give me a thumbs up please subscribe for 
more next time you guys see me I'm going to be   in Las Vegas and I will continue to post videos 
every day so that's not going to change but I   just wanted to give you guys a quick update and 
yes I'm on my way to Vegas next time you see me   it'll probably be me shooting a video out of the 
hotel so it'll be a little different environment   and I might even show you some some stuff from 
the the actual uh the conference that I'm going to   so that's all I have like the video 
subscribe for more please share like   I said please share this video with others and 
I will talk to you guys in the next one goodbye

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Retirement Struggles: 2 Things I Struggled With When I Retired

what's going on everyone welcome back to the show 
so as you guys can see now I'm on the road and   I am on my way to Las Vegas there's a convention 
the National Association of broadcasters   convention and so I'm gonna go to that see what's 
going on when it comes to the new technology comes   the cameras and audio equipment things like that 
but I wanted to talk a little bit about retirement   and I just want to add on to the video that 
I posted a couple of days ago and if you guys   can do me a favor like I've I've stated in 
previous videos actually I stated only in   one video the last video that I posted about 
please support the retirement content because   YouTube is not promoting this out the same 
way that it would promote some of my other   videos so like if I post a video on a social 
security update usually YouTube will promote   that but when I talk about retirement for 
whatever reason YouTube does not promote that   now you guys can do me a favor by just hitting 
the like button subscribing to the channel   hitting the little bell notification all that 
good stuff that helps with the algorithm but   by also sharing this content with your family and 
friends and that helps with the algorithm as well   so I'm almost I'm actually almost to Vegas I've 
been driving for the last two and a half hours and   I just thought about something I wanted to talk 
a little bit about when it comes to retirement   so as you guys know if you don't know 
I retired about it's been a year in   a year and six months no not 
a year a year and four months   and one thing that I did not anticipate and this 
is I talked about some of the things in a previous   video and I'll post a link to that video so you 
can check it out but one of the things that I   didn't expect and this is more of a negative when 
it comes to retiring is that a lot of the people   that you work with so your friends at work and I 
consider friends at work and your friends that you   grew up with they're kind of in different banks 
right they're not the same because your friends   you grew up with I have friends that I grew up 
with and they've been my friends for for years   and years but when you start working somewhere 
of course you're going to develop friendships   but it's kind of a situation where I don't 
want to say it's a forced relationship   but you do have to spend a lot of time with 
those people anyway and sometimes that develops   into a relationship where you might go out 
to lunch together and you might even spend   time outside of work with them and so one of 
the things that I didn't anticipate is those   people that you do have relationships with at 
work and you go to lunch and things like that   some of those people will not be around when you 
retire so they might continue working and you   retire and you don't hear from them anymore and so 
that's one of the things that I didn't anticipate   I was thinking you know what some of these friends 
we've had a friendship for years let's say five   ten years and it was okay when we were working 
together because we saw each other a lot and   we spent time and talked about different things 
and all that but when you retire it's different   now you're not a part of of the company anymore 
you're not a part of the the the the the workforce   um and so you don't see that person very often and 
you might not have even talked to them that much   on the phone or text with them that much when 
you were working because you saw them all the   time but now that you're retired it's totally 
different because now you don't text them and   you really don't hear from them so that was 
a big thing that I had to kind of adjust to   and there are some people that I still talk with 
there are some people that I work with that I   still talk to on a regular basis that I go out 
to lunch with even now that I'm retired I still   got to go out to lunch with them and spend time 
with them but some of those people I was already   doing that before I mean that it was already it 
was already established like I met them at work   but we already had a friendship outside of work 
and so that friendship was able to continue   where is there some other people that I had 
relationships with didn't really spend too   much time outside of work with them and those 
are the people that you you really don't hear   from maybe I'll hear from them once in a blue moon 
if someone got fired and they wanted to share this   information with me for whatever reason that that 
kind of stuff where something happened that was   drastic at work where they want to share that with 
you and so I think it's just something that you   should think about when you retire who's still 
going to be around as your friends and who is   not going to talk to you anymore or pretty 
much they're going about their business and   you're not a part of their life anymore and like I 
stated I've had I have friends that I grew up with   and they're still my friends today and I spend 
