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2 Laws for Generating Wealth

Any successful plan to generate and sustain
sufficient wealth must incorporate two very basic rules: 1) Generate Investible Savings. The first step to unlock the path to building
tremendous wealth is not about investing at all. It is about generating Investable assets. For most people this begins by terminating
any expensive debt such as credit card or high interest debt. The reason being that expensive debt increases
one’s expenses and eats into investable resources. Second step for most people is redefining
certain parts of their remaining income as compulsory payments that must be done. That payment is, in fact, the first step of
savings for investing. The third step for most people is to invest
time and entrepreneurial energy to increase their gross income. Getting a better job, a promotion, a new skill
or starting a business that can generate profits disconnected from your immediate personal
labor resources. The fourth step would be establishing some
kind of an emergency fund and getting sufficient insurance to cover yourself against unpredicted
expenses. When the four steps are done, you can start
generating sufficient investable assets that can be put to work growing over a minimal
period of five years.

When this is done, you can proceed to the
next rule. 2) Invest investable savings into exponentially
growing assets, growing for many years while limiting the taxes you pay. Once you generate investable assets and are
ready to put them to work, comes the next tough question: Where should I deploy my investable
assets to maximize my investment and to generate more wealth? You should know that any and all investable
assets you will ever encounter can belong to one or another of these two categories:
Exponentially Growing Assets or Regular Growth Assets.

If you ever hope to generate sufficient wealth
from your investable assets, you must learn how to separate your exponential growing assets
from your regular growth assets and then make sure you are sufficiently exposed to the exponentially
growing asset class. Exponentially growing assets are a rare creature
few understand, even among seasoned investors. There is a set of strict rules to become eligible
for the coveted title: A) At their very core, they must yield very
high returns on internally invested resources and expenses – such as inventory, labor, plant
& factory or R&D; What sets exponentially growing assets apart
from any and all investable assets is their ability to make a large profit on a small
base of required resources. The more expenses and investments one needs
to make a profit, the less profit is left to increase the value of the asset itself. B) They must have sufficiently large market opportunities
ahead of them to enable many years of sales growth displaying high returns on invested
resources; While many possible assets can generate high
rate of return, exponentially growing assets are not a one-off occurrence or limited activity
and must be able to maintain their course of growth over many years to build sufficient
appreciation for their owners.

C) They must provide extensive internal reinvestment
opportunities to use profits at similarly high returns To really become an exponentially growing
asset capable of building imaginary amounts of wealth, the asset must provide managers
the ability to use the rivers of cash generated regularly from the asset in a similar high
rate of return. When these criteria aren’t met, owners soon
realize the resulting rivers of profits do not grow at a high rate and the growth in
wealth soon slows down due to the ever-growing profits invested in lower rate growing assets.

D) They must be led by honest, high integrity,
talented managers, who are actually risking their own wealth alongside their investors. For these executives, a small increase in
the share price will generate much greater wealth than any increase to their paycheck. Executives of public companies have the ability
to loot the company’s coffers or engage in wealth destruction in an infinity of ways. To avoid that, check to see how large your
CEO’s stake in the company stock is before choosing any investment.

As long as the company still embodies the
4 rules that we covered here, you stay invested; this is the one last requirement when investing
in exponentially growing assets. ALL exponentially growing assets see their
stock price cut in half several times during the decades, usually due to different parameters
that don’t reflect the actual company value. Holding these assets through turbulences,
and even adding to them, requires temperament and familiar understanding of the business,
which results in the conviction to stay the course..

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The Case for $20,000 oz Gold – Debt Collapse – Mike Maloney – Silver & Gold

If you know how the world financial system works you know the game
that you're playing and if you don´t know the game
and the rules that we're playing by you are going to get slaughtered, you are going to get slaughtered. Ever since the Federal Reserve was born,
we have been living under a lie. In order for us to mantain the levels
we've got and to maintain the prosperity Obama has to be twice as far in debt
when he leaves office than when he came in, or the whole thing
is starting to collapse.

The Federal Reserve, they're buying
bonds directly from the Treasury. This is Quantitative Easing,
they're calling it, and that means there's
an emergency going on. I can see that there was not anything in history as far as finances goes, that was
as much as a sure thing as gold and silver accounting for the
expansion of the fiat currency supply. There is absolutely no chance
in hell that this won't happen, right now it takes about 15000 to
20000 dollars an ounce of gold. I believe that there's going
to be a deflation first and then all of the
world's central banks will start printing like crazy to get us
out of that deflation and Ben Bernanke will be leading the charge. You can´t have a debt that is 10
times the size of your economy. It's not posible. Everything comes
to its screeching halt first. I've got to show you the world's stock markets and real estate bubbles have to continue crashing because all it is is the market trying to seek fair value.

It's trying to seek equilibrium, this is what the markets do. It is their job. Basically, you know, our entire currency system is imaginary, it doesn't really exist. It's just that
we're all dreaming the same dream. If anybody chooses to wake up… it's over with. Thank you very much! I'm Mike Maloney author of the bestselling book
on precious metals investing, Guide to Investing in Gold
and Silver, is part of the Rich Dad series that
Robert Kiyosaki started, the original book. Robert
Kiyosaki says: write a book no other instructions: write a book, and so I start writing this book two and a half years of
research and writing probably 30 hours a week, every week for two and a half years.
It's a very well researched book.

The one thing I really worry about is perpetuating misinformation,
I want it to be accurate and then I tried to boil it down and
make it real simple. I read all these books by economists like Milton Friedman Murray Rothbard, Ben Bernanke, if you get a chance to
read some Ben Bernanke, don't! He is a horrible author, just horrible. They're all trying to write over each
other's head and impress each other And by doing so, they make
economy sound so complex that everybody thinks well,
I can't understand economics. It's really simple. Economics is very simple if you
boil it down to its essence and it's not that difficult to
understand and that's what I tried to do in my book.

For the people that
have not read my book, about 75% of it is not about investing in gold and silver,
it's some history of money and then how the world economy works
and what could potentially happen you know, where we came from,
where we are today and what could potentially happen. By the way, I really couldn't care less
about gold and silver, I don't want gold and silver, it's just in its
cycle right now, it's a stupid lump of metal that doesn't have cashflow or
spinoff dividend yields. And so I don't
want gold and silver, it's just that right now
I don't want anything else. They're just in their cycle right now
and they're going to be outperforming everything else, in my opinion
from all of my research, and they're going to be able
to buy a whole lot more other stuff.

A whole lot more real estate, whole lot more stocks, whole lot more oil wells, farmland, all the true wealth. It's in the buildings, the businesses,
the farmland that is out there, and people get this
picture in their head that if there is an economic disaster,
if there were some sort of collapse that it's going to be like this nuclear
wasteland afterwards, it's not. All the buildings still are going
to be there, the apartment buildings. It's just that they're all going to be on sale. The problem is when investments are
on sale nobody buys, the public comes charging in, and they
chase investments after they're going up.

Gold and silver get hot whenever they're going up and
as soon we see them take a dip, it's like sales turn off like a
light switch, most of the time. And I don't want anybody to get slaughtered. I really don't want these bad things
to happen, I just think that all the evidence is there. What our leaders have done
to the economic system is going to cause these things to
happen and it's inevitable, and I'm trying to warn
as many people as possible as quickly as possible.
My company has a mission, to get as much gold and silver
in the hands of the middle class as quickly as possible, because when there's great economic upheaval,
there is great political change, and usually goes along with it In the hyperinflation in
Weimar Germany in 1923, this hyperinflation ended on November 15th, 1923.
On November 8th, one week before the end of the hyperinflation, Hitler's storm troopers pointing machine guns at the front
door of the Burgerbraukeller where there was a political meeting,
this big beer hall where there about 3000 people
listening to politican speeches and on that night
he took the stage at gun point and to this literally captive audience
gave a speech that changed the world.

Nobody knew the name Hitler,
nobody knew who he was until he gave this speech to a newly empoverished middle class people that were scared and
looking for somebody to lead them, and here this charismatic guy takes
the stage, gives them a scapegoat and says "I know the way out of this". The next day, those
people in that beer hall followed him to try to do
a military… a coup to take over the government and it failed. He was imprisoned, he was tried for high treason, his trial went on for an entire month, and during that month he
had the ear of the nation. He was covered in every newspaper all across Germany, and the judges were
sympathetic to his beliefs so they let him go on for hours
on end with the speeches and that's when he gained power
was when the middle class was scared. The middle class defines a
country with their vote. The country, as the middle class
goes so goes the country, and so what I'm worried about is not the loss of my
financial well being, it's the loss of capitalism,
it's the loss of our quality of life, it's the loss
of our freedom of choice.

That's what I'm worried about, and I know that there are certain people
that I'm not going to be able to reach. Joe-six-pack, I refer to
the guy that comes out of his beer and
football induced coma at the very end of the bull market and
comes charging in and buys at the peak. I can't do anything for him.

I'm hoping that I can do
something for all of you. These are wealth cycles. If you have
two asset classes that are rising, you have for instance, let's say
that this is real estate on the bottom and on the top here
we've got precious metals. Precious metals in this last decade here, precious metals outperformed
real estate and stocks but everything went up. Stocks went up, bonds went up, real estate went up
and so did commodities and precious metals. Is that possible? Can everything go up?
Think about it for a minute. If we've only got so much stuff in
society and if you've got these 3 or 4 asset classes and everybody rushes toward one, pushing
it to a bubble shouldn't it be drawing currency away from the others?
Shouldn't the others be going down? Well, they didn't in the last decade.

