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Building Wealth (Ep.2) – Delayed Gratification (தமிழ்)

We went through the importance of "Developing Financial Knowledge" in the last episode. If you have not watched it yet, please watch that first. Today we are going to watch the second episode in the series "Building Wealth". Delayed Gratification Gratification means – We all have our own desires right? When we attain those desires, we get this great satisfaction right? That satisfaction is what is called "Gratification" in English. "Isn't attaining our desires is a good thing? Why should we delay?" – you ask. Explaining that is the purpose of this episode. If "Financial Knowledge" is the architect of building wealth, "Savings Rate" is its foundation. Our foundation will be as strong as our savings rate. We already know this from "Financial Freedom" episode. Most of us will achieve 20% savings rate easily. But to go beyond that, we need to know some strategies. Normally what we do is, we keep upgrading our lifestyle in line with our earnings. We will be with four roommates when we start working.

In 2-3 years, our salary will double. When that happens, we upgrade ourselves from 4 room mates to 1 room mate. Then in 2-3 years, we get married. Then we upgrade ourselves to a one bedroom apartment. Then in 2 years, we upgrade to a two bedroom apartment. Then after kids, we buy our own home. So depending on our career growth, we keep upgrading our lifestyle. Then expenses add up with kids, school fees and so on. It never comes down. After 40 years, we will come to a sudden realization, that we have crossed half our life time, but all that left is just our home as asset.

We start thinking about retirement and investments only after that. But by that time, we will have other responsibilities. Saving for kids college, marriage become our priorities. Just like that, our life would just pass away. Next generation will follow the same pattern as well. How can we build wealth if we live like this? Life of a US settled person is also very similar to this. But they do one more thing after 40. They sell their current home and upgrade to a bigger home. So we are keep upgrading our life style depending on our financial growth from our career. Regardless of how much we earn, we spend to match that earnings growth.

If we want to break this cycle and move to next level, there is just only one option. That is – Delayed Gratification. That is – instead of enjoying the life upgrades immediately we can postpone it to some time, and attain financial growth. Before we check out on how we can do that, a small tidbit about "Delayed Gratification". In 1960's, Stanford University conducted a psychological experiment called "Marshmallow Experiment" with kids.

Marshmallow is something that looks like a thicker version of Cotton Candy. It is white and super sweet. Kids love it. They used 3.5 to 5.5 years old kids for this experiment. What they did was, They asked a kid to stay inside a room and they put a marshmallow on a plate in front of them. They made a deal with that kid. The deal is – I will leave the room now. But will be coming back after 15 mins. If you have not eaten the marshmallow by the time I come back, you will get two marshmallows instead of one. So – the kid has two choices. There is a marshmallow right in front of kid's eyes. Instead of waiting for another marshmallow for 15 mins, the kid can eat one right now. Or wait for 15 mins and eat two marshmallows instead of one. When we hand over a fish to a cat, is it possible for the cat not to eat the fish? 7 out of 10 kids ate the marshmallow immediately. But 3 out of 10 kids controlled their temptation and waited for the second marshmallow successfully.

Stanford University did not stop their research at that. They followed these kids for 40 years to see how they are doing in their life. The kids who waited patiently settled better in their life. They did well in their college entrance exams. They did not fall addicted to any drugs. They did not have obesity issues. They used their "Self Control" capability totally to their advantage. What we learn from here is, people who have a strong mindset and who do not get distracted easily are very disciplined and they set up a goal for themselves and attain it as well. They do not think in short term. They plan for long term and achieve it successfully.

We will see this "Long Term Planning" more in detail in another episode. Coming back to our topic – "Life Upgrade" How many upgrades do we see in our adult life? We upgrade from 4 room mates to 1. We upgrade from 1 room mate to separate apartment. From 1 BR we upgrade to 2 Bedroom. From 2 Bedroom, we upgrade to own house. Even for own house, we again upgrade to a bigger home. All these are housing upgrades. Like this, We upgrade from pubic transportation to bike. From bike to car. From car to luxury car. These are upgrades in our personal vehicle. We don't do these upgrades without a reason. We do it to match our earnings. If we do not upgrade our life styles along with our earnings growth, but delay it by 2 to 3 years – what happens then? The salary rise will go directly to our savings rather than for life upgrades and will increase our savings rate.

If the savings rate increases, the foundation of "wealth building" will be super strong. Think about it. If our whole life is 80 years, Its not really a big deal to delay our upgrades for 3-5 years. We are going to attain all these anyways. Its just that we are going to do it bit later. So, we have two choices. 1. Live in the moment by upgrading our lifestyle depending on our earnings growth. Or 1. Postpone the upgrades for a while and use that savings to build a strong nest egg so that we can even pass our wealth to next generation.

The choice is ours. Now we can see the benefits that we can get out of "Delayed Gratification" at high level. We will see how we can apply this strategically in different stages of life in next episode. Thank You..

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Is gold a good investment in 2023? – Robert Kiyosaki, Jim Clark, Charles Goyette

(upbeat music) – [Narrator] This is "The
Rich Dad Radio Show." The good news and bad news about money. Here's Robert Kiyosaki. – Hello, hello, hello, Robert Kiyosaki, "The Rich Dad Radio Show." The good news and bad
news about this here. This is cash, and this trash. So today we're going to be
talking about the hottest subject on the market today, and it's not real estate, what it is here is this is gold, and this is silver, and of course there's Bitcoin.

So those are the three things. And the reason they're the
hottest subjects on the earth right now is because our money is fake. So this is one of my
favorite books here, "Fake." I'll tell you a quick story
before we get into why gold, silver, and Bitcoin is,
that I was at Safeway, and I'm kind of a guru at
the salad counter at Safeway.

(Robert laughing)
All the women were coming up to me going, "Hey,
what should we invest in? What should we invest in?" And I just happened to be
having in my pocket here, this is a pre '64 US quarter, and it's given to you by
my friend, Dana Samuelson, he's in Austin, Texas. He is American Gold
Exchange in Austin, Texas. Dana Samuelson. So he knows I'm a silver nut. So this is a pre '64, and
pre '64 means it's silver. After '64, it became fake money. It became this here. So I held this up here to the ladies, they want the hottest tip,
and I said, "Buy this here." They went, "Oh!" A quarter? I can afford a quarter." I said, "Yeah, but I'll
charge you $3 for it." And you should have seen their brains, the salad was flying all over the place. (all laughing) (Robert speaking gibberish) I said, "Okay, I'll tell you what, $2." (Robert yelling) They were screaming,
not screaming, but just, "Why would I pay you $2 for a quarter?" And I said, "But this is pre '64." They just could not figure it out.

Now, that's the lesson of today, is that people don't know
that our money is fake. And that's why Rich Dad
exists and all this. But the sad thing about it is, is that AARP turned on my article because I wrote a story of
my mother, I used to save real quarters, cause when
I was 17 years old, in '64, I saw the quarter go to copper.

It was fake. It was an alloy. So I started collecting
dimes and then quarters and half dollars. I had this big bag of real silver. And my mother says, "What are you doing?" I said, "This is real money." So this is, '64, '65, I
go to school in New York. '66, I come home, my mother spent it all. (all laughing) And so I wrote the story for
AARP, they turned it down. I said, "The lesson is
poor people are poor cause they don't know fake money." They don't know the
difference between real money and fake money. So this is a very important lesson here. I have some two friends here from years, and like I said, Dana Samuelson
of American Gold Exchange in Austin, Texas. This is a special category of silver.

It's called numismatic. And numismatic means
collectible and antique. And the reason I respect
Dana is because he was head of the American Numismatics. So I don't buy numismatic, I
don't buy collectible coins, I buy real gold, silver. But if I want numismatic,
like an antique Dodge or something, whatever it is,
if I want an antique coin, I see Dana because there's
a lot of fakes out there. A lot of fake coins. So you got to be very careful today.