time with them so this is not anything for me   it's not a big deal but it's just an observation 
it's something that I didn't really anticipate I   was thinking that some of the people that I 
spent a lot of time with at work I probably   still be in touch with them after I stop working 
there but it is it it's not that's not the case   and so I just wanted to mention them now there 
are some other things when it comes to retirement   that are were Shockers to me things that aren't 
really you know positive and I wanted I talked   about in the previous video I talked about all 
the the positives of retirement and they're   the positives far outweigh the negatives when it 
comes to retiring and so I just wanted to mention   this and I'm really when it comes down to it 
if you are in a situation where you have the   opportunity to retire especially if you have 
the opportunity to retire when you're younger   and you can afford to do that I highly highly 
recommend taking taking that that uh that leap   because there are so many things that you can 
benefit from if you retire and what some people do   is they will especially if you work 
where you're receiving a pension   what a lot of people will do is they'll go ahead 
and retire and start pulling that tension in and   then go somewhere else and get another 
job in in the law enforcement community   this is very common you see this a lot because 
you're working in law enforcement you're working   for the government you're usually going to receive 
a pension and they will take that pension and then   go and they can do the same job go to another 
agency that has a different Retirement System   and then they can collect their pension 
after they've retired from the the first   uh the first law enforcement job and then go 
to another law enforcement job and double dip   and so that's very very common and not you know 
I'm not talking about just police officers and   things like that I'm talking about people 
who work for a government in general so it   doesn't even have to be just law enforcement most 
government jobs they have pension plans set up   and so they will do that exact same thing 
they'll leave they'll go somewhere else and   they'll they'll be able to collect a pension 
as well as work another job and and double dip   and so that's another option but I I highly 
recommend as soon as you can if you can retire   do it there are a lot of people out there that 
are struggling at work and they might not ever   be able to retire and that's really sad and 
there's some people that are doing fine at work   and they can retire but they don't know 
what they're going to do when they retire   and so they just continue to work and just my 
opinion that's the wrong the wrong way to do   things not everybody I mean some people they 
love their job and that's why they stay there   and they they don't know what they would do 
without their job and I completely understand   that one of the other negatives when it comes to 
retiring is now you're no longer on a schedule   whereas when I was working I had a schedule 
got up at a certain time in the morning Monday   through Friday eight at a certain time 
in the morning got to work ate lunch at   a certain time everything was was structured 
whereas when you retire that structure is gone   and that's one thing that I had to to learn really 
fast was I need to have a structure so if that   means me creating my own structure or something 
working a part-time job or doing something I need   to have that structure because if not then I end 
up not doing anything for days on end where it's   like okay I I plan to do something and then I 
just keep putting it off because I don't have   that structure and so that's something that's 
really important and something that I've learned   just in this year and a half that I've been 
been retired I've learned the importance of   I need to be on a on a schedule and I need to 
stick to that schedule so I can get things done   and so I just wanted to share that with you 
guys and those are the two main things there   when it comes to retirement that I've noticed 
just in this last a little over a year   the fact that some of your friends at work you're 
probably not going to hear from when you retire   and the schedule aspect you need to be on the 
schedule and I say that I shouldn't say you   need I need to be on a schedule in order to get 
things done when I retire because that's just the   way way I am and I've been working for the vast 
majority of my adult life on a schedule and so   it's hard to be off the schedule when you retire 
and so I just wanted to share that now I want   you guys in the comments below if you guys can do 
me a favor let me know some of the the struggles   that you found in retirement so let me know that 
in the comments below and if you like this video   please give me a thumbs up please subscribe for 
more next time you guys see me I'm going to be   in Las Vegas and I will continue to post videos 
every day so that's not going to change but I   just wanted to give you guys a quick update and 
yes I'm on my way to Vegas next time you see me   it'll probably be me shooting a video out of the 
hotel so it'll be a little different environment   and I might even show you some some stuff from 
the the actual uh the conference that I'm going to   so that's all I have like the video 
subscribe for more please share like   I said please share this video with others and 
I will talk to you guys in the next one goodbye

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What is One Emotional Challenge In Retirement – Great Tips (2021)

hi this is the second video in the obstacles.