And what's happening here if you've got
two things that are going up, if you're invested in this one down here, when you've got to sell, you can't
buy as much as this one. If you're invested in this one, when you
sell you can buy more of this one. They're both rising in price, this one is falling in value when you sell it you can't
buy as much gold, or food or oil. Your house is worth half as much
in oil, as oil was 10 dollars a barrel in 1999. So your house measured in oil has crushed,
the stock market measured in oil has crushed. If you start looking at your home
or all of your investments and you divide them by something
else, you measured them in the price of a bushel of wheat, a pound of copper, a ton of iron shares of the Dow or ounces of gold, you're going to discover something. These two things that
they're going up, eventually the people that are invested
in this one realize that the smart investors realize that
it's going into a bubble,they sell and they buy undervalued asset, and then this trend reverses.
It can't go on for ever, and if it did, if gold outperformed real estate
for ever, there would come a day where one ounce of gold would buy
the entire planet and we all know that that can't happen.

Right? So, eventually one becomes overvalued
and the other one becomes undervalued and the cycle reverses, and then it reverses again, and what is happening is that they're
printing currency about this rate and that's the reason you can't see it.
People would say: "well, at least my house is worth a
100.000 dollars more than it was in the year 2000", or "it's worth 20 per cent more" Well, in fact if the inflation was 40 per cent
it actually went down in value.

They'd say that, you know, they looked
at the stock market and the Dow right know is just
barely above its 2000 high. In the last decade stocks
have gone sideways for a decade. We've had inflation during that time,
they inflated the currency supply. So, if you start measuring one thing with
another thing, so you're measuring stuff against stuff instead of using
currency, what you discover is that everything is trapped
in this valuation channel, where it goes from overvalued to undervalued
to overvalued and undervalued again, and the thing that you're
measuring it with is doing the exact opposite mirror wave. The trick is sell the overvalued asset near the peak if you can, find the undervalued asset
and I call this wealth cycles.

And if you can do that, it's a road to true wealth, you're
escaping that valuation channel. Here is a real example,
this is the Dow measured in points. And what are points? Points are derived by the dollar value of the
underlying stocks, so basically its points are dollars, and one of the reasons that
they measure it in points is just like when you go to Las Vegas, they take your
currency and they give you chips. Now they're pieces of plastic, so
you don't care, you're just having fun. So change it to points, and it's not as bad as if
"Wow, you lost so many dollars" "it went down so many points". Anyway, that's the Dow
measured in points, but if you go every month during this
entire graph from the year 1900 to today, and each day you take the points on the Dow
and divide it by the price of gold you get how many ounces of gold one
share of the Dow is worth, and this is what it looks
like measured in gold. It's not going anywhere, it's got a mean of about 4 ounces of gold,
which means that the price of gold should be one quarter of the
points of the Dow and then things will sort of be in equilibrium.

It's fair value when the Dow is only four
times the price of gold, but what you see here is that it goes into, it goes from fair
value into a bubble 18 ounces of gold, it crashes down to 2 ounces,
another bubble of 28 ounces of gold because the bubble was bigger, because they print more currency in
the meantime, when it crashed it went down to one ounce of gold. There was a
day in 1980 when gold was 850 and the Dow was at 850 points, one ounce of gold bought the Dow.
Conversely, if you cash out you could only buy one ounce of
gold with the proceeds of your stocks, and then we're going on to the
biggest bubble in history. There's no time in history,
this point in 1999 – 2000 there's no time that gold
was as unloved and ignored as in that time period. It was no
nation's money and it had gone down for 20 years, it was "the worst investment
you can possibly make", nobody wanted it.

Take this, This is the price of the Dow measured
in gold. Flip it upside down and you've got the price of
gold measured in the Dow. Put these two things together, and what you find is
that there's a cycle here and if you've written
stocks up to 1929 and then sold your
stocks and bought gold, and then in 1932 gone to gold … and then, gone
back to stocks I mean, and then in 1980 go back into gold, and so on, uh… this is the road to true wealth,
I mean, you're making massive gains here. I show two hypothetical
families in my book and one goes from 35 bucks to
11.000 bucks over that time period and the other one goes
from 35 bucks to 11 million and that is the difference,
one family creates a dynasty the other one didn't even break even.

This is the Gold-Dow ratio instead of the
Dow-Gold ratio, so you're measuring gold's value per ounce measured in what
percentage of a share of the Dow that it would buy, and what is showing is that gold is nowhere near a bubble,is very
undervalued here and still has to go up, the mean should be 25 per cent or more. and in every bubble in history
and in nature, I used to be an electronics engineer in physics, when something is out of whack, when it
reverse back to the mean it overshoots. if it's more out of whack, when it
reverses to the mean, it overshoots further, so I'm expecting the day where the price of gold would be
double or more the points on the Dow.

This is the Silver-Dow ratio. Silver has just I mean, the gains here
should be immense. This is just gold
for the past decade. I just challenge anybody to go and find
an index or stock or anything, that looks that good over
the last 10 years. This is a perfect chart, it's very bullish, there's nothing here saying gold, in this information that you're looking at,
this is what technical analysts look at when they're trying to figure out whether
to buy an asset or sell an asset, and this is saying that gold is probably going to continue
rising, there's nothing bearish in that signal. This is the SP 500 over the
last decade, so representing stocks of the 500 largest companies
in America and there is gold. uh… Here we have silver and I recently spoke at the 8th annual
banking conference in Socci Russia, this is the big banking conference
for all of Europe and Russia. And I was showing them this
at the very end, they cut me off it was really interesting.

I was running out of time, and you hear this voice
come over the loudspeaker and it is their Finance
Minister in their parlament, telling me: "mister Maloney, mister Maloney,
you've got to stop now mister Maloney" they were trying to cut me off,
I was presenting this information they did not want presented
at this conference, and then he comes up to me afterwards, he's got
a copy of my book that he bought, he wants it signed! Oh, by the way, please visit our
table afterwards, we're giving away, these are 100 trillion dollar bills, they are real,
they are from Zimbawe, we are giving away 20 quatrillion dollars at my table, so…

Uh… come and get your 100 trillion! OK, so… what I showed here was that
there is an inverted head-and-shoulders and this works just as well upside down,
as it does rightside up, you can see the head hanging,
it's like this guy hanging from his feet. This is the head and shoulders
that I'm tracing out here in blue, and then, you draw across the neckline, and you invert that
head in a predicted move and you see this, if you watch my…if you google "10 dollar oil" you'll see a video where he's cutting me off, and
I'm sort of flashing through this, I don't get a chance to describe it, but
I was predicting that silver would make a big move and guess what? That's what silver did. It doubled from where it was. This is the spot price of silver.

This is the price of silver IOUs,
the price of gold and silver is determined by people going:
"I owe you 5.000 ounces of silver, I owe you 5.000 ounces of silver, I owe
you 5.000 ounces of silver and handing this things out, and they're trading this IOUs
on the Commodities Exchange and that's what determines
the worldwide spot price. Now you can do this naked…it's called the
naked shorts. If you don't have the silver to cover it, if you're not sitting on a
pile of silver and you are writing IOUs, you can still sell them. And some big banks do this, like
J.P.Morgan and they crash the market and then come in and cover their shorts,
they buy those IOUs back at a lower price than they sold them for
and they get to make the spread. They fleece the public and
some funds that invested in silver for hundreds of millions
of dollars by doing this, and they do it, they've
done it on a regular basis. But Silver fell too low this
time and so did gold, and investors that were looking for physical
realized that it was just too cheap, and they all had to get some
and shortages developed, and all across India, Europe
and North America the cupboards were bare.

There were 3 months
where we can only get one silver product
at a time, and we had no gold. We didn't have gold and my
dealer shipped for 3 months and I deal with 4 of the world's largest
wholesalers and they could not find gold for us. People don't realize how much gold
and silver there is on the planet. There are 6.6 billion
people on the planet, there are only 2.2 billion
ounces of gold. That's a third of an ounce per person. Silver is even
more rare. There's only about 14th of an ounce per person.

That means that 14 people have to
share that same one ounce of silver. And right now, you can get a whole lot for your currency. uh… I'm going to take a little detour here. I did not define the difference
between currency and money, and you will hear me say: currency, currency,
currency, over and over and over again. Back…before World War One, uh…

Each note the Treasury issued,
each dollar in existence in the United States would say that there have been deposited
within the United States Treasury 20 dollars in gold coin, and payable
to the bearer upon demand. The money was in the vault, the currency was a note they
gave you, it was a claimcheck, only a claimcheck on
the money. The same as if you go to the dry cleaners
and give them your shirt, and they gave you a
claimcheck for your shirt.

The value is that shirt at the
dry cleaner's, not the piece of paper that says that
you own that shirt. So our currency that circulated, was the paper US dollars,
and they were claimchecks on money, and people do not understand that
money has to be a store of value. Only gold and silver
qualify as money. They have all the attributes that
you need. They are portable, durable, divisible, fungible… and then money
is a store of value over long periods of time. One of the things that
I always start with is how currency is created, because if you know
how the world financial system works you know the game
that you're playing.

And if you don't know the game
and the rules that we're playing by you're going to get slaughtered, you're going to get slaughtered. So this, just by knowing this,
increases your odds just a hundred fold of winning. So…uh… "When you or I write a check
there must be sufficient funds in our account to cover the check, but when the Federal
Reserve writes a check there is no bank deposit
on which that check is drawn. When the Federal Reserve writes a check it is creating money". And that is "Putting it Simply" from the Boston
Federal Reserve's website. Basically, the way this works is: the trader of the
United States is the US Treasury.