But like I said, this
is the hottest subject. I have two great friends here. So Jim, and this is Charles Goyette here. This is his book here, "Red
and Blue and Broke All Over." (men chuckling) So Jim, how long have you
been in this business of gold? – 50 Years. – 50 Years.
– Yeah. – Our time is coming
on this one, isn't it? – Well, I thought it was
coming in 1973 when I got in the business. And it was just a year
and a half or so after Nixon had removed the gold and we got everyone off the gold standard. – The dollar was backed by this here. This is real gold. So in '71, this was pulled out too, right? – [Jim] Right. – Because you just print
as much as you like. – Well it was no longer
backed by anything. It was a Federal Reserve
note, which is no more federal than Federal Express. And we were required
to take that as money, whether we liked it or not. – Right. Right. Another thing too, I
was in Vietnam in '70. '71, I was on my way
over, '72 I was there, and '73 I returned and I
bought my first gold coin.

It was a South African Krugerrand. And the Vietnamese woman, gold was $35 for years, and then in '71 it floated
to about 50, let's say. And so I thought, "Well,
I'll go talk to her." She was behind enemy lines, I
flew my helicopter in there, tried to negotiate with her. I said, "Look, I'll give you 40 of
these for one of these. And she's going, "Spot." I go, "Let me say it again. 40 of these. for one of these," she goes, "Spot." I said, "What the hell
is she talking about?" Well, she was saying spot that day was 50. And all of a sudden here, I'm
a college graduate, hopefully, with my other college graduate,
two pilots standing there going, "We don't know
shit about money, do we?" So spot meant that on
that day, it was 50 bucks.

And I thought because she
was behind enemy lines, I could get it for 40. No such deal. Gold is gold. Spot is spot. Silver is silver. This is real money. So Mr. Goyette, Charles,
why did you write this? Tell us something about your background, why did you write this book here? – Well, one thing is Jim and I
were in the business together a very long time ago that
he was talking about. But you just reminded me about spot. I remember seeing the
"National Geographic" special, this is back in the 70s,
and they went to these guys, these kind of third worlders
in the Amazon rainforest, way deep in the jungle, and these people didn't have any clothes, didn't have any electricity, but they were panning for gold there.

And the camera crew came up
and tried to buy their gold and they knew what the
London goldfish was that day. (all laughing) They totally knew what the
world price of gold was, spot price of gold,
cause it's international, it's all over the world, and it's a real price
for real money, isn't it? – Yeah, the sad thing about
it is I think Americans are the least to know about money. Because we have the Federal Reserve note. I'll tell you one last
story; I was in Peru, I bought a gold mine in Peru. There's no rain, there's just baron hills, mountains up in the Andes. And I see these little
holes up there, I go, "What the hell's that?" And my little Inca guide says, "We've been drilling gold
here for thousands of years, asshole." (all laughing) I said, "I'm not the first guy up here?" "No, you're not the first guy up here." "My great, great, great,
great, great, great grandfathers were yanking
the stuff out for years." And Bizarro came to Peru
and killed them all, took their gold.

– [Charles] Stole their gold. – And so that's why the
Spanish became the empire at the time. Someone from Spain, England, America, America's gone now. So that's what we're
here to talk about today. And we're old enough, the
three of us, to understand that this here is real and this here is fake. But most people would rather have this. This is the problem. – Robert, I saw one of those
YouTube videos where the guys on the boardwalk in Santa
Monica, it's kind of like jaywalking, like what's
the name of the moon? But he's walking around
with a chocolate bar and a silver coin, and he says to the people, he said, "Would you rather have
this chocolate bar," or I think it was a silver bar. – [Jim] A silver bar. It was Mark Dice.

– Yeah. And the people go, "Mm, I'll
take that chocolate bar." (all laughing) So they get a $2 chocolate bar, or a- – It was a 10 ounce silver
bar, it was about $300. And they'd rather have the chocolate bar than the silver bar.
– [Charles] They know no better, it's Jaywalking America. – And I'll say this again, it's the most important lesson: poor people don't know the
difference between real money and fake money.

And that is what it comes down to. So it was in '71, this used
to be a silver certificate, now it's a Federal Reserve IOU. It used to be backed by gold up to, no, this was '67, '64, excuse me, it was silver. And then in '71, Nixon
took the gold out of it. Johnson took this out of
the silver certificate. – Yeah, I remember I was
telling you that story the other night. I remember in 1964 where
we're sitting around the TV, Johnson came on and said,
"Silver has become too valuable to be used as money." And just as I'm sitting here, my dad said, "That son of a bitch.

They're going to take the silver out and they're going to leave
us this garbage coins." And he didn't really
understand it, but he got it. And from that point on,
he saved silver coins. He had about $8,000 worth by
the time he cashed them in in 1980. – Yeah. And I was in South Carolina
where I have a home, and this guy said that his
father ran the theater, and his father said, "There's
just yanking out all the silver coins." The lesson again, is poor
people don't know the difference between real money and fake money. And that's why in "Rich
Dad, Poor Dad" I said, "The rich don't work for
money because it's fake." So the reason I like to have
Jim here and Charles is because this stuff is getting
harder to find right now.

And I was panicking cause I
deal with a lot of guys who have gold and silver. So I called my friends up,
"We cannot get silver." I went, "What?" This is about what,
seven, eight months ago, we couldn't get silver. So you guys are Republic
Monetary Exchange. – [Jim] Yeah.
– Yeah. On Camelback. And I called these guys,
they said, "We got plenty." – Jim has been very,
very good over the years at making sure that the
inventories are high. He could see when these
runs are starting and stuff and the premiums are
starting to go up and stuff. And he's always put his clients first. He makes sure, we're going
to commit a lot of capital to make sure that our
clients can come in the door and get their gold and silver.

The worst thing in the world
is these companies that say, "Well, give us your money now and then we're going to deliver
your gold or we'll send you your silver in six months or something." Don't do that! Don't do that. So Jim's just really
created a name for himself in his ability to always
deliver to his clients. – Well I've always stayed ahead
of the curve, that you can anticipate needs after
50 years in the business. – Well, not everybody can,
because I was panicking, Okay, well step back.
You have the spot price. So let's say today the spot's 20 bucks. There's a premium on top of this coin, or this coin, should I say. What does the spot and the premium mean? – On that particular coin,
it's typically between $4 and $5 an ounce over the spot price. – So spot is the price
all across the world? – Right. And then all of the
products and coins and bars and so forth, they will
be priced accordingly based on the availability, the demand, the cost of refining and
putting them in the coins and shipping and distributor
markup, dealer markup, our markup and all that.

So there's always a premium that you pay to get the finished product. – That's like the tip at
the end of the dinner. (all laughing) – No, it's worse than that. – Yeah! I was watching Fox News
this morning, Fox Business, and they were bitching
about how, she went, where did she go? Oh, she went to the dry cleaners and she charged her, she
put it on a credit card for her dry cleaning; it said, tip 20%.

She goes, "Why do I have to
tip you for my dry cleaning?" (all laughing) People are so desperate to
money because this is fake. It's terrible. – Well, and because they can print it so much that the value
is dropping every day. They print up billions every day. Look at the bills that they
signed of, 1.7 trillion. Where's that money coming from? Well, they've got to print it. Or they've got to create something through a keystroke entry. That means all the rest of
those Federal Reserve notes out there become worth just
that much less everyday.

– Yeah, this is trash. So I'll say it again, the
difference between rich people and poor people; rich people
know the difference between this and this. And so the Republic Monetary Exchange, there's a lot of people out there. Dana Samuelson, my friend,
he's my expert in numismatic. And I was impressed because
you guys had inventory. My other friend, Jerry Williams was out. And I said, "What the
hell?" This is a while ago, "What the hell's going
on?" It was running.