in retired life collection covering numerous functional ideas on just how you can mentally prepare for your.
retirement and also the various reasons why you need to do this welcome to plan desires my name is jeffrey.
knowles today i will certainly be looking at two areas commonly forgotten by retired people that will help you in.
satisfying the emotional challenges that you will certainly experience in your retirement one of one of the most.
usual things i hear regularly are individuals that claim they wish to retire however they wear'' t. recognize what they would certainly do or a day when they retire some of these individuals also have the economic side.
of their retired life when we'' re truly covered what i do understand from a number of research study studies in my own.
experience is that people need to have a purpose for numerous people planning their retirement has.
been only focused on attaining their economic objective they mistakenly think that this is all.
they require to accomplish to allow them to retire what most of individuals have fallen short to.
do is invest sufficient time on taking into consideration what they will certainly do each day of their lives.
as soon as they do not have to go to function any longer so what is going to fill the 40 to 50 hours a.
week of your life that you when spent functioning so what is your purpose going to remain in.
retired life an absence of enough non-financial retired life planning is the primary reason lots of.
people utter the phrase i put on'' t intend to retire or i wear'' t see myself being retired as they can not.
seek any purpose in their life beyond work for many individuals this is sad i'' ve constantly thought the.
idea of functioning as a method to build up money to achieve the liberty to do the things i wanted.
to do or the ability to purchase items i needed or desired not an end in itself if you enjoy.
working or can still function and also that makes you happy and also it gives you the sensation of fulfillment.
congratulations keep working or else like numerous millions of various other people they desire to retire.
as they are dissatisfied with the day-to-day work of mosting likely to function the limitless non-productive meetings.
managing undesirable co-workers or customers as well as self-important employers their employment.
doesn'' t offer them with any type of sense of satisfaction or function it is just a means to an.
end frequently it is up until they can land another job or have adequate financial savings so they can retire.
with the level of economic liberty unshackled from the monetary supervisors that have actually accepted.
them using home mortgages as well as bank card debt you as a result require devoted even more time to.
consider what retirement will suggest for you mentally and also in your life instead.
than totally from a dollar viewpoint retirement is the opportunity to move into.
an additional stage of life it is an opportunity for you to pursue various goals begin your new trip.
along new paths it must be something you desire to welcome with every one of your enthusiasm remember your.
economic retirement is the goal to achieve to enter this next phase of your life your.
non-financial emotional strategy is all regarding your mental preparation for your retired life in.
other words it is what you are going to be doing your purpose what is going to offer you.
happiness and significance as soon as you retire question i have for you are you among these individuals.
wondering what you'' ll be doing in retirement not exactly sure of your life purpose i'' d love to hear.
your thoughts about this please leave a comment remaining emotionally as well as literally active research study.
continuously sustains the reality that continuing to be both psychologically tested and literally.
energetic assists to stop or reduces a wide variety of deadly threats and diseases in.
retired life like stroke or heart failure diabetes there are psychological issues such as stress and anxiety and also.
depression boosts our memory and concentration likewise improves our total physical health.
so see to it you consist of some physical task or exercise right into your regular or daily.
schedule throughout your retired life years this can be anything from walking yoga swimming weight.
training tennis gardening dance playing golf bear in mind additionally to challenge on your own emotionally each.
day by taking on a variety of jobs this has been shown through various researches to be of.
advantages such as doing crosswords or sudoku meditation learning an additional language or.
learning to play a music instrument start setting some goals one of one of the most.
useful pointers i have for you to begin discovering your objective in your retirement is to deal with.
an objective to accomplish this i suggest you start establishing some objectives or turning points and also create.
an action strategy or in various other words damage them down to easy and very easy possible points to do.
to accomplish often write them down placed them as notes or schedule events into your.
phone so you can function in the direction of them and have a pointer that stands out up on your phone to do that.
this might seem counter-intuitive considering that you simply vacated an everyday job routine yet studies.