Uh… but every country has the
equivalent to our Treasury so the Treasuries around the world uh… create a bond and, what is a bond?
A bond is just an IOU: Loan me a trillion bucks and I promise
that over a 30-year period, I'm going to pay you back 2 trillion That's basically a bond, an IOU. And there's something in the middle
here called open market operations, that I'm gonna just show
you real quickly, but the open market operations
is just a shell game that obscures what is truly going on. So banks show up at the
Treasury Auctions, primary dealers they're called, and then the Federal Reserve comes along
and through open market operations, they write a check to the bank
and they buy that bond from the bank, so the Federal Reserve
ends up with the bond but then the next month those banks show at the
Treasury Auctions again. Now the Treasury has the dollars and the Federal Reserve has the bond,
and this process repeats itself over and over and over again. And there is a build up of
dollars at the Treasury and bonds at the Federal Reserve, So, we borrow currency into existence
with an IOU, that bond, and the Federal Reserve opens
up the bigger checkbook that doesn't have a single penny in it, and writes a bad counterfeit check and hands that to the Treasury, dollars spring into existence, then the Treasury deposits that in
the various branches of the government and the government does
some deficit spending, on social programs, public works and war, and then they pay those government workers, the contractors
and the soldiers.

And all of those people deposit
in their private banks, "Banks create money by 'monetizing'
the private debts of businesses and individuals". Federal Reserve Bank of New York. So, now the miracle of fractional
reserve lending comes in to play. Fractional reserve lending
is just what it says. They reserve a fraction
of what they've got, if you go to the bank
and you deposit 100 dollars, the bank is allowed to keep 10 dollars
in your checking acount in case you want some
of that 100 dollars, and they get to steal 90
dollars of it without telling you.

Your checking account never has
the balance that it says it's got in there. They have borrowed most
of that currency out of there, and they're going to
loan it to other people. When those people sign their loan,
currency actually gets created because you had a 100 dollars on deposit, and they have 90
so now there's 190. Then, they go and buy something, that's
the reason they're taking out a loan. And they buy a house or a car, or someyhing like that, and when they buy that thing, the seller then deposits it in his
bank account so that 90 dollars get deposited and then they get to go
and steal 90 per cent of that meaning 81 dollars, so now there's 271 dollars
on deposit. Can everybody see how the currency supplies is getting
magnified by the banks here? And that process happens over
and over and over again, and under a 10 per
cent reserve ratio, every dollar deposited
can create another 10.

So if you deposit a trillion in base
money, you can create 10 trillion, uh… And that is basically it, there is nothing else.
Our entire currency supply is either IOUs or receipts for IOUs. That's all that it is. It's all an imaginary agreement
and it is all giving value because you experienced yesterday
that the dollar purchased you something, so you expect that is
going to tomorrow. So you have this agreement that is, basically, you know, our entire currency system is imaginary. It doesn't really exist, it's just
that we're all dreaming the same dream. If anybody chooses to wake up, it's over with. So it's really just a couple
of bucks that is whipped up in this little voodoo hocus pocus
scheme here, where the Treasury and the Federal Reserve
write IOUs for each other, a check is an IOU,
a bond is an IOU, and they swap IOUs: dollars
spring into existence.

A dollar is a receipt
or a claimcheck: an IOU! Then the rest of the currency supply is a bunch of numbers that the
bank type in their computers. They don't exist. In my book, I call things money until I get to the point
where I define what money is. And the difference between money and
currency and from that point forward, I only call gold and silver money, and I call everything else currency, but in the original manuscript, when I start talking about the massive
currency creation that is going on, and how banks are just debasing their
currency supply all over the world and how this Mandrake
mechanism works, I start referring to it as
the numbers supply. the M3 number supply, uh… the base number supply because they're just numbers that somebody made up.
I can write numbers on a post-it and hand them out like this. They make them up, they type them
in a computer, it is nothing but a supply of numbers, How many numbers are there? It's infinite! So it's nothing but a number supply.

But it becomes real when you work for some of that currency supply, that number supply, and at that point, it now represents your blood,
sweat, labor, ideas and talent. You are what gives the
currency supply value. It would have no value without you. And the way that that value is enforced
this is the really cruel joke here. Let's say you save a part of that
currency supply, so you can pay tax to the tax collector in the
United States, that is called the IRS, so that they can turn that over to
the Treasury so the Treasury can pay the principal plus the interest on that bond which was paid for
with a check from nothing. So, you can see that, right? Everybody sees how this works? Now, there's another joke. There was interest
due on that bond.

Let me ask you, if you borrow a
dollar into existence and it's the only dollar that exists on the entire
planet but you promise to pay back 2 dollars, Where do you get the second dollar? Has anybody got the answer on that one? You borrow it into existence. When people say they're
just printing money, they're wrong. First of all, they're printing currency,
but they're borrowing currency into existence. The Fed doesn't just print money, what they do is they
indebt us in the future.

Everyone of these loans that we
took out of the bank that created the vast majority of our currency supply,
95 per cent of our currency supply, roughly, has been created by the banks uh… i think actually is 93
percent now and the Federal Reserve
created about 7 percent but uh… before the financial crisis the actual physical paper dollars
are what the Federal Reserve and the Treasury creates it's known as base, they call it
base money, I call it base currency uh… and then we create the rest of the currency supply by going to the bank and borrowing for home or something like
that or buying dinner and sign our credit card. When you sign a credit card receipt
you've expanded the currency supply of the planet. The problem with this system is that every single month
there is a payment due on that bond for the principle
plus the interest and there's payments due on your home
mortgages and on your cars and on your credit cards every single month you've got to make a payment on that currency that you borrowed into
existence and on the balance sheet that payment extinguishes the currency
that you borrowed into existence, so the currency supply
starts to collapse.

This system requires that we go deeper into debt every month
than were the previous month, we have to always borrow more
currency into existence than we are extinguishing
every single month or the whole thing
starts to collapse, and I'll show you what that
collapse looks like in a minute but first I'm going to show you the
base money, this is the these are the physical paper dollars

It's basically cash in circulation plus the deposits that the big commercial
banks have at the Federal Reserve uh… all of the banks have a checking
account at the Federal Reserve and their deposits are redeemable in
paper dollars so it's a measurement of how many paper dollars exist. It took 200 years to go from
zero dollars in existence to 825 billion dollars, then came along, came
the financial crisis of 2008 and it has only taken two and
a half years to triple that. We are now at about uh… 2.4 trillion dollars of base money from 825 just two-and-a-half years ago, so this looks like the currency supply
of the planet is just exploding when you look at this and most economists and newsletter writers
are talking about inflation, inflation inflation is right around
the corner, this is going to happen.

I believe that we're going
to have, I wrote in my book we would have the
threats of deflation followed by big inflation which we have already
had, that's what this is, followed by a real monetary deflation
which is the collapse of the currency supply: inflation, deflation are properly referred to as an expansion
or contraction of the currency supply prices follow but there's a delay, uh… and so uh…
consumer price inflation keeps your eye off the ball.

If you can look at what's
happening in the currency supply you're seeing into the future. And I believe that there's
going to be deflation first and then all of the
world central banks will start printing like crazy to
get us out of that deflation and Ben Bernanke will be
leading the charge, and so back in March of 2006 uh… the Federal Reserve hid the broadest measure of
the currency supply, the currency supply
that is M1, M2 and M3 uh… M1 is uh… cash in circulation uh… plus checking, checking accounts uh… M3 was the broadest measure that
incorporated the most different types of of bank deposits and so on, not at all the entire currency supply,
the entire currency supply is actually total credit so about 53 trillion
today and it's uh…

Stalled and started to shrink. But M3, they used to
publish it every month it was the uh… measurement of the
currency supply that most newsletter writers and uh… on the news
that they would report and the Fed hid it from us
in March of 2006 claiming that it was too expensive
to compile all this information and that it was useless anyway that you
couldn't glean anything from M3 that you couldn't get from M2. Now, here's the real kicker. There is a… uh… M3 is… you take a whole bunch
of different monetary aggregates that the Fed publishes and you add them
together and you get M3. The only one that they don't publish
I believe it's uh… uh… euro-dollars I can't remember,
I believe it's euro-dollars, it was 0.6 percent of M3 so you can still reconstruct M3
off of all the other monetary aggregates plus minus
0.6 percent accuracy and there are several companies that do this,
shadow stats, shadow government statistics or, is one of them, it's by John Williams. He's
one of the people that does and all the people that do their data agrees, so I'm like 99.4 because is there a 0.6
percent plus minus, I'm 99.4 percent sure that this information is correct, and what you see here is that
there's a little collapse going on of the currency supply up here, and it's not huge we've gone from
you know this would be 15 so about 14.7 trillion dollars down
to just under 14 trillion dollars in M3, but base currency is a component of the M3 that red part
on the bottom is part of it, and they've been pushing
that up like crazy Why? Because there's a credit
collapse going on right now.

When you deduct the base money from the credit based portion of this part of M3, so the portion of what we
borrow into existence what happens is that it shows this enormous
collapse going on. This is M3 minus base money and there's a 1.7 trillion-dollar collapse of the currency
supply, it's about 13 percent, Now, there's no time in history that this has
happened, this goes back to nineteen sixty except the beginning
of the Great Depression, that was the last time the currency
supply contracted was, the beginning of the
Great Depression. Usually there's a time lag
between stuff like this happening and the public feeling it so the Federal Reserve is borrowing currency
into existence like crazy and they're now doing direct purchases
of bonds from… They don't even go through that open market
operations shell game, that keeps you from
seeing what's going on, they're buying bonds directly from the
Treasury, this is Quantitative Easing they're calling it and that means there's
an emergency going on.

They're telling us that
everything's fine, that, you know all of their emergency efforts cured
everything, and the economy is OK what the hell is this right here? why in just the past couple of months
this is part of the quantitative easing why is the currency expanding? from uh… 2 trillion to 2.4? If everything was fine, the Federal Reserve
would not be doing that! They're scared shitless,
so it's happening they're doing anything they can to
prevent this deflationary collapse that I predicted in my book uh… you know I first started buying gold
when it was 325 bucks an ounce, actually it was 315 uh… 326 for golden eagles uh… that was October 2002, by April 2003 I had discovered silver and I was all in. I can see, I was reading in 2001 and 2002 I was researching what was going on in
the global economy every single day, I was addicted to it. And by October of 2002 I
started making my commitment and by April of 2003
I was all in. In 2004 I started speaking on it.