So it must mean there's
something going on because people would rather have this than this now, except for
the ladies at Safeway. (Robert laughing) – But they know now.
(all laughing) – It fried their brains. "Why would I give you $2 for that?" And I said, "That's the
riddle of the day, ladies." We're laughing, we had a great time. But it fried their brains. Said, "What, what, what, what?" And I said, "I have a book here for you, It's called 'Fake.'"
(Robert laughing) And this whole system is fake right now. So we come back, we're going more into how people lie, cheat and steal because anytime there's money,
there's a liar and cheater and stealer around there. I've been saying this for
years, this is God's money. This is fake money.

I like Bitcoin. I call it people's money. Now I don't know much about Bitcoin, but I'm just glad I bought it at six. That's all I know right now. So when we come back with
going more how you can know real money from fake money. Some of the other advantages of right now. I've been saying this for
years, I used to work for Lear, I still have Lear Capital Ads, I said, "Buy silver." And the reason is
everybody can afford this. I think this is about 30 bucks. How much is this today? – Just under $30 for one of those, yeah. – Everybody in the world
can afford 30 bucks. But they'd rather have this.

And that's today's Rich Dad
lesson. We'll be right back. (upbeat music) – [Announcer] Robert knows
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at – [Narrator] Feeling
powerless over current events and your financial future? Financial freedom is your freedom. Robert Kiyosaki is the
best selling author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad." Over 40 million people
have taken Robert's advice. Now it's your turn. Attend Roberts free virtual
wealth building event. Claim your free access
now at Don't wait. Access is limited. Go to That's – Welcome back, Robert Kiyosaki,
The Rich Dad Radio Show." The bad news about fake money.

And again, we're talking
about this stuff is fake and this is real money. We have friends, dear
friends, this is Jim Clark from Republic Monetary
here in Phoenix, Arizona. And Charles Goyette, here's
his book, "Red, White and Blue and Purple All Over." And we we're going broke. And so you guys have been
in the business for a while. I've been in the business
since '72 when I first bought my first gold coin. I still have that gold coin. – [Jim] Wow.
– It's not stored in America though, it's
stored someplace else. – [Charles] Where is that? Oh, you don't have to tell. – I'm going to open my
blabber mouth on TV. (all laughing) That's like my attorney
stands in front of this crowd, he says, "Yeah, I have a lot
of gold, I keep it at home." I said, "Why don't you just
tell everybody where to go? Why not just give them your address too." (all laughing) Attorney's aren't the
brightest guys on earth.

(all laughing) – Well I have strangers that will ask me, "Now, where should I store this?" I said, "I don't know and I don't care." – [Charles] And don't tell me.
– Well don't tell me. So the FBI come, "Did you know?" So Jim, tell us about
what you have right here. You have silver and you have gold. – So I have the kilogram of
silver, which is 32.15 ounces, and then I have a 10 ounce gold bar. And of course, when you
see something that big, how do I know that's real? So we have a device, it's a spectrometer, that we can put, that X-rays the bar. And I've got it all set up. So what I'm going to do
is I'm going to point the device at the silver and I'm going to get a reading. Put it on there maybe
four or five seconds.

It will read right into the bar. It'll come back. And if you can pick that up, right on the screen it says
AG, which is the chemical sign for silver, 99.99% pure. You know that this bar is absolute. We can do the same thing with- – Is there such a thing as fake silver? (crosstalk) Not too long ago, they caught some. – There were some companies
years ago that were making the silver and gold and it
wasn't coming out exactly pure. And what happens then is if
we find that, we just throw it in the melting pot and
then bring it up to pure. Cause you don't want to sell
a bar that's 94%, 95% pure. So it's out there, which
is why we spent $20,000 on this piece of equipment that we can find a counterfeit bar.

If it's not pure gold, we know right then, and this is paid for
itself many times over. Because so many times
somebody will come in and say, "Well hey, I've got this big block of gold and I want to sell it." Okay, let's have a look at it. You go through it, it's pyrite, or it's copper, or it's zinc. – Jim Recer was telling
us, in the New York Bank, he says they found some fake silver. – The bigger the bar, the
better chance that there is. So I'm going to do the
same thing with this gold. Because that's really the valuable. With a $20,000 piece of
metal, you want to make sure that it's what it's supposed to be. Same thing. We come up, AU, gold. 99.99% pure. Which is exactly what it's supposed to be. – So this is January, 2023. What would this cost me, if
I walked into your place, Republic Monetary
Exchange on Camelback Road in Phoenix, Arizona, What would that cost me? – Just over $900 for that. – For that?
– Yeah.

– My God. And how much is this thing here? – That's going to be
around 2,000, over 2,000, 2,050 or more. – This is 2,000, this
is a gold, what is it? – Eagle. American Gold Eagle.
– American Gold Eagle. And that's 900? – Right, that's a kilogram of over. This is going to be close to
$20,000 for this gold bar. – What is that now? – 10 ounces of gold. – [Charles] That feels like
real money doesn't in, Robert? – Can I trade you this for this? (all laughing) – Go get 20,000 more of
those and we'll do it. (all laughing) – You're a little light. (all laughing) – Actually, on that subject,
we were talking about this the other night, Robert,
about cash for gold. I'm one of the few people
who absolutely despise cash for buying gold, and
you'd think just the opposite, that I couldn't wait to get cash. But banks don't want it. Try and deposit $20,000
or $50,000 in cash.

They'll turn you away and
say, "Well, we got to do this, that and the other, and
we've got to file this form and we got to do that." Hey, I would rather have a
bank wire than cash anytime. – Jim's story really
illustrates something with- – Wait. He doesn't want cash. And I thought the reason is
because it might be dirty or it's hot money or whatever it is. It's just a pain in the butt. – Well, it's that, but you know what else? I'm thinking down the road, let's say I acquire $1
million or $2 million in cash that the banks don't want to take.

When this currency is repudiated,
I'm going to be stuck. Just like the people in Germany were twice in the 20th century that they were hauling wheel borrows full of Deutschmarks for a basket of groceries. – Fake money and brought Hitler to power. The the Weimar Republic and
the Reichsmark and all this. Every time there's fake
money, tyrants rise up. Because people know something is wrong. – Yep.

So here we go in this country. – [Robert] Right. – But Jim's attitude now
about cash really illustrates that the government, the
deep state, has won this war without legislation,
without public debate, they have won the war against cash. They've been at war at cash
because it's anonymous, they don't track you,
they can't follow you when you use cash, and
they've won the war. And so, the only alternative
people have to be off the grid, not to be tracked, not to be surveilled, gold and silver. That's it. That's all. – So once again, this is 1964. 1964, I was 17 years old and I
started looking at that thing like this. It was copper. The Romans did the same thing way back in at the end of their empire. So what were they doing when
they put copper in this thing? It's a law called Gresham's Law. What does Gresham's Law mean? – Bad money drives good
money out of circulation.

– So this money went into hiding. So I had bags of it. They said, "Go caddy, take my dollars, go to the
bank and pull out all the real stuff and hide the real stuff." I didn't know what I was
doing. I was 17 years old. Wasn't the brightest kid on the block. But I just knew this was fake. This was fake now. And then I come back
from school a year later, my mother spent it. That was a powerful lesson. AARP turned it down, they said,
"You're cruel to your mom." And I said, "Okay." Anyway, poor people don't
know real money from fake money.

So that's why we have Sara here. So what happened in '71, this became debt. So our company, at Rich Dad,
we encourage people to use debt. This is my other friend here. He's a financial planner who
doesn't recommend the 401k. John McGregor's, this is "The Top 10 Reasons
Why the Rich Go Broke." One of the reasons they go
broke is they have a plan for their money, but they
have no idea what money is. – Well, and I've talked
to people all the time that are multimillionaires,
they sold their business, they did this, that and the other and came into all this cash
that's sitting in the bank and said, "Well, you think
I should buy some gold with some of this?" I said, "Well, you know what they're
doing with the dollar, you know that they keep printing them, they can't print gold.

