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How to Replace a $70,000 a Year Salary with Real Estate Investments and Rental Property

How can I replace $70,000 a year in annual income with rental properties that is the subject of today’s video hi everyone I’m Clayton Morris the president of Morris invest let’s dive into it so how do we replace seventy thousand dollars a year in annual income with passive income with rental property income from tenants every month providing cash flow from the properties that we own you might think that that sounds like a tall order but it’s not and I’m going to show you how simple it can be to actually replace that annual income you know a little story about me that’s in fact how I got started I was frustrated sitting down with my wife one night I said we were frustrated with our bills and I said how come at the end of the month where we still have more bills to pay and we don’t have enough paycheck to cover it aren’t we doing well what are we doing wrong the problem was that we weren’t putting the money to work for us to start creating cash flow in our lives and creating passive income so I put together and it was really the foundation of my freedom cheat sheet it’s the number that changed everything for me by the way that link you can download a free pdf it’s like three pages long sit down with your husband or wife and go through it totally free the link is right below this video and it’ll walk you through step by step with some numbers and figures on exactly how to figure out how many houses it will take for you to recover that annual income but I want to tackle the $70,000 question specifically most of the houses that I buy and that my company rehabs and sells are in that forty to forty five thousand dollar range okay single family homes two bedroom one bath three bedroom one bath and some duplexes okay duplexes or you know door on each side typically and two bedrooms on each side or three bedrooms on each side those are the types of properties that I buy now I buy them low and I fix them up and I place a great tenant in the property each of those properties will cashflow about $700 let’s just say for round number $700 okay now think about how much is $70,000 a year how much are you probably making per week well let’s bring out the calculator so $70,000 a year let’s divide that by 52 weeks that’s about thirteen hundred and forty six dollars a week that you are earning from your paycheck okay thirteen hundred and forty six dollars a week so now let’s figure out how many houses it would take us to replace seventy thousand dollars a year in passive income seventy thousand dollars right it’s a simple formula if each of our houses is bringing in seven hundred dollars a month that’s a simple formula right seven hundred times 12 gives us $8,400 okay now let’s take that 70 thousand dollars and let’s divide it by eighty four hundred that’s eight houses that is eight point three properties eight houses bringing in seven hundred dollars a month now imagine if you’re buying a forty thousand dollar house if you had to bring a little bit of money to put down as a down payment or deposit you were able to reach out and get private financing or seller financing on a property then you’re able to accrue these properties very quickly now some of the things I didn’t talk about in this video and I can dive a little deeper now that we always want to take out money for for vacancy and repairs on our numbers right so that eighty four hundred dollars a year let’s multiply that now times point six so we’re gonna remove forty percent for vacancy repairs and expenses this is just to be totally conservative with your numbers so let’s take that eighty four hundred dollars and let’s multiply that times point six so we’re bringing in about five thousand and forty dollars per property per year okay so now let’s take that five thousand and divide it by seventy thousand so this will be a totally conservative number but this will help us really make sure that we’re totally covered should something go wrong maybe we have a vacancy for a few weeks or a month or two in one of our properties this will take in that into account so seventy thousand dollars let’s divide that by five thousand forty that gives us thirteen point eight properties so let’s round that up fourteen properties fourteen properties would bring you about seventy thousand dollars a year in net income that would replace that $70,000 paycheck that you’re making every year then in other videos in this series I’m going to go through exactly how to find properties how to acquire properties but just for the sake of this video I wanted you to start to put your mind in a place where you can begin to reverse engineer that number for a lot of people you don’t think that you’re going to be able to create passive income or bring in that much cash every year hogwash I do it hundreds of thousands of other investors out there do it every day they do it exactly the way that I do it some buy residential properties some buy commercial properties it doesn’t matter it can be done that’s what I do I’m Clayton Morris

As found on Youtube

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