In 2005 I incorporated
and became a precious metals dealer and start writing my
book and that was published in 2008, so I didn't just bet my portfolio
on it, I bet my entire life on it. I can see that
there wasn't anything in history as far as finances go that
was as much of this sure bet, a sure thing as gold and silver accounting for the
expansion of the fiat currency supply.

Gold and silver are denominated in this fiat currency, these digital numbers
that they type into the computers and paper notes so they just run off the
printing press and it's all borrowed into existence. Periodically throughout history
for the past 2400 years they have done this. This is… the lower line is the value of
the gold held at the Treasury so the uh…

The number of ounces
of gold times the price. The upper line is the currency in
circulation, base money. And that this is from the
year 1918 and here we have the stock market crash in 29
and these are the bank runs of the 30 where people
were asking for gold. But they printed too many receipts for
gold. If you can go back to before World War One these two lines
would converge. They diverge there and we've
created this lie where we were creating all these receipts for gold,
these claimchecks on gold that didn't exist.

When people wanted it, Roosevelt had to make private ownership
of gold illegal because there was a run on gold, and in the United States
americans could not own gold. And then a year later they
unpegged the dollar from gold and the dollar's value plummeted, so that it took, it went from
taking 20 dollars to purchase one ounce of gold uh…it then required 35 dollars to purchase,
so they called it a change in the price of gold, they can't change the price of gold
when you're on a worldwide gold standard, and gold has, you know, it's got
a certain intrinsic value.

The dollar fell. And so… what's amazing is accounted for
the currency supply. This is the free markets in the will of
the public forcing the government hands forcing them to change the rules.
Here's the same chart again uh… but now I've taken the
dates out further, so you can see uh… World War Two, the expansion
of the currency supply then in 59 uh… Charles de Gaulle,
the president of France uh… says we want our gold, other countries
started jumping on board and gold started leaving the vaults. Then I'm taking it out further
because that one goes out to 1971 In 1971 we go off of gold
but there's another line here, a blue line. how many here would say the credit
cards are replacing cash in circulation? Credit cards are replacing
cash in circulation. I believe they are and when you sign
a credit card receipt and you paid that merchant, the merchant's checking
account does not know the difference between credit card currency
that you created and cash that the Federal
Reserve created.

It can't tell the difference and that
currency that you created circulates until somebody saves it up and
pays down credit card debt. And so uh… I add that to the currency supply. Once Nixon took us off of gold, and
gold became a separately traded commodity/currency uh… the will of the public and the free
markets drove the price of gold up until once again the value of gold
held at the Treasury exceeded the currency supply and there was
a year where we could have gone back on the gold standard and it also covered outstanding
revolving credit for an entire month. So all it was doing is the
same thing as it did in 1934 and in Weimar Germany and
hundreds and hundreds of times since the year 407 BC with the
first grade inflation in Athens. This is the same chart again but it shows Ben Bernanke panicking
over here and this is the increase of base money.

That's that first chart that I
showed you, not first chart, but one where there was a red area on the bottom, so that's the increase
in base money. Well, there's the outstanding
revolving credit piled on top of it, uh… here's gold and what this means is that gold has to
rise from here to way up there to do the same
accounting that it has already done twice in the United States and
hundreds and hundreds of times in history. This is a natural thing. It does this
automatically. The will of the public and the free market force
this to happen.

I'd believe that is there's absolutely no chance
in hell that this won't happen, right now it takes about 15000 to
20000 dollar a ounce of gold So, here is another way of looking at the
same thing, and it's a great way of looking whether gold is undervalued
or overvalued. If you take just the paper
dollars, that base money and you say there's a certain amount of
paper dollars, how much gold do we have as a percentage of those
paper dollars to cover them? And so gold is expensive when we've got too much gold,
more than uh… paper dollars, and it's cheap when we don't have enough,
and it's very cheap uh… when uh… when it's way down here. Well, this is where we are as far as just the paper
dollars. Here's when you add outstanding revolving credit. This is what a debt collapse or
currency collapse looks like. We borrow uh… two units of currency
into existence here uh… and uh… to do that we promise to pay back, we're borrowing
this currency into existence with the bond the bond is over here,
say you've got uh…

These two units
of debt plus interest, so you owe back more than you're borrowing into
existence but then each month you're going to pay off a small portion of that debt, and so the next month we go
on borrow more into existence and we pay off, we keep on hang
off that debt every month and we always have to borrow more into
existence than we're paying off, but notice something. You notice how the debt is now growing
faster? It was only fifty percent higher but now it's a double,
it's a hundred percent. It grows faster than the currency supply. There comes a day where
this is unsustainable. If the public gets scared and they
stopped borrowing currency into existence and they save
up and pay down debt, the whole thing goes
into a deflationary collapse. This is what I was predicting and this
is what is happening right now. Thank you. uh… This is how much debt we owe
compared to the size of our economy.

If you owe fifty cents and
your economy is a dollar you owe fifty percent of
the size of the economy. If you owe five hundred billion and your
economy is one trillion you owe fifty percent the size of your economy. It's the same either way so uh…
this what this chart shows, is how much debt
the United States has, the National Debt, compared to the size of its economy, and it goes back to 1792, which was
when the original coinage act of the United States was created, and there was debt leftover from the revolutionary war and,
so that's this debt here at the very beginning of the chart, right there and what you see is that it never
exceeded the fifty percent level, until World War Two, this includes the Civil War, World War One and the
establishment of the Federal Reserve, uh… the Great Depression. You see that during the twenties we were
growing the economy faster than the debt, and so the debt compared to the size of
the economy is a smaller and smaller uh…

Portion because we were having the roaring
twenties, the economy was growing and the debt wasn't
growing as fast, so on this chart the debt is shrinking
through the twenties but then suddenly in 1930 it goes up. Why? It wasn't because we were borrowing a
whole bunch of currency and going into debt, it's because
the economy shrank and our debt
stayed the same, so that was the last great deflation
that got us into uh… a deeper debt because we couldn't afford to
pay the debt that we owed, uh… the economy shrank faster then we do the deficit spending for
World War Two and we can exceed this level of fifty percent because now we
have this fiat currency system, where we could just borrow
currency into existence but when you do that a bond, bonds range from like a month to
thirty years out into the future that you're going to pay them back, that means we're borrowing prosperity
out of the future.

You remember how I said you save up some of the currency
supply and you can pay tax to pay the principle plus interest. So the prosperity that we're
enjoying right now, this moment is owed back in the future. We have to pay a principle plus interest
for the privilege now of having currency that we can use. Somebody is skimming off
the top basically, this is the way the banking system sort of skims
off the top, is through inflation there's people that get
rich off of this without having to do any work and putting their value into the
system, they get to skim purchasing power out of the
system through inflation. But every dollar that we borrow into
existence puts us in debt in the future, so we are every year borrowing
prosperity out of the future and we spend it today.

The average roll over for all the bonds
is about four-and-a-half years, so the prosperity that
we're enjoying right now we owe back uh… we've got to pay for
four-and-a-half years from now. And right now the taxes
that you're paying are paying for prosperity
during the Bush administration, We have already
spent it, it's gone. So then we started growing the economy
faster than we were doing deficits spending, so our debt compared to the size of the
economy goes down during the Korean War, in Vietnam, and then we have the end of the gold
standard and then Reagan says: "deficits don't matter" we can just go ahead and
spend as much as we want. uh… The debt increases. Just before
this era of the financial crisis, there's a little slope where it starts to go
down, that's the Clinton era.

They said that we had surpluses, it was uh… bullshit. If you look.. I don't look at the
government's accounting of whether or not they say we have a
surplus or deficit, what I look at is the National Debt. Did it go up? If it went up it meant we
spent more than we had. If it went down it means we had a surplus, we had excess
income above what we're spending and during the Clinton years
there was never a year where the actual national
debt went down. I don't know of the people in the United
States, from the United States here, remember when uh… Gore and Bush
were running against each other they're both telling us how they were
going to spend all this currency that was flowing in.

You know, they were each trying to compete on all the free crap they're
going to give us in the future, and uh… you know, that's how uh… actually that
isn't how Bush won… but that's another story. Anyway, These statistics are from the
congressional budget office. This is what our government is going to tell us,
is going to happen in the future, and it's not pretty. It's completely unsustainable,
it is impossible, it cannot happen,
you can't have debts that is ten times
the size of your economy. It's not possible. Everything comes
to a screeching halt first, and so something has to change. Right now, uh… I don't know if it got passed or
not, but the government I dont't keep up with the news,
I consider it all short term noise, it distracts you from what is
really going on, so I'm not sure did uh…

They settle on some sort of
budget and is the government gonna keep on running? Does anybody know this? Yes, they did? Did the republicans, who were trying to get
this thing passed whose gonna pay down the debt that they win? There's some sort of compromise. You see, it's deflationary. It would cost a financial collapse to try
and pay down this debt, you have to go into.. In order for us to maintain the levels we've
got and to maintain the prosperity Obama has to be a…

We have to be twice as far in debt when
he leaves office than when he came in. Or the whole thing is
starting to collapse. uh… so, more proof that we are
going into a deflation first. This is what a dead cat
bounce looks like. This is the stock market.
The stock rises uh… it peaks, takes a little dip, a bunch of investors come in, thinking
that they're scooping up deals and they start buying and it rises again and then
the crash continues because when they started buying it hadn't
reached fair value yet. It had just rollover taken a little bounce in
the market that's still uh… looking for a fair value so there's
the dead cat and it bounces.