Now you tell me how much
you can afford to lose of all that money sitting
in the bank, and I would say leave that there and get
the rest of it in gold." It's a bigger risk having paper money. It's depreciating.
– It's a guaranteed loss. – And eventually, these
are going to be worthless. And we're in the 51st year of
fiat money when Nixon closed the gold window. A currency has never lasted
more than 50 years until now. And we're in year 51. How are we any different than
anywhere else in the world? – That's '71- – To 2023.

How are we any different? Look what they've done in Venezuela. They were one of the richest
countries in South America, in actually, the Western hemisphere. Look what they've done to Argentina. Look what they've done in Cuba. Look what they've done in Mexico. Same exact economic principles
that they broke there, we're doing the same things here. – Somebody asked me once, "Charles, how many paper
currencies have gone broke, have gone worthless over time?" And the answer is all of them.
– [Robert] All of them.

And the ones that people still
hold are only on their way. They just haven't arrived at
their final destination yet. – It's like I said, I'm 17
years old in 1964 going, "Something's wrong here." That's Gresham's Law. And I think that's one of the
reasons I'm a rich person, is I know real from fake. And then, so when Nixon
took the dollar off the gold standard in '71, I didn't
really know what that meant. But the first course, I
was in Vietnam in '73, I came back, '74, they made this legal. Remember that? It was illegal. So I had to smuggle
that, I was in Hong Kong, I had to buy my South African
Krugerrand in Hong Kong. I had to smuggle it into the country. Why was that? – It was in '74?
– Yeah.

– Yeah, because it was illegal
to own in bullion form. – Well, in '73 I brought it in. – It was a felony. It was a felony. They could put you in prison
for 10 years and charge you $10,000 fine. They made it a felony for
Americans, free people, to own monetary gold and silver. Or gold anyway. It was a felony. Was it dangerous? Was it going to blow up? Was
it nuclear contamination? Was it going to kill your
neighbors with poison? What was wrong? Well, it was of course,
you know the answer, it's always the same
answer, the government grabs all the gold cause it wants it for itself, so you can't be allowed to have any. It's exactly what they did.

– At that time there were
two very good senators, Steve Sims and Jesse Helms, who introduced the idea of
Americans owning gold because foreigners could own gold
and Americans couldn't. And if there's anything to be
said good about Gerald Ford, it was that he signed the
bill after it passed through both houses to make gold legal to own.

Now unfortunately, at the
time, gold was around $200 an ounce, and over the
next year and a half or so, it dropped to 100. So a lot of the curiosity
of owning gold disappeared. But fast forward to the Jimmy Carter days, 1976, gold went to 100. And by the end of
Carter's term it was 850. And silver went from about
$3 an ounce to $50 an ounce in that four year period. – So during Carter's trend, this was 850? What is this today? – 2,050.

– So why would you save this trash? (Charles laughing) That's what I'm saying here. – It's fake. How about that to sum it up? That's fake. – [Jim] It's a trick. – Another thing I want to
say, cause I'm a history buff, it's about the only subject
I did well in school, the reason he doesn't like the 401k is in 1974 when Ford put us
back on, we could own gold, they put us on the 401k. (indistinct) And today, this is the biggest
reason you want to own gold. Because our pensions, as they
keep raising interest rates, our 401ks are going down. But not only this, my book
wrote with the Ed Siedel, is our pensions are broke. So as the firefighters, police
officers, school teachers, their pensions are gone. So the fed's going to have to print. That's my whole summation. – Well, and what's crazy
about it too is that you get your statement online
every month and it says, "Oh my god, look, I have
$500,000 in my pension plan. Boy, that's going to last
me till the year 2050." It's not going to.

The dollar's not going to
be there, first of all, and the pensions are gone too. But gold will be there forever. – This will be here. This is God's money. We used this as money
for about 5,000 years. But God put it here on the
earth, and that's when I was in the Andes with my old Inca friend, I said, "Geez, look at those holes." He says, "Yeah, we've been
digging longer than you have." And I was in Mongolia, same
thing, there's a place called the Checker Board. They call it the Checker
Board because the Mongolians, this is thousands of years
ago, were digging for gold. Now they didn't have internet,
they didn't have iPhones and all this stuff. Humans intuitively knew to look for gold. That's what blew me away. – Well, and when you think about- – Except for the women at Safeway. They don't know gold from silver. – [Charles] They need a salad bar guru. (Robert laughing) – When you read the stories
about all the Spanish ships that have sunk over the years
coming across the Atlantic, and the explorers go down there, they're not going down there
looking for the currency of the realm of the day and
see if the paper survived; they're going down there
looking for the gold, they're going down there
looking for the silver.

And they find it. And what's amazing is
that if this bar had been in the bottom of the ocean for 500 years, it'll still be in this pristine condition. It doesn't rust. It doesn't erode. It will do the same thing
now 500 years later. And they've brought some
amazing coins that have been in the Spanish ships that
were in pristine condition, that have graded out
un-circulated, like it was the day that it came out of the mint. – What's that joke? Who's the guy in the fed? – [Charles] Ron Paul.
– Ron Paul, he said if a Spanish ship went down with gold, another ship went down with dollars, people would stop diving for dollars.

(all laughing) They still dive for gold. It's kind of a funny thing, but it's sad. But another thing too is I had a pile of extra
silver I bought from you, and I was handing them
on his Christmas gifts. It's $30 let's say. And one woman had four kids. I said, "Give each one of
your children one of them." One silver coin. I said, "It'll there when they
graduate from high school." "No, they'll probably have spend it." I said, "Yeah, they probably will." But that's the problem. I save this. I say in "Rich Dad, Poor
Dad," savers are losers because they save this. If you save this, and if you save this, what is this here? – $30. – Yeah, well what? – Silver, it's a silver round.

Just a generic silver one ounce piece. – It's a buffalo.
– Yeah. I'll call up Jim and
say, "I want buffalos." So he knows what I'm talking about. There's different goofy
kind of coins out there. But I'd rather save this
cause this will be here 10,000 years from now. This won't. You can pass it on from
generation to generation to generation. – I'll be surprised if that
paper dollar is here even 10 years from now. – I doubt it. Yeah. So anyway, we're in very
serious, serious trouble here. And this is the hottest subject going. For years, I've been saying buy silver because everybody can afford silver. When I offer them this
for $3, they went nuts. They went, "Why would I buy that?" Because they'd rather have this. That's the lesson. Final words there, Mr.

Jim. – Well, we sure appreciate
all you do for the freedom movement, Robert. And speaking about gold and
speaking about the fake money that we're passing around, it's a great lesson
for the next generation whether we realize it or not. At our age, and doing all
this for 50 years or more, we've got a great legacy to
pass on to the next generation because they just don't know.

And you are a patriot in the
true sense of the word, sir. Thank you for having us. – Thank you. – Robert, let me ditto that
too, because we're in for some really rough sledding in this country. There's some rough patch of road ahead and it didn't have to happen and
now it's going to happen. And as bad as it's going to be
for the people who understand the lessons that you've been
doing in your educational efforts and teaching them about money, the ones that take action
based on those kinds of recommendations and that
learn about this stuff, they will be so much better off. And the more of them there are
the better off we'll all be because maybe we can have
some kind of commerce still continue when the whole
thing goes topsy-turvy.

So thank you, Robert. – How many of the layoffs
are just starting right now? This is January 2023. – 10,000 at a crack by these companies. 10,000 here, 10,000 there. – [Robert] Because
they're working for this. – Yeah, and this is horrible stuff. These are people that are
living paycheck to paycheck like we've never seen before,
and their personal debt has never been so high as it is right now. – It's a disaster. – And there's now called
the working homeless. They have jobs but they
can't afford to live. – [Charles] Sleeping in their cars. – Yeah. That's because this is fake.
– [Charles] Yep. – Well we have a lot more
information on our website by the way, Robert. – The reason I invited you guys
cause you actually do teach. If you were just promoting your company, you wouldn't be here. So what is a book you have
and what is your website? – Okay, the website is – Dot what? Com? – .com, and then my- – I thought you said .gov, I was going, I didn't know you were a fed. (all laughing) – And my book is "Real
Money for Free People, the American Gold Story." – In fact, people that are in
the Phoenix area can stop by, Jim will sign a copy of the
book and give it to him.

