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6 Retirement Essentials (Most people only prepared 2 or 3)

I'm planning for retirement most people focus 
mostly on marshaling together enough money you   know Financial Resources so that they can last 
the distance and then maybe at the back of their   heads they have some vague plan right perhaps 
two or three things to fill the time with a lot   of the times this is stuff like travel family 
well unfortunately I'm gonna say that's not   quite nearly enough for Preparation we ourselves 
have been retired for two years and going looking   back on the past two years I kind of see like 
six essential things that if you prep for it   beforehand before your retirement starts I think 
this can really make such a positive difference   to your retirement so that's what I wanted 
to bring up and discuss with you guys today   number one first and foremost of course we have 
to talk about money most people's concern is the   amount of money that they have in retirement 
whether it will last them till the end come   comfortably and allow them to afford the Hobbies 
like travel good food Etc but I actually think   after going through the last two years building up 
our financial Acumen is just as important if not   more so what do I mean by Financial Acumen I mean 
stuff like budgeting tracking projecting investing   I mean if you think about it the money in your 
bank account can always be squandered we all   know that story I think more importantly what's 
going to make your retirement more fireproof is   having an ability to generate more money where 
it came from in the first place so the second   essential thing that you can prepare for so that 
you have a wonderful retirement it's definitely   the ability to be self-directing and disciplined 
self-direction definitely helps so much with   spending your retirement days meaningfully right 
after all there are no more like work schedules   or like demands from colleagues or bosses to help 
shape your days anymore you have to be the person   to take charge in retirement there's a study out 
there actually that shows that for happily retired   folks most of them actually have about 3.6 core 
Pursuits that's what they say and the unheably   retired folks tend to have less than 3.6 corporate 
suits coming in at about 1.9 call Pursuits that's   what the study reflected I guess it kind of just 
shows in retirement you really need to fill your   life to the brim and keep busy with activities 
you love and that is a really great formula for   happiness and self-direction will help you 
to achieve that state as well as discipline   because if you think about it like discipline 
directly affects the state of your finances right   it affects whether you stick with your retirement 
planning whether you keep fit and active and you   get to maintain your health in retirement even 
whilst you're left up to your own devices even   to find your cover suits if you don't have any 
when you're starting or in your retirement so   discipline and self-direction will be like 
the building blocks for enjoying your life   in retirement the third essential thing you might 
want to work on and cultivate or happy retirement   is people skills right so studies and research 
have reflected very consistently that the main   determining factor for happiness and Longevity 
for most of us is actually relationships Human   Relationships friendships relationship with 
your spouse and with your family I guess if   you look at most of us you know we all have 
a little need of work on some social skills   in some aspect I mean some of us are a bit shy 
paper hats or graph or maybe socially anxious   working on our people skills really will help us 
to get along and live happily with our spouse and   family members and also importantly to make 
new friendships at whatever age we all know   that making new friends gets a lot more difficult 
as we get older I mean I haven't heard anyone say   otherwise for me personally making new friends 
as I get older is the biggest challenge there's   this huge feeling that nothing can replace 
friendships with people who have known you   all your life but it is also a challenge as I 
have chosen to exercise through Arbitrage in   our retirement and we've moved away from home 
so those friends aren't with us in our present   I find that it takes a lot of intention I have 
to consciously push myself to broaden my Social   Circles and make the effort to get to know people 
on a more intimate basis I am also very happy   to be able to say that it has paid off in that for 
the last two years in Bali I have actually made   two or three new friends that I'm happy to say are 
kindred spirits and not just social acquaintances   so that's very nice and it's a huge Comfort to our 
daily life here in a foreign land away from home   now before we move on a big thank you to 
Mumu Singapore for sponsoring this video   Singapore is an online trading platform for 
stocks ETFs and options I've been using the   MooMoo mobile trading app myself for almost 
a year now and I think it's awesome it's   fast intuitive trading US Stocks is commission 
free plus they give free level to data and many   more perks now for a limited time when you open a 
Mumu Singapore Universal account they'll give you   a year of commission free trading of Singapore 
stocks ETFs and reads if you're trading us and   Singapore stocks just switching to the MooMoo 
app will save you so much money already when   you deposit at least a hundred same dollars and 
start using the mobile app to trade you stand   to receive cash coupons up to 128 Sing dollars 
and even a free Coca-Cola share worth around 87   subscribe two thousand Sing dollars or more into 
funds on the MooMoo fun Hub and MooMoo will give   you cash coupons up to 150 Sing dollars subscribe 
at least 100 Sing dollar us to Momo cache plus   and they'll throw in an additional tensing 