There's the Nasdaq, so that's uh… uh… what a dead cat bounce
looks like. The initial crash on the Nasdaq was
38 percent. The total crash was 78 percent. This is the Dow in the 1929 crash
and the dead cat bounce, uh… the initial portion of
the crash was 48 percent, and the total crash was 90 percent, so in the first examples was
38 percent, 78 percent. 48 percent, 90 percent, so if
the initial crash is larger the rest of the crash
is going to be larger. We are going through a giant
version of the 1929 crash or the Nasdaq crash. We just had the biggest
crash in history: the Dow which is supposed to be the biggest,
safest, securest. The 30 largest companies in the United States uh… just crashed by 56 percent and we are in a
dead cat bounce, meaning that ultimately the total crash should be greater
than 90 percent from its high. This is the best way of measuring the value of a stock, and I'm sorry if I'm going
fast and this isn't sinking in, I've got lot of stuff here and
I've got to cover it, only got twenty minutes left, I gotta show you that the world's
stock markets and real estate bubbles have to continue crashing because all it is is that market trying
to seek fair value, it's trying to seek equilibrium, this is what the markets do, it is their job.

The SP 500, these are PE ratios,
how many here knows know what a PE ratio is? OK, how many do not? It's OK, raise your hand
and say that you don't. OK, it's the price of a share of stock divided by the earnings
of the company. So it's basically how much is this
stock costing me, compared to how much is the company making. And one of the best ways, the entire industry stock market, the
industry, the financial industry agrees that this is
probably the best way of measuring the true value of the stock,
whether it's overpriced or underpriced when you're buying it.

The S&P only goes back to the
year 1950 but professor Robert Shiller of Yale University uh… reconstructed the S&P and took the
500 largest companies in America and took it all the way back to the year 1880. So you have a hundred and twenty years or two hundred
and twenty one years of data here. Fair value is when PE ratios are about
12, meaning you're paying twelve times the
earnings of the stock, so if you buy a stock its going to…
if nothing else changes and the company continues making the same amount
every year, it's gonna take you 12 years to make your uh…

Money back and be in profit. Undervalued is anything under 10,
overvalued is 15 to 18, anything over 18 is a bubble, and so here's the data
going back to the year 1880 and what you see here is that there is no time in history that
we go from fair value to overvalued, once it hits overvalued, it does not stop, it bounces
on the way down, and visits undervalued, overvalued,
undervalued, overvalued, undervalued, overvalued, undervalued. The greatest bubble in history, the year 2000 PE is at almost 45, absolutely insane
investing in a stock and having to wait 45
years to be in profit. This was nuts and people were chasing
stocks like crazy. This is the tech boom and so on. Well, it crashed down the fair value
during the market crash of 2008 and it bounced back
into a bubble, where PE is about 23 or 24 right now. The stock markets seek equilibrium. They
seek fair value over the years. This is their job, that is what they do. There's a famous trader
named Bernard Baruch who said in the short term the stock
market is a voting machine, is like a stock machine, I mean, it's
a slot machine or voting machine it does what the public
thinks it should do.

The public chases after
something, it goes into a bubble, but in the long term
it's a weighing machine, it balances, its scales balancing each other. That's what the stock market is
always trying to do: seek fair value. It's only there for brief
moments in history, but the point is that every
time we are in a bubble, it visits severely undervalued and the
greater the bubble, usually the greater you overshoot fair value. uh… This is the second best way of
measuring a stock's value: the dividend yield. If you
buy a stock for a buck and that company pays you six cents every
year into your brokerage account you're getting a six-percent yield. I have inverted this chart because uh… the higher the yield the more
undervalued the stock is, the lower the yield more overvalued it is. So I inverted it, so
the bubbles are up and undervalued is down, uh… so fair value is uh… four and a half
to almost six uh… so there you see the
same pattern as before, but here's what's alarming.

It's that there is no time in
the first 118 years of data that we have been
in a bubble this large. This is absolute insanity
and it can not last. There are two ways that the
market can seek equilibrium. One: the market goes sideways for a decade
while we have raging inflation that will balance this out and then bring
dividend yields and PEs back into line. Two: it crashes, the markets go down, the currency supply is collapsing, therefore this has to be a
deflationary collapse, this can't be an inflation in what they
call an invisible crash.

Uh… these are the
world stock markets, so there you have the US stock market,
the England stock market, Germany stock market, this is Singapore and Japan. Notice that before the year 2000 Singapore and Japan used to trade in
different direction than the United States. The United States could be going up
while their stock market was going down. But before the year 2000 all of the markets
of all the major economies trade in the same
direction at the same time. Here is Brazil and here is Russia and in about the year 2003 they started trading in the same
direction and since the market crash of 2008 all markets,
all world markets go the same direction
at the same time. The S&P, the Dow they're way,
way overvalued in a bubble, we're having a deflationary
collapse of the currency supply, the markets have to go down, when they do, the rest of the world's,
where the United States goes so goes the rest of the world. These markets all have to collapse.

Now, we have some real estate bubbles going
on. The real estate bubble in the United States uh… took it basically burst in
the year 2007-2008 and it's been falling but I measure something
called the mortgage rent ratio, uh… fair value on a home is
if you're paying about a uh… uh… a dollar to a dollar five for the mortgage, the monthly
mortgage on a thirty-year mortgage plus your carry cost
like insurance and stuff, for each dollar that you can rent the
house for, if you were going to rent it.

We went into a bubble of a buck
twenty five in 1989-1990, fair value is about a buck five, and then we had the recession and it
went to ninety cents, on national average in the year 1995 uh… real estate cash flow by ten
percent, a single-family medium price home in the United States except you couldn't get a loan
back then, credit was tight, the economy was lousy, then we went into this real estate
bubble that was the greatest bubble in world history, where people are paying a buck
eighty-five, a buck ninety, almost two bucks for each dollar they
could rent the house for. uh… And then that bubble popped, and it came back down not to fair value but
to a buck twenty five and bounced, so it came back
down to the height of the previous bubble, it bounced, and we are right now at a buck twenty
five, so valuations on real estate are still as high as they were
in the bubble in 1989.

They have to come down or rents have to go up. This is all deflationary, which means
that rents are not going to go up, real estate is gonna come down. All of this travels
together, like I said. Now, when the world
stock markets crash, does anybody know about the bubbles that
are going on, the real estate bubbles that are going on in
the rest of the world? How many here are watching the videos
that we produce each week on Youtube and so on? OK, do you enjoy those videos? Yes, good. Are they informative? Yes. Do we try to sell you anything? No. All we do is we educate. So here is a video that we made in
Las Vegas uh… this is our driver very well-informed
man, very educated. uh… he was very informed on world
finance, the stock markets, real estate, he really knew what
was going on in Las Vegas and behind him there is a

Big casino project I can't remember the name of this one uh… there's the… Venetian in the background and
there's a building going up in front of that. this is the the casino project
that they were developing uh… and that's another shot of it. See that tall building behind it? That's a hotel called the Fountainbleu. If you go to the other
side of the Fountainbleu what you notice is that there's a bunch
of windows that are boarded over, this thing is skinned on the outside,
it's not finished on the inside, they've got a billion and a half into
it, now looking for another three billion dollars to finish this thing, and this stuff is all over Las Vegas, it's not
just in Las Vegas, it's all over the world.

This is in Moscow, this is a development called
Moscow's City Center, there's the project, you can't read it
unless you read Russian, uh… but all of these beautiful
buildings here, there's nine buildings one of them was completely in the
framing stage, another one was uh… half way completed of the others there are two that are
occupied and one that is one-third occupied, the rest are just skinned over, and they're not
completed on the inside. The project is at a standstill, uh… and then in front of this project there's
this giant hole in the ground and this is where the centerpiece
was supposed to be. This was Russia's bragging rights, this was going to be the
tallest building in Europe, Federation Tower, and it's
a hole in the ground, and it'll remain a hole
in the ground, that will never be finished.

Does anybody know what the Singapore
flyer is? I've only got ten minutes and I'm not gonna be able
to finish this thing, It's a big ferris wheel in Singapore, it's
one of the tallest in the world if not the tallest, I think it is the tallest, and here I am looking at
their real estate bubble and if you noticed there's cranes on top
of all these buildings here, uh… there's cranes everywhere. Look at
all those buildings being built uh… All bubbles burst, we are in
a worldwide credit bubble, when these markets rollover the giant real estate bubbles that were going up and then took a
little breath when our markets crashed their bubbles kept on going after
pausing, when our real estate bubble uh… popped and started
reverting back to fair value. The markets are just trying to seek fair
value, that's all they're doing. But people and the world
central banks go: "Oh, my God!" every time there's a little crash "we gotta do something about it!" It doesn't feel good to be in a recession
so they try and pump everything up but they don't realize that they're
just making everything worse later.

Everything they do is gonna come
back to haunt them as more uh… inflation eventually uh… or this deflation I'm talking about
is the expansion of credit contracting. Here's another thing that is going on that is going to mean that this decade
is different than anything else that you have known. uh… People don't realize
that every 30 to 40 years the world has an entirely
new monetary system. It changes every 30 to 40 years. In 1873 Germany started
the Classical Gold Standard uh… and by 1900 pretty much every developed country
on the planet was on the standard where every note in circulation that was
put out by their treasury was backed by an equivalent amount of gold, so it was 100 percent backing, uh…

Then World War One happened, all the combatants in Europe went
off of the Classical Gold Standard and started printing, and between the wars we had something called the gold
exchange standard where it was a mixture of debt and uh… gold backing the currency uh… then that was a very poorly
constructed man-made system, and anything man-made
cannot last, so basically they were uh… the Federal Reserve, under the Federal
Reserve Act there was a 40 percent reserve ratio and they were allowed to put uh…

A fifty dollar bill into circulation
for each twenty dollars worth of gold that they had
backing the fifty dollars, so they're putting claimchecks on gold
in excess of the amount of gold that they actually had. Ever since the Federal Reserve was born
we have been living under a lie. And if people say that we've got free
markets in the United States, they're wrong. You cannot have free markets
without free market money. Your currency is fifty percent
of every transaction, all of the transactions
are the free market. If there's a small group of men
deciding what currency is and how much the cost of currency is
going to be, the interest rates, that isn't a free market.