But his book is a really good book. And there's a ton of
information on the website too to bring people up to
speed, to learn the lessons that you teach, like
the lessons about fake. And we have a new post
going up, for example, about your book, about pensions. – [Robert] Oh, thank you.
– Cause it's so important right now, especially now the
Congressional Budget Office just announced that Social
Security's finished at 2033. – Yeah. And the reason I wrote this
book was because in '74, that's why McGregor wrote this book here. That was a 401k. But that's when the pension
started getting looted. And now our generation,
the Boomer generation's in serious trouble for retirement. Cause I don't think
it's going to be there. – The American people lost
26% in their 401ks in the last year, through October, so it's very grim. – And that doesn't even
take into consideration the depreciating dollar to go with it too. – So, okay, watch's your website again? – – RME.

And then your book here is, Charles Goyette, Red, Blue. – "Red and Blue and Broke All Over: Restoring America's Free Economy." – You're an optimist, aren't you? – My publisher said, "Write
that book about how to put it back together, I said,
"You know they're not going to do that." And they're not, but it's there anyway. – They're going to keep
printing this because this gets more valuable. – We're beyond the point of no return. – [Charles] Yeah. – The sad thing about it is,
as the price of gold goes up, everybody else gets poorer. That's what breaks my heart. I love those girls at Safeway
serving me their salad and coleslaw and all this. It just blew their mind, they said, "$2 for this?" But that's what America
has sold the world there.

That this is valuable and this is fake. This is real. This is fake. – I'll give you $2 for
it, Robert, right now. – I know you would, that's
why I'm keeping it tight here. Here's my silver; the Lone
Ranger had the silver bullet, this is my silver bullet
from Dana Samuelson. Bite the bullet. (all laughing) So thank you, gentlemen.
Thanks for being teachers. And they have inventory. When things were really tough
I was scrambling because- – We were never without anything. – I'll tell you why I was panicking, if I waited a few more
days, the price would go up. And then when I ran in
there and then you guys, not you guys, but my other friend couldn't deliver me silver, I went.

And I said, "What am I going to do?" So I bought it that day
anyway for future delivery. So it was a gamble, so
basically a future delivery. – [Charles] Right. Yeah. – [Jim] it sounds like you did all right. – Yeah. Two last things: there's a thing called distribution and accumulation. Price of gold and silver is low, and silver and gold and
oil, I'm accumulating. I've been accumulating since '72. I own more gold than most people. Most of the gurus on TV. I own gold mines, silver mines because I believe in this stuff,
cause this is God's money. This is fake money. Thank you, gentlemen.
– [Jim] Thank you, sir. – [Charles] Thank you Robert.
– Pleasure to be here. – And when we come back, Sara
be back with a final word here.

So thank you, gentlemen. (upbeat music) Welcome back, Robert Kiyosaki,
"The Rich Dad Radio Show." Thanks to Jim Clark, the
Republic Monetary Exchange, RME, and Charles Goyette of
Republic Monetary Exchange. Because this is the hottest
subject of all today. It's silver and gold because this is fake. So Sara, if you have friends and
family who are still hoarding this stuff here, haven't
listened to this program and discuss it with them,
because I'm now called the Salad Bar Guru. (all laughing) I thought it was hysterical,
but it fried their brains. What's the difference
between this and this? One's fake, one's real. So Sara, what questions do you have? – [Sara] Yeah, well,
just wanted to mention, my brother for my niece,
she's 11, he said, "No more presents.

From now on we only want
you to get her silver." So every year, each sibling
gets her some silver coins. And I was like, "Man, he's so smart." Anyway, I just wanted to
point that straight out. But my questions to you
are, can you briefly discuss the different markings? What does that identify on the bars? – Okay, so this has the size of the bar, which is one kilogram.

Valcambi is one of the
worldwide known refiners of silver. It has their logo on it. It's been stamped with the serial number and the finest of 3.999 fine silver. The gold, a little different. It lists the number of ounces and this is four nines fine. Also with the serial number. And as you saw earlier, we
put the spectrometer to it to show that indeed, both of those are pure silver and pure gold. And if there's any doubt with anybody buying silver
and gold, is it real? We can put the spectrometer to it and show that it is exactly
what the purity should be.

– [Sara] Awesome. The second question I have
is, Robert had held up his buffalo and you called it
a generic one ounce coin. What's the diff? – So the US Treasury
and various governments around the world, Canada, South Africa, make a coin of the realm,
meaning an American Eagle for the United States. So the treasury makes that coin. The premium is significantly
higher for that than it is for this, but it's
exactly the same properties, same weight, same size and everything. – Wait a sec, so if
this was a Silver Eagle, but this is, I call this a buff, what's the price difference? – It's going to be $6, $7 and ounce more to have the name brand,
but silver's silver. So it depends if you, "Well,
I only buy a name brand, I won't buy Costco brand of
something, but I will buy the real ones that you hear
on television all the time," even though it's exactly the same thing.

So you get more silver for
fewer dollars if you buy it in the buffalos or what we call generic. But recognized as being
a coin of the realm and something that you can be
sure that it's the purity that it's supposed to be. So reputable private,
refineries make the buffalo, the US Treasury makes the
American Silver Eagle. – Why would somebody pay the difference? – Why do they? – No, I mean-
– [Sara] Why do they buy- – Money's is no object
and they don't mind paying $6 an ounce more, and it's
a US Treasury stamped coin. But you get more when you sell it too. – I bought considerable amounts from Dana in Austin, Texas, and he traded out my Gold
Eagles for regular gold. And I said, "Why?" He goes, "I don't know,"
but he says, "You just made a lot of money." So instead of having 10
ounces of gold, I now had 15 ounces of gold.

But just because one from
Eagles to something else. All I want is the ounce of gold. And as long as it's pure,
I don't really care. But some people do, right? – Yeah. And either one of those,
it's all recognized for them. So it's personal preference at that point. – [Sara] That was a big
question, cause Robert, if you remember back in
October, the team made a big silver buy, and
that was a big question, when we got the price sheet, we were like, "Why would we pay, if it's
the exact same thing," but that makes sense.

Just a name brand difference. – This is when we couldn't take delivery, we're buying a lot, so we
bought it from Andy Schectman. It was a lot of silver and gold we bought. – [Sara] The last question is, in the beginning of the
conversation we had talked about why you didn't want to
take cash, and you said it's a hassle. Is it also true because cash is devaluing so fast,
it's not really a fair trade. I mean, not fair, but
you know, even trade? Do you feel that way at all? – Well, it's cumbersome. And banks typically
don't want to take cash, and ironically, they don't
want to give cash out either. So we've had situations,
people wanted to go withdraw $100,000 in cash
at the bank, they'll say, "Come back in three or four
days and we'll accumulate it for you, but we don't have it here." I say don't even do that.

wire the money over to us. It's just boom, boom, boom. Simple, we don't have to worry
about any counterfeit cash, although our machines pick it up anyway. It's a cumbersome thing
to do, but I look at the big picture; some point down the road, this cash is going to be worthless. And if the banks don't want
to take it in deposits, I don't want to be stuck
with $2 million or $3 million in cash and lose that. I would rather have money in the bank. Not money, but I mean fake
money in the bank that I can buy real silver and gold with
and have that on the shelf rather than cash sitting there
that is devaluing every day.