have revealed that senior citizens with scheduled tasks often tend to be better than those who didn'' t having a.
new routine supplies you with a sense of function for instance need to join your physical task.
as a concern on an everyday or once a week basis and prior to you schedule any various other activity.
that you need to finish throughout the day this will certainly thrust you forward motivate and aid.
you prioritize your time increase your self-esteem due to the fact that once you have completed your concern.
task such as mosting likely to the fitness center or swimming they will offer you with a sense of.
success and also accomplishment for the remainder of the day a simple suggestion to aid you start.
living your retirement life to the greatest with a sense of function college research studies have.
discovered individuals with a solid feeling of objective offer themselves with a feeling of satisfaction.
with life even if you are experiencing an attempting day train on financial goals are you intending to.
be doing often which will certainly offer you a function when you retire allow me understand by leaving.
a comment listed below right now many thanks for seeing.

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Things We Wished We Knew Before Retirement

Well it'' s great to be with you all once more it'' s. one more video clip day for us – It is – So points that we wish we knew before we retired virtually.
sounds like a nation songs song there Tina – As well as I think you have to be really feeling fortunate.
today Norm – Oh yeah got my lucky t shirt on so due to the fact that we'' re filming been to.
Costco – Got the terrific bargains sanctuary'' t we -We have so among the things that we desire we recognized.
prior to we retired was how cost-free it is how stress totally free no more needing to get up and go through the.
early morning ritual of preparing on your own to visit function as well as being liable to someone else all.
I'' ll just include Norm that when you'' re really getting the job done you actually wear'' t believe it is stressful.
you wear'' t believe you are under all this stress and anxiety up until you stop it do something else and also.
you assume wow this is a lot far better we like this it'' s terrific so simply being accountable to ourselves.
we love it put on'' t we -It is completely life transforming – One point that we do believe is extremely important.
before you retire is you do need to have a discussion with your companion regarding what it is.
that the suggestions that you'' re both assuming you'have when you ' re going
to retire you do require to. have some objectives about, do you desire to take a trip do you desire to yard or do hobbies do you desire. to stay at home you'really do require to have that discussion to ensure you ' re both on the. very same page- I believe it is it is important and we hear a whole lot from some comments especially. wives who are claiming that their spouse their scared the hubby will certainly get under their feet.
because he'' ll be hanging around constantly in retirement yet that actually isn'' t the situation – Not. for us is it -We ' ve been safe and secure as a pair for the lengthiest time and also retirement hasn'' t transformed.
just how we feel about each various other and about what our assumptions of each other is it'' s not as if'. we ' ve all of an abrupt being secured together in retired life (no) so it is essential to figure out.
what you both desire out of retired life as well as to have that conversation a couple of years prior to you actually.
do retire (yeah) one point to birth in mind is the very first couple of years of your retired life you''
ll. be your most healthy so simply make use of that health and wellness and toughness that you do have in the early years.
to accomplish a few of the goals that you want – Yeah and also if you wish to be taking a trip do it while.
you'' ve obtained that -Don ' t think of taking a trip if that'' s on your checklist just do it as soon as possible – Yeah.
absolutely and that'' s what we ' ve done isn ' t it when we retired we just traveled all over.
didn'' t we it was terrific -About 2 years prior to we retired we had actually an assessor involved your home.
for I put on'' t even remember what it was but it was some form of home assessment that we had to and also.
We obtained talking with him because he was a few years older than us yet not that much and also he informed.
us that he had a house really comparable to ours that he had marketed and also currently he was living an apartment.
and he went with the entire procedure of them and also exactly how they moved to the apartment or condo and also how.
it was such a renovation on their life and it was something we'' d never ever taken into consideration.- This was big information to us wasn'' t it we never ever also thought of renting out an apartment – We had been.
homeowners because we were 19 years old so to rent we had that preconceived notion that it was tossing.
money away however the a lot more that we considered it so after he left the next couple of days we invested.
lots of hrs assuming about this we did a spending plan of exactly how much it cost to keep our home mortgage complimentary.