dollars cashback altogether that's 368 Sing   dollars worth of Welcome rewards absolutely free 
just for using the Momo app so if you're actively   investing anyhow I recommend checking out the 
MooMoo ad using my link in the description below   now back to the video the fourth essential 
thing that you can definitely work on and that   will benefit your retirement tremendously it's 
actually courage you're definitely gonna need lots   of courage in retirement and I guess this isn't 
a skill exactly it's kind of more of a quality   but in retirement you need a lot of courage 
to even plunge into retirement you need the   courage to you know take that leap of faith to 
stop putting it off due to fear of the unknown   feel or financial insecurities so then it's all 
about courage at that stage not let fear and   insecurity rule your life and your decisions it 
is also the courage to recognize that in life at   the start at the end in the middle the Domino's 
you need are never all nicely lined up you know   at some point you just got to jump into it and 
then learn to cross the obstacles as they come   so for retirement long term I guess the 
biggest issue most commonly is always money   but my perspective on this is that hey budgets 
can always be reduced money can always be earned   or recouped or whatever happens so I still 
think that you know it is actually beneficial   to Advocate an approach whereby you get to 
a point where you feel that you have most of   your Ducks lined up you've planned well you've 
prepped for it grab hold of your courage with   both hands and then take the plunge people tend 
to think of retirement as the end but it's not   it's the start of a new phase where you should be 
trying so many new things new Pursuits new ways   to live and for each of these new adventures 
you're gonna need courage to take action and   once you have taken the plunge you'll find the 
next fifth thing very very useful and that would   be a mentality of resilience especially in early 
retirement there are a lot more decades ahead of   you you know and therefore a lot more chances that 
they things can go wrong whether it be down to bad   financial planning or perhaps an unexpected Health 
catastrophe or even sometimes natural disasters   whatever comes I guess you will always need that 
strength of Will and the resilience so that you   can roll with the punches and then get back up 
you want to know that you have the mental strength   that even if things go pear-shaped you won't just 
give up and lose hope and certain Corner you've   got to Marshall what you've got inside you go out 
there find Solutions perhaps if necessary you've   got to go back to work but know that later on 
you can return to retirement and try again so the   sex essential thing that I believe will benefit 
everyone in retirement is to cultivate an attitude   of gratitude we all know life is a very long 
journey hopefully at least and so much of what   we Chase using most of our years actually doesn't 
really matter in the big picture once you have   taken a step back and then at that point is when 
you start realizing the earlier you cultivate and   attitude of gratitude and that appreciation for 
the simple little things that are probably around   you everywhere every day the happier you probably 
will be and it sounds silly but it's not really   automatic I mean we all live and grow up and 
work and go to school in a society that kind of   innovates us with messages that we need to reach 
for more have more ambition gives us you know that   High definitions of success in life that we 
have to try to jump to reach and nobody sings   the Praises of the pleasures of a simple cup of 
tea you know the importance of family time with   your loved ones or or just the pleasure of being 
able to take an evening walk on the beach with   your dog so I think that it's very important that 
somebody reminds you that you know you can not   overload what you already have what you're already 
surrounded by growing that muscle of appreciation   so that in each and every moment you are present 
in your own life you see all the little Joys that   you're surrounded with every day and if you 
live life like that I think that will help   you achieve contentment with just the small stuff 
around you and that's what majority of your life   in retirement may be about is just a small stuff 
every day but in my own retirement here in Bali it   is what makes me so grateful and so happy every 
day that I am surrounded by my loving husband   and very interesting and independent little dog 
that's very very cute you know that we have very   comfortable a bit simple house we have the ability 
to enjoy good food even if it's simple stuff   from the war rooms locally we have a garden and 
beautiful things are growing around us every day   the weather is great you know stuff is good yeah 
I think this is one of the most essential simple   things that's often overlooked simply because it's 
a matter of mentality but I believe this essential   quality or characteristic could make all the 
difference for you so these are the six essential   things that I believe are very very important for 
you to cultivate and prepare for in the leader to   actually taking the plunge into a return then I 
think that if you have these six strong skills and   qualities going for you you will be in a position 
much more well placed to make the best out of your   retirement however long that period may be let me 
know what you think of my suggestions whether you   agree or if you think they suck let me know why 
but in any event I really appreciate you tuning   in and sharing my thoughts for this week and 
wherever you are in the world I'm wishing you   a happy Saturday evening and let's speak again 
next week till then you take care and bye for now

As found on YouTube

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6 Retirement Essentials (Most people only prepared 2 or 3)

I'm planning for retirement most people focus 