– [Sara] Yep. Good. Great. That was it. – Final word, Mr. Goyette. – Hey, thanks for having
us on again, Robert. – And this is your book here. Got to plug the book. – One of one of several. And it's about "Red and
Blue and Broke All Over" and how the country is broke all over and the exact story you've been
trying to explain to people for a very long time, and now here we are. – Another thing we do, Sara, is I send out a newsletter every week, my blog basically, that gives a synopsis of
what's going on the past week and maybe what we're seeing down the road. And just keeping clients and prospects informed of
how we see the market. And whether I'm smart or
not, it doesn't matter, I've been at this 50 years,
I've got a lot of experience and I can share a lot of information that I've acquired over the years.

And I encourage people to go
to our website, and you can sign up for the newsletter. There's no charge, we email
it out every Sunday afternoon or Monday morning, whenever we
put the finishing touches on. And I would encourage
people to sign up for that at – And that's why we
invited Charles and Jim, because they are educators like Rich Dad. I buy, I don't sell this stuff. (Robert chuckling) I do trade occasionally. But anyway, so thank
you very much, gentlemen and thank you all for
listening to "The Rich Dad Radio Show," and remember, this is fake and this is real. How much is this today? – That's about $5, so
you were really cheap when you were saying $2 or $3. – Oh my god! I was going to get taken. The salad bar ladies
were going to take me. (all laughing)
– [Sara] That's why he said, "I'll give you $3 for it." – They were trying to cheat
me at Safeway.

My god. – You're behind the times, Robert. You forgot how quick
this dollar is devaluing. – And they're raising
the price of the coleslaw on top of that. (all laughing) So thank you, gentlemen. – [Jim] Thank you.
– [Charles] Thank you. (upbeat music).

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401K to Gold IRA Rollover

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Finance Cheat Code Only The Wealth Know 🤫 #shorts

this is a financial cheat code that the wealthy are not sharing with you and if you want to become rich you have to re-watch this video let's say you take out a loan which you don't have to pay any taxes on it the rich would use this debt to go and buy assets that appreciate your value they then use appreciated assets value as it grows to borrow even more money from the asset which is also tax-free and have the assets cash flow okay to the impassive income subscribe for more financial breakdowns.

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Retire Wealthy Home

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(upbeat tempo) – So welcome back its Robert Kiyosaki with my dear friends' daughter here Alexa. And we're talking about
Millenials and money, and we gone through some lessons. I don't know how many more, but let's continue on
with another lesson here. And so we were talking about you know assets and liabilities, right? – Yes. And when you read Rich Dad Poor Dad I said your house is not an
asset what did you think? – Well, I think that's a conception that many people believe, but as you demonstrated the last seminar that we went to in Argentina. My mom had her properties and she converted them into assets. Correct. – I think it just depends
on what you do with it and it would be great if you could show us how to turn your house into an asset. It's very its really fundamentals. If I could go back I
probably covered it earlier, (marker rattling) but it's a crucial
question and this is what financial education and
financial literacy really is. Again it starts with the financial
statement and I would say probably 95 percent of all
college graduates don't know what a financial statement is.

You took an accounting course right? – Yeah, I did. I know you go through parts of this, but I say to young people like
you there's six basic words to financial literacy
and financial education. And the six words again are income, expense, asset, liability. See I don't really care
about my FICO score a fico score just basically registers are you trustworthy with borrowing money, but a bank will never sel. I borrow in the hundreds
of millions of dollars. (chuckling) A fico score not gonna get me there okay. It's so it's kind of a
ruse I mean I don't its, it's important but not for me. So these are the four
words income, expense, asset, liability.

Then the last two words
are the words cash flow. And that's, why the
game is called cash flow (marker squeaking) and the secret to being rich
is not a college education, but can you control cash flow. And this is what cash flow in looks like. So this here you need this income, expense, asset, liability. (marker squeaking) Again this is you get a job
and this is my poor dad, go to school, get a job, get your PHD. And so this here is cash
flow so income comes in and it goes out this way. First line of expense is tax, but this is a poor
persons cash flow pattern. It's not how much money
you make most people you know they. I don't care if you what you have a Ph.D. or no school at all. They can't control the cash flowing out through their expenses so that's, why people like Susie or men say cut up your credit cards,
live below your means cause you're a spend-a-holic. So that's a poor person. This is a middle-class
persons cash flow patterns and this is where the house comes in.

They, first thing you know most kids do when they get pay raise and all that they buy themselves a bigger house, now my house is an asset. Who tells you that? Your real estate agent of course! – Yeah. (Alexandra giggling) Right cause they they want to give you this false sense of security
while you're getting screwed. – Exactly. Ya know but when you look at
what happens with the house a personal. I mean a personal residence that I live in the money comes in it goes
out and this is middle class, but also goes out through a mortgage.

Mortgage payments, oh but
I don't have a mortgage. You still have taxes you still you know. Hawaii just raised the
property taxes on me. Which is probably why I'm gonna sell. I'm gonna get out of Hawaii, but you have taxes and you have upkeep so monies always flowing out. So that's why your house is
not an asset it's because its taking money from your pocket. So very simply said assets
put money in my pocket, liabilities take money from my pocket. And then this here is, so I'm not saying don't buy a house but here is a house that. And I started when I was
25 bought my first house it was an apartment with
an investment property. I didn't live in it, I rented it out and it put money in my pocket. So very simple the definition
of asset and liability is not the house or this, its cash flow. Where is the cash flowing? So as a young person (Robert coughing) and to all millennials or if you're old financial intelligence is the
ability to control cash flow. And that's what they
don't teach you at school.

They tell you to go to school, get a job. First thing is tax you know, you'll pay most of your money
will go out through taxes, in your lifetime. Then they tell you to buy a house, a car. Cars an asset, no cars a liability. You got insurance, gas,
upkeep, and all this. Now if you buy a, a taxi
car it could be an asset, its cash flow. And that's very simply it, so this is a poor person. Money goes out there's a lot we, we just interviewed some
national football league players who make millions of dollars in their 20s.

And most of them are broke in two years because they can't control cash flow. Intelligence IQ is can
you control cash flow not your college degree. College degrees are important, but they're not gonna teach you this. So the cash flow game, trains you over and over and over again to get your money in here to
get the cash flow this way. So I started with this,
cost me 18,000 dollars. I paid for the credit card and
I put 25 dollars in my pocket okay. It's an infinite return
because the cash flow paid for the mortgage, it paid the
expenses, pays the operating costs and I still made 25 dollars. Kim's first year was the same, hers wasn't 18,000 it was 50,000, 45,000 and it
put 25 dollars in her pocket, but Kim now owns 6,500 rental properties. And she pays no tax because
the income comes from here. – Mm-hmm If you have a job you pay tax, but income the rich get richer because when you have asset income taxes are less. You can get it down to zero if you want.

But that's financial intelligence, but can you control cash flow. Okay, so say that again. Assets what? – Assets put money into your pocket, liabilities take money out of your pocket. And so as a young person
you just focus on that so when you buying a new house, you're gonna say is this
gonna take money or put money? You buy an apartment house
is it gonna take money or put money that's it, its cash flow.

Six most important words for
financial intelligence and IQ is income, expense, asset, liability, but its really cash flow. Now if I could bring up a
more horrible subject is, do you think people can
be assets or liabilities? – I think they could
be both, to be honest. So for most young people
they fall in love, they get married, they have kids. Is a child an asset or liability? – A child is definitely a liability.

I'm not saying don't have kids, but you gotta think the kid is expensive and they don't get cheaper. They get more expensive every year, you know then they go to college and then it gets even more expensive. So a human being now this
sounds horrible to all those socialists and communists out there, but the fact is kids cost money. But as an old guy, I want
you to think about this as I get older as people get older family members become liabilities.