home – Yeah ground all the numbers – As well as what the rental fee would certainly be as well as if we had actually marketed your house and it.
made an increasing number of sense to us to offer the house to downsize into an apartment financial institution the money.
from your home live off that as a financial investment and also that'' s what we did- As well as that ' s what we did didn'' t. we -Yet had that guy not involve our home we could never ever have generated that suggestion – No since.
originally we had actually believed that we would certainly simply buy a smaller home didn'' t we- That ' s appropriate yeah.- So component of our decision when we had actually currently determined that we were going to rent out and we recognized.
that would certainly deal with we wouldn'' t have all this maintenance as well as things like that to do we made a decision.
after we began checking out apartments that if we transferred to a more affordable area might we profit by.
obtaining the like what we desired in an apartment or condo but would it cost us less money so the a lot more.
we checked out it we did have a family members participant that resided in a cheaper location so we looked.
at the equivalent of renting an apartment in this brand-new area as well as it was a lot less expensive.
wasn'' t it Standard -Since we initially thought we would just market our residence and remain in.
the exact same location so we began shopping for apartment or condos to locate out just how much they cost and also the.
schedule as well as we were pretty surprised that at the cost of them but we were prepared.
to pay that (yeah) and afterwards we concerned a what you would certainly call it a village that'' s less expensive.( yeah )we concerned go to a family members member below therefore we started checking out at the homes here.
as well as they were significantly less costly regarding $800 a month cheaper than where we were initially going.
to – Yeah as well as not only that Standard there was a great deal of bonus with it wasn'' t that we obtained there was.
below ground car park and what else a swimming pool – And also laundry centers in the house – As well as that.
was one point the gent had informed us he didn'' t have on-suite washing he had it in a washing room.
so we desired that – But involving the less costly town it wasn'' t simply the rental fees that were.
cheaper whatever was less costly the Tina'' s beautician as we''
ve. stated in the past was more affordable it simply permeated whatever so our budget plan came to be.
so achievable (yeah) by relocating – That offered us a lot more money to be able to travel didn'' t it due to the fact that. we believed if we can save money every day and it worked best didn'' t it -It did it was. great, have a look at that if you do have household that live in a location that could be cheaper or.
simply consider going not recognizing anyone – No it'' s like a new journey isn'' t it a brand-new chapter in. your life since we'' ve made pals below as well as they wear'' t have any household simply right here but they''
ve. made it a new place for them place'' t they- A lot of individuals have relocated out of the big cities to a.
town since it'' s it ' s much more for retirement (yes) and also friendlier another.
thing that you truly require to take into consideration is where your buddies are going to originate from.
in retirement due to the fact that once you leave work those friendships often tend to perish away because.
the only typical bond you have was your task your work environment so we'' ve never ever.
truly had long-term relationships from work coworkers they'' ve constantly been outdoors.
of there so it'' s it ' s seriously important to proceed searching for friendships in retired life.
and being outward bound as well as prepared to speak with individuals Tina when we transferred to this apartment.
they did have a social area and they did a coffee early morning and so she would drop there as well as we.
learnt so much details concerning the town as well as businesses to utilize – It was excellent wasn'' t it – It was -It. was kind of my objective wasn ' t it to learn new details as well as to try and also make brand-new close friends.
which we did as well as we made some wonderful relationships – Well particularly there was one pair that Tina.
made struck up a friendship with and they subsequently have actually introduced us to one more couple yeah and after that.
they consequently have actually presented us to an additional couple to ensure that'' s exactly how it goes -Yeah so now we'' ve obtained.
a team of truly close nice friends that we socialize with put on'' t we -And also the important things that we have. alike isn ' t an employer it ' s being retired – It is isn ' t it -It actually is so put on ' t be worried. of setting out to a brand-new city a new community because it'' s relatively simple to make friendships.
– Yeah you just have to press on your own available a little put on'' t you as well as be confident to going to.
points and it'' s extremely interesting isn ' t it so we hope that everybody is staying secure – And also keeping.
well – Till the next time bye bye, bye bye.

Achievable (yeah) by relocating – That gave us a whole lot more cash to be able to travel didn'' t it because.

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