mostly on marshaling together enough money you   know Financial Resources so that they can last 
the distance and then maybe at the back of their   heads they have some vague plan right perhaps 
two or three things to fill the time with a lot   of the times this is stuff like travel family 
well unfortunately I'm gonna say that's not   quite nearly enough for Preparation we ourselves 
have been retired for two years and going looking   back on the past two years I kind of see like 
six essential things that if you prep for it   beforehand before your retirement starts I think 
this can really make such a positive difference   to your retirement so that's what I wanted 
to bring up and discuss with you guys today   number one first and foremost of course we have 
to talk about money most people's concern is the   amount of money that they have in retirement 
whether it will last them till the end come   comfortably and allow them to afford the Hobbies 
like travel good food Etc but I actually think   after going through the last two years building up 
our financial Acumen is just as important if not   more so what do I mean by Financial Acumen I mean 
stuff like budgeting tracking projecting investing   I mean if you think about it the money in your 
bank account can always be squandered we all   know that story I think more importantly what's 
going to make your retirement more fireproof is   having an ability to generate more money where 
it came from in the first place so the second   essential thing that you can prepare for so that 
you have a wonderful retirement it's definitely   the ability to be self-directing and disciplined 
self-direction definitely helps so much with   spending your retirement days meaningfully right 
after all there are no more like work schedules   or like demands from colleagues or bosses to help 
shape your days anymore you have to be the person   to take charge in retirement there's a study out 
there actually that shows that for happily retired   folks most of them actually have about 3.6 core 
Pursuits that's what they say and the unheably   retired folks tend to have less than 3.6 corporate 
suits coming in at about 1.9 call Pursuits that's   what the study reflected I guess it kind of just 
shows in retirement you really need to fill your   life to the brim and keep busy with activities 
you love and that is a really great formula for   happiness and self-direction will help you 
to achieve that state as well as discipline   because if you think about it like discipline 
directly affects the state of your finances right   it affects whether you stick with your retirement 
planning whether you keep fit and active and you   get to maintain your health in retirement even 
whilst you're left up to your own devices even   to find your cover suits if you don't have any 
when you're starting or in your retirement so   discipline and self-direction will be like 
the building blocks for enjoying your life   in retirement the third essential thing you might 
want to work on and cultivate or happy retirement   is people skills right so studies and research 
have reflected very consistently that the main   determining factor for happiness and Longevity 
for most of us is actually relationships Human   Relationships friendships relationship with 
your spouse and with your family I guess if   you look at most of us you know we all have 
a little need of work on some social skills   in some aspect I mean some of us are a bit shy 
paper hats or graph or maybe socially anxious   working on our people skills really will help us 
to get along and live happily with our spouse and   family members and also importantly to make 
new friendships at whatever age we all know   that making new friends gets a lot more difficult 
as we get older I mean I haven't heard anyone say   otherwise for me personally making new friends 
as I get older is the biggest challenge there's   this huge feeling that nothing can replace 
friendships with people who have known you   all your life but it is also a challenge as I 
have chosen to exercise through Arbitrage in   our retirement and we've moved away from home 
so those friends aren't with us in our present   I find that it takes a lot of intention I have 
to consciously push myself to broaden my Social   Circles and make the effort to get to know people 
on a more intimate basis I am also very happy   to be able to say that it has paid off in that for 
the last two years in Bali I have actually made   two or three new friends that I'm happy to say are 
kindred spirits and not just social acquaintances   so that's very nice and it's a huge Comfort to our 
daily life here in a foreign land away from home   now before we move on a big thank you to 
Mumu Singapore for sponsoring this video   Singapore is an online trading platform for 
stocks ETFs and options I've been using the   MooMoo mobile trading app myself for almost 
a year now and I think it's awesome it's   fast intuitive trading US Stocks is commission 
free plus they give free level to data and many   more perks now for a limited time when you open a 
Mumu Singapore Universal account they'll give you   a year of commission free trading of Singapore 
stocks ETFs and reads if you're trading us and   Singapore stocks just switching to the MooMoo 
app will save you so much money already when   you deposit at least a hundred same dollars and 
start using the mobile app to trade you stand   to receive cash coupons up to 128 Sing dollars 
and even a free Coca-Cola share worth around 87   subscribe two thousand Sing dollars or more into 
funds on the MooMoo fun Hub and MooMoo will give   you cash coupons up to 150 Sing dollars subscribe 
at least 100 Sing dollar us to Momo cache plus   and they'll throw in an additional tensing 
dollars cashback altogether that's 368 Sing   dollars worth of Welcome rewards absolutely free 
just for using the Momo app so if you're actively   investing anyhow I recommend checking out the 
