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The #1 Wealth KILLER


Albert Einstein once referred to compound interest as the 8th wonder of the world. Saying he who understands it earns it; he who doesn’t pays it. And he couldn’t have been more right. Today we’re going to be looking at the miracle that is compound interest and how can protect my retirement as it relates to the #1 killer of your wealth. Let’s get started. So the #1 wealth killer is debt. Yeah, I know, big shocker. But it’s really true and today we’re going to look at why that is.

The truth is, having too much debt can put a limit on your greatest wealth-building tool – your income. While it may be tempting to invest rather than pay off your debt, compound interest is a force to be reckoned with. In fact, I recently dedicated an entire video to its power. Financial advisors often use the example of Jane, who invests $100 per month ($1,200 per year) from the age of 18 to 25 and earns an average of 10% per year on her investments. By the time she stops investing at age 25, her nest egg will be worth just over $15,000.

However, before you start investing, it’s important to consider your debt load. Here are some reasons why paying off your debt first may be the smarter choice:

High-interest rates: Many forms of debt, such as credit card debt or personal loans, carry high-interest rates that can negate any potential investment gains.
Risk: Investing always carries some degree of risk, and if you have high levels of debt, taking on additional risk may not be advisable.
Stress: Debt can be a significant source of stress and anxiety, which can have negative impacts on your overall financial well-being.
Freedom: Paying off debt can give you a sense of freedom and control over your financial situation, allowing you to make better long-term decisions.
That being said, paying off debt doesn’t mean you can’t invest at all. Here are some steps you can take to balance debt repayment and investing:

Create a budget: Determine how much money you can allocate towards debt repayment and investing each month.
Focus on high-interest debt: Prioritize paying off high-interest debt first, as this will save you the most money in the long run.
Consider employer-matched retirement accounts: If your employer offers a retirement plan with a matching contribution, take advantage of it. This is essentially free money that can help you save for the future.
Seek professional advice: A financial advisor can help you create a personalized plan that takes your unique financial situation into account.
In conclusion, while compound interest is a powerful tool for building wealth, it’s important to consider your debt load before investing. Paying off high-interest debt should be a priority, but that doesn’t mean you can’t invest at all. By creating a budget, focusing on high-interest debt, taking advantage of employer-matched retirement accounts, and seeking professional advice, you can balance debt repayment and investing to achieve your financial goals.

Over the course of the next 45 years, those investments will continue to grow. Assuming that it continues to grow at an average annualized rate of 10% per year she will end up with $1.1 million in her portfolio at age 70. That’s all achieved with eight years of investing $100 a month. Jane becomes a millionaire by investing $9,600 of her own money. On the other hand, we have John. John doesn’t start investing at age 18. Instead, he starts at the age of 26 (just after Jane had finished all of her investing). He also invests $100 a month. However, unlike Jane, he does it from the age of 26 all the way until the age of 70. John invests $54,000 of his own money over the course of those years and ends up with a nest egg of just under $950,000. So John ends up with approximately $150,000 less than Jane. This is in spite of the fact that he invested six times more of his own money than she did.

It’s no secret that excessive debt can put a damper on your ability to build wealth using your most powerful tool – your income. While the concept of compound interest is widely known to be an effective way to grow your money over time, paying off debt may seem like a counterproductive move. However, it’s important to remember that not all investments are created equal, especially when you’re dealing with debt payments.

Let’s take a look at an example: Jane invests $100 a month for 7 years starting at 18 and ends up with a net worth of $1.1 million at the age of 70. Now, let’s say John starts investing $100 a month at the same age and earns an average of 10% per year, just like Jane. Even if John continues to invest until he’s 100 years old, Jane would still have more money than him, and her lead would only increase with time. In fact, at the age of 100, Jane would have $19.2 million to her name, while John would have $16.7 million. This just goes to show the power of compound interest, as famously called by Albert Einstein as the 8th Wonder of the world.

However, when it comes to investing, it’s important to consider the context of one’s financial situation. Comparing someone who is debt-free to someone who is not will not provide an accurate comparison. While Jane invested $100 a month for 7 years, John was dealing with debt payments and didn’t invest anything for those first 8 years. But what if John managed to free up an extra $200 a year, or less than $17 a month, by paying off his debts? In that case, he would come out ahead of Jane by the time they’re both 70. And if he freed up more money than that, he would pass Jane even earlier.

So, what’s the takeaway? While compound interest is undoubtedly a powerful tool, it’s important to also consider the impact of debt on one’s ability to invest. Paying off debt and freeing up funds for investment can ultimately lead to greater financial success in the long run.

And given the state of the average American debt situation, $17 a month in payments is a remarkably conservative estimate. According to articles in business insider,
CNBC, and Forbes the average American debt situation looks like this: About $9,000 in credit card debt which is
often split between several cards. $30,000 in student loan debt. And assuming a used vehicle was bought a little
over $21,000 on a car loan. That’s around $60,000 in total debt. If we assume 18% interest on the credit cards
and 4.5% interest on the other loans and terms of 5 and 10 years on the car loan and student
loan respectively, the minimum payments could be roughly $900 a month. Freeing up that much cashflow could make a
tremendous difference in the previous example. Let’s look back at John’s situation from before
and assume that his household’s debt situation was that of the average American. John uses his $100 a month of excess cash
flow to pay off these debts.


Based on the numbers it would take him roughly
six years to become debt-free. This is assuming he did not work any extra
hours or sell anything to get out of debt faster. Once he was debt-free he would have almost
$1,000 a month left over to invest. If he starts the process of becoming debt-free
at the age of 18 when Jane was starting to invest he would have become debt-free by his
24th birthday. If he then turned around and started investing
the full $1,000 a month he would actually be further along in his investments by his
25th birthday then Jane was. Granted this is largely because he has invested
more money than Jane has at this point. Jane by her 25th birthday had only invested
$8,400. That’s quite a bit less than John’s $12,000
but think of the potential payoff of this down the road if John keepS investing that


He’ll also likely be able to lead a much
better lifestyle than Jane in the present due to his lower monthly expenses. Jane may eventually equal him in that regard
if she gets her debts paid off, but for those first several years after John is debt-free,
it is worth noting. Remember, compound interest is an incredibly
powerful mathematical force. But it can work just as hard against you as
it can for you. So it’s important to make sure that compound
interest is your ally in your finances, not your enemy. So with that being said how do we avoid this
killer of wealth? First, if you’re lucky enough to not have
any debt right now research some ways to ensure that you keep it that way.


If you’re planning to go to college look into
ESA or 529 plans. They are ways to start saving for college
while lowering your tax burden (which is always a nice perk). Also, look into scholarship opportunities
or PSEO. Don’t be afraid to have a summer job and work
during the school year part-time. For the record, this can also be a good option
in high school to give yourself a head start financially so long as it doesn’t take away
from your studies too much. Make sure that you always have an emergency
fund. It should contain three to six months worth
of expenses so that you don’t have to take on debt for those moments when life happens. Make sure you have insurance for those catastrophes
that you wouldn’t be able to cover with your savings. Catastrophic health emergencies are a good
candidate for this.


If you’re already in debt, learn about how
people have paid off their debts. Then choose the strategy that is most likely
to get you (and keep you) completely out of debt. Three of the most popular strategies are the
debt snowball, debt avalanche, and debt tsunami. I have done videos on all three of those and
they will be linked in the description. The debt snowball is the one made famous by
financial personalities such as Dave Ramsey. It has you order your debts from smallest
to largest balance and pay them off in that order regardless of the interest rates on
those debts. The plus side is the momentum you can build
up for yourself by quickly wiping out those bills. The downside is it isn’t the most mathematically
efficient way to get out of debt, all else being equal.


The debt avalanche is the more mathematically
efficient option if you can stick to it. It has you order your debts from highest to
lowest interest rate and pay them off in that order. This is regardless of the size of the loan
itself. The upside is the fact that you’ll be paying
less in interest. The downside is in some situations it may
take quite a while to get rid of that first bill. For those who are more motivated by seeing
the balances of the debts themselves going down this may not be much of an issue.


For those that are more motivated by the lowering
of bills, this could be an issue in some situations. The debt tsunami has you order your debts
from the most emotionally stressful to the least emotionally stressful and pay them off
in that order. In some cases, this could mean paying off
the largest balance that also has the lowest interest rate first. However in my experience that is not commonly
how it goes. Most of the people that I’ve seen use this
strategy tend to use it because there are personal loans between family or friends that
are causing a lot of stress in the relationship. The person with the debt uses the tsunami
to get rid of that loan first and then often switches to a different strategy such as the
snowball or avalanche. Which is another viable option for many people. There’s nothing stopping you from starting
with one strategy that will help get you going and then switching to another that will work
for you longer-term.


I know a lot of people who have started with
the snowball to get themselves some momentum and then switched to the avalanche once they
were on a roll so that they could save on interest. Another thing I would recommend looking into
is the power of the debt snowflake. If you haven’t heard, the debt snowflake is
a strategy where you find ways to free up money (or just happened to find the money)
that you can put towards your debt payoff strategy. The nice thing about it is it works well with
any of the other three strategies I mentioned. While by itself it isn’t game-changing it
does help your primary strategy do its job a little better. And as we know every little bit helps. If you need more motivation make sure to check
out Dave Ramsey’s YouTube channel and their debt-free screams playlist.


It’s filled with a lot of amazing stories
of people paying off loads of debt on various levels of income and getting to see their
relief when they are finally debt-free is very inspiring. You might also find their Turning Points playlist
interesting. It is essentially interviews of people who
have become debt-free talking about what made them decide to go through that process and
achieve that lifestyle. I’ll leave a link to both playlists in the
description as well..

As found on YouTube

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Retirement Goals: How Specific Do You Want Them?