So I have a friend whose
mother thank god she had long term I don't know what they call it, but they just canceled it on her. She can go to a old age home and I think the price is 18,000 a month. Most so that as a young person
as your parents get older the question is can I afford
to spend 20,000 dollars a month on my mom or my dads' long
term healthcare, yes or no? – No, not right now. No so. – No. And this is gonna happen to my generation many people don't realize, but there brothers or
sisters or sisters kids and all this become liabilities to them. So as a person whose fairly well off, I'm and Kim and my
friends are thinking about two legged liabilities.

So I know today that if
my sisters become ill I'm the one with the money
and it's my responsibility to pay for them. Same as my brothers and their kids. So these are things that people
don't think about a lot of times is what happens
not only as they grow up, but what happens as they age. Statistics show the average
person in my generation lets say have a million dollars. 80 percent of that million dollars will be gone the last two years of life. Because medical expenses go
through the roof and today insurance companies are canceling. I forgot the name of it, but my friends' mother
it was just canceled. So he doesn't have 18,000 a month so he had to bring his
mother into his house and you know create
another room and all this. Well, I love her which he
does but shes a big liability and all he had was savings. So the savings are being depleted
going out this way, okay? So with your question
about houses and people, but people are also
assets and liabilities. For most people with our favorite subject, a 401K is it asset or liability? – From what I've learned from you its definitely a liability.

Or an IRA or a pension cause
it's always going out this way. There's no guarantee it'll be there. So this is the basic of
financial intelligence, financial literacy stuff like this. Another thing about people
is you have a bad advisor, like a bad financial planner, or a crook, or a business partner that's a crook, a wife that's a crook and all of that. They can be human liabilities. I have two friends right
now who just joined a million-dollar club. They married beautiful women, got divorced and the women is now costing
a million dollars a year in alimony. So their beautiful wife and the
child support it's a million dollars going and she's only 40 years old.

So she has a whole pile of boyfriends, but it's costing him a
million dollars a year for her boyfriends. I said I wanna be her boyfriend. (both laughing) not really you know. That make sense to you? – Yeah, it makes sense. Financial IQ is can you control cash flow. IQ means how big a problem can you solve so if like my friend whose
mother is now costing him 18,000 dollars a month. Well, thank
God he has about 100,000 in savings but in one year its gone. – Yeah. That's not high IQ, but for myself 18,000 dollars a month I ain't gonna make that much
cash flow pretty easily. – yeah. okay. So when you're like in your 20s per, well how am I going to make.

Let's say by the time
probably a 100,000 a month to take care of my parents, because like it or not its cash flow and they become liabilities. And the problem is getting worse
or because the bond markets are not providing income. So many insurance companies
have to renege on their promises to provide the cash flow to
take care of our loved ones the same as medical. – Wow. And so that's why when people
say I'm gonna go out on my own and do all these things they're
kinda doing what they love. Which is good, but they've
really gotta think about how many liabilities do they have. It's not just your rent you know, it's your family and so for me (marker tapping) and for Kim. We have family members, but they're liabilities so
that's why we stay over here. Hopefully, nothing will go wrong, but if one of my sisters got ill and she needs 100,000 a month
at least can provide it. – Yeah. otherwise she they go they go indigent whatever they call it kay. – Yeah. Any other comments or questions? – No thank you for sharing so much about this content and all this information.

That's gonna be super
valuable for all my friends and all the Millenials
out there just like me. So I have two friends that
are in the million-dollar a year club, it doesn't mean
they're making a million dollars it's their wives
are taking a million dollars a year out of their pockets
and their kids and all this. And I go you should of thought
about that 20 years ago. – Yeah. But you don't cause your in
love and you're gonna have kids and gonna make it together. – mm-hmm. But your parents offer great role models. So once again the six
words you have to know and be masters at income, expense, asset, liability, cash flow. You can control cash flow
that's financial intelligence, financial IQ and financial literacy, okay? – Okay.

Thank you..

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401K to Gold IRA Rollover

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Building Wealth (Ep.2) – Delayed Gratification (தமிழ்)

That is – rather of enjoying the life upgrades quickly we can postpone it to some time, as well as obtain financial growth. From 1 BR we update to 2 Bedroom.From 2 Bed room, we upgrade to have residence. If our entire life is 80 years, Its not truly a huge bargain to delay our upgrades for 3-5 years.We are going to acquire all these anyways.

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Retire Wealthy Home

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You know before making this video I was just thinking back to some of the greatest things that I learned in my days in school we sure did learn a lot of great stuff in school didn’t we for example if you give me the link of two sides of this right triangle here I can actually tell you the length of this third side right here pretty useful stuff huh I can also write in cursive play hot cross buns on a recorder and I can even spell boobs on a calculator my favorite lesson in high school though was how to become a millionaire with just five dollars a day wait a second I didn’t learn that in high school did I did you guys learn that in high school did anyone learn that important lesson in high school or was that just left out when we were learning how to cite a source using correct MLA format my point here is about 99% of what you learned in school is useless information and this is a very important lesson that was left out that I’m going to share with you guys today I’m going to show you how to become a millionaire with five dollars a day this is the magic of compound interest pretty magical all right so the first thing I want to point out to you guys is this you cannot save your way to millionaire status one of the most common things people tell you to do if you’re looking to grow your wealth is to save your money and put it in the bank that is the most stupid piece of advice anyone could give you because that is a guaranteed way to lose money I’m going to explain why that is so first of all if you have five bucks a day can you simply save your way to millionaire status absolutely not here’s an example let’s say for whatever reason you were able to save five dollars a day from the day you were born to the day you were a hundred let’s say you even lived to be a hundred years old if you save five bucks a day for a hundred years it will have one hundred eighty two thousand five hundred dollars that is a far cry from a million dollars so unless you’re planning on living past five hundred years old you cannot save your way to millionaire status second of all interest rates in a savings account do not keep up with inflation so you cannot put your money in the bank and expect it to keep up with inflation so in 2016 inflation was two point one percent okay the average checking account pays zero point zero five percent interest on the money you put in there so here’s just an example in terms of how much money you’re losing by keeping your money in a savings account so ten thousand dollars in 2015 is equal to ten thousand two hundred sixteen based on that two point one percent rate of inflation now let’s say you had ten thousand dollars in your checking account over that year as well so you’re ten thousand dollars grew to an astounding dollar amount of ten thousand and fifty dollars at that point so you made fifty dollars okay also known as you just lost one hundred sixty dollars of value maybe that doesn’t sound like a lot of money but if you had a hundred thousand dollars in there you just lost sixteen hundred if you had a million dollars you just lost sixteen thousand dollars because your interest rates are not keeping up with the rate of inflation so that is why a savings account is a guaranteed way to lose money so when people recommend you save your way to retirement or you save your way to being rich that’s a guaranteed way to lose money there you’re basically guaranteeing that you’re going to fork over a lot of money because you’re not going to keep up with the rate of inflation with what these banks pay you as far as interest goes so what is the solution to this problem I’m going to give it to you right now I’m going to show you how to become a millionaire with five bucks a day all that I ask you guys to do is subscribe to my channel and drop a like on this video and help this message be spread to other people out there who are stuck saving money in a bank account all right guys here it is here’s how you become a millionaire with five bucks a day no this is not some course that I’m selling for a thousand dollars on how to become a millionaire that has 40 hours of video content this is this is four steps four steps guys and you can become a millionaire with five dollars a day okay here’s how you do it number one set aside five dollars each day I’m talking about the amount of money you probably spend at Starbucks every single day at the end of the month you will have one hundred fifty dollars saved up okay what you’re going to do with that money you’re not going to put it in your bank account you’re going to invest that money you’re going to invest in a diversified portfolio of blue-chip stocks and investment-grade bonds okay for those of you who don’t know blue chip stocks are these stocks of well-established companies they have a very high market capitalization they are things that have been investing in for many many years and over the last 100 years on average blue chip stocks have paid a 10 percent return you’re also going to be investing in investment grade bonds these are high-quality low-risk bonds over the last 100 years these bonds have paid out on average 6% what I recommend doing is investing 50% of your money in blue chip stocks and 50% of your money in investment grade bonds over the last 100 years on average this portfolio page you 8% return on your investment you’re never going to sell you’re going to leave it there and you’re going to let it compound over time you’re taking advantage of compound interest now you may not have enough money each month to invest but you’re going to save that money and when you do have enough money you’re going to buy more shares of blue chip stocks and you’re going to buy more investment grade bonds okay after 50 years now we’re talking 50 years I know that sounds like a long time but like we said before if you save five dollars a day for a hundred years you’ll have a hundred eighty two thousand five hundred dollars okay so now we’re talking about half the time 50% less time we’re talking 50 years okay you do this for 50 years and due to the magic of compound interest you now have a portfolio worth 1 million thirty two thousand seven hundred eighty six dollars and 28 cents you just became a millionaire for the price of a starbucks cup of coffee each day why is this lesson not being taught in school