We do not have free markets,
we haven't had since the year 1913, then we have uh… something called the
Bretton Woods system, the Classical Gold Standard broke down, the Bretton Woods
system was from 1944 where uh… all of the world's uh… currencies would be backed
by the US dollar at 35 dollars an ounce and foreign
central banks only could exchange those dollars
for gold at the New York Fed, for 35 dollars per ounce, so all the world's currencies were
pegged to gold but through the US dollar. uh… All of these countries started
asking for dollars and gold flowed out of the vaults and Nixon had to take
us off the gold standard in 1971, so you've got 30 to 40 years,
30 years, 28 years, 39 years plus what's next? In this decade there's going to be an
emergency meeting of the G7, of the G20 countries, and there going to be trying to hash out a
new world monetary system and they're already working on it, they're trying to figure out what they're going to do
when the dollar collapses.

Uh… Here's the differences between the seventies bull market and today and
this is the reason I say that you really can't compare them,
their isn't any comparison, and remember in eight years gold went up 24 times its price
silver went up 36, these are enormous winnings in such a
short period of time. uh… In the seventies it was basically
North America and Western Europe, that drove the price
of the precious metals, the exchanges were the
London Metals Exchange, and the Commodities Exchanges
in the United States, that's where the price of
gold and silver was set. All of the USSR they could not participate, there were no
exchanges there, there's no market for gold and silver and even if you could buy some, it was on
the black market, so your investment did not affect the worldwide price. Those
people were excluded in participating in this bull market and driving
the price of gold forward.

China under Mao, same thing, first of all everybody was making a
subsistence living, very few people even had electricity let alone being able to
go and invest in gold. India, Mexico, South America, these
countries were all very poor at that time, the world's richest man is Carlos Slim, and uh… he lives in Mexico City, uh… you have massive investors in all
of these countries now and in Shanghai investing is a sport, people will sit around in a room like this
and watch tickers go by and make their bets, uh… the rest of the world,
Africa, I mean, pretty much the whole rest of the world was excluded in
that bull market and gold went up 24 times and silver 36. So what…and back then too, news traveled very slowly, you turned on that old vaccum tube
TV set waiting 60 seconds for it warm up and then Walter Cronkite would
come on give you the price of gold and or you open the newspaper
the next day and uh…

Get your news 24
hours after it happened, and then you pick up the telephone and call
your broker and if you were lucky he can get an order onto the floor of the
exchange for you the same day, but possibly the next day. So, news and reaction
time was very slow. uh… Also the development
of the investor mindset. before the Arisa Act and before
Nixon took us off of gold, before 1971 when Nixon
took us off of gold if you went to work between your
late teens or mid twenties, depending on whether you went
to college or not, you could expect that if you saved ten percent of your
income every month then when we got into your sixties you can
retire and live off the interest in your savings account.

Can you do that today? Nobody
can live off the interest of its savings account, unless he got
twenty million bucks sitting there, fifty million bucks, that's the
only way you're going to get by. and you wouldn't leave in the savings
account because you're losing to inflation, your principle is
getting whittled away because of inflation. uh… So, my parents' generation were savers not speculators and investors. uh… What's different today? Today, the entire world
can participate. It's roughly ten times the
populations that can participate in this bull market. News travels at the speed of light over
a tremendous variety of media outlets. You can get the news on your cell phone, on your laptop, uh… And an investor crossing the Sahara, we're out filming in front of the
pyramids and there's this Bedouin guy sitting on the ground and he's
got some sticks and he's starting a fire to make some tea, and he's on his cell phone.

This guy crossing the desert can take his
Apple Iphone, check the price of gold and place a trade right there. Is this a different world or not? Yes? OK? uh… Then you have the development of the
investor mindset. Along comes the tech bubble, and Nasdaq and everybody got themselves a
trading platform and became a day trader, uh… and then they got
punished, the market crashed. Then you've got a real estate bubble that
happens and everybody starts chasing real estate, and then they get
foreclosed on, on real estate, the bubble popped at least
here in the US and England, the bubbles are still going on all down
the coast of China and Australia and New Zealand, those bubbles are massive and
they're about to burst.

Uh… And so they got punished, nobody has been punished on
precious metals for 30 years. Our memories just aren't
that long so the next great bubble is absolutely
destined to be precious metals. Nobody has been burned out on it, you
know, nobody that's chasing after an investment to either secure their retirement or to
buy them that new Lamborghini. uh… And so the development of the investor mindset,
this is really critical to try and figure out.

How many units of currency around the
planet are gonna come chasing the same tiny little pile of gold and a
pile of silver that's about one fifth the size that was in 1980? uh… It's at least ten times the
eligible populations, each one of them has at
least ten times the currency, and, you know, as I think about this it's
probably greater than these figures I was saying that there
was somewhere between ten and one hundred times
more investors but think about this: In all of the USSR and China, more that
half the world's population, there was not one investor, not one and today it's the sport in Shanghai.

So i think this is probably over a
hundred, it might be a thousand I don't know. So you can take these figures and
possibly add a zero to them and that's the potential amount of units of
currency that can come chasing the same… I mean we had 2 billion
ounces of gold back then, uh… on the markets, and today there's
2.2, so it's 10 percent more gold, but silver there's only about
600 million ounces of silver on the exhanges, 500 million
ounces, 600 million ounces. uh… Here's the 747, and here's a little man with very strong
legs that just dropped out of the sky, this is for scale, and if you took all of the
silver ever mined in history it would fit into a cube about that size
on the scale and all the gold ever mined in history would be a cube about that size,
however, gold has two basic functions: money and jewelry, and that's a pretty much it.

Only 5
percent of gold production gets used in industry. Silver is the second most useful
commodity known to man, oil is the first with about 30.000 uses, silver is second with about 10.000
uses but we use it in microscopic amounts. When you type on the keyboard you're
typing on silver, when you look at a DVD or a CD you're looking at silver, when you look
in the mirror, you're looking at silver. When you look through a thermal pane
window, you're looking through silver. It's everywhere, it's a biocide,
it's going into superconductors, it's going into RFID chips, but you know what?
None of that matters.

What's going to drive the price of
silver is investment demand, it's the public rushing into this and
when gold gets too expensive for the public, they switch their preference to
silver, this is what happened back in in late 1979 and early 1980, silver lagged gold and then uh… silver
just exploded because gold got too expensive. But silver has already been
outperforming gold, and there will come a day when there's
commentators on MSNBC, Fox News, CNN they're going to be showing with… Whenever you're in a bubble,
whatever is in a bubble and the public is chasing, they want to hear about,
and the news accommodates, they give you whatever you want to hear
about, they don't tell you what they should be telling you, they tell you what
you want to hear.

And there's going to be
people on air like me showing charts and saying: "Of course,
silver has been outperforming gold, there's less of it". "There's five times more gold for
investors to buy than there is silver" that's the reason is been outperforming
gold so, is it possible that silver could actually exceed the price of gold? Sure, it is. All you have to do is look at
these insane bubbles that have happened in the past like
the tulip mania of 1637. I don't know if it will, I don't
actually expect it to, but it definitely could because it's
more rare and the markets do something called the price discovery
mechanism where they try to find out, uh…

they set the price based upon
the equilibrium that's determined by the rarity of the two items. uh… That's been going
on for centuries, the price discovery mechanism
is not broken, it still works, uh… and I expect it to work, so we use up
the silver, so the result is, this is what they look like today. Now, cubes are deceiving that so
the gold cube's actually about four, five times larger than the silver cube. If you take a cubic foot,
that's a foot by a foot by a foot. And if you make it 2 feet by 2 feet
by 2 feet, it hasn't doubled, it's now 8 cubic feet. So, uh… as you double the measurements on
a cube, it goes up in volume eight times, so there's actually about four, five
times more gold than there is silver on the exchanges that
investors can buy, so when people come flooding into this,
I do expect this…

Right now silver's value is 1/35 of gold. I expect it to outperform gold
by at least a factor of 3.5, I'm expecting a 10/1 ratio
at an absolute minimum. uh… Silver being 1/5 of
gold's price is perfectly logical, if it's going up slow and it hits gold's
price then all the industry will just switched to gold because that's the
only other metal they can use in most of these instances. They can use platinum, rhodium,
paladium and gold but they only mine 5 million ounces each per year of
platinum, rhodium and paladium. They use 900 million
ounces of silver so there's not enough of those other
metals, the only alternative to silver in most of these applications, like
keyboards in electronics, is gold. uh… So if it was going up slowly and
it did hit the price of gold, gold can stop it in its tracks, if there's a
rush gold can go past, however silver is much cheaper to mine than
gold and it wouldn't stay there. uh… We are always trying to figure
this stuff out at our company, trying to measure it and see
when to buy, when to sell.

Now… Can you roll that… This is a clip from one of our Youtube videos,
and this is the insiders video that uh… our customers at,
they got to see this two months ago and then we just released it, and so this is the type of
information that you get, and when we're nearing a top, our
customers are going to be informed on what we are doing, so, can you roll that video, please? And what you see is that when you're
coming off the bubble, when it's overvalued it has never in 130 years, just gone back to fair value and gone
back up into a bubble, it always continues on its uh…

Way down in a
bear market until it goes to severely undervalued and then a new bull market
starts again and it start rising. Well, we are in a bubble, it has to seek equilibrium,
it's probably gonna blow right past it and go to severely
undervalued, just like it has every time for the
past 130 years. So real estate and stocks are
doing this at the same time, while we're in a bull market for
precious metals and there is a problem with currencies.