Do you have specific retirement goals, or does the idea of making a list of goals make you a little bit uneasy? You've probably heard that you can't accomplish anything unless you make a goal to accomplish it, and one of the biggest milestones in your life might be when you can stop working for pay, but I'd like to challenge the traditional view of goal setting and say that it might be okay if you don't have a laundry list of ideas on what you're going to do with your time in retirement, and this has a profound impact on how you design your life and the direction you head for retirement, so if we think about your first 20 years in retirement, those might be the most active years when you're able to do the most…

Those could consist of 7300 days or more than that, if you have good health. And so the question is, what will you do with that time? Now, we certainly want to have some ideas so that you hit the ground running and you're not just retiring from work, but if you think about the things that you enjoy most, like Maybe that's sitting on the beach and reading the book, is that something that you really want to do that many times, or perhaps, do we want to make sure that you have the resources to have some options and perhaps go through different chapters in retirement? Not knowing exactly what you'll do with every day is okay, because it can cause you to delay your planning if you work too hard on figuring out exactly what you're going to do with your time, so if we just make some intelligent guesses about how you're going to spend your time, think about taxes and inflation and healthcare costs and factor all of that in…

For most clients, I think that's a decent way to get started on your retirement planning, this line of thinking is backed by the so called "End of History Illusion," and that explains just how bad we are at predicting who our future selves will be. So predicting the future is always hard, we know that as investors, but it's also hard to predict what our personality traits and our values and our preferences might look like, let's say 10 years ahead of time, if those things change, then the way you want to spend your time and your resources could very well also change, so one way to think about this is to look back 10 years and saying, What was most important to you at that time? What did you like, what types of music…

Food, people to hang out with, all of those sorts of things? And has that changed over the last 10 years? And it might have changed for a variety of reasons, but the fact is that it probably did change in ways that you couldn't have anticipated 10 years ago, and that could very well continue. Now, it is true, and this is based on the research, that the older we get, the less those changes might be, they might be less severe, but the fact is we are likely to still experience some changes, in fact, as you get into a retirement or a financial independence stage of life, you can experience a lot of change, you might not have financial struggles, which gives you a different perspective on life, you might have kids that are out of the house, if you had kids, or grandkids entering the picture, that sort of thing can certainly change your view of the world. So a lot of change can still happen later in life, and sometimes to a surprising degree, a major consequence of the end of history illusion is that we tend to double down on our current version of ourself, so that can be good if you're very clear on what you like, but again, it's hard to predict, and so you might end up sending yourself down a path or pigeon holing certain aspects of your life, you might miss out on other rich experiences in life that you currently aren't really even aware of, so a cliche for retirement is that you're going to play golf every day or something like that, and of course, 7300 days in your first 20 years, that could potentially get old, and that applies to pretty much anything else, I don't play golf, but whatever it is you might enjoy doing today…

Let's think about how you might possibly evolve, and plus our bodies might change in ways that we aren't doing the exact same things in the future. I want to encourage you to explore the possibility of having some loosely held retirement goals or possibly no retirement goals at all, and not very specific, of course, we want you to be financially independent, and that probably means not working forever, so there are certainly some directions we want to head in, but as far as nailing down a list of things, maybe we can be a bit slower and gentler in terms of trying to name exactly what retirement is going to look like for us.

So let's look at how some other people have talked about this problem, Carl Richards used to do the sketches on the napkins for The New York Times, he's a former financial advisor, and he talks about this a lot, and it's kind of consistent with what my experience is with clients where you might ask people, What are your goals in retirement, what do you want to do, and sometimes they just don't really know, they know that they don't want to work forever, they have a decent idea of what level of income might make them comfortable, but they're not really sure how to answer the question, and Carl would point out that at that point, sometimes people just say what they think they should say, so they say, I want to be free to do whatever I want, when I want. Or they might say, I want to travel, that's what people want to do in retirement, right? Or they might say they want to spend time with loved ones, and there's nothing wrong with any of those goals, those are all great, but we want to be specific about what exactly they mean so what is travel? What does it mean to spend time with loved ones and why couldn't that happen right now, what are the specific differences that would make it a reality? And once you start doing that, it can feel like you're starting to force things.

Sometimes. I've also heard Carl refer to Pema Chodron's excellent book, When Things Fall Apart multiple times, and the gist of that book is that the ground is constantly shifting beneath us, and it's really hard to predict with any certainty what's going to happen, and grasping for certainty can be a recipe for suffering, so if we can acknowledge that we have some preferences and some directions to head in, but if things don't work out exactly that way, that's exactly what we should expect out of life, so that's a pretty big over simplification. And I'm not sure the book even contains the word goals, but it's a pretty quick read and you can check it out if you haven't seen it before, there's also a lot of information out there about not having goals and some of the benefits of that, and some of the pitfalls of making goals, and you can search online for how that might apply to you because it can be situation or person specific, but the important thing to remember is that not having goals doesn't mean that you don't do anything.

It doesn't mean that you don't have any desires or that you can't make your life for the world better, it just means that you haven't written down specific goals that you're going to try to pursue… By the way, I'm Justin Pritchard and I help people plan for retirement and invest for the future, so I'm going to have some links to some of the things we look at here today down in the description, as well as some general retirement planning information. This is more of the nuts and bolts in terms of figuring out taxes and Social Security and spending and income and that sort of thing, there will be some good resources for that, and I think you'll find that very helpful. By the way, if you are finding this interesting, please leave a quick thumbs up. That's a signal to me to keep talking about these types of topics. I will also link to an article by Maggie Zhou, which discusses anti goals, and this is the idea of maybe figuring out what you don't want in your life anymore instead of all of the things you do when it comes to retirement planning.

Those might be things like, I never want to drive in rush hour again, or I don't want to ever feel stressed about what medical bills I'm going to pay, I want to make it really easy to spend time with my loved ones, whether that's making it affordable or not, having to go through too many airports or whatever the case may be, by eliminating the things that don't necessarily add to your life, you may be able to leave a room for the things that do add to your life. However, we don't want to forget that End of History illusion, so if you are thinking, These are things I really don't want in my life, it may be the case that later in life you would tolerate them and really enjoy them, they might add to your life, so by ruling things out entirely that could potentially come back to haunt you, we just want to be careful about predicting exactly who we will be, what we want, what we prefer, what we value in the future.

All that said, we probably do want to have some vision for how you're going to enjoy yourself in retirement, there are some studies to suggest that leaving work can potentially lead to some mental and physical health declines, but there's no guarantee that will happen to you, that said, there are some significant changes that happen when you stop working, so you lose the structure of going to work, the schedule, sometimes that can be helpful, you might lose the identity of being a whatever it is you used to do for work, for some people that's valuable, you might lose a lot of social interaction.

So the time you spent talking to co workers, colleagues, customers, etcetera, that can possibly cause you to have a lot less social interaction, which can be problematic, even physical activity for office workers, even there may be a lot less… Just walking back and forth, up and down the stairs. Your walk after lunch with a co worker, that sort of thing goes away and you risk having some physical health impact, ultimately you end up with fewer required challenges that might keep your mind sharp as you have to overcome different challenges at work, and you also lose the accolades or the recognition that you might have grown to appreciate over the years, maybe you value that, maybe you don't, in general, ultimately you can lose some sense of purpose as you stop working, and for many people, I know, they're going to say, my work is not my purpose, and that's great, but for some people, it has a surprising place in your psyche, so just keep that in mind.

The good news is that you can offset those effects, so whether you're taking classes or volunteering or working on different projects or something else, you can really offset those mental and physical effects of stopping work, so I know of a woman who coordinates volunteer opportunities for retirees, and the way she explains it is this helps them to get out of the house and maybe stop thinking about their health issues, these are ways to keep them engaged, and it might not even feel like work for them, they're doing things for non profits where they just need to have a responsible adult keeping an eye on things, that type of thing, and it really is good for everybody, it's good for the community, and it's good for the individual.

So please make sure that whatever it is, you have a way to have that purpose in your life. And so if you want to set some goals that's fantastic, just hold them with a loose hand knowing that things might evolve, and if you don't have a lot of specific goals, that could be Okay. So I hope you found this helpful. If you did, please leave a quick thumbs up, thank you and take care..

As found on YouTube

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Rethink Traditional Retirement: Our Top Tips For A Happier Retirement!

