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How to Retire in 9 Years Starting With ZERO (A 5-Step Guide)

are you over the age of 50 with no plan in sight for your retirement don't worry there's still hope it's never too late to get started hey guys welcome back to the channel in today's video we're going to teach you some tips on how to plan for your retirement even if you are starting late in life first of all you need to know that retirement is freedom which means that when you retire you should be able to do whatever you want whether to travel to your favorite destinations spend more time with your family or work on your own projects so let me take you through the steps of your journey to financial freedom first step is to cut your expenses write down all your monthly expenses think of your main fundamental expenses as your running cost as if you're running a company things like rent builds groceries internet so you can watch more of our videos and car payment remember that you could always find cheaper alternatives for some of your main expenses for example you could always move to a cheaper house and save on your rent or if you have a rental car you could rent a cheaper car that also matches your needs the key here is not to minimize your quality of life but to minimize the amount you spend on that quality now write down the other expenses that you could survive without this might differ from one person to another it could be your netflix or amazon prime subscription or it could be the designer clothes that you usually buy these are the items that you could totally scratch from your expenses the more you cut the more you save and in the fifth step i'm going to tell you how we are going to use all this extra money to get you even more money always remember that it's not about how much you earn is what you keep you could be earning much more than others but you're also spending much more than they do keep monitoring your expenses you can do this through a simple written list or even through apps such as zoho expense or expense point second step is to set your expectations remember when we said in the beginning of our video that retirement is freedom well you need to think of your freedom figure which is basically the amount of money you expect per year after your retirement now multiply this number by 25 i'm sure you will get a crazy seven figure number this is going to be your goal i bet you're thinking now that it's impossible but please don't close the video yet because in the last two steps i'm going to show you how you can make this possible you need to lower your expectations for the time being in order to get those results in the future it's a match a fight if you will wealth versus cash flow set your own goals for now and for the future not based on what you see around you or on social media it doesn't have to be a 25 million dollar mansion in beverly hills a huge yacht and a supercar but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be enjoying your retirement it's about being realistic and aware of your situation what you can achieve in the future third step is to consider working longer now i know what you must be thinking i'm watching this video to know how to retire early but bear with me you may retire by the age of 60 or even 65.

But if you retire by the age of 70 you are increasing your social security check to nearly double plus there's also more money going into your 401k what's 401k oh you didn't know well i will explain this in the next step if you can't bear the thought of staying at your current job any longer than you need to then you should look into quitting your current job and finding another one something that you will enjoy more you you'll be surprised at the amount of companies that are currently looking for workers with experience be aware of your physical health keep up with your regular medical check-ups eat healthfully do any form of physical exercise could be something as small as taking a relaxing walk every day all this keeps you energetic so that you may continue working at the top of your game fourth step is to open an investment account this account could be funded by the money you save as a result of cutting expenses remember step one or you could open a 401k account if you don't already have one a 401k plan is a company sponsored retirement account where employers can contribute their income and employers usually match contributions up to a certain amount there are two basic types of 401ks traditionally and roth which differ primarily in how they're taxed with a traditional 401k employee contributions are pre-tax meaning they've reduced taxable income ban withdrawals are taxed during retirement employee contributions to rough 401ks are made with after tax income there's no tax deduction in the contribution year but withdrawals are tax-free so if you don't have a 401k yet what are you waiting for start one and make use of all this non-taxable income now it's time to invest your money which takes us to the last step the fifth and last step is to increase your income well you can always ask for a raise in your current job if the thought of asking for more pay sounds daunting then you can try looking for a new job with a better salary which may not be as challenging as you think there are many ways to promote your skills and experience to other companies you can upload your resume to sites such as or let the companies come to you but there is an even easier way to increase your income through a side hustle one of the easiest ways to do so is through creating an amazon individual seller account it's free to create but you need to pay a commission of 99 cents for every sale that you make on amazon not intrigued yet hear this according to a recent survey of amazon sellers twenty percent make between one thousand dollars and five thousand dollars per month which i believe is great for a side hustle or even a decent second income you can even sell your own private label products on amazon around 67 percent of all amazon sellers run their business using the private label method private labeling is a process of manufacturing a pre-existing item preferably with product improvements putting your branding and logos on it and selling it to consumers sometimes it is referred to as wide labeling or brand creation the process has been around for years and is common in countless retail stores targets mainstays brand and walmart's great value are two examples of private label brands your site hustle could also be building websites or content writing there are millions of ways to start a site hustle it's all based on the set of tools that you possess be sure to check out my videos covering this topic and i'll post a link in the description below and remember you can always learn a new skill and this skill could be your next source of income so never stop learning another way to increase your income is by creating a passive income stream passive means you don't actually need to actively trade your time for money you are basically making money while you sleep there are three ways to earn passive income stock markets you don't need to call a local broker anymore there are plenty of applications that you can use to trade stocks that's what makes it the easiest way to gain passive income i'll post some links in the description below for some of my favorite exchanges that i use to trade stocks and crypto cryptocurrency is part of the new modern era with many ways for you to earn passively if you are willing to accept its high risk prices of cryptocurrencies including bitcoin have been falling in 2022 amid a worldwide crypto price crash this could also mark a perfect opportunity to buy with prices being so low check out this video i made where i go over the top five cryptos that billionaire kevin o'leary from shark tank is currently investing in but remember be wise when investing in crypto never put in more than you are willing to lose other options include real estate it's harder to get into it as you need to save up enough to pay for a down payment once purchase you can then get a tenant to rent out the house which will cover payments on the mortgage and hopefully a bit more use any cash flow to pay down the principal faster after a few years you will have paid off the house and can now enjoy some free cash flow from your rental property the earlier you start doing this the sooner you can pay off the mortgage debt now that we have been through each of the five steps of your journey to freedom keep this in mind your life is not going to change unless you take the initiative a nine to five job alone is not enough to build wealth have faith in yourself have faith in your abilities you're not alone in this situation and if other people can do it so can you improve your physical and mental health this will keep you more focused and energetic to work on your goals and it saves you from spending a lot of money down the road on treatment and medications this is it for me today i hope this video has given you as much hope as it did to me don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe to our channel watch our previous videos you never know what piece of information could change your life

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