So we are going to be measuring all
these things very carefully, and then using some confirming
indicators that should flash to us when to get ready to sell and
we're going to be letting you know, so thanks a lot, I hope you have some
great holidays, I'll see you later. I was standing in front of a green screen just sort
of drawing this charts out of memory and our animator Adam had to sort of flow the charts
in front of me and move them around to match them up with my finger, but uh… uh… that is what you
get as a customer, it's on the Youtube channel "Why Gold
And Silver?" so if you do a search for "sell silver Mike Maloney", because it's when to sell your gold and silver
so "sell silver Mike Maloney" you'll get that video in its entirety,
and there are dozens of videos on "WhyGoldAndSilver" "GoldMikeMaloney" and "WealthCycles".

So those are the 3 Youtube channels that you can go to, and each one of them
has a few dozen videos on it. uh… This is the gold panic
in 1948 in Shanghai, if you wait until the last minute, I'm not very good at swearing,
Robert Kiyosaki is great at it so I usually don't swear much on stage, but if you wait until the last minute,
you are shit out of luck, up shit creek, without a paddle in a
barbed wire canoe, fucked! Thank you! Unlike the second
to the last frame here, here's one thing
people do not realize. It does not take Ben Bernanke to print the dollar
into oblivion for gold to go to 10.000 dollars an ounce,
50.000 dollars an ounce, 100.000 dollars an ounce. All it takes are a few very wealthy investors
to try to get theirs before the masses wake up
and the herd comes charging in, but this is the masses,
this is the people waking up out of their beer-and-football
induced comas, coming in at the last second, well,
this is sort of a different situation, because their currencies were going to
to go to zero because of war, but basically, you've to get in
ahead of the trend, and then get out when everybody
else is panicking like that.

Like I said, this is the greatest
wealth transfer in history, but you have no idea
of the scale until you think. If we do have a change
in our monetary system and if we have to go back to
some sort of asset backed currency that means that the people that are
holding non asset backed currencies, which is all the currencies
on the planet today, their wealth is transferred to
the holders of precious metals. This is the greatest wealth transfer in
history, therefore it is the greatest opportunity in history. By the way, is Stephanie Wing here? Stephanie stand up for just a second.
Stephanie's grandfather's sister was the Secretary during the
roaring twenties and through the stock market crash and then
in the depths of the Great Depression, she started buying stocks
when everybody else was selling and when stocks were like the bad,
and the poisoned investment that you did not want
to get involved in. Stephanie's grandfather's sister
started buying the stocks, she is an example of wealth cycles, she rode this stocks up and I
don't know exactly when she did it, but she must have sort of innate sense
that the stocks were overvalued, and she sold the stocks and bought real estate.
If you go to the French Embassy in Washington DC that was her hotel, thank you, Stephanie.

So, thank you very much, we'll see
out in the lobby where you can get Free 100 trillion bucks from us, thanks! So, I just came off
stage of the event, and you know, it's great, the event went great, all the information
was very well received, it was a great audience, but, you know? Even though it's so rewarding to talk to the people live
and hear their reaction still reaching a few hundred or a few thousand people at a time. It's not good enough any more,
we're really in an emergency and we need to start reaching
millions of people at a time, and that's why I'm trying to go more video oriented, than travelling around the planet
like I have been, country by country, telling 400 to 4.000 people at a time. So, you know, hopefully I'm hoping that I don't
have to make any more personal appearances, that I can just produce videos, write books
and get the information out there as fast as possible and reach millions instead of thousands.

Well, we've been working on a
documentary and we have been around the world, Taiwan, Singapore,
Australia, New Zealand Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, London, Saint Petersburg (Russia), Moscow Germany, Rome, Paris, Athens (Greece), and we shot in front of the pyramids in Egypt,
it's been a spectacular trip, trying to put together this documentary and I think that's going to be really enjoyable
for people and highly educational. No chance in hell that
it's gonna happen, as far as a one world currency
that everybody is going to use. But what you see here
is that in the XAU since the early eighties, on the average, gold and silver outperformed the
stocks, on the average. …you've gotta get started, that'why…
the free markets always overwhelm manipulations, it's a doomed plan, eventually it will fail, but, they've got to position so accordingly,
they've got to be ready, you can't wait… because you can see 200, 300 point gap days for gold.

Basically,you know, one
thing you find out is that all fiat currencies eventually
fall to their intrinsic value, because they ruin it by puttink ink on it.
It's the amount of energy you can extract from it, the amount of the BTUs, from combustion, when you burn it, and you saw
that during the Weimar hyperinflation, people used the currency as fuel to heat the house.
Currencies have been backed by oil, by gold and silver by land, but as soon as you remove
some things that you can't, some things that put financial constraint, where
you just can't print as much currency as you want, the currency is pretty much doomed. It's beyond astonishing… If it
wasn't for the horrific effects, it would be more ludicrous, it would be actually comical,
that we can stop and have some fun with, and it's actually horrific, if you look back
in history in the last 3000 years, every episode of this kind of silly crap ended very very badly…

As found on YouTube

401K to Gold IRA Rollover

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Gold IRA Investing: How To Set Up Your Gold IRA

Hi, Doug here from Investing In Gold Advice
dot com. In this short video I'm going to give you
the resources for setting up your Gold IRA very quickly and easily. It continues to amaze me that so few people
realise that they can include physical gold in their retirement plans, and that many of
those who do assume that it will be a complicated and time consuming process. That just isn't the case, and it's for
that reason that I've written a comprehensive report about Gold IRA's which you can download
within the next few minutes completely free of charge.

I've been successfully trading and investing
in gold since 2003 and I created my website Investing In Gold Advice dot com to share
with you the knowledge, experience and contacts that I've gained during that time. Go there now and you can grab my Gold IRA
Report without even having to submit your email or join a mailing list. Once you've downloaded it you will have
instant access to information about what a Gold IRA actually is and what you can include
in it.

It answers the most Frequently Asked Questions
about Gold IRAs. It explains all the benefits to be gained
by including physical gold in your retirement plan. It explains the procedures involved in setting
up a Gold IRA. Actually I do that by giving you a step by step walkthrough of how I set
my own one up. Then finally it shows you how and where you
can get free expert assistance to get started right away with your own Gold IRA, and how
you can save all the initial set up fees.

To get this free report go to Investing In
Gold Advice dot com. Simply click on the link below now..

As found on YouTube

What is a precious metals IRA

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Finance Cheat Code Only The Wealth Know 🤫 #shorts

this is a financial cheat code that the wealthy are not sharing with you and if you want to become rich you have to re-watch this video let's say you take out a loan which you don't have to pay any taxes on it the rich would use this debt to go and buy assets that appreciate your value they then use appreciated assets value as it grows to borrow even more money from the asset which is also tax-free and have the assets cash flow okay to the impassive income subscribe for more financial breakdowns.

As found on YouTube

Retire Wealthy Home

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Gold and Silver IRA: A Complete Guide

Invite back to Bullion Exchanges, your relied on
' Can I Add Gold or Silver to My IRA? ' So, allow ' s dive in. INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNT: either a self-directed Individual retirement account or a checkbook control Individual retirement account.
pure for gold and also 99.9% pure for silver. Bear in mind, not all valuable steels are created.
equivalent. Particular coins, like the American Eagle as well as.
the Canadian Maple Leaf, are enabled, while others are not. Your custodian can give a listing of approved.
bullion items. You can not hold the physical.
metals in a standard individual retirement account or a Roth individual retirement account. These kinds of IRAs put on'' t permit physical.
rare-earth elements. Be aware of custodian charges as well as storage space.
costs linked with precious metals Individual retirement accounts. These can vary significantly, so it'' s vital.
to contrast companies as well as read the fine print before dedicating. Including gold or silver to your IRA can be an.
efficient method to diversify your retired life portfolio and also hedge versus economic uncertainty.However, it ' s essential to

comprehend the regulations. and requirements to stay clear of any type of possible tax obligation penalties. As constantly, we advise seeking advice from with a.
economic consultant or tax obligation professional before making any type of substantial adjustments to your retirement.
accounts. We hope you found this video clip valuable. If you have anymore inquiries concerning investing.
in rare-earth elements, wear'' t hesitate to connect to our team at Bullion Exchanges. Thanks for enjoying, and also bear in mind to like,.
share, and also subscribe for even more insights right into the globe of precious metals. Till next time, pleased investing!””.

' Can I Add Gold or Silver to My Individual retirement account? ' So, let ' s dive in. IRA: either a self-directed Individual retirement account or a checkbook control Individual retirement account. And second, the metal needs to be at least 99.5%.
As always, we suggest consulting with a.
financial economic consultant tax tax obligation before making any any type of considerable to your retirementRetired life

As found on YouTube

What is a precious metals IRA

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Create Big Wealth by Investing ₹1000 Per Month | How to be Wealthy? | Secrets to be Rich