retirement actually killed my father his retirement lasted 15 years and his decline was like him jumping off a cliff now jod and I have spent the past 5 years doing the complete opposite we call it climbing a mountain it's the complete opposite of what my dad did and we want to share with you today some of the things you can do to have the same outcome that we have you know the past 5 years have really been miraculous for us and today we're going to share with you the holy Grail of a successful retirement our Holy Grail Y and you know what I think this is going to be our new thing might we might even Rebrand the channel the Holy Grail of retirement I'm pretty sure Holy Grail is probably already trademarked okay well we all make daily choices about how we want to spend our time right every day Jody and I do the same thing is it watching TV all day and being sedentary which could be okay which can be okay I actually did that on Saturday cuz I was having one of those days or is it thriving and growing and getting healthier so that we live different from the way my dad did for sure you know today we want you to listen and take a few notes and think of your life and what you want to do for the rest of the time you're here and Alive you need to think about this because this is really your final Act I turned 76 whoa 67 wo I flipped it 67 yesterday y 13 more years years I'm 80 right you know 23 years I'm 100 90 but I will tell you our kids age 39 and younger and their significant others said you're making 67 look easier than 39 well thank you for I liked that that was a good compliment it was a great compliment but here's the thing at 67 or whatever age you are how do you want to be remembered what impact are you going to make on your family and your community on the world what is going to be your legacy and you know we hear all the time things but yeah you know here they go again up on their Soap Box preaching the Good Life and you know what you bet we are or as our neighbors from Minnesota say you beta um you know we're dead serious about changing the way everyone approaches retirement or at least influencing it that I don't know if we can actually change it but we could influence it it's so much mindset and habits and routines and everything else that we talk about but really want to take all your doubts about retirement and put it aside and stay with us today as we share our seven key strategies that we've perfected for our retirement and if you're new here I'm Mark and this is my wife Jody and we don't focus on the financial aspects of retirement but rather your lifestyle your health your relationships and more so please hit the Subscribe button but more importantly if you're finding that this video is helping you share it with with other people that you love and care about that are on the same Journey that you are absolutely so last week jod and I were playing golf and we haven't played much this winter but we well I have you I mean together yeah together we haven't played you've been deep in the business in the book and everything else and now they've got a lot more free time so now we're spending more time playing golf but what I noticed last week was that I was completely in the moment and it wasn't like that during my career in my career I'm always thinking about the next thing the next project what do I have to do this afternoon what I have to do in 10 minutes what emails do I have to answer you know and I'm thinking weeks months and years ahead and it was just stressful right but now in retirement when we've been able to slow down a little bit and pause I'm finding myself that I'm in the moment all the time and that is so much different than it used to be and it can really help your golf game because you know all you need to think about right now is your next shot you don't need to you know start solving problems for later in the day the week the month or the year right but we've had to work at that right and the Seven strategies we're going to share today have allowed us to get to the point after being in retirement for five years it's taken a long time for us to get here it really has and the thing is we're trying to give you our secrets of success and what we hear from our clients and the comments we get on the YouTube channel so you know we're coaching in each other all the time on this and coaching others so I you know I just want you to pay attention today because you know I think back on my dad and the decisions that he made that ruined his retirement and we're not going to do that yeah my dad made so many bad decisions before retirement that he never really he never made it to retirement because of his lifestyle choices now part of retirement is having a good relationship with your partner wife husband whatever it is so there's a link below to to one of our free downloads the relationship toolkit that you can use with a husband or wife or a close friend or even a colleague really any significant relationship in your life you could use this toolkit for so download it and check it out all right so here are our Holy Grail of retirement strategies trademarked can we trademark them I don't think so n too bad all right the first thing the first thing you have to get right is your finances you need good financial management and Wellness within there how much money do you have how much money is coming in how much money is going out they seem like basic questions and a lot of people even people with enough money don't think they have enough money right when they retire so having you need to get some help in this area yeah absolutely and you know this is a good time to also mention and maybe we should link it below the new retirement platform that um that we have a partnership with and and it just is an easy planning tool for you to use to run scenarios in it's a dashboard that ties all your financial information together I honestly I forget what it cost $100 a year 150 I think something it's free for I don't know two weeks you could try it it's a great tool but really having a good idea on how much you have and there's all these scenarios everybody can run but realizing that you can control some things like you can decide that you know what this house even though it's paid off it's bigger right it's you know it's 5,000 square ft it's got four bedrooms we don't need four bedrooms even though it's paid off you have to heat it or cool it you have to paint it and take care of it put a new roof on it all that stuff costs a lot of money it does so things like downsizing going from two houses to one or a big house to a smaller house or even moving from the house concept to a condo Co-op you know apartment you know those are things to think about that really help in your financial planning and then once you get your plan what's coming in what's going out you know where are your expenses key expenses for the month and develop a plan and stick to it you know how often do you want to go out to dinner how many family vacations do you want you know what type of housing do you need I mean that's really what we're talking about with getting the basics for your financial plan number one right and if you get this right you're going to have Financial Independence all right now the second part of this is you know thinking to yourself you know does part-time work or Consulting maybe fit into your retirement plan you know you know for us this this uh YouTube channel and our business retirement transform gives us fulfillment it fills part of our day we know that we're serving others we're building a channel we're trying to learn new skills as we go sometimes we're climbing a mountain of learning that's for sure with YouTube and you know some of the social media platforms but I I want to say something here because we get a fair number of comments on our channel from people that watch it and they say these two are not retired they're working they're going on business trips they're doing this they're doing that that's they should just really retire we are retired from our first careers but part-time work or Consulting like you said Jody is gosh it gives us fulfillment it fills part of our day right I don't know sometimes like last this past Saturday I didn't feel like doing anything right and I didn't do anything I watched TV I read a little bit I took a nap you know there's people that do that every day in retirement it's really unhealthy so so this idea of part-time work or Consulting once you're in retirement you know I think it's important to assess your time assess your plan and figure out if that fits in and if it will be additive because if it's not additive then it doesn't fit into your retirement world and I think that's fine too yeah and there's nothing wrong with having some extra money come in to pay some of your expenses so you can go on vacation or pay for meals out nothing wrong with that in this phase of life especially if it gives you some purpose and you got passion around it and it gives you a reason to get up in the morning so that's the second bucket bucket strategy that we use for our what do we call this we trade the Holy Grail the Holy Grail the third strategy that we have is building Community this is so darn important and we've gotten really good at it and you have to change your mindset you know it just just made me think at at all major transitions in life whether you're going from grade school to middle school middle school to high school high school to College college to your working jobs or your careers or you move around if you're a military family you know you know every big transition in life you have to build community retirement is no different you know finding new friends keeping the old friends you know making sure you're reaching out and I think the really big part here is being intentional about it well yes that that is what we've learned in The Last 5 Years y you can't just come to Florida like we did and move in and expect people are going to ring your bell and say oh you're new in the neighborhood let's go out to dinner we've worked at it right and we've made some mistakes you know we've picked some wrong friends we just don't call them again but we've picked some really right ones and they've introduced us to other right friends so we have uh what are we doing in Wednesday night we're doing a a progressive appetizer and dessert dinner with nine couples nine couples yeah that would be really fun I mean it's I mean that's going to I I haven't done that Mar's a little worried that he's not going to get enough to eat but I promise you will well well I did that in my 30s you know when you meet meet new people but this is such a great time I mean we have F community at the gym we have community at our Golf League we do lunch groups a little while family is critical still we stay in touch with our family but if you can get this third strategy building Community right right your retirement will flourish 100% okay so the third bucket or the next bucket is um because I think this was the fourth bucket is physical activity and you guys know we're always on a platform pushing people to be active we have always been active but now we're in a whole new level of activity that took us again five years to kind of figure out what we wanted our physical activity to be and how it was going to translate to physical wellness you know right now we're both doing morning boot camps you know one hour 5 days a week Mark does five days I only do four because I have a golf day in the middle of the week and it was hard at first you know getting up early you know not knowing what you were doing you know getting a little anxious about different you know workouts I was I know you weren't anxious about it but you know me at almost 60 years old doing an army cwl across cross the floor is not a really good look but it took some courage and now we're addicted and you know what before that honestly our physical activity I'm going to call [ __ ] on both of us because we said we worked out we said we were active but it was walking a little bit and it was doing this we are now busting our butts for an hour 5 days a week four days a week to to feel good to look good to have the energy that we need and I'm not calling [ __ ] on my prior physical activity because my 90 minutes of hot Power Yoga would kick your ass every day that's true so calling [ __ ] call on himself yeah cuz I was in the garage doing it kind of jumping jacks yeah that's not really nice but we're getting stronger we're building muscle look at your arms I'm not going to flex my arms you you know we hit the golf ball longer we spend time walking Ruby physical activity without a doubt if you get this right in your retirement you're going to have Boundless Energy to carry you throughout the day and you know it's funny at any stage of the game so no matter where you are in pre-retirement just retired postretirement 10 years into retirement or any of our kids and I just had this conversation this morning with our 27 soon to be 28-year-old who just got a big promotion your physical wellness has to be a part of your day no matter where you are on the spectrum because if you're physic Ally Fit and Well and you've you know done your exercise everything else gets easier after that you know she said to me yesterday I need a morning routine like yours but I can't figure out how to do it and I'm like I'm 67 and I have a morning routine I wish that I was doing the morning routine I'm doing now at 27 at 27 I I don't regret it well you must have inspired her cuz she got up at 5: this morning she moved her body she ate a good breakfast and then off so that was a good so let's talk about another one nutrition which is big for both of us yeah it's big for both of us um you know uh we stopped eating junk food bad snacks fast food you stop wait a second you're talking about me you didn't do junk food you didn't do bad snacks or fast food but I did I just don't have the stomach for it I kind of wish I did you know when you're driving down the highway and someone says ooh there's a chickfila i i panic because I don't even know what to order I love chickf I know you do but you know we're doing things like more water and healthier snacks and really working hard on not cheating but if we do cheat we're mindful about it right right we're trying to watch our sugar we're doing more of a Mediterranean diet it's actually fun if you've got a little bit of interest in cooking even a little bit start googling Mediterranean chicken and a skillet or something you get these amazing recipes and they're fun you go shopping that takes a little bit of time to start getting creative my nights to cook though I always Google simple Mediterranean chicken in a pan simple Mediterranean chicken in a pan for you is have more cook dinner it's my favorite dish to cook by the way I got to do recipes um we're doing Less meat more fish some chicken a lot of vegetables we cook at home a lot more we do going out to eat is going to be unhealthy I don't care where you go well that's not true not all the time but most restaurants are cooking unhealthy too much butter salt sugar so if you can get this one right this strategy which we think we really are 5 years into it we're getting closer we couple nutrition with exercise your future is going to be different you're going to be filled with a positive attitude about how you look how you feel and your energy level all right all right so the next bucket is the Sleep bucket and again I you know we have videos on the channel about sleep about rest you know and the importance thereof exercise nutrition and sleep are the top three for us in that in that order I think yeah we track our sleep every single day might sound a little weird but we have our aura rings and what happens is if we eat late or eat meat or have some alcohol our sleep deteriorates so sometimes if that's going to happen we just have to know we're going to have poor sleep but that's rare yeah because we really do everything we need to do including getting ready ready for sleep making sure um the room is cold and quiet um no screen time before we sleep because it's critically important for us to get at least 7 hours of sleep I unfortunately get about 6 and a half 6 sometimes because I get up so darn early I get up at 4: and I just can't stop doing that so if I go to bed as late as 10 I'm only and I sleep till 4: at 6 hours including maybe tossing and turning but we're almost obssessed with sleep because it happens every day right so we have to really make sure we do it and I think our sleep schedule and habits really have been helpful I also think you know if you think about sleep it's one of those things that you can control right you can you know control the temperature like you said the the darkness in your room you know the sheets the covers the blankets I mean we we have a weighted blanket that we sleep with which Mark has really loved I kind of sleep hot so I'm in and out of the weighted blank well it feels like I'm being hugged all night long yeah you love you do love the weighted blanket but you know with a good sleep schedule and habits you kind of approach the day filled with like happiness and A Renewed strength and laughter and you know you're you're just you just feel better and on the days when you don't get sleep you know it's good to also jot down what may have caused that bad sleep okay so the next one managing our stress right and I think that you know everything we've talked about now up until now has really really helped us with the stress we didn't specifically talk about meditation but meditation for me over the Last 5 Years actually longer seven eight now because I started it just was on my 50th birthday after I sold yeah after I sold the company I started meditating I'm telling you so you're on nine years I'm about to be 59 yeah two weeks that's right big presents 60 next year no you get presents every decade every decade okay next year um managing your stress and retirement is important there are things that happen that will stress you out yeah less than work during your work years maybe but there's no need to have stress at this stage of our life I mean we've got kids who are sick struggling with this and that you have to manage it so meditation deep breathing exercises um phone and social media downtime I'm so close to just saying Sundays is no cell phone no texting no posting no scrolling at all I think that would really personally do me well for it why you laughing I believe it when I say it okay it's a challenge yeah yeah Mark's a little bit like a teenager with his phone he's constantly scrolling through all day long and why you picking on teenagers I love teenagers let's compare use time on our phone okay let's do that happy to do it right now or later we'll do it later all right well listen the the other thing is um managing your stress it's it's a election year there's war you know in the Middle East right now all of these things create stress yeah managing the news that you consume is really important wouldn't you say but I would say managing your stress if you get this right you will definitely flourish you know you'll begin to live kind of more in the moment and enjoy things in your life that you know otherwise may have been missing all right here's another one that I think it's our last one yeah this is the one that really is important for us in embracing lifelong learning so we've been retired for 5 years and we read like crazy about all sorts of things and we we learn a lot of things we learn from our kids but there are so many aspects of life where you can learn um you know it's it's kind of like we've made the decision that we've got and you've got I don't know 10 20 30 40 years left that's a lot of time to just stick with the knowledge that you've accumulated up till now you don't want your brain to go Dr dry and just stagnant I also think this this concept of embracing lifelong learning you know allows you to shed your old identity right so everything I knew up until I turned you know 53 not everything but a lot of what I learned came from the insurance industry I knew a lot about the insurance industry I knew a lot about distribution and claims and financial management and all that stuff but that does not serving me that well in retirement so embracing like new learning and life lifelong learning helps you shed that old identity it's like a good correlation I think well even new technologies whether it's just the phone but I'm sure by now you've all heard of artificial intelligence or chat gbt which is one of the platforms that you can download on your phone and I strongly recommend you do that it's like asking Google a question and instead of getting 30 different responses you need to scroll through chat gbt actually gives you a typed out answer that solves your problem it's more Consolidated it pulls from other resources the only thing I would say is just remember it's a two-year lag so you're not getting you're not getting the most current that's not true a lot of platforms now are they've updated yeah but lifelong learning using artificial intelligence it's just fun to experiment a little bit don't be afraid of learning anything because as as you said all of these strategies have really helped us and they are our trademark totally great Holy Grail of retirement strategies you heard it from us today that's right these this is where we focus our time and energy in these seven areas and you can too it takes time takes discipline habits and some effort yep use these seven strategies to launch a new phase of your life learn how to meditate learn how to journal learn how to sleep better and what are the key indicators that make you sleep better and what are the ones that you fail on when you have a poor night's sleep invest some time every day to build a a better version of yourself in retirement if you like this video this next one retirement planning for 2024 is a video that jod and I did in January of this year and we broke down all the areas of our life individually and as a couple and for the business that we wanted to focus on this year so you really will enjoy this one next

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Self Directed IRA – Gold, Precious Metals, Real Estate, Investments, and More

A self-directed IRA is an individual retirement
account that some financial institutions in the United States provide. This gives you access to alternative investments
for retirement savings. A few examples of alternative investments
are: real estate private equity, stock, private mortgages, limited partnerships, precious
metals such as gold and silver, and other IP. The IRS's regulations require that a qualified
trustee or custodian hold the IRA assets on behalf of every owner. The trustee or custodian provides: custody
of the assets, processes the transactions, maintains the records and files, and much
more, all while doing everything on behalf of the IRA account owner. With regular IRAs one would invest in stocks
bonds and mutual funds. With a self-directed IRA there is a much larger
range of investments with which the owner can participate in.