MooMoo ad using my link in the description below   now back to the video the fourth essential 
thing that you can definitely work on and that   will benefit your retirement tremendously it's 
actually courage you're definitely gonna need lots   of courage in retirement and I guess this isn't 
a skill exactly it's kind of more of a quality   but in retirement you need a lot of courage 
to even plunge into retirement you need the   courage to you know take that leap of faith to 
stop putting it off due to fear of the unknown   feel or financial insecurities so then it's all 
about courage at that stage not let fear and   insecurity rule your life and your decisions it 
is also the courage to recognize that in life at   the start at the end in the middle the Domino's 
you need are never all nicely lined up you know   at some point you just got to jump into it and 
then learn to cross the obstacles as they come   so for retirement long term I guess the 
biggest issue most commonly is always money   but my perspective on this is that hey budgets 
can always be reduced money can always be earned   or recouped or whatever happens so I still 
think that you know it is actually beneficial   to Advocate an approach whereby you get to 
a point where you feel that you have most of   your Ducks lined up you've planned well you've 
prepped for it grab hold of your courage with   both hands and then take the plunge people tend 
to think of retirement as the end but it's not   it's the start of a new phase where you should be 
trying so many new things new Pursuits new ways   to live and for each of these new adventures 
you're gonna need courage to take action and   once you have taken the plunge you'll find the 
next fifth thing very very useful and that would   be a mentality of resilience especially in early 
retirement there are a lot more decades ahead of   you you know and therefore a lot more chances that 
they things can go wrong whether it be down to bad   financial planning or perhaps an unexpected Health 
catastrophe or even sometimes natural disasters   whatever comes I guess you will always need that 
strength of Will and the resilience so that you   can roll with the punches and then get back up 
you want to know that you have the mental strength   that even if things go pear-shaped you won't just 
give up and lose hope and certain Corner you've   got to Marshall what you've got inside you go out 
there find Solutions perhaps if necessary you've   got to go back to work but know that later on 
you can return to retirement and try again so the   sex essential thing that I believe will benefit 
everyone in retirement is to cultivate an attitude   of gratitude we all know life is a very long 
journey hopefully at least and so much of what   we Chase using most of our years actually doesn't 
really matter in the big picture once you have   taken a step back and then at that point is when 
you start realizing the earlier you cultivate and   attitude of gratitude and that appreciation for 
the simple little things that are probably around   you everywhere every day the happier you probably 
will be and it sounds silly but it's not really   automatic I mean we all live and grow up and 
work and go to school in a society that kind of   innovates us with messages that we need to reach 
for more have more ambition gives us you know that   High definitions of success in life that we 
have to try to jump to reach and nobody sings   the Praises of the pleasures of a simple cup of 
tea you know the importance of family time with   your loved ones or or just the pleasure of being 
able to take an evening walk on the beach with   your dog so I think that it's very important that 
somebody reminds you that you know you can not   overload what you already have what you're already 
surrounded by growing that muscle of appreciation   so that in each and every moment you are present 
in your own life you see all the little Joys that   you're surrounded with every day and if you 
live life like that I think that will help   you achieve contentment with just the small stuff 
around you and that's what majority of your life   in retirement may be about is just a small stuff 
every day but in my own retirement here in Bali it   is what makes me so grateful and so happy every 
day that I am surrounded by my loving husband   and very interesting and independent little dog 
that's very very cute you know that we have very   comfortable a bit simple house we have the ability 
to enjoy good food even if it's simple stuff   from the war rooms locally we have a garden and 
beautiful things are growing around us every day   the weather is great you know stuff is good yeah 
I think this is one of the most essential simple   things that's often overlooked simply because it's 
a matter of mentality but I believe this essential   quality or characteristic could make all the 
difference for you so these are the six essential   things that I believe are very very important for 
you to cultivate and prepare for in the leader to   actually taking the plunge into a return then I 
think that if you have these six strong skills and   qualities going for you you will be in a position 
much more well placed to make the best out of your   retirement however long that period may be let me 
know what you think of my suggestions whether you   agree or if you think they suck let me know why 
but in any event I really appreciate you tuning   in and sharing my thoughts for this week and 
wherever you are in the world I'm wishing you   a happy Saturday evening and let's speak again 
next week till then you take care and bye for now

As found on YouTube

Retirement Planning Home

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6 Retirement Essentials (Most people only prepared 2 or 3)

I'm planning for retirement most people focus 
mostly on marshaling together enough money you   know Financial Resources so that they can last 