You people ask a lot of concerns in the remarks. Lately a concern concerned me. That question was really fascinating. That concern was if we can conserve just 1000 a month If a man saves only 1000 per month, can he end up being a millionaire after that? Can he have even more than one crore cash? Now I will certainly answer this inquiry, yet let me ask this concern initially. You will certainly believe to yourself that we are saving 1000 each month to gain one crore rupees. If we will certainly wait for 12 months, after that this is only 12000. If we conserve also for 10 years, after that it ends up being 120000 and if we wait for our whole life also then we can'' t save one crore rupees. And also if you will think like most individuals, this is the only solution you will certainly get. That it is not possible, it may not take place yet you are watching this video clip, because you put on'' t wish to remain in that category. Well currently I am going to reveal you magic today and that magic is that it can happen.Now you will certainly

say that sir we have done straightforward maths. It can not be computed from that. Yes, you can'' t determine it from simple mathematics and you can'' t do it with Basic interest. You will certainly need to discover worsening in it and also this can be done by worsening. Now you will certainly say that sir how it can be calculated by compounding. Now let me inform you. Currently we'' re speaking about 1000 per month and perhaps if you have as well much you can likewise spend 10000 and also 100000 a month, yet right now we are chatting regarding an easy 1000 that the usual male additionally comprehends after that you have to do one thing.First I will inform you whatever, but before that, you have to merely go to the Net and after going to the Web, you go to Google as well as create a SIP Calculator. As quickly as you create the SIP calculator on Google, a display comes in front of us. You need to go to the SIP calculator. below and you can most likely to any kind of SIP calculator. Now you discussed spending just 1000 monthly, it is not a big deal.Many people can

do it yet we have actually taken 15 %annual rate of interest here. I will tell you how you will obtain 15 %. Do not fret about it, nowhere you see that I took an instance of 35 years as well as you can take an instance of 35 years, 40 years and likewise of 50 years as well as additionally take less According to this, the majority of individuals additionally assume concerning retired life. Many individuals do not consider retired life. They assume that something big will take place in 5 years and 10 years as well as we will certainly inform for them additionally, but I took an instance of 35 years that if an individual is seeing this video clip at the age of 25 as well as he begins spending from the age of 25, after that what will certainly happen in his life if he will save 1000 each month, We haven'' t readjusted rising cost of living yet, so here we are speaking concerning 35 years, so what do you assume you would have saved. Here the response is written. You have actually invested just 420000, then you are claiming we were proper. If we save a thousand rupees a month, after that in one decade it will be 120000, after that even in 35 years it will certainly be just 420000, then it will be 420000 in 35 years, but you have seen or otherwise seen one thing here.I put on'' t understand however you focus here. We have taken yearly rate of interest based upon 15%. Now you should be assuming that 15% passion is not offered in the financial institution. The bank provides just a 3% rate of interest. And also FD gives rate of interest as much as 8%, so how will we get a 15% passion price? I took 15%, you can additionally do it 14%, you can also make it 16%, so you are going to get returns, I will certainly inform you.So you will certainly have an expected amount after 35 years of 1.5 crores. So this 420000 of your own will certainly end up being 1.5 crores, so you are wondering just how it can occur. The SIP calculator is in front of you. Now allow us comprehend the meaning of this SIP. SIP means Systematic Investment Preparation or Systematic Investment Plan, so when you spend methodically as well as purchase any type of prepare for it, it is called SIP, after that you can do this SIP on your own resting at house. I don ' t need to provide too many details in this. Allow me tell you, If you can conserve this money, thousand rupees every month, you shouldn ' t simply conserve it, you'must spend it. So the difference in between financial investment as well as saving is that if you maintain conserving money with yourself, then it doesn ' t rise. But'when you spend it, after that you obtain some returns as well as Rate of interest on it. This rate of interest is one of the most effective weapon.If I established it like 18 %rather than 15 %, I have actually taken an instance before you. We are saving thousand rupees monthly. It will certainly be 1.5 crores in 35 years according to the 15 %, however if I set it at 18% as opposed to 15% and also I raise it only 3 %passion. We are speaking about each year, it is not a huge bargain, after that you will tell me just how much will certainly come Inform me by commenting, after that this portion below is this powerful tool. Many individuals do not recognize that they need to bring compound passion on their savings and also compounded interest suggests that you get rate of interest in your amount and also you also get interest on rate of interest, this is the biggest point. If you recognize this, then your video game is easy. Currently some individuals will say that we can save greater than a thousand, so here I give response to them. Who will state that we will end up being billionaires in up to fifty years, yet if we discuss five years or ten years, then a lot can happen in this? Today you are considering a thousand rupees monthly. Suppose you make as much as 50000 per month.Whatever you gain, secure hundreds of it. You consider exactly how to expand that cash. If you expand your earnings and for that, you discover the new things, you assume that from where money can originate from and you additionally discover to conserve cash, then if you have actually started conserving 5000 as opposed to 1000, then which your work is being performed in 35 years, that work can be provided for you quickly then it. Those that want to become abundant soon will have to recognize that we want to earn even more cash and we want to save cash rapidly, after that I will certainly clear a principle right here. Look, you understand 2 points. Something is to be Rich that you have got cash and also you prosper, yet then there is something called wealthy, we have to come under the classification of rich people. Wide range comes to be slowly, your house additionally counts in wealth, and also Your track record is additionally counted in and your financial institution equilibrium likewise counted, there are many things then it will certainly take time to make wealth This has to do with your portfolio, just how worth your profile is.We need to talk in crores. We have to get to there, it can take time. You need to understand these methods, so I am telling you that to come into this category, you initially need an attitude. Where many people feel that what occurs with thousand rupees, they invest and finish it and their intensifying quits right here, they will certainly never ever reach to crores yet if today also a child is watching this video by resting at residence, that obtains pocket cash. The child that places the money in a piggy financial institution can additionally believe that I can develop a demat account in my dad ' s name and I can begin SIP with my papa ' s name and that cash will certainly be conserved approximately the moment I pertain to college and also I will certainly have significant wealth and just how this will take place, today is the beginning of that and it begins with the state of mind and now we chat straight that exactly how you will certainly obtain these returns when I spoke about 15 per cent. Perhaps people did not rely on that, exactly how you obtain these returns, allow me show you.So I come on my phone to show you and likewise activate the display recording of my phone. I have actually come on Finity app, I additionally do financial investment with Finity application especially in

Mutual Fund ' s, as well as you can likewise do. I will put the web link to Finity in the summary and also remark box. So now you see that when you go to Finity, after that click Mutual Fund'. In Common funds, you do not need to put lots of minds. Your funds as well as the cash you are purchasing obtains purchased different places and also you can do that injustice there are several options for equity as well.You can buy large-cap business and also you can buy mid-cap firms and you can buy small caps and you can spend in multi caps additionally

. Now, we are speaking concerning Proactively handled common funds. We have actually discussed easy mutual fund. After that you can spend money in easy index funds as well as I will show you that, after that look below, you will be amazed to see here. Right here we take the example of Parag, of flexicap straight development, the returns are 29.46 %and also you were discussing 15% returns, there are extra returns than that come, yet the market is favorable currently if you will certainly see on the whole, after that you can get lots of more returns than that.And below there are numerous, Axis Bank and also Baroda ' s as well as UTI ' s and you can see the returns, you don ' t have to spend just according to returns, so currently you can see ratings, so below are

morningstar scores so then you can choose as well as if you wish to purchase this axis growth'chances then you will certainly click just on invest and when you will click invest, then you can start with 1000 instance as well as it will end up being composed right here that from 1000, it will end up being 600000 in ten years, so you remain to invest right here and also then this is exactly how to spend in Flexicap. Flexicap is a kind of Shared fund, apart from this, these are proactively taken care of Common funds, if you want to invest passively then right here you see that initial of all, passive investment is coming, so when you will certainly click on passive index funding, then the advantage below is that according to Nifty, mean you Spend according to Nifty 50, then the 50 companies in the great 50, you can spend your cash in it.Now I click merely on the cool, so in the nifty, you can invest in the Nifty following fifty, so I will certainly offer you an example below. Look below, this is of cool 50, yes see a fund for instance. UTI Nifty Next fifty, next fifty implies that there arenifty50

business from one to 50, so the business between 51 to 100. Your money is invested there, what occurs in the Nifty and in the Nifty following fifty, your companies keep altering and the companies which will certainly perform in it will remain in the Nifty Index, so you can spend money according to the Index. In addition to that, you can see that generally, you will certainly get to see returns over 15 percent due to the fact that the Nifty gives you a return of 14 %to 15%, so if you want to spend appropriately So we discuss UTI and also SBI and also here we are viewing HDFC and also we intend to spend cash in HDFC, so we will click merely on the financial investment now.And then you can pick, you can start investing with 500, and if you pick 1000, So you will see what will certainly be its worth after 10 years, so there is a distinction in the value is. Here you can see 3 lakh and there will be 6 lakhs. It is revealing according to past returns, but there is no guarantee of future returns according to the previous return. Right here, I have actually informed you an easy means that you pick here. I told you about the Flexicap as well as that it is not necessary. Typically, when individuals invest according to Big Cap, I clarify it to you. Some people will have inquiries in their minds. The initial point when you buy mutual funds. The first point why Mutual funds, due to the fact that several individuals do not have much knowledge concerning the securities market that in which firm to invest money or in which not so when you invest money in the energetic Shared Funds, so funds managers are assigned for this, they choose where to spend money, however if you chose to spend cash in the Huge Cap Fund, then your money will be purchased the business with big resources after considering their market capitalization, if you will certainly select mid-cap or mid-size firms then the business whose market capitalization can be found in this classification, your fund supervisor will be limited according to the category.But as soon as you select the flexicap, after that the fund manager can invest money in any business in which he believes that there can be growth, after that you can worsen your wide range by just picking mutual funds. I revealed you examples, the point is from where you can begin. I had a conversation with the monitoring of Finity. Then he informed me that the moment of financial investment was yesterday, and

it passed and also the next finest time is today.So if you intend to start spending, after that you can begin it today. Currently if you maintain investing every month, see you were throwing away that money, perhaps it was losing, today it will be saved as well as compounded as well as you will have actual Riches. So today you have come to understand that magic secret which really couple of people understand because really few people prosper in life and you can become, this is your option, see you will certainly end up being or otherwise, time will certainly inform. If you will certainly have some good practices, out of which investing and also spending continually is a great habit then you are going to go a lengthy way in life. I think that our future is brilliant. What do you assume? Tell me in the comments below, what did you like ideal regarding this video? You will tell me in the comment.You need to do an investment strategy on the Finity. Simply three is a link in the summary and also comment box, you can do it with your cellphone and also you put on ' t require a representative and also you wear ' t requirement to ask anybody. You can do it by yourself. Ultimately, share this video clip to ensure that this ideal information to a lot of individuals and if you are enjoying this video clip on Facebook after that follow as well as if you are enjoying this video clip on YouTube then subscribe as well as click the Bell icon, so I will certainly see you in the following video, similar to this video clip to provide your love as well as go self-made

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