There are prohibited asset types such is life
insurance and other collectibles. The IRS code does not describe exactly what
a self-directed IRA CAN investing only what it CANNOT invest in. Alternative investments may include: partnerships,
joint ventures, and private stock. This can be a platform to find start up companies
are other for-profit ventures managed by someone other than the account owner of the IRA. However, using a self-directed IRA to invest
in an active trade or business entities, such as; an LLC or partnership can trigger a tax,
and the income generated will be treated as unrelated business income tax(UBIT). An IRA can purchase any type of real estate
as long as the provider a.k.a. custodian of that IRA handles real estate. IRA providers that handle real estate are
often called self-directed IRA providers. If the IRA does not have the full purchase
price, the IRA partner with a person, company/entity or another IRA, or secure a non-recourse loan
to buy real estate.

Whether the IRA is full or part owner, IRA
funds are used for purchase, maintenance, and expenses. When the property generates either the rental
income or profit from sale, those funds go directly back to the IRA. The IRA holder makes the decisions and maintains,
but cannot do the work themselves. A self-directed IRA can hold precious metals,
such as gold and silver. These are typically held by the custodian. There are regulations pertaining to investing
in precious metals. Some US government coins such as American
Eagles and American Buffalo are OK. Bullion is also permissible if it meets a
standard level of fineness, and is produced by an approved refiner. In order for precious metals to be held inside
a self-directed IRA, they are going to have to satisfy a certain level of purity in the
mineral contents, and not viewed as a collectors coin. There are many benefits to rolling over your
IRA to precious metals.

If this interests you, please visit http://FreeGoldIRARolloverKit.com
Order your Free Gold IRA Rollover Kit: http://FreeGoldIRARolloverKit.com Call: 1-844-612-7162.

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10 Principles of Building Wealth

Most of us don’t think about money other than 
what we’re spending on and selling. But did you   know there’s more to money than just that? 
Unfortunately, so many of us have not been   told about the secrets of money. There’s 
a reason the 1% are at the level they are:   they know the secrets and they follow the 
rules. If you want to be a part of their   clan, here are some wealth building 
principles that you can follow too.
  1. Invest in appreciating assets

I know you’re wondering what appreciating   assets are. Well, they’re assets that increase in 
value with time. This includes the stock market,   bonds, and real estate. While most may be stacking 
up on liabilities, people who understand money are   purchasing appreciating assets.

If you have 
a fully functioning phone but decide to buy   the latest iPhone because, you know, why not? 
This could be seen as a liability. Similarly,   if you are constantly loaning luxury cars, 
bags or clothes, you are also burdening   yourself with liabilities. If you would like 
to build wealth, you need to know that your   accumulated wealth is dependent upon what 
you do with your money. The idea is simple,   if you buy an asset at a certain price, over time, 
it appreciates in value and before you know it,   you’ll have something worth more than what you 
paid for. Since appreciating assets work through   the power of compound interest, they don’t just 
build linearly but instead build exponentially.   This means that if you invest $1,000 with a 
10% interest, the next year you’ll be starting   at a base point of $1,100 and earning the 10% 
interest on that! As exciting as that sounds,   investing your money always comes with the risk of 
losing it. However, it’s better to risk it and get   a possible rise in value rather than purchasing 
liabilities with a sure decrease in value.


Avoid conspicuous consumption

As much as we may get the urge to   fulfill our desires, nobody ever spent their way 
to financial freedom. Every day we’re faced with   the choice of deciding whether to give in to the 
consumption temptation today or be patient and   enjoy wealth tomorrow. Although tomorrow is never 
guaranteed, wouldn’t it be better to take the risk   of preparing for it rather than it finding you 
off guard? Let’s say you saw an advert about a   vacation deal or a discounted membership at the 
gold club, all these sound really great but may   result in a dent in your pockets. Like Frank 
Herbert said, “Seek freedom and become captive   of your desires, seek discipline, and find 
your liberty.” The choice is yours to make.   Consumerism causes your limited resources to be 
directed toward lifestyle and away from building   wealth.

If keen enough, you’ll notice that wealth 
builders live modestly by spending less than they   can afford (in money, time, and energy). They do 
this to invest the difference for greater value   in the future. The reality of wealth is that it’s 
a form of delayed gratification. So if a flashy   lifestyle is your aim, then consumption becomes 
a priority which makes wealth eternally elusive!
  3. Apply leverage to build wealth
When you have leverage, you have the tools   to build wealth.

You won't get wealthy by trading 
time for money, and you can't do it all yourself.   You can’t work like a donkey and expect to land 
on wealth. Leverage means you work smarter,   not harder. The beauty of this is that it 
comes in various forms, have a look at these:  a) Financial Leverage: This means that you can 
choose to invest and use other people’s money   without having to risk money from your pocket.
b) Time Leverage: Involve other people instead   of exhausting the 24hrs you get in a day.
c) Technology Leverage: Using other people’s   equipment to increase output.
d) Marketing Leverage: When you   involve other channels, the reach is more 
comprehensive than a one-on-one approach.  e) Network Leverage: Using other 
people’s connections and approaches   to expand beyond your own.
f) Knowledge Leverage:   Utilize other people's talents, expertise, 
and experience that you may not possess.
  As you can see, leverage allows you to build 
more wealth than you could ever achieve alone   by utilizing resources that extend beyond your 
own! If you aren't using leverage, then you're   working harder than you should only to end up 
with less than you deserve.

And if being wealthy   is your goal, using leverage is your best bet!

4. Detach yourself from things you don’t need
  Remember we talked about liabilities earlier 
on? Well, they’re mostly what you need to   detach yourself from. These are material things 
that may offer you temporary joy but, in return,   mess with your financial prosperity. I mean, 
there’s no need of paying hefty car insurance   on a luxurious car when you’re struggling to make 
ends meet. Letting go of certain liabilities will   save you a lot in the long run. This doesn’t 
mean you live like a miser. No. Instead,   be frugal with your expenditure.

Understand what 
makes you happy and enjoy it in moderation. It is   a matter of reevaluating priorities. For 
example, instead of paying for cable TV,   opt-in for a streaming service instead that 
costs way less. Liabilities are the reason   why you work so hard but don’t feel any richer 
with it. They give short-term satisfaction but   keep you from reaching your long-term goals. The 
best way to avoid getting things you do not need   is to create a budget that works for you. A 
great budget helps keep your liabilities in   check and save you from the terror that is debt.

And if you’re interested, you can download my free   budgeting guide using the 
link in the descriptions.
  5. Identifying Common Money Pitfalls
All of us might, at some point, have fallen into   the hands of consumerism.

We are often surrounded 
by businesses telling us why it would be great   to give them money in exchange for something. 
However, as you give them this money, you are   giving it away with no monetary benefit, all the 
while, they are garnering profits from your cash.   Society is designed for you to spend as much as 
possible yet provide a pinhole of opportunities   for you to gain wealth. Don’t believe it? Why 
is it that in school, we’re always taught how   to work hard and secure a good job instead of 
how to actually generate wealth and make money?   We’re not taught how money works. One of the 
major misconceptions that hold people back from   achieving their financial potential is the idea 
they need to trade their time for money. Why? The   system requires a majority of us to remain in this 
money slavery trade. Although landing a good job   may sound like a good fix, the problem is that an 
increased salary does you no good if you increase   your expenses at the same rate! Also, many find 
themselves blinded by student loans, credit cards,   and car loans that are all tied to interest rates. 
If you’re not careful, large balances can cripple   your finances for decades.

Try to understand 
how interest works before committing to any   form of monetary aid or cushioning.

6. Know where your money is going
  Every penny matters and if you don’t believe 
it, try working on a no-budget and see how bad   your debt situation will be. Applying this basic 
principle requires you to sit down and review your   spending habits. Something small such as looking 
at your bills instead of stashing or throwing   them away will help you understand every item 
on your bill. Any form of fun or recreational   spending should come after you’ve cleared your 
bills and funded your retirement and investment   accounts. You might be shocked at how much 
you’re throwing away by giving into guilty   pleasures.

Understanding every single cost will 
also enable you to understand how to best manage   your money. If things are bad, you might come to 
find that you cannot afford to enjoy a latte every   morning or daily lunch takeouts. You might also 
come across some monthly subscriptions that you   may have forgotten. At this point of awareness, 
you’ll be able to understand the dynamics at play,   telling you how much everything costs 
and if you actually need them or not.
  7. Automate, automate, automate!

Sometimes it’s just simply hard to keep   up with the numbers and so, a hands-off approach 
is necessary, especially when it comes to money.   A good example is how your employer automatically 
makes your retirement contributions.

You simply   don’t have to worry about missing out on a payment 
once it’s set up. So imagine automatically paying   for those credit card bills or sending money 
into savings from your checking account,   all thanks to automation. Not everyone has 
the discipline to keep tabs on everything,   especially when it comes to paying bills. 
Automation saves us the pain of being charged   late fees or unwanted interests. You wouldn't 
build a business without a proper business plan,   so why should you compromise on building your 
wealth? Design your wealth plan based on proven   business principles that lead to success. These 
principles include accurate record-keeping and   accountability, just to mention a few.


Be courageous  It’s human nature to be cautious when venturing 
independently simply because we are social beings.   However, wealth doesn’t come by following the 
crowd. It requires you to be an independent   thinker and take the risk others chickened out 
from. To put it in layman’s language, wealth   will come from doing what others won’t, so you can 
have what others never will. What you’ll need is   courage. It takes courage to be a self-starter 
and be self-responsible. With courage, you can   walk new paths and develop new skills. If you 
wish to stand out from the crowd, you need to be   courageous enough to put in the extra effort when 
others don't.

Make financial freedom your number   one goal, and you will find that every other 
voice trying to discourage you is muted. Remember,   it takes courage to build wealth. It has little to 
do with money and more with wanting to achieve a   goal, so much that you make it your top priority.

9. Actively boost your income
  Don’t be comfortable with a basic salary. Even 
the average millionaire has more than one stream   of income. If you want to begin building wealth 
in your life and for future generations, then it   is time to place a higher value on wealth creation 
in your life and get organized with your money. I   mean, why would you be given more money to manage 
if you can’t manage what you’ve got? If we were   to look into your wallet or purse, would you say 
the bills in there are well organized? If not,   then you need to first plan and work with what you 
have as you you’re your horizons to more ventures.   Look into avenues that can generate some 
passive income since a hands-on approach   could lead to burnout.

You could also learn new 
skills and work on building wealth around that   in your spare time.