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Become a Millionaire by 30 | How To Gear Your Life For Wealth

Becoming a millionaire and being able to live the life you want is a dream for most, and achieving this by the age of 30 can seem like a wild fantasy. While everyone has a different journey and there are no guarantees in life, utilizing these tips will go a long way toward helping you crack those seven figures. #1 Ditch the steady pay check. Wealthy people are typically self-employed and determine the size of their own pay check. It’s not that there aren’t superstars who punch a time clock, but for most, it’s the slowest path to wealth, promoted as the safest.

The great success stories know that self-employment is the fastest road to wealth. While the elite continue starting businesses and building fortunes, average people settle for steady pay checks and miss out on the opportunity to accumulate great wealth. The masses almost guarantee themselves a life of financial mediocrity by staying in a job with a modest salary and yearly pay rises. #2 Don’t show off—show up! True success and wealth aren’t represented by your latest gold watch or fancy sports car, especially if they’re leased or put you in debt. These things may create a superficial image that makes you feel good about yourself, but time will erode this when debt eats into your wealth and you cannot sustain the lifestyle you’ve tried to adopt too early. Many a millionaire has stated they’ve been driving an old rust box well past their first million, but have upgraded when they can pay cash. Be known for your work ethic, not the trinkets you buy! Show up, work hard, and be known for what you achieve; the money will follow. #3: Money doesn’t sleep. Money doesn’t know about clocks, schedules, or holidays, and you shouldn’t either.

Money loves people who have a great work ethic. If you want real success and wealth, you’re going to have to make sacrifices like foregoing some social events and putting in the hours. With the ability to utilize the internet for marketing and making money, time zones and geographic locations are no longer an issue for entrepreneurs with a dream anywhere. #4: Avoid debt that doesn’t pay you This is a shift in mindset in how you think about money and whether you buy luxury toys or utilize money to make money. Make it a rule to never use debt that won’t make you money. The wealthy use debt to leverage investments and grow their income streams.

Poor people use debt to buy things that make rich people richer! Get your money to do the heavy lifting for you. Investing is the ultimate road to becoming a millionaire and beyond! You should make more money off your investments than from your work. Many successful entrepreneurs outlay thousands of dollars in cash to get their start-ups off the ground and report making that money back each and every month for many years. Investing is the only reason to follow any of the other steps and make your money work for you, rather than you working for your money. #5 Focus on money and make it a priority. While it sounds superficial, it is a harsh reality.

To get rich and stay rich with metals, you will have to make money a priority. Ignore it, and it will ignore you. Rarely can you just focus elsewhere and hope the money will find you, as you need to be making decisions based on what is most beneficial to your business or situation. Without focusing on these decisions financially, you had better find fulfillment in other areas of what you do. You can still be ethical and conscious of your customers or the value you provide, but keep the money in focus if your aim is to be rich. #6. Invest in yourself. You don’t need a formal education to start your own business and make millions, but some form of education certainly helps to understand how to run your business! Even through self-education online, knowledge is power and helps you make better decisions, which in turn affects your wealth. Some form of education is a highly valuable investment in ourselves.

Statistics show a strong correlation between education and wealth, and it can open the door to many opportunities. Even if you can’t start your own business right now, being educated and working for someone else on a decent salary can help you build some capital to invest. Keep in mind that many entrepreneurs don’t even branch out on their own until later in life, so don’t feel like you’ve already set your path. But if you want to be a millionaire by 30, you really need to ditch the steady pay check and take that risk head-on.

Fortune favors the brave! And finally, #7 Don’t be poor! Fight for it! Work harder! A lot of us have been poor; it’s no way to live. Everyone has different circumstances and is dealt different cards, but don’t let an excuse be your defining legacy. Fight for it! Eliminate all ideas that a mediocre life is somehow okay! And to close out with an old expression: “It’s not your fault if you’re born in the gutter, but it is your fault if you die there”.

Now go out and get it!

Now go out and get it! .

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The 5 Types Of Billionaires in 2022 – Levels Of Wealth

When you assume concerning the richest individuals
of the world, the initial people who enter your mind are bill gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett,
or even this man (Mark Zuck). The issue is that these positions are
made based on the openly readily available info, and also it doesn'' t include individuals who are much
wealthier than even Jeff Bezos. Take an instance of Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia,
or MBS as he is understood more notoriously. At 34 years of ages, he acquired a private yacht for 500
million bucks, a French Chateau for 300 million dollars. And for dessert, he bought a 450 million
buck Leonardo de Vincy painting. Even people like Jeff Bezos, who have actually been
controling the Forbes checklist for a few years now, would certainly struggle to increase so much cash
to make such extravagant acquisitions. It may seem like I am speaking about some
kind of a conspiracy concept, but count on me, I am not. In this video clip, we are mosting likely to explore the
They are recognized as paper rich. 2 abundant.
All you have is just a couple of hundred million dollars of actual wealth.
As of 2020, his net well worth is 4.3 billion bucks. It has been 2 years considering that it went public. Market his shares as well as raise billions of bucks in cash money?
Below is your step by action overview.
As well as while they are in power, they have the. entire riches of the nation at their disposal, yes obviously, you could have mad journalists. throwing at you awkward questions, yet you can always use that wealth to prevent. that from happening.Take an example of former Lybian president.( Gadaffi) that had actually an estimated nextwroth of 200 billion bucks, or the head of state of russia,.

who is in power for two decades already as well as recently transformed the constiiton of the nation to stay. in power for one more twenty years. The entire nation has to pay
tax obligations, as well as. you can do keeping that cash whatever you desire, or the revenues from the natural resources. will be under your nation. You can have as lots of personal jets as you desire. or private yachts or whatever else you desire. However this sort of wealth is not sustainable.
At some factor, the people of your nation. will get burnt out with you and also would oppose to change you. As well as the Arab springtime is an excellent instance of. that, where several heads of states that were rulling their countries for 30 or 40 years were. overthrown as well as replaced.Qatar is an oil-rich nation that has probably. the highest possible GDP per capita in the globe. Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani rules it. The Constitution of this

oil-rich country. essentially claims: the Emir or the head the nation can only be selected from the family members of Al Thani. and he is the head of the state and the commander-in-chief of the Qatar Army and guarantor of. the Constitution. No issue what he does, exactly how much money. he invests, just how lots of palaces and personal jets he acquires, he can ' t be taken down, he can invest. the country ' s wealth as he desires. Most significantly, his son or one of his. boys will be the following King of Qatar.
In the UK, the queen is the head of the state.
The taxpayers still have to pay for her extravagant life, and also her whole family members ' s expenses. You can locate similar instances in various other European. Royal blood is considered opportunity as well as individuals for one reason or one more, in general,.
That ' s why background is loaded with examples. Thats it for this video. If you desire to support our network, after that examine.
are new around here.Thanks for seeing as well as until following time.

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Retire Wealthy Home

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