the distance and then maybe at the back of their   heads they have some vague plan right perhaps 
two or three things to fill the time with a lot   of the times this is stuff like travel family 
well unfortunately I'm gonna say that's not   quite nearly enough for Preparation we ourselves 
have been retired for two years and going looking   back on the past two years I kind of see like 
six essential things that if you prep for it   beforehand before your retirement starts I think 
this can really make such a positive difference   to your retirement so that's what I wanted 
to bring up and discuss with you guys today   number one first and foremost of course we have 
to talk about money most people's concern is the   amount of money that they have in retirement 
whether it will last them till the end come   comfortably and allow them to afford the Hobbies 
like travel good food Etc but I actually think   after going through the last two years building up 
our financial Acumen is just as important if not   more so what do I mean by Financial Acumen I mean 
stuff like budgeting tracking projecting investing   I mean if you think about it the money in your 
bank account can always be squandered we all   know that story I think more importantly what's 
going to make your retirement more fireproof is   having an ability to generate more money where 
it came from in the first place so the second   essential thing that you can prepare for so that 
you have a wonderful retirement it's definitely   the ability to be self-directing and disciplined 
self-direction definitely helps so much with   spending your retirement days meaningfully right 
after all there are no more like work schedules   or like demands from colleagues or bosses to help 
shape your days anymore you have to be the person   to take charge in retirement there's a study out 
there actually that shows that for happily retired   folks most of them actually have about 3.6 core 
Pursuits that's what they say and the unheably   retired folks tend to have less than 3.6 corporate 
suits coming in at about 1.9 call Pursuits that's   what the study reflected I guess it kind of just 
shows in retirement you really need to fill your   life to the brim and keep busy with activities 
you love and that is a really great formula for   happiness and self-direction will help you 
to achieve that state as well as discipline   because if you think about it like discipline 
directly affects the state of your finances right   it affects whether you stick with your retirement 
planning whether you keep fit and active and you   get to maintain your health in retirement even 
whilst you're left up to your own devices even   to find your cover suits if you don't have any 
when you're starting or in your retirement so   discipline and self-direction will be like 
the building blocks for enjoying your life   in retirement the third essential thing you might 
want to work on and cultivate or happy retirement   is people skills right so studies and research 
have reflected very consistently that the main   determining factor for happiness and Longevity 
for most of us is actually relationships Human   Relationships friendships relationship with 
your spouse and with your family I guess if   you look at most of us you know we all have 
a little need of work on some social skills   in some aspect I mean some of us are a bit shy 
paper hats or graph or maybe socially anxious   working on our people skills really will help us 
to get along and live happily with our spouse and   family members and also importantly to make 
new friendships at whatever age we all know   that making new friends gets a lot more difficult 
as we get older I mean I haven't heard anyone say   otherwise for me personally making new friends 
as I get older is the biggest challenge there's   this huge feeling that nothing can replace 
friendships with people who have known you   all your life but it is also a challenge as I 
have chosen to exercise through Arbitrage in   our retirement and we've moved away from home 
so those friends aren't with us in our present   I find that it takes a lot of intention I have 
to consciously push myself to broaden my Social   Circles and make the effort to get to know people 
on a more intimate basis I am also very happy   to be able to say that it has paid off in that for 
the last two years in Bali I have actually made   two or three new friends that I'm happy to say are 
kindred spirits and not just social acquaintances   so that's very nice and it's a huge Comfort to our 
daily life here in a foreign land away from home   now before we move on a big thank you to 
Mumu Singapore for sponsoring this video   Singapore is an online trading platform for 
stocks ETFs and options I've been using the   MooMoo mobile trading app myself for almost 
a year now and I think it's awesome it's   fast intuitive trading US Stocks is commission 
free plus they give free level to data and many   more perks now for a limited time when you open a 
Mumu Singapore Universal account they'll give you   a year of commission free trading of Singapore 
stocks ETFs and reads if you're trading us and   Singapore stocks just switching to the MooMoo 
app will save you so much money already when   you deposit at least a hundred same dollars and 
start using the mobile app to trade you stand   to receive cash coupons up to 128 Sing dollars 
and even a free Coca-Cola share worth around 87   subscribe two thousand Sing dollars or more into 
funds on the MooMoo fun Hub and MooMoo will give   you cash coupons up to 150 Sing dollars subscribe 
at least 100 Sing dollar us to Momo cache plus   and they'll throw in an additional tensing 
dollars cashback altogether that's 368 Sing   dollars worth of Welcome rewards absolutely free 
just for using the Momo app so if you're actively   investing anyhow I recommend checking out the 
MooMoo ad using my link in the description below   now back to the video the fourth essential 
thing that you can definitely work on and that   will benefit your retirement tremendously it's 
actually courage you're definitely gonna need lots   of courage in retirement and I guess this isn't 
a skill exactly it's kind of more of a quality   but in retirement you need a lot of courage 
to even plunge into retirement you need the   courage to you know take that leap of faith to 
stop putting it off due to fear of the unknown   feel or financial insecurities so then it's all 
about courage at that stage not let fear and   insecurity rule your life and your decisions it 
is also the courage to recognize that in life at   the start at the end in the middle the Domino's 
you need are never all nicely lined up you know   at some point you just got to jump into it and 
then learn to cross the obstacles as they come   so for retirement long term I guess the 
biggest issue most commonly is always money   but my perspective on this is that hey budgets 
can always be reduced money can always be earned   or recouped or whatever happens so I still 
think that you know it is actually beneficial   to Advocate an approach whereby you get to 
a point where you feel that you have most of   your Ducks lined up you've planned well you've 
prepped for it grab hold of your courage with   both hands and then take the plunge people tend 
to think of retirement as the end but it's not   it's the start of a new phase where you should be 
trying so many new things new Pursuits new ways   to live and for each of these new adventures 
you're gonna need courage to take action and   once you have taken the plunge you'll find the 
next fifth thing very very useful and that would   be a mentality of resilience especially in early 
retirement there are a lot more decades ahead of   you you know and therefore a lot more chances that 
they things can go wrong whether it be down to bad   financial planning or perhaps an unexpected Health 
catastrophe or even sometimes natural disasters   whatever comes I guess you will always need that 
strength of Will and the resilience so that you   can roll with the punches and then get back up 
you want to know that you have the mental strength   that even if things go pear-shaped you won't just 
give up and lose hope and certain Corner you've   got to Marshall what you've got inside you go out 
there find Solutions perhaps if necessary you've   got to go back to work but know that later on 
you can return to retirement and try again so the   sex essential thing that I believe will benefit 
everyone in retirement is to cultivate an attitude   of gratitude we all know life is a very long 
journey hopefully at least and so much of what   we Chase using most of our years actually doesn't 
really matter in the big picture once you have   taken a step back and then at that point is when 
you start realizing the earlier you cultivate and   attitude of gratitude and that appreciation for 
the simple little things that are probably around   you everywhere every day the happier you probably 
will be and it sounds silly but it's not really   automatic I mean we all live and grow up and 
work and go to school in a society that kind of   innovates us with messages that we need to reach 
for more have more ambition gives us you know that   High definitions of success in life that we 
have to try to jump to reach and nobody sings   the Praises of the pleasures of a simple cup of 
tea you know the importance of family time with   your loved ones or or just the pleasure of being 
able to take an evening walk on the beach with   your dog so I think that it's very important that 
somebody reminds you that you know you can not   overload what you already have what you're already 
surrounded by growing that muscle of appreciation   so that in each and every moment you are present 
in your own life you see all the little Joys that   you're surrounded with every day and if you 
live life like that I think that will help   you achieve contentment with just the small stuff 
around you and that's what majority of your life   in retirement may be about is just a small stuff 
every day but in my own retirement here in Bali it   is what makes me so grateful and so happy every 
day that I am surrounded by my loving husband   and very interesting and independent little dog 
that's very very cute you know that we have very   comfortable a bit simple house we have the ability 
to enjoy good food even if it's simple stuff   from the war rooms locally we have a garden and 
beautiful things are growing around us every day   the weather is great you know stuff is good yeah 
I think this is one of the most essential simple   things that's often overlooked simply because it's 
a matter of mentality but I believe this essential   quality or characteristic could make all the 
difference for you so these are the six essential   things that I believe are very very important for 
you to cultivate and prepare for in the leader to   actually taking the plunge into a return then I 
think that if you have these six strong skills and   qualities going for you you will be in a position 
much more well placed to make the best out of your   retirement however long that period may be let me 
know what you think of my suggestions whether you   agree or if you think they suck let me know why 
but in any event I really appreciate you tuning   in and sharing my thoughts for this week and 
wherever you are in the world I'm wishing you   a happy Saturday evening and let's speak again 
next week till then you take care and bye for now

As found on YouTube

Retirement Planning Home

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6 Retirement Essentials (Most people only prepared 2 or 3)

I'' m planning for retired life the majority of people concentrate.
mostly on aligning together enough money you understand Financial Resources so that they can last.
the range and afterwards possibly at the rear of their heads they have some vague strategy right perhaps.
2 or 3 points to fill up the time with a great deal of the times this is things like travel family.
well unfortunately I'' m gon na say that ' s not fairly virtually enough for Preparation we ourselves.
have been retired for 2 years and also going looking back on the past 2 years I type of see like.
6 necessary things that if you prep for it beforehand prior to your retirement begins I assume.
this can truly make such a positive difference to your retirement to ensure that'' s what I wanted.
to raise and also talk about with you guys today top firstly of program we have.
to talk regarding cash the majority of people'' s issue is the amount of money that they have in retired life.
whether it will certainly last them till completion come comfortably as well as allow them to pay for the Hobbies.
like traveling excellent food Etc however I in fact think after going via the last 2 years accumulating.
our monetary Acumen is equally as important if not a lot more so what do I imply by Financial Acumen I mean.
stuff like budgeting tracking predicting investing I suggest if you think of it the cash in your.
financial institution account can always be misused most of us understand that tale I think more significantly what'' s. mosting likely to make your retirement more fireproof is having a capacity to produce even more cash where.
it came from to begin with so the second vital thing that you can prepare for to make sure that.
you have a remarkable retired life it'' s certainly the capability to be self-directing as well as disciplined.
self-direction definitely helps a lot with investing your retired life days meaningfully right.
besides there are no much more like job routines or like demands from colleagues or employers to help.
shape your days anymore you need to be the individual to take cost in retired life there'' s a research study out.
there really that reveals that for gladly retired individuals the majority of them in fact have concerning 3.6 core.
Searches that'' s what they state as well as the unheably retired individuals have a tendency to have less than 3.6 company.
fits can be found in at about 1.9 call Searches that'' s what the research reflected I presume it type of just.
programs in retirement you truly need to load your life to the border as well as keep active with tasks.
you like which is a truly terrific formula for happiness as well as self-direction will certainly aid you.
to attain that state as well as self-control since if you think of it like technique.
directly impacts the state of your finances right it influences whether you stick with your retired life.
preparing whether you maintain fit and also active and also you reach keep your health in retired life also.
whilst you'' re left as much as your very own devices also to locate your cover matches if you wear'' t have any. when you ' re starting or in your retired life so discipline as well as self-direction will certainly be like.
the building obstructs for appreciating your life in retirement the 3rd vital point you might.
wish to service as well as grow or happy retired life is individuals skills right so research studies and also study.
have reflected very continually that the major determining factor for joy and Longevity.
for the majority of us is in fact partnerships Human Relationships friendships partnership with.
your spouse as well as with your family I guess if you take a look at the majority of us you recognize we all have.
a little need of work with some social abilities in some element I suggest a few of us are a bit shy.
paper hats or chart or perhaps socially anxious dealing with our individuals skills truly will aid us.
to manage as well as live gladly with our partner and also relative and additionally importantly to make.
brand-new relationships at whatever age we all understand that making brand-new good friends gets a whole lot a lot more tough.
as we obtain older I imply I place'' t listened to any individual say otherwise for me personally making new pals.
as I age is the largest obstacle there'' s this substantial sensation that nothing can replace.
friendships with people that have actually understood you all your life yet it is also an obstacle as I.
have actually picked to exercise via Arbitrage in our retirement and also we'' ve moved away from residence.
Those close friends aren'' t with us in our present I find that it takes a great deal of purpose I have.
to consciously press myself to expand my Social Circles and make the initiative to be familiar with people.
on a much more intimate basis I am additionally really happy to be able to state that it has actually settled because for.
the last two years in Bali I have actually made 2 or three new pals that I'' m happy to state are.
kindred spirits and also not simply social colleagues to make sure that'' s very great and it ' s a massive Comfort to our.
daily life here in a foreign land far from residence currently prior to we proceed a big thanks to.
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point that you can certainly work with as well as that will certainly benefit your retirement significantly it'' s. in fact guts you'' re definitely gon na need whole lots of nerve in retirement as well as I guess this isn'' t. an ability specifically it ' s kind of more of a quality yet in retired life you need a great deal of guts.
to also dive right into retirement you need the guts to you recognize take that leap of confidence to.
quit placing it off as a result of fear of the unidentified feeling or monetary insecurities so after that it'' s
all. concerning nerve at that stage not allow worry as well as instability regulation your life as well as your choices it.
is also the nerve to recognize that in life at the start at the end in the center the Domino'' s. you need are never ever all perfectly aligned you understand eventually you just got to delve into it and.
after that learn to go across the barriers as they come so for retired life long-term I guess the.
most significant problem most frequently is constantly money but my perspective on this is that hi budget plans.
can always be lowered money can constantly be made or redeemed or whatever takes place so I still.
believe that you know it is really valuable to Advocate a strategy whereby you get to.
a factor where you really feel that you have many of your Ducks aligned you'' ve intended well you''
ve. prepped for it clinch your nerve with both hands and after that take the plunge individuals tend.
to consider retired life as the end but it'' s not it ' s the start of a brand-new phase where you must be. trying so numerous brand-new things brand-new Pursuits new methods to live as well as for each and every of these new journeys.
you'' re gon na require nerve to take action and when you have taken the dive you'' ll discover the. next fifth thing very really valuable which would certainly be a mentality of strength particularly in very early.
retired life there are a whole lot even more decades ahead of you you understand and also consequently a lot even more chances that.
they things can go wrong whether it be to bad monetary planning or possibly an unforeseen Health and wellness.
catastrophe or even occasionally natural calamities whatever comes I presume you will always require that.
stamina of Will as well as the durability to make sure that you can roll with the strikes and also then obtain back up.
you desire to recognize that you have the psychological toughness that also if points go pear-shaped you won'' t simply. offer up as well as shed hope as well as particular Edge you'' ve obtained to Marshall what you'' ve got in you head out.
there locate Solutions perhaps if essential you'' ve reached go back to function yet understand that later on.
you can go back to retirement and try once again so the sex necessary point that I think will certainly benefit.
every person in retired life is to cultivate a perspective of gratefulness most of us recognize life is a very long.
trip ideally a minimum of therefore much of what we Chase making use of a lot of our years in fact doesn'' t. really matter in the big photo when you have taken a step back and after that at that factor is when.
you start understanding the earlier you grow and mindset of appreciation which admiration for.
the straightforward little points that are most likely around you everywhere each day the better you possibly.
will be as well as it sounds silly yet it'' s not really automatic I suggest most of us live as well as grow up and also.
job as well as go to school in a culture that kind of innovates us with messages that we need to get to.
for even more have extra aspiration provides us you recognize that High meanings of success in life that we.
need to try to leap to get to and also no one sings the Praises of the satisfaction of an easy cup of.
tea you recognize the relevance of family time with your enjoyed ones or or just the enjoyment of being.
able to take a night walk on the beach with your canine so I assume that it'' s really important that
. somebody reminds you that you understand you can not overload what you already have what you'' re currently.
surrounded by growing that muscle mass of recognition so that in each as well as every moment you exist.
in your very own life you see all the little Joys that you'' re bordered with everyday and if you.
real-time life like that I believe that will help you achieve contentment with simply the tiny stuff.
around you which'' s what majority of your life in retirement might have to do with is just a little things.
each day however in my own retired life here in Bali it is what makes me so happy therefore pleased every.
day that I am surrounded by my loving partner as well as extremely fascinating and also independent little canine.
that'' s extremely really cute you understand that we have really comfortable a little bit easy house we have the capability.
to appreciate excellent food also if it'' s straightforward stuff from the war spaces locally we have a yard and.
attractive things are growing around us daily the climate is excellent you know things is great yeah.
I assume this is just one of one of the most necessary basic things that'' s often neglected just since it'' s. an issue of mindset but I believe this important high quality or characteristic might make all the.
difference for you so these are the six essential things that I believe are very very important for.
you to grow and also prepare for in the leader to in fact starting right into a return then I.
think that if you have these six strong abilities and also high qualities going with you you will certainly remain in a setting.
a lot a lot more well put to make the most effective out of your retirement nonetheless long that duration might be allow me.
know what you think about my tips whether you agree or if you believe they draw let me understand why.
but anyway I actually value you tuning in as well as sharing my thoughts for this week and also.
any place you are in the globe I'' m desiring you a delighted Saturday night and also let'' s talk again.
next week till after that you make sure and also bye in the meantime.

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