10. Be disciplined
  I can’t stress this enough. Wealth is the 
cumulative result of many little things   added together and compounded over a lifetime. 
Your daily habits will either make you or break   you if you want to be successful. Most of us 
are victims of the number one success killer:   procrastination. You must begin the right 
habits today without delay, and this   requires discipline. With discipline, you overcome 
procrastination by starting today and persisting   tomorrow. The harsh truth is that there’s 
no substitute for action. You either do it,   or you don’t. What you’ll be left with are simply 

Don’t let anyone fool you, wealth happens   because you do what it takes to make it happen.

Well folks, thank you so much for watching and   subscribing if you haven’t. With that said, 
have a great day, and see you in the next one..

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Single Retirement (7 Tips to Ward off Loneliness)

there's 10 000 people turn in 65 every day and one half of this population is reaching this age on their own so you're not alone in this phase you need to know that you aren't alone but retiring solo does increase your risk of actually being lonely which can have detrimental impact on your health today we're going to talk about retiring alone or the new buzzword of solo retirement so if you're watching this and you say well that doesn't apply to me and you're a woman stay tuned the reason i say that is unfortunately seven out of ten or seventy percent of baby boomer aged women actually outlive their husbands what are you gonna do with that why are you laughing what are you gonna do without me i don't know what i'll do with that party anyway there's 10 000 people turning 65 every day and one half of this population is reaching this age on their own so you're not alone in this phase you need to know that you aren't alone but retiring solo does increase your risk of actually being lonely which can have detrimental impact on your health so this idea of emotional loneliness you know that people over 65 who suffer from that they have an 18 increase in their mortality rates which is scary so today we'll give you seven strategies to help ward off loneliness and overcome isolation to live a more fulfilling life as a solo retiree so here's the first strategy and this is really important overcoming your financial insecurities now if you are a single woman now or a single person and you're retiring and you don't really have a handle on your finances that's a problem and you're going to be stuck and stifled and not be able to move forward so you need to hire a financial planner and understand your finances and frankly if you're a couple watching this and one of the two of you really gets finances well and the other one doesn't that's not a good place to be no if you're listening to this both of you should pay attention and share the financial information as well as the financial burdens now because ultimately if you listen to that first statistic if you're a woman 70 of us will end up as a solo retiree outliving our partner that's just the medical history that's just the facts you know there are friends down the street who purchased the house from this elderly couple and unfortunately her husband passed away and she decided she wanted to downsize she went to sell the house they got all the way down the road to the closing right and realized he had never changed the title of the house so it took another three months to close and it's just because she had no idea they weren't really sharing the information so it is really important yep so get your finances in order we're not financial planners but definitely find one that was strategy number one strategy number two create a small support group of peers like mark said you're not alone there are many other people in the same place and you want to be able to share your struggles and successes with them yeah because it's it's tough to be alone and it's tough to really be alone but if you can be alone with another person who's alone then you're not alone anymore right that makes sense right kind of yeah good theory i mean you could do weekly coffee you know pick up a class or do some exercise or even just take a long walk it's important to make sure that you connect and have a group of peers yeah relationships are key and having a support group really helps so strategy three is along the lines of that but we're really suggesting that every day you talk to someone on the phone and person whatever it might be make sure you have a conversation with another human being every single day and it might make sense to make a list of people that you can call absolutely makes sense you know friends and family and neighbors you know and never feel like you're imposing and like mark said don't let a day go by that you're not involved in a conversation now it's always better in person because it feels better but if you can't be in person bad weather you know covet kept us all locked up a little bit at least call but be there and frankly what's helpful is not only for you to reach out to get some communication help but be the one supporting other people that's a great way to start having some conversations in a peer group that you're leading it so connect with someone every day strategy number four have a daily plan and a schedule something that adds structure to your life so that you're not always wondering what am i going to do today what's the morning going to be like how am i going to make it through the afternoon really set the tone from the day in the morning now good habits and routines are important and i know a lot of people that like to get up they've worked their whole life and they're retired now and they want to get up and just have a cup of coffee and watch tv watch a little more tv have some more coffee but before you know it it's 11 o'clock and you haven't talked to anybody and you really haven't done much so setting some schedule and some time some self-care time with friends and frankly limit tv i mean i you know watching tv every morning from 7 a.m till noon it's not healthy no but you could even schedule some time to learn to pick up a class to go to the library to read to children to find things in your community that you could do to be helpful and that makes you not alone and isolated so here's the fifth strategy and you've heard this from us so many times and it just makes so much sense this one does come up in a lot of our videos because it helps in so many areas of your life the fifth strategy is exercise every single day move your body move it get up and move it do you know that if you walk 20 minutes a day every day for 20 minutes you can add five years to your life so what about walking with a friend and 20 minutes that's easy walk for 30 minutes with someone and have a chat and catch up so you're now you're exercising and you're communicating with someone you know as we all age movement does become harder but you need to be as active as you can and just know that you can do 20 minutes a day so we hope you do that take it seriously so now let's talk about strategy number six volunteering you know there's so many benefits with volunteering and it's become such a huge part of our retirement transformation program and you know we do bring it up a lot volunteering sharing your wisdom creating your community you know providing yourself with fulfillment sharing and searching your passions we bring that up a lot but it does help with this loneliness and the potential for isolation you know you instantly can find a community of people when you start to volunteer and it could be as basic as working at the local food bank or the library or something but you're going to find dozens of other people in the same position you are in looking for communities so it's really important to give this a shot absolutely strategy number seven would be to try new things learn technology mark and i did a talk one day and there was a bunch of people in the room and one lady raised her hand talking because we were bringing up this strategy about learning technology her name was ava she raised her hand and she talked about the world that technology opened to her allowing her to connect with her family over in italy and how they structured it how she learned face time how she learned zoom how she learned to be able to work all of the technology in her house to really ward off that loneliness and you know how she did it remember her story she got one of her grandchildren to sit with her and work on the iphone with her to learn how to do face time she couldn't believe in her mind that it could happen and then in the end how easy it was for her right so but it really made her feel connected and less lonely and i think utilizing technology in that way is really smart and learn from a younger person it's nice in a community to have people your own age and people younger so and while you're learning technology look for online courses that are out there look for some online learning that can engage you i did that when i went to the university of pennsylvania and i took an entire online online course and i got to zoom in with other kids college kids college kids and i was the old lady but that was great and i made a lot of great contacts doing that no a big thing to remember is you're not alone you can ward off this loneliness but you need to be proactive work on the seven strategies we just mentioned above and listen if you enjoy this please share with your friends and also please subscribe by clicking the subscribe button below don't forget to join our free facebook community the link is down below and it's very interactive where jody and i go live each week you get to ask questions and we can communicate with each other and thanks for listening and we look forward to seeing you again

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Live your Best Life with the Best Retirement Advice You’ll Ever Get!!

we've been researching and living retirement for about 5 years now and we learned a lot about what works and quite frankly what doesn't work and we you know coached a lot of people and we get a lot of comments on our YouTube channel so there's a lot of people who enter this phase really unprepared and then they just wander around and end up bored and even depressed you know without the right strategies you're missing out on the joys and opportunities that retirement can offer to you so today we're going to give you the top 20 pieces of advice from ourselves but also from so many of our clients who are having a really great time in retirement that they describe as super successful and make sure you stay till the end because we're also going to throw in our top five retirement tips can't wait to get to that yeah exactly listen if you're new here I'm jod and this is my husband Mark now we don't focus on the financial aspects of retirement but really what we do focus on is lifestyle Health relation relationships and so much more we hope you like our videos and if you do please share them with someone you care about and definitely like them as you're on your way down your retirement Journey so let's talk a little bit about our journey for the last 5 years because we don't want you all to think just because we have a YouTube channel that we have it all figured out we do in many regards but I I would say the the one thing that we're doing really well is working at it we do yeah I would say that we work at it every day almost to the point where sometimes you know how you work at something so long that sometimes you're like okay I'm going to take a pause on this every once in a while I'll have to call the pause yeah and and I don't want to give away our five tips but the one thing that you and I have going for us well there's really 10 things but I only want to focus on one now is our communication yeah you know we don't always agree nor do we always get along well we always communicate yeah you know we really do give each other respect the space to have an opinion um and you know we're human beings and living together can have its challenges absolutely but we I think the big thing for us is experimenting we don't always agree we don't always get along but we always reset and regroup and what's what else am I looking to say well sometimes I think we also just do what I said just take a pause right I mean sometimes you have to just kind of step away to go back at it with fresh eyes yeah so you know we keep we do keep track of what's working and what isn't working for us and you know what worked for us for all the years that we were married that we were working may not work for us now so we've had to adapt a few things for sure you know when we were working it was I'm not going to say it was easier but there was so much going on there really was no downtime right now we have downtime and we need to make sure we're we're doing it the right way y so you might be wondering why do you even need to think this Harden retirement well we have people say that to us all the time you know you guys make it sound like it's so much work in retirement that's when you're supposed to have no work right well what we found out is our retirement other people's retirements are successful and they're happy because they spend a little bit of time working on things right now by the way we've got a whole bunch of free downloads but we're going to put a link below to one it's a health and wellness checklist we want you to get that download and use that to kind of reset your health in retirement that's really really important so let's jump into some of the best retirement advice we've heard from RE reies thus far and again stay till the end where we'll do our top five retirement tips okay first thing stay active first thing always what staying active it is it's one of our first things we always say I can't emphasize this enough now we have a new puppy who is in the background is he eating something well just a dresser no he's eating a knob on a dresser maybe you should grab him but staying active it's her uh yeah it's a her so we'll bring her up um you get to see Ruby this but uh staying Physically Active it boosts your mood it boosts your health you know walking walking walking our dog is always helpful but we're both pretty big fans of some regular type of exercise Absolut and you need to do that yep yep and you know we read a great book called outlived by Dr Peter ATA and he talks a lot about exercising being the best medicine for longevity okay you can't lick the microphone all right second thing nutrition you've really got to understand what it is that you put into your mouth you know my mom said that when I was a kid but as we get older you know there are changing nutritional needs that we need to be aware of and you got to have a good balance of fruits vegetables lean proteins and whole grains absolutely and you know you have to also stay hydrated you know you have to limit your intake of sugary or processed foods and definitely make sure that you're Consulting a nutritionist I think or a dietitian even of sorts and make it fun in the kitchen you know explore some new recipes or Cuisines to keep your meals exciting and nutritious yeah you do good with that because you're really our cook I'm really appetizers Ambiance and clean up well we've moved from Strictly meat and potatoes and gravies I I call it comfort food to more of a Mediterranean diet so we don't do much beef we do a lot of chicken we do a lot of fish having fish tonight right um a lot of vegetables and we feel better because of that the exercise and nutrition really makes us feel great absolutely so the next thing is really to just you know our retirees tell us all the time you know continuous and constant learning keeps our brains active and really keeps us sharp and keeps us young yeah and you know retirement offers you the freedom to explore new hobbies or skills or go to the library when was the last time you're in a library you know it's amazing to walk I love walking through bookstores but walk through a library is even more fun because it just massive and there's so many different sections you can get lost in there forever right and you know I think that uh local community centers like uh got down here in Florida they've got all of these nature preserves they just kind of fun to go walks Serenity walks and different things another thing that's really important and the fourth tip today is socializing you really got to make sure you're getting out and making new connections there are a lot of people in the same boat that you're in right that want to meet new people down here in Florida we're just really getting so much better at putting ourselves out there Y where you can volunteer join a club um I and it's not that hard you know I think we make socialization as we age a lot harder than it really needs to be it's like almost like we build up these walls around how am I going to get invited or who am I going to know or what am I going to say and you know really it's just a matter of putting yourself out there and being you I mean you you are very interesting and what we always tell our kids is it's important to be both interesting when you're socializing and interested so you know have your battery of questions kind of lined up that you're going to you know say to people when you're in Social settings a lot a lot of it is easier than you think so that's all about meeting new people and networking so to speak uh the other thing the fifth tip is nurturing your current relationships we get that a lot from our retirees what's that that need to do this once they are retire I mean whether it's your children or your old colleagues at work or your relatives or high school friends or college friends these are people that at one point in your life were probably pretty close to you will reach out and find out what they're doing look for them on Facebook or whatever but don't be afraid they're probably wondering if they're retired as well gosh I I wonder where my high school friends are and when you call them I guarantee you they're going to be like oh my gosh I can't believe it just called and you have the most wonderful conversation so I also think that in the nurturing relationship bucket Mark I I also think it's a time where you can really sit back and address any unresolved conflicts that you might have whether that's with family or old friends or you know old neighbors or colleagues you know it's a good time to be able to address all of that for sure okay um staying financially Savvy lot of the lot of our clients and ourselves and people leave comments that you know how much money can I spend spend should I downsize or rent when should I take Social Security or my pension you know we have a great tool that we um came in contact with through new retirement and it's actually a um a portal where you can connect all your bank accounts and it actually pulls everything and it shows how much you're spending it shows you what might happen if you downst it's a really cool too it's it's like a scenario plan yeah so we'll put that down below but these are all questions that people have you need to get the answers so either a financial planner or um your accountant or using this tool but you know having a regular budget can be helpful because you kind of know how much you can spend right um I think the other thing that we see a lot of because we get it all the time too is being really careful about scams oh I know you know this thing where people call up and say that uh it's it's an email and or they'll say is this Mark Rollins and you say yes and then they have your yes there so there's a lot of those things that are happening good financial adviser and really understanding your finances is really important okay the next thing I would say and and I didn't do this as much during my career but I've really taken this on um and with some advice from our retirees is prioritizing your mental health your mental health and wellness is so important it's critical and almost as crucial as your physical health right uhoh Ruby's getting adventurous Ruby's getting out of hand um you know meditation I talk about meditation a lot lot I talk about journeying a lot and you know five five or six years ago I started meditating and if you asked me the day before I was meditating would I ever do it I would I would have said no yeah but it really is a lifesaver now it really helps me every morning to kind of get myself set for the day journaling gets my ideas and my feelings out on a piece of paper it really has helped me tremendously be more calm and in the moment for whatever comes our way absolutely and you know what I I remember you and I remember you the day before you started and and you really that's a true statement you never would have done it if if you didn't you know kind of feel like you had to do it at that point okay the next thing I would say is um you know our retirees these days are really embracing technology you know it offers a great tool to stay connected and informed and even entertained and then there's you know the platforms like Zoom or Skype that allow you to do virtual meetups with family family members we just yesterday gave our grandson Luca his fifth birthday present oh yeah via Zoom they're in California they're in California and we're here in Florida and we had the present all set it was all ready you know we had it all kind of concealed his eyes were covered and um that was really the only way we were able to celebrate so I think it was good that we were able to do that and they're able to do it you know back with us I mean I think Luka could zoom or Skype us probably without his parents well on the way to school a lot in the morning uh Jonathan will give Luca his phone and luuka and I will have a conversation on the way to school which is fun so there's um there's a lot you can do with technology and I I find that when people are struggling with technology they're struggling with life so really investing some time and learning how to use your phone right learning how to use your computer it really is important I think the next you know the next thing our retirees tell us is you know you know travel and explore you know traveling provides such EXP exposure to new cultures you know I know we've got a safari coming up at the end of next year we're both a little nervous about um but new cultures new foods new experiences and even some local trips some stations but going to the next town over I know I had a hard time saying that the other day but the next town over can be really fun and it keeps you busy so you can plan a trip you can research trips we we've we've now seen recently there's a lot of travel agents that specialize in trips for solo not solos solo retirees or solo people individual people so you go on a vacation with 10 people who are all there on their own right and you know the travel agent does a pretty good job we hear of making sure that you're all the same um you know you're you're going to the same place for the same reason and that you'll pretty much get along so that's great so more advice from our um retirees that we've been kind of investigating and calculating this is always a favorite re-evaluate your living situation and you know what I mean by that is you know consider your proximity to you know family to friends to Health Care Facilities to your doctors to your favorite recreational areas you know re-evaluate if where you are here today is where you really want to be or need to be as you move through your retirement yeah I think that's really important because there are so many options for you today to live and again it's not just about downsizing which I think we're going to talk about in a minute but it's really where do you live and how are you living we we always talk about wanting to end up as we get older being there one of our kids and we have six it's just hard but they haven't really we're not necessarily on the same page on this one what do you mean well I mean I think it would be great but I like who do you pick how do you pick what do you do I I'm not going to say it on here but I know who I'm going to pick okay I want to be taken care of okay I know who she is oops did I say that okay so the the next thing is downsizing or rightsizing your home so this has Financial connotations but it also has a tremendous amount of um psychological stumbling blocks that you need to get over in order to even think about downsizing and the first place to start instead of just saying I don't want to talk about it with your partner you have to talk about it I think that's really the first thing we have a lot of people who are frustrated with this topic because they're spouse or partner don't want to talk about it well well the retirees that we spoke to for this video said you know this is a scary and dangerous topic right downsizing you know decluttering is a little bit easier than downsizing downsizing means you're thinking of making a big move right and if you're both not on the same page it becomes divisive so you know the retirees uh that we talked to said this is good advice to start to bring up early in your retirement really planning the seeds you know where do you stand on on this you know is simplifying something that's going to lead to less stress or are you the house that everyone comes to and and we've done and that's fine too we've done uh several videos on this topic of downsizing there's another one that says if downsizing isn't right for you some things that you can do really the process here is to simplify your life you're now in a phase of your life where you've got more free time you can travel so will Trading houses up or down make your life simple right so right and it's you know it's a therapeutic process and speaking of a therapeutic process the next thing that everyone says helps them so much is beginning the process of decluttering right and that oh my gosh we we try to declutter all the time it gives you mental Clarity it makes your home safer and there's so many emotional but what's so funny I'm laughing because if we try to declutter all the time where's the Clutter coming from I don't well yeah the first thing is to stop buying stuff right yeah exactly because you know take the Amazon app off of your phone because you know when you declutter you know and then you declutter again and again you got to start saying to yourself where is it all coming from well I I mean you can start with a closet you can start with a dresser and you know there's a lot of gems inside your closet and your dresser that other people can use if you're not using I mean if you're not if you haven't worn a c outfit for 2 years get rid of it yeah you're never going to wear it again the other thing is when you when you take a look at an item in your closet if you wouldn't buy that new today get rid of it right you know so you know you don't need your suits anymore your work clothes if you've retired so decluttering can really be fun we did we've done a lot of videos on that too you know this next um item a lot of our retirees really felt uh strongly about and and that is to document your legacy you know sharing your life stories is such a gift to all the future Generations in your world you know writing or recording or even creating digital albums you know can be great methods of documenting your legacy and this is the one thread I think that I heard that just everyone spoke about with passion there's a good friend of mine um who is a a grandmother she's got three children and five grand grandchilden and she writes a letter I think she writes two letters a year to each grandchild every year she's been doing that since the kids were born and she's telling them stories she's sharing with them a little bit about her um her preferences or political background uh you know how she feels about certain current events that are going on right now it's really going to be an amazing gift to give to these kids to be able to have a letter from their grandma mother from 20 years ago about some current event that was happening and how it's making her feel so it really is a neat project that she's done yep well you just saw Ruby or maybe you did but adopting a pet you know it gives this is controversial with retirees actually okay you know because and I didn't mean to interrupt you I know I'm going to get hit with comments on stop interrupting it's typically me that interrupts you that's what the comments say but um you know adopting a pet or rescuing a pet or somehow putting that type of love and companionship into your life gives you so much the flip side and I guess where I'd say it becomes controversial is you have to be you know ready for it you have to have you know the financial wherewithal to handle it you have to have the bandwidth to handle the training the potty training the dog walking you have to have good physical activity and if you don't it's going to help you get there but you have to be ready for it and this one just kind of was like uh probably 7 25 a was interesting for us though we've had two dogs together before we had sugar um and we had little Max and we just got the dogs and we just brought them up the way we wanted to well because we were working we were still so now we have Ruby for three days and I said to jod why don't we do this differently why don't we find some YouTube channels and learn how to really train a dog well it's actually been really exciting for us because we're learning some things we never knew right and I think it's been really helpful for us and for little Ruby and for rucious yeah so having a Pet's great it well it's works for us and again it was kind of a controversial well there is a lot of love that comes back yep and there's just a lot of anxiety that comes with the love so all right the 15th tip you could join a club or start a club right so coffee uh with uh so for a man get one buddy have coffee once once a week bringing have him bring a guest and you bring a guest get up to like 10 people and have weekly coffee tell stories I I do that all the time and I love it so it's it's a really fun way to well let me say this it's important Jody and I have a business we're married we have kids we do a lot together but we do a fair amount apart too so I think that for everyone in retirement if you're solo you're solo but if you're a couple you got to have your own stuff yeah you got to have your own club you got to have your own group yep um you know the next thing is to seek out mentorship opportunities you know um again our retirees had a wealth of professional and life experiences and there's so much that they could share with younger Generations that they would engage in really meaningful guided conversations that helped build multigenerational connections for them and again they got pretty charged up about seek seeking out these opportunities you know Mark and I did that at the University of Hartford in one of the business classes where we kind of did a guest professorship for a day and then we actually took applications for um for students to mentor and it was a really fun year for us well the thing there's a couple things that happen first of all you're helping someone else but you feel fulfilled you know you feel like you have a sense of purpose uh by guiding others and the other thing is I'm going to go guide is get getting mentored by someone who's younger than you I mean I have two mentors we kind of Mentor each other one is my son and one is another young professional that I know but but I actually can learn a lot from them they have a different outlook on business they have a different outlook on life and it really has been helpful to me for sure so that that's been fun yeah it has sorry I had to step away um this was I thought an interesting one and this came from a a a pocket of our um friends and retirees that wanted to engage in artistic Pursuits um I would put myself in this area I haven't done it yet but exploring different art forums and painting and pottery you know our neighbor across the street Jen she does that every year whenever she gets down to Florida she joins last last year was Pottery this year it's painting drawing it's drawing drawing she joins um art classes and workshops and goes to the local community center and she loves it and that's something I think I would like to do cuz I don't do much for my artistic side but it gives you also um uh Arts a form of expression and emotional release and if you're into that at all it really is kind of fun to do that I mean this in a way what we're doing is Artistic Pursuits I mean we're shooting video and we're you know um you know building a little business but it it's uh it's fun I would I wouldn't say it's a hobby but we've had to learn so much so it's been kind of cool y on the other thing and we just did a Facebook live on this yesterday is um staying updated with current events you know we we did a a Facebook live yesterday in our in our community uh do you consume the news or is the news consuming you right so really finding a way to get good solid news we think is important I mean trying to find reputable news sources or magazines is really helpful versus getting caught up in what everyone calls the fake news if you will but you know uh get involved with Community discussions or forums talk to friends don't be so judgmental when someone has a certain opinion on a news article but really finding a balance there because it is important to stay up to date it is I believe it really is important to stay up to date but like you said it's also can be all consuming we do have some retirees that watch the news Chann channels and you can watch the news channels now 24 hours a day so uh we do have some folks that are doing that which isn't probably the healthiest the next one is well before you do that one of the what's that I interrupted you I get a good comment um we stepped away we have stepped away from watching the news in a in a big way so we'll watch the evening news for I don't know 35 minutes we watch some things on um well Evan your daughter told us to watch NPR well listen that's a podcast it's a podcast so we we we get some news that way but um staying informed about local events or Community changes we kind of stepped away from that we jumped back in you found out about this great concert taking place and then you signed up for it and it was full yeah I mean literally the day I saw it which means it probably was out there before yeah so I think the whole idea of current events is really important things happening in your community so I didn't mean to interrupt you but I didn't want to forget that okay I think the next thing that we heard a lot about from everybody was planning regular family events or Gatherings you know now you have the time to organize events and birthdays and anniversaries and really start to create traditional Traditions like annual family picnics or you know um different things you could do with grandchildren either in groups or select one at a time I mean that's really something fun that you can um really jump into I think yeah we have Thanksgiving um in Florida this Thanksgiving couple weeks couple weeks and we've got five of our six kids coming with their partners and um the grandkids are not going to make it but we can't wait for that and we make it special and we make it a lot of fun and they all have their favorite food here and little gifts and we take a lot of pictures so that we can have really good memories for um for the future um you know investing in self-care is really really important a lot of people don't take time to do that you what it shouldn't have been number 20 it shouldn't have been last no it shouldn't it really shouldn't because now is the time you can dedicate for relaxation and meditation and deep breathing and different things like that if you can afford to get a massage once in a while um you know do yoga on the beach you got to get your health checkups I I know I um I think we'll leave a link below we have a a free yeah Health checkup worksheet is really great so you can download that we'll put that in the comments below but you know you want to engage in activities that stimulate your mind puzzles games right you have to get adequate sleep and rest we have the aura ring so we track our sleep the first thing we talk about in the morning is well just how you do what are your numbers you guys have been patient our top five retirement tips number one you have to have a plan y you need a short long-term plan you need 5 10 15 20 years or more out you know my my plan is to be physically independent at the age of 90 you You' heard me say that before so that is what drives me to get up and exercise every single day and we start each day with a plan that's a good segue to the second big tip exercise exercise exercise exercise exercise it's the number one thing that we can do for ourselves to be healthy and if you're not exercising now keep it simple walk out the front door walk 10 minutes one way and come back and do that for 5 days and then go 15 minutes and then do 20 minutes for a week so you got to do that the third top tip is you've got to build a community of people you've whether it's your family you reach out to whether it's Friends new friends neighbors re-engaging with old work friends number three is you've got to build community and the fourth tip would be healthy habits really review your habits you know think about can you limit your alcohol can you stop any bad habits I mean you stopped cigar smoking you pretty much eliminated chocolate chip cookies pretty much eliminated what do you mean pretty much you bought them yesterday and I haven't had one yet and you're going to throw them out I'm having them and you know keeping ahead of better nutrition you know eliminating your bad foods and making sure you're eating what makes you feel good I was thinking about this this morning healthy habits or food alcohol whatever it is I drink very little now so if you can try going for two weeks let's just say two weeks no alcohol uh change your nutritions try to eat healthy try to get good sleep it's amazing how much sleep you can get when you don't have any alcohol yes try it for two weeks see how you feel just see if you feel any different because that's what's happened to me if I have a glass of wine I feel like crap the next day I've gotten so used to not having one glass yeah yeah but but anyway all right the the fifth thing is to give back you know volunteer start or get a dog Ruby really like that one volunteer or start a company you know during our career we got fulfillment out of our job but volunteering is a great way to replace that right um and if you're married in a relationship have fun have fun with each other look how much fun we're having and doing this right sorry about flexible with each other you know she's brand new we run into trouble here at times together as a couple but try to find ways to have fun yes some of this was ser ious and it can affect your quality of life and other things are just downright important but all of it is to make this next phase of Life exciting and fun so we hope you enjoyed this and if you did this next video top tips for living longer in retirement on that video we talk not only about living longer but almost as important as living healthier so watch this one next

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Part 2: The retirement journey

and welcome to the retirement journey. While retirement means
different things to different people, it's a time of change for everyone. There are several things
to consider when planning for retirement. Whether retirement is just
around the corner, or years away, we're here to answer your questions and provide information to help
you make informed decisions. We can help you
prepare for tomorrow, today. Let's meet Mary who
is thinking about retiring. She has been thinking
about retiring at age 60 but is also curious about
what her pension will be like if she retires earlier. Many of you may also be wondering
about how retiring at different ages will impact your pension. To understand your options at retirement you can contact our Member Services team to see what your pension
would look like at different ages.

In addition to contacting
HOOPP to discuss your options, you also have the capability to run your
own pension estimates on HOOPP Connect. HOOPP Connect
is your secure member site, where you can connect with your
pension or with us at your convenience, from the comfort of your home. After you have logged onto HOOPP Connect, the first screen that you'll
see is your Dashboard, which contains key pension information. You can use this page to navigate
to the different areas of the site, including the Pension Estimator. From this page, Mary scrolls down
and selects Estimate your pension so she can she what
her pension could look like if she were to retire at different ages. Clicking on the Pension Estimator tile, takes you to the tool
where you can project your pension using the information
that HOOPP has on file for you.

Upon landing on the page, the site typically displays
your earliest retirement date, your earliest unreduced retirement date and your normal retirement date. These projections will also include
estimates of Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security benefits to give you a more fulsome
retirement financial picture. You can use the Pension Estimator
to project your pension using different assumptions such as: future salary increases, or choosing to work
different FT or PT hours. You can choose up to three different
retirement dates at the same time for a side by side
comparison of the results. By clicking on the "show details" link
on the bottom of the screen, you can view the assumptions
being used for your estimates. This is helpful, since we know
that the pension calculation uses both your years
of contributory service and your average annualized earnings. The chart will display both your
monthly HOOPP lifetime pension and bridge pension amounts. The lifetime pension is payable
on the first of every month for your entire lifetime.

The Bridge benefit
is an additional monthly pension payable to members
who retire prior to age 65. The Bridge pension will stop at age 65 when you are eligible to begin receiving your unreduced Canada Pension Plan
and Old Age Security benefits. It's important to note
that the Bridge benefit from HOOPP continues to be paid until age 65, even if you decide to start
to collect your CPP early. There is no impact
to your HOOPP pension when you begin to collect
government benefits. If you have a spouse,
you can also view what the different spousal
benefit options could look like. If you don't have a spouse, you will see
the estimated pension amount payable to your beneficiary
should you pass away. We will be talking
about survivor benefits more in depth in the next
video in this series entitled "Getting the most
out of your HOOPP Pension".

After Mary has explored her options
either through speaking with HOOPP or by using the various tools, has run her scenarios
and reviewed her results, she has a much clearer picture
of what her retirement would look like if she retired now, at age 55, or waits until age 60. For Mary,
retiring at age 60 makes the most sense based on her personal situation. Now, let's consider the total value
Mary may receive from HOOPP. Assuming she retires at age 60, and lives for 21 years
in retirement, she'll receive a total
of $915,000 from HOOPP in return for her total
contributions of $150,000. That's more than 6 times
her contributions! Most importantly,
Mary won't outlive her HOOPP pension. She has the peace of mind
knowing that she will receive regular pension payments
for the rest of her life. And this doesn't include
any cost of living adjustments she may be entitled
to receive in retirement.

When planning for your retirement,
CPP and OAS are an important component and should be included
in your retirement plan. We will now briefly look at the role these
benefits typically play in retirement. You may have noticed that we do include
estimates of these government benefits on HOOPP Connect pension estimates. As mentioned earlier in this video, these are included to provide you with a more fulsome
retirement financial picture, and are not the actual amounts
that you will receive from CPP and OAS. These estimates using
the average benefit payable are very general and are
only for information purposes. Your personal amount will vary and will
be based on your personal circumstances. For personalized CPP and OAS information, you can create a My Service Canada Account by accessing the online services
of the Service Canada website and entering your Employment Insurance
Access Code or a Personal Access Code. For more detailed information
about your CPP and OAS benefits, please contact Service Canada. The standard age for beginning to receive
your Canada Pension Plan (CPP) pension is the month
after your 65th birthday.

However, you can take
a reduced pension as early as age 60 or begin receiving
an increased pension after age 65. The amount of your pension
will depend on how much and for how long you have contributed and on your age when
you want your pension to start. Please note that the CPP
benefit amounts shown on the slide represent the current maximum
amount paid at age 60 and 65. To qualify for the maximum CPP, an individual must generally
have contributed on actual earnings equal to the YMPE for at least 39 years and begin receiving
payments at age 65 or later.

If you are under age 65 and you work while receiving
your CPP retirement pension, you will have to make
mandatory CPP contributions. These contributions go towards
the new Post-Retirement Benefit (PRB), which is effective January 1 of the year
following your PRB contribution. This additional benefit will be
added to your current retirement benefit, gradually increasing
your retirement income. If you are age 65 to 70 and you work while receiving
your CPP retirement pension, you can either choose to make
CPP contributions or you can opt out. These contributions
will allow you to continue and build your CPP
Post-Retirement Benefit, even if you are already receiving
the maximum CPP pension amount. The OAS pension is a monthly benefit
available to seniors aged 65 and older who meet the Canadian legal
status and residence requirements. To be eligible for an OAS pension, you must: be 65 years of age or older; be a Canadian citizen or legal / permanent
resident of Canada or landed immigrant when your pension
application is approved; and have lived in Canada for
at least 10 years since the age of 18. The OAS program is funded by the general
revenues of the Government of Canada.

This means
that no one pays into it directly. You can receive its benefits even
if you have not worked in Canada. The payment amount for
the Old Age Security pension (OAS) is determined by how long you have
lived in Canada after the age of 18. The maximum monthly
benefit at the beginning of 2021 is $615 per month. However, anyone with less than 40 years
of Canadian residency at retirement will receive a reduced OAS benefit. This benefit is considered taxable income
and is subject to a recovery tax if your individual net annual income
from all possible sources is higher than the identified threshold. If your income in 2020
was above $77,580, part, or the entire OAS pension will be subject to a monthly
recovery tax depending on your income. For more information on how
to prepare for your retirement journey, please contact HOOPP member
services or visit our website..

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The Untold Truth About Money: How to Build Wealth From Nothing.

Let this circle represent $1,000,000 This is what ten million dollars would look like This is what one hundred million dollars would look like and this is what 1 billion dollars would look like Jeff Bezos the founder of Amazon has a net worth of 117 times this number and then There's you You're probably working a job right now one that you got from the degree that you studied for in university you probably don't have much in savings your living expenses seem Ridiculously high you feel as though you're not paid enough You have credit card debt that needs taking care of maybe your student Studying for a degree that you ho can and your job that you hope can bring some good money You probably don't have any savings only a pesky student debt hanging above your head wealth getting rich That all seems like a distant dream.

How did they do it you ask yourself seeing all those millionaires billionaires Especially the ones who got there at such a young age It baffles you it makes you angry they got lucky they were born into well They cheated their way to that money doesn't make them honey as evil and you're not smart And I'm just unlucky those dreams you had of buying that mansion your favorite sports car paying off your mortgage traveling around the world They'll forever remain that way just dreams Nothing more nothing less. You come to the harsh realization. It's a rigged game It's been a rigged game from the start in you You're on the losing side of it But what if I told you you were wrong What if there was a way of getting there an actual equation to wealth a science behind the way money works What if you didn't have to abandon those dreams of paying off your parent's mortgage or traveling around the world? Would you call me a liar for saying so I promise that I'm not and by the end of this video? You'll understand there's a side to the coin that you're not being shown but I warn you the road is tough It's filled with struggle.

It's filled with ups and downs It will need swallowing some difficult roofs of the school system and society Haven't told you yet and let me be clear There are many of you who will not make it to the end of this road But for those of you that do at the end of this road lies wealth beyond what you thought you could attain at the end Of that road lies the freedom of never having to worry about money again so Are you with me? Still with me then let's not waste any more time What do you really think about money is this something you work for is it earned or is it inherited? Is it the root cause of all evil? Are you desperate to have more of it? Have you been chasing it? most of your life truth is most of what you think about money has been influenced by your upbringing and environment if you were born into a family that didn't have much money growing up then you're more inclined to believe that YouTube will not Grow up to have much money or perhaps you went on the complete opposite end and decided to make as much money as you can so that you will never be In that position again the fact that your school didn't teach you much about this subject Doesn't help things and because of this most of you are going to have false beliefs about money that aren't going to help you on This journey now stick with me here because we're gonna have to change the way you've been seeing money your whole life Hollywood has always had a habit of depicting the wealthy and rich as evil backstabbing entitled or corrupt individuals Question is have you bought into that stereotype a Recent report released by Wealth X showed that of the world's ultra wealthy those that had a net worth of 30 million or more 68 percent of them were self-made and it seems like every other study backs up this conclusion Warren Buffett self-made billionaire Howard Schultz born in poverty Oprah Winfrey born in poverty Jeff Bezos self-made billionaire Elon Musk self-made billionaire Sara Blakely self-made billionaire What is it that these people know that you'd on truth is your equation is all wrong here's the 2-dimensional equation that you've been taught money equals salary earned from a job past a certain point the prospect of getting a job Becomes the sole purpose of your education.

So what's wrong with that you ask? I'm gonna assume that if you're watching this you want to make money a lot of it and in a short amount of time as Possible if that is your goal. Then this equation for generating money will never get you there We all have a precious resource the most important resource for Hall And once it's gone There's no way of getting it back that resource is time in a standard job the amount of money you burn is Dependent on the amount of time you put into that job if you earned $20 an hour and worked 40 hours a week It would take you nearly 24 years to reach a total of 1 million dollars But that is without subtracting any taxes or any expenses that you will incur over 24 years and let's not forget that Inflation would make your 1 million dollars less valuable the reality.

Is that on a salary of $20 an hour? You can only really be a millionaire at an old age by living frugally and most of that precious Resource known as time has slipped through your fingers. You traded all that time for money and it wasn't even a substantial amount either So again you ask yourself. How is it then that there are self-made millionaires and billionaires that such young ages what makes them so different and the truth is They have a better equation than you they have a way of understanding money that you haven't quite grasped the earth Pay very close attention now stop chasing money in a capitalist society The rules of the game are as follows You are paid in proportion to the perceived value that you have and the people that perceive your value they are the market the Consumers of the economy the market is you your friends your family your neighbors Your country people complain that football players are overpaid, but for players to be paid millions There has to be a market for the football industry in the first place People have to see the value in football in the first place for them to want to spend money on matches and merchandise and if the market is a high demand for football Guess what happens to the players who are at the top of their game? They are paid generously for it It's not about how hard you work the cleaner that sweating and tiring himself out every day is paid far less than the accountant sitting behind a desk Why? because the market perceives the value of what the cleaner does to be far less than the accountant as harsh as it may sound the Cleaner can be replaced by anybody.

It isn't difficult to learn how to do his job And therefore the market will not pay him more than the accountant the guy who spent years studying numbers The guy who has saved his clients thousands on their taxes But even so we just discussed how getting a job is in the right equation to amassing a great amount of wealth in a shorter Period of time so then how can we increase or perceived value? What is it about people like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos? That makes their perceived value so high the first step to this equation of wealth is quite simple if you want money solve problems if you take a second to digest this statement you Realize that just about all money runs from this basic premise if it solves a problem Money will be thrown at it If it's a million-dollar problem, then the solution will make you Millions If it's a billion dollar problem Then the solution will make you billions think about all the problems that our site like Amazon solves the hassle of going to a store that hassle of having to wait weeks for a delivery cheaper prices and so on not to Mention all the other companies that Amazon bones and the problems that those companies solve Jeff Bezos helped solve a billion-dollar problem and also awarded favorably for doing so If you've been chasing money, then you've been doing it all wrong It sounds almost paradoxical but if you want money It isn't money that you should be looking for you should be looking for problems and more importantly Solutions to those problems and once you found that solution make a business around it Wait, so that's it Just solve problems and money will appear so I'm gonna have to create the next Amazon for me to be rich or the next Facebook Or Google you've got to be kidding me, right? I don't even know how to code I don't even have the money to start something of that scale I don't even hold on your wants more going into old patterns of thinking start with a problem always start with a problem Listen to the market around you What are people saying they don't like? What are people saying they wish existed? What are people saying frustrates them? What do people think is incredibly inconvenient? Is that a problem that you can solve and also is a problem that is worth solving The final step of this equation to wealth is finding a scalable solution to the problem your solution needs to affect a Magnitude of people starring a restaurant that's not scalable You're constrained to the local area and the footfall of that area but a franchise now, that's more scalable Is your solution a piece of software then that means once that software has been built you can scale it Infinitely online without needing to worry about things like production or shipping costs as it's all done virtually Good luck finding infinite scale with a job, but be careful does your solution require your time to generate money Let's say you were a yoga teacher that charged $100 per hour Congratulations, you only made yourself another job disguised as a business There's only a certain amount of lessons that you can feasibly do in one day And therefore your income is time-bound, but if you created an online yoga class that ran 24/7 with lessons you only had to create once now that is scaleable scaling your solution is critical here So do not get lost on this point automation also plays an important role systems and processes will keep your business running like a smooth machine if Implemented properly if there is something in your business that you can outsource to somebody else or hire an employee to do it for you Assuming it financially makes sense for you to do So then do it tasking yourself with everything is a bad thing as much as you may think you're the best There's someone out there that can do a better job than you once you've found a solution It's your job to make sure that solution can be accessed by everyone in your market It's not about your ego and it's not about what you're passionate about.

The market doesn't care about your passions So now that you have your profitable business running with the right systems and processes in place It's time to move on and reap what you sow There are two likely paths you're going to face at this point you either Continue your business or cash in and seller This is the acquisition the moment someone buys the solution that you spent years building a business around This is Instagram being acquired by Facebook for 1 billion. This is PayPal being sold to eBay for 1.5 billion of which 165 million went straight to Elon Musk's pocket and the countless other liquidation events that happen across the world This is where all the effort that you spend into building. Your company comes to fruition And if you choose to continue running your business, well, there's a multitude of reasons for you wanting to do So maybe you love the company that you built will want to stick with your baby Maybe you think you can add more value to the company and sell it down the line for more than it's currently worth Perhaps that business runs passively in the background so you don't have to do much to keep the wheels turning Or maybe it's a combination of these three things.

Either way you did it You solved a problem that the market wanted solving and it were awarded you favorably for doing so and so now I ask you what? Was it all for anyway? For most of you it was never about the money Money is just a piece of paper a number on a screen Its value is only backed up by our belief in its value From the very start this was never about the money Paying off the mortgage buying your dream car traveling around the world never having to worry about your financial situation It's the freedom that you were looking for.

Your destination wasn't anything monetary related It was a feeling a sensation The ability to do what you want whenever you wanted without ever having to cast the thought towards can I afford this have I used? Up all my holidays for the year. How am I going to pay the rent? Will I be able to live off my pension? What dreams will I have to sacrifice? Because I can't afford to pursue them the most important lesson from this video was never about the nature of money It was about the one valuable resource that we all have the one resource We will never be able to reclaim time Is giving up a large chunk of your time towards a job that you probably don't like worth it Is your life settled on working coming home watching the telly? Sleeping waking up the next day and repeating the same cycle till you retire How many more hours of your life do you let slip through because of this pattern? Or perhaps you're fine with that reality Perhaps you have no other choice but to follow that path for the time being and if that's the case There's nothing to worry about the most you got from this video was a little entertainment and maybe a change in perspective but there are those of you that understand the other side those of you that have the desire to Never need to worry about money ever again.

And so I feel the need to remind you Stop chasing money chase problems and find the solution to those problems This is the equation through which all money is found if you desire Liberty through never needing to worry about money ever again Then let's solving problems be the meaningful struggle in your life Does it mean you'll be happy at the end of the road doesn't mean you'll feel fulfilled only you can answer that question But if your struggle is meaningful then perhaps it's worth pursuing And there is your equation to wealth Of course I missed out on a lot of intricacies in this video the topics of business money Entrepreneurship are far too vast for me to cover in a single video like this But if you do want to get started on this journey I do recommend you read the works of MJ DeMarco who heavily inspired me to create this video and it's also important to come back To an original point that I made at the start of this which is that most people will not succeed for various reasons But the most important part is failing Failing fast and moving on to the next thing and if you're out there doing something that isn't strictly related to a business But you want it to make money then asking yourself the question of what problems am I solving? Could lead you to find ways of better Monetizing whatever it is that you're doing and that also includes a job and a career if you can solve more problems and find more Solutions at your place of employment you have something that you can use to leverage a higher salary But I will end this all on the same message that I have repeated numerous times in this video Stop chasing money and start chasing solutions to problems Hey, you've arrived at the end of the video and thank you so much for watching, but don't click off just yet I do want to take the time to say thank you very much for watching to the end these things Take quite a few sleepless nights to research script film and edit So you can't imagine how much I really do appreciate your support if you genuinely Enjoyed this video then don't be shy hit the like button and if you disliked it hit the dislike Vaughn twice just to be sure And comment down below and let me know why my goal with this channel has been to create entertaining documentary style videos on business finance and life in general And if that sounds like something you'd be interested in and you'd want to tune in for more hit the subscribe on and hit that Notification belt make sure all your notifications are turned on both All of that being said, I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day as per usual.

My friends hand ahead